Chapter 14
Okie I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :D
Killua's POV:
The whole flight back, he still was really embarrassed, though it started to wear off a little bit as the time passed. When it was time to get off the plane, Alluka and Kalluto still weren't awake. Why is the guard looking so surprised? Killua thought. Gon must have been reading his mind. "Why are you so surprised? What happened?" Gon asked.
"Well I'm surprised you didn't mass murder everyone here, or try to," the guard admitted. "Why on earth would we do that? I don't just kill people randomly.. randomly kill people.. I'm not sure which way those words go. But killing people is really bad you shouldn't do it. And- Gon STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" It was just now that he realized how hypocritical he was being. "Okay okay I get it now stop laughing-"
"Why is he laughing?" the guard asked with both suspicion and curiosity. "N-no reason really.." Killua said. "And why did you bring the knives in the first place if you weren't going to kill everyone?" "Well.. my little brother and sister both.. are unconscious.. so if we need to protect them I can give those to Gon," Killua explained, trying not to say too much about what happened and who he was.
Even though I refuse to work for or with my family, I'm still technically part of the family- unfortunately- and I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bounty on my head or something, especially anyone who's had someone they know killed by my family... Killua thought. "But what about you, Killua? If they got attacked?" Gon asked with concern. "Don't worry about me, and I'd rather you not help me at all if that happened, I don't want you getting hurt.. and I don't want you to accidentally jump on them and attack when I'm in the middle of attacking in case I hit you instead."
"Isn't that called teamwork? Where one jumps on the bad guy and the other helps attack?" the guard asked. "Oh.. I.." Killua was a little lost on words, "I'm not that big of a fan of teamwork.." Yes, Killua had killed people in the past, but not with anyone else, he always worked completely alone, he never had anyone else helping him, or getting in his way.
"You're telling me you've fought off people all by yourself? I'm glad you kids are okay and not kidnapped or anything, but I find it hard to believe.." "Hey you! Kid!" a passenger told them. "Who are you?" Gon and Killua asked, in completely different tones of voices. "White-haired, kid, step outside we have unfinished business?" Killua raised an eyebrow, "Eh? Don't recall ever seeing you, or anyone who's met me in the wrong way walk away alive."
The guard looked shocked and terrified, Gon looked a little uncomfortable and stared at the floor. "You killed my brother! I did so much research and looking for clues to who would have dared to kill him.. and I've finally found you!" Killua shrugged, "What do you think you're gonna do about it? The thing that would give you the best chances are if you brought a whole army with you through a time machine back to when it happened and tried to stop me. I still don't think that would end very well, you'd probably both die, along with the people in the army. Maybe you should just let it go and face the fact that she's gone now and there's nothing anyone can do about it."
Killua glanced back at Alluka. Well maybe one person.. "Killua... can we go now?" Gon asked. "This idiot is blocking our path, I wish we could just go though. Wait a moment... Gon give me your phone." "Huh- why?" Gon asked as he handed Killua his phone. Killua transferred all the files and photos in an email to Gon's email address, and then did the same with his phone, and gave the random guy looking for revenge the phones, he made sure he changed his wallpaper and also deleting everything from both phones before doing so, including contacts.
Gon stood there in shock. "Eh, Merry Christmas. If you're lucky you might get to meet my family. That's why I gave it to you." Killua walked over to Alluka and Kalluto. The guy who held a grudge still didn't move, "My business is with you not your family!" "Hmm but it is. It's not like I choose what I do. My older brother would probably be the easiest to go after. You can find him in front of his computer screen, but if he comes after you you might have decent chances." "Wait older brother... Killua isn't that-" Gon looked confused. "Hm? Oh- no. Not my older older brother." "You have two older brothers??" "Um yeah didn't you see them?"
"I guess I was too busy worrying, or thinking, or getting upset, but I think I remember now.. Oh." "Yeah." "Wait but why does he need my phone too?!" Gon exclaimed in confusion, but not necessarily anger. "Well you were around my parents for a while after you revealed yourself and... oh. Yeah good thing he has it not you. When we initially went to the kitchen after... what happened, you left your phone in the living room, and my mom was the last one to the kitchen. There's probably a tracking device on your phone, and there was always one on mine."
Killua picked up Alluka, and Gon quickly got Kalluto and they walked out the plane, the guard stayed silent with them the whole time. "Wait!!" the vengeful man they met called as he chased after them. "What is it?!" Killua nearly yelled, "Can't you just leave us alone?!" "Why would I sit here and wait for your family to come for me when you're right in front of me already? And I suppose those are your two siblings? I could take them on easily."
"If they woke up, you couldn't even last 10 seconds against Kalluto," Killua laughed. "Wait really??" Gon asked. "Hmm yeah, it's about right," Killua said, turning to Gon, "Unless he spends all his time talking... I think that's his biggest flaw. He talks too much." "If he can handle himself like that why are you so overprotective!? And what about Alluka?? If she's older-" "They're still my younger siblings, I don't want them even in the slightest risk of getting hurt. And Alluka.. I'll tell you about her later, not here. Especially because people are starting to stare."
They turned to leave the airport, but the guy behind them yelled again, "Stop ignoring me! Can't you see I'm mad at you? Can't you see I still want my revenge?!" Killua turned around, this guy was getting really annoying. "If you want to fight me so bad then fight me already." "Killua no!" Gon said. "I'll let him have the first move, Gon. This is technically self defense then. I don't want to attack anyone on purpose." The guy charged at him, and Killua reached out a leg to trip him, then semi-gently kicked him in the head, knocking him out. "Killua!-" "Don't worry I didn't even kill him, now can we please please please go?"
Did I really just use the word 'please' three times in a row? Damn, that sounded stupid.
Gon's POV:
Gon looked at Killua, he looked a little annoyed, and kind of embarrassed. Two signs that we should leave. Gon told himself. "Alright, let's go.. I'm guessing the guard guy just stays here?" "Sure, but can you two answer a question for me real quick?" "N-" "Sure thing!" Gon exclaimed. He liked answering questions, he wasn't sure why but there was just a fun thing about it. "Gon!" he head Killua exclaim in frustration. "Huh? What is it?" "You know what the question is going to be! Right?!" Gon thought for a moment, how was he supposed to know before the question was asked?? Oh. "Oops. I forgot about that- I'm really sorry Killua!"
"Can I ask my question now?" the guard asked. "Sure..." Killua unenthusiastically mumbled. Gon felt really guilty about this, he shouldn't have put Killua in this situation, he hated talking about himself. "Are you two dating?" Both of them froze. They were sure it would have been about who Killua was and what all the killing stuff was about. Gon blushed probably the hardest he ever had, and looked over to see that Killua turned into a tomato (not literally lol). "Er- uh- yeah? Bye!" "Wait what I was joking-" the guard asked. Gon and Killua froze in their tracks, then turned to face him. "WHAT?!" Killua exclaimed, "Well we answered it so I'm leaving-" "But it wasn't the real question, Killua, it was our fault for answering it.." Gon said.
"Who are you guys? And... Killua it was, right? Why did you kill that guy's brother?" "Well you already know our first names.. I guess I'll just give you our last names too," Gon said. He could handle the names part and Killua could handle the rest... "I'm Gon Freecss, and he's-" "Killua," Killua answered.
"Yeah- um- Killua Zoldyck.." Gon said quietly. He knew that a lot of people, including the guy they met on the plane had grudges against the Zoldycks. "Nice to meet you.. though I've heard many things about you.. you don't seem all that bad.. I hope you guys have a wonderful time.." "Hm- thanks! You too!" Gon was glad the guard didn't freak out, and Killua just kind of mumbled bye and kept on walking out, and Gon followed him.
"So where does this person live?" Killua asked Gon. "Huh- you mean people?" Gon asked. "There's more than one person?" Killua questioned, surprised. "Yeah! They're really nice-" "How many??" "Just two. Their names are Kurapika and Leorio!"
"Hm.. alright, where do we go?" "They actually live kinda near the airport, we can probably walk." "Huh?-" Killua asked. "I can tell you aren't in the mood to be around or talk to people, and it's pretty close so we don't have to take any transportation since you know- there's people?" Gon explained, and Killua looked really surprised. Gon started walking towards Kurapika and Leorio's house, and Killua went with him. About halfway there, Killua stopped. Gon turned around and faced him, "Is something wrong?" Killua shook his head. "Alluka?" Gon ran over to Alluka and Killua, and saw Alluka's eyes starting to flutter open. "O-oniichan?" "Alluka- you're finally awake again!" "Where am I? And who's that?" Killua gently set Alluka down, and Alluka's eyes widened.
"What happened to Kalluto??" "Same thing that happened to you," Gon said. "W-what happened.. oh- I remember now! Is he going to be okay?" "You seem to be okay, so yeah," Killua said, "And by the way, this is Gon, Gon, this is Alluka." "Hi!" Gon said. He was excited to finally meet Alluka, he didn't know much about her, whenever he asked Killua about her, he never seemed to know what to say. "Oniichan, why is Gon holding Kalluto?" Alluka asked, confused and seemingly a teeny tiny bit upset.
"He offered to help.." Killua said, he didn't want to say too much and embarrass himself again, "Gon, if you want me to carry Kalluto I can do that now, since Alluka can walk." "I'm alright, it's only a little ways further. Right up this hill, can you see it?" "Oh- wow- it is really close!" Killua exclaimed, "Hmm.. race you guys there!" "Huh- Hey you got a head start and you're not carrying anything that's not fair!" Gon exclaimed as he ran after him, Alluka following closely behind. "Hey I offered to carry him and you declined!"
"I should be the one to knock on the door anyways so wait up!" "Hm, fair," Killua said from the top of the hill, Gon was almost there. "But I still win." "Ugh fine," Gon admitted defeat and walked up to the door, knocking.
The door opened and he saw his friend, Kurapika. "Oh, Gon, what a surprise seeing you here.. who's that with you? And who's in your arms? And gosh what are you doing here?" "So many questions-" Gon said, a little overwhelmed.
"This is Killua, my b- um- friend, and this is Alluka, his little sister, and in my arms is Kalluto, his little brother.. we're here because we don't really have anywhere to go and we were wondering if we could stay at your place and lie low for a bit?" Gon tried his best to explain, and Kurapika looked a little confused.
"Why do you guys need to hide? What did you do? Rob a bank or something?" "No, well... it's hard for me to explain... basically I met Killua's family. "Hmmm I feel like I've heard that name before.. Leorio!" Kurapika called into the house. Gon's other friend, Leorio came to the door. "Oh, hey Gon, hey whoever you other people are!"
"Leorio! That's kinda rude." "Kinda?" Killua muttered under his breath. "Have you ever heard the names Killua, Alluka, and Kalluto before??" Kurapika asked Leorio. "Hmm maybe a few times in history class when I was in school.. but I don't really remember." Kurapika sighed, "Of course you don't.."
Gon looked over at Killua, who looked really worried. "Hey, Gon," he said, "Um- maybe we could find somewhere else to stay?" "Huh?" Kurapika asked, "No it's alright, come on in make yourselves comfortable. My brain must just be a little weird, that's all." "Oh- thanks a ton Kurapika! You too Leorio!"
"Hm, yeah, thanks.." Killua agreed.
Kurapika's POV:
I've definitely heard that name before... and even Leorio has, I'm going to find out who this kid is, and why the heck I've ever heard of him...
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Thank you so much for reading this chapter- and also just this book. This chapter is kinda long so I apologize if you don't like long chapters, I wrote this during my class zoom call so there might be some mistakes, or more than usual, since I'm switching back and forth between tabs all the time.
Thank you so much, baiii!
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