Chapter 26
Before I start I would like to dedicate this update to
" Sometimes the person whom you'd take a bullet for is the one holding the gun" - Anon
Shelly's Pov
" Baby please, forgive me.. I can't understand.. I can explain please! "
Oh that Idiot. I would give him a chance but my parents found out. Whatever the cost I would talk to him. Why does he have to lie to me all the time? But then again.. What if he's telling the truth and there are some other glitches?
Oh God it's so confusing.
I stare at the mirror. My face is covered in red blotches from crying so much. Now we'd have to start over again.
Did he really just want to flirt with me?
My parents didn't let me go even once out of their sight..but they knew I hated lies.
We'll do something about it.
Only when the right time comes can I take some action..
" Shelly, we're going out" My mother has been really nice to me for someday..but it's only for some days, I know that.
" Sure mom "
I closed the oak door after her and sighed, my grandfather was still at home. It was afternoon and it would soon be time for him to take a bath.
I grabbed hia phone as soon as I heard him close the door.
I dialled his number, installed in my brain. 3482700695.. The painful rings.
"Tring tring" it rang.. Every moment counted and was so so dear.
Beads of sweat started forming on my forehead.
-" Hello?" he had finally answered.
-" I'm Shelly"
I felt a wave of relief as he said his ' oh'
I felt his pain, I felt the suppressed anger at being left and I felt his anguish.
-" You left me" He said in a dead voie.
-" Yeah and you lied!, listen no time. Parents found out so I had to, why did you lie "
-" Listen, I never did anything much to you"
My heart broke and ice seeped through me.. Why did he just say that? "Will you keep talking to me though?"
-" Where do you work?" I demanded.
-" I'll tell you later love" he said.. Why did hw expect that?
He's not going to give me anything and expect me to just forgive him?
He thought of me too be that cheap??! But deep down I knew that I was because I had forgiven him already.. I needed him at all cost.
" Babe, please call me.. I love you" he said and my tears burst out.. WHY ARE YOU KEEPING SECRETS THEN?!
I didn't say anything.
I heard the bathroom door unlock.
" Hey! Have to go! Grandpa's coming out!"
" You will call again right?"
For a split second I considered before saying "Yes I will"
I heard him sigh in relief.
" I LOVE YOU " he said.
I had to disconnect, delete and erase all the info about our call in one second..
Then I sprinted to my Grandpa's room and put the phone where it had been
He came in. " What are you doing here girl? "
" Reading newspapers" A clump of newspapers lay beside me, lucky he had a newspaper always stacked onto his bed.
He nodded his head and bid me to leave the room.
I did so. My feelings were in a turmoil because I didn't know what to feel.. Pain?, Anger?, Joy?
I just sighed.. We'll think about the rest later.. For all that mattered.
We're still together.
Very shitty chapters I know.. But please bear with me.. It's so painful but it's important in the story see?
I can feel the pain while I'm writing so it's not really easy.
Please please don't hate me too much..
Because I love you guys
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