Chapter 38
"In every walk with nature one recieved far more than he seeks " - John Muièr
Shelly's Pov
I kept walking, my legs were aching and painful. My ankles hurt and my throat was parched, I couldn't believe hoe thirsty I was.
Stephen and Gunther were behind me, my parents were in front. My mother's large and looming figure covered me from the sun so I was glad that she was fat even though obesity is a cause of depression and moodswings and everything else I hate about her. She was using my step-dad as support and kept loosing her grip of the ground. My dad was a lanky guy ( I call my step dad as dad only) and I could tell he found that annoying. He held her nonetheless mostly I guess because he was such a gentleman.
Gunther and Stephen walked behind me. Shelly Andrews hmmm doesn't sound that bad!. SHIT! I did Not just think that. Nope nope. I did not just think that.
" Hey shells " Stephen called from behind me, " Wait for us would you?"
Woah there.. Shells?
I blushed a little, " Sure " The heat wad burning me up and It was the hills! It's supposed to be cold goddammit!
He came up to me and grasped at my shoulder, " Sheesh I'm tired"
The grasp lasted a little bit longer thab it should've. Gunther looked at us like he understood everything. " Let's go shall we?"
His grasp slackened and I realised he had his hand on my shoulder all this time.
We went side by side. The scenery was beautiful, the lush green bushes, the trees so full of leaves and who's names I didn't know, what was most beautiful were the butterflies. They were of various kinds, green, blue, pink, black and so many more. I was surprised there were so many kinds of butterflies. A hand brushed on my back and stayed there a little longer than was normal.
I looked again, Stephen had 'accidentally' touched me and in an animated conversation with Gunther. His brown eyes like mine were shining in excitement and his hands moved about knocking random branches of their habitat. I laughed a little.
Laughing and joking after an hour had past we finally reached our destination.
It was a tiny wooden hut with two rooms, two perfect bathrooms and a living room situated outside the rooms and in the open.
It was beautiful.
I was feeling warm so I searched for the switchboard for the fan.
There was no switchboard, there were no fans, there weren't lights as well.
The place was devoid of electricity.
Long update?? I know. What happens without electricity? Wait for the next update to find out.
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I dedicate this chapter to infectionperfection1who commented with much emotion throughout the book and a new member of our loving family MegTraynor
Keep reading!
fatimaabdallah96 please do see if I'm improving!
I love you guys soo much!
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