Chapter 13
Hi :>
Still Killua's POV:
"Hi," a random voice behind them said. Killua turned his head to see who it was, and saw that it was a security guard. He had almost entirely forgotten that a security guard was getting sent with them. "Hi!" Gon said enthusiastically. Gon and the guard looked at Killua. He looked back and forth between them, confused.
"Um, Killua," Gon said. "Yeah? What is it?" Gon sat there staring at him in disbelief, "Are you going to say hi?" "Huh? Sure. Hi. But Gon, how are we going to fit 5 people into a 3 seat row?" "That's what I was wondering!" Gon exclaimed.
"Maybe Kalluto and Alluka could share a seat, since they're small enough to do that... and then the guard guy can have a seat.. or just not come... but then.. oh.. I guess me and you could share a seat?" "Are we small enough to do that?" Gon asked. Killua shrugged, "Got any better ideas?" Gon shook his head. "Fine by me," the guard said, "Honestly all I'm doing is making sure you don't try and kill everyone with those knives."
"Just curious," Killua asked, "What would you even do if I for whatever reason tried to do that?" "I have some weapons of my own, as a guard, so yeah I'd stop you." "I could beat you in a fight," Killua smiled. "Killua, stop," Gon said. "But he's being annoyi-" "Will boarding group B please board the plane for Gate B 7 heading to Yorknew City??" the voice over the airport speaker things said. "Hmph." Killua said, upset he wasn't able to keep arguing, it was a really good way of killing time.
They picked up Alluka and Kalluto and boarded the plane, then found an empty row. "Alright," Killua said, "Kalluto and Alluka can take the window seat. Gon, you and me can share the middle seat, and the guard guy can have the isle seat." "Why are we stuck with the middle seat??" Gon whined. "Because I don't want this rando by my precious little siblings." "Oh alright that makes sense," Gon said.
They set Alluka and Kalluto on the window seat, putting on the seatbelt across them both. Killua sat down on the middle seat, and Gon tried to sit next to him, but there wasn't enough space. "Well shit." Killua said in defeat. He thought for a moment. "Gon, you could just sit on my lap maybe? That's allowed on planes right?" (No I don't think so but pretend it is). "Yeah, good idea Killua," Gon said. Gon sat down on Killua's lap, but a little harder than Killua anticipated, and he let out a slight moan. Then, really embarrassed, he buried his face in his hands.
Everyone on the plane's POV:
Jk nobody really notices, the guard guy does though since he's right there.
(Still Killua's POV):
"Killua are you alright?" He heard Gon ask. "Y-y-y-ye-yeah.."
I hope nobody heard that.. why did that happen- saljdgarijfdkgaikgjqeirgjkd- is the guard guy staring at us- or me? AH THIS IS SO EMBARRASING-
The guard who was assigned to be with them on the flight sat down on the isle seat and put his seatbelt on. "So," the guard asked them, "Who are you guys?" "I'm Gon," Gon introduced himself, happy and excited as always. Killua pressed his face harder into his hands, he did not feel like talking after what just happened. Killua felt Gon's finger poke part of his face that wasn't covered by his hands, causing him to blush even more, if that was even possible, "Are you going to introduce yourself??" Killua shook his head. "Are you sure you're okay??" Gon asked, concerned.
"He's probably a bit traumatized or embarrassed from what happened about like a minute ago.." the guard told Gon. Killua felt his face turn even more red, what did he ever do to deserve this??!
"Huh? What happened???" Gon asked. Killua froze. I swear if he tells him-
"Well you went to sit down on your.. friend's?.. lap... but I think you might have sat down a bit too hard?" the guard said trying to be careful with his words to avoid being yelled at by Killua, "So he kinda... um...responded very vocally..???" "Wait really-" Gon said. "Please stop," Killua said, "I'm not enjoying this conversation."
Gon's POV:
Did he actually moan when I sat down???? How did I miss that? Should I apologize? Yeah I should apologize....
"Killua- I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you so embarrassed like this-" Gon said. He felt kinda bad, he put Killua in a really uncomfortable situation with some random guy who was told to go with him. I guess it's a good thing Kalluto and Alluka haven't woken up yet then. That would have made things a whole lot more difficult and embarrassing.
"I-it's alright.." Killua stammered, finally lifting his head up from his hands, though his face was still quite red.
Okay I have to end the chapter here I have to go to a doctor appointment or whatever.
I should be able to keep writing when I get back but if not thanks so much for reading this and all it means a lot :D
Baiiii :>
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