Chapter 12
Heyyy, so I know I said I would update like an hour after I finished Chapter 11 but yeah I was a little busy and then I kinda forgot and then I was going to work on it at night but I fell asleep and I also got my iPad taken away for the whole week maybe more... so I'm really sorry about that.
Also from like Friday afternoon (about 2:45 pm) I probably won't be able to do any writing until the 28th or 29th (of May aka this month). I'm going camping this weekend we leave on Friday I'm super excited! Anyways on with the story.
Killua's POV:
"Alluka, Kalluto- are you okay?!" Killua said as he rushed over to his little brother and sister. He quickly checked to make sure they were both still alive- thank goodness they were, and he felt Gon next to him. "Killua, are there bandages anywhere?" "Down that hallway 5th door on the right," Killua said as he pointed to where the bandages and stuff were kept. He watched as Gon raced down the hallway to go get bandages.
Another reason Killua found Gon amazing. Even though what had just happened wasn't anything to do with him, he was still completely willing to help as much as he could. He was there and offering to help before Killua's own parents. Killua cleaned up most of the glass shards, and that was all he had time to do by the time Gon got back.
The rest of Killua's family was outside looking for who could have attacked, and Gon helped Killua bandage up Alluka and Kalluto. "There, all done," Gon said. "Thanks a million, Gon.." Killua said. He grabbed Kalluto and Alluka, carrying one of them in either of his arms. "Here- I'll help," Gon offered, taking Kalluto. Killua smiled gratefully at his boyfriend, and they carried Kalluto and Alluka to the living room, laying them down on the couch.
"Now what?" Gon asked. "Huh?" Killua asked in confusion. "We shouldn't leave them alone or they might be in danger again, but then what do we do?" "We just sit here and watch.. or we could look for clues in here," Killua suggested, "We could take turns watching them and looking in the kitchen for clues." "Good idea!" "You can go first, Gon, if you want to," Killua offered. Gon had a really sharp sense of hearing and vision, so he would probably be better at finding clues. "I'll set a timer on my phone for when we switch off," Killua told him. "Okay!"
10 minutes later, the alarm went off and Gon came back into the living room. "Anything?" Killua questioned. "Nope," Gon said in a discouraged voice, shaking his head. Killua gave Gon his phone to start the timer and he walked into the kitchen, looking around every square inch. He looked by all the windows, under the cabinets, everywhere he could think of. He knew the timer was about to go off, but out of the corner of his eye he saw something poking out from behind a potted plant named Charles that they had in the kitchen. Killua cautiously walked over and picked up the thing he had seen. "Gon!" he exclaimed, running back into the living room.
"You found something?" Gon asked curiously. "Yeah," Killua said, holding out what he had found. It was a card, just like a normal card from.. well.. a deck of cards. "How could this be a clue- are you sure it's not just something leftover from a family game night or something?" "Huh- what's that?-" Killua asked. "Oh- yeah you guys probably don't do that, which is such a big waste since you have a big family. We used to do family game night at my house but there's only 3 of us, me, Aunt Mito, and my grandma. But how could a card be a clue?"
"My brother, Illumi, knows someone who uses cards as weapons. His name is Hisoka, and he looks like an ugly clown. I think he actually is.. but anyways, yeah." "But why would he want Kalluto and Alluka dead?" "I don't think he does," Killua said, "Or else they WOULD be dead. He probably just wants to attack maybe just to attack? Hm..."
The puzzle pieces finally connected inside Killua's head. Illumi had probably told Hisoka to attack Alluka and Kalluto just to injure them. Then, naturally, Killua would stick around to help them. Using my caring about others against me? Not cool.
Gon's POV:
Gon stared at Kalluto and Alluka, who were laying down on the couch. How could anyone hurt them just randomly like that? It didn't make any sense, Alluka and Kalluto were always so kind, they didn't deserve this..
"I think I know why this happened," he heard Killua say. Gon turned to look at Killua, who, he realized after looking, was already staring at Gon. "Hisoka was probably sent by my brother, Illumi, to attack them. And since I care a lot about them, I'd stick around here longer to help them. But I could find a way around it, like I can right now." Gon tilted in head in confusion. What does he mean?
"Gon can you carry Kalluto?" "Um, sure?" Gon said, still confused, as he walked over and picked up Kalluto from the couch, and Killua did the same for Alluka. "Let's go, follow me. We shouldn't just walk out the front door, since my family is out there looking, but years ago I had a secret passageway through the inside of the mountain to escape." "Okay, lead the way!"
They ran through the halls, and Gon tried his best to keep up with Killua. They reached Killua's room and Gon watched as Killua pushed the bed over a little bit, revealing a trapdoor. Gon watched in awe as Killua opened it and there was a staircase. "Okay go down there I'll follow you," Killua told him. Gon climbed down into the secret tunnel, and waited for Killua as he climbed in a little, then moved the bed back to its spot and closed the trapdoor.
They ran down the tunnel, which didn't have very good lighting. There were a few fireflies and glowworms and other bioluminescent creatures, but they didn't give off much light, and it was still kind of hard to see. Gon pulled out his phone and used the flashlight on it so he could see if there was anything in his way. "Huh," Killua said thoughtfully, "Good idea."
Killua pulled out his phone and also activated the built in flashlight on it. They continued running for what seemed like forever, with the same boring cave walls the whole way, it was hard to tell time or distance, and then finally they reached a dead end. "Okay let's go," Killua said, pressing his shoulder onto the boulder causing the dead end which gave them room to slip outside and re-close the boulder door.
Gon looked up behind him to see the outside of the Testing Gate a little farther away. Wow, we actually got out. Gon thought. "Come on, we have to keep going!" Killua's voice yelled, bringing Gon back to reality. "Yeah- I'm coming!" They jogged through the woods, not risking going anywhere near roads or paths.
"Where should we go now?" Killua asked, "We shouldn't go to your place, they already know where that is. Do you maybe have like a friend who's willing to let us stay at their place and lie low for a while?" "Actually I do, they live in Yorknew City." "Okay let's go," Killua said. They went to the airport and walked up to the counter thing where you get your tickets/boarding passes. They had to buy 4 tickets because of Alluka and Kalluto though, which they didn't really consider, and Gon wondered how they all were going to fit in one row, since there were only 3 seats in a row.
Gon thought security would be really easy to pass through, since they didn't have any luggage except their really small backpacks, but it was more difficult than he had anticipated..
"You aren't allowed to bring weapons on the plane," the security guy told Killua. "I need them though-" Killua explained, "And that's so lame! You let me have my yo-yo's and Kalluto have his fan and Gon have his fishing rod so why can't I bring my knives with me? I'm not evil or anything!" "Killua," Gon said, "That's exactly what an evil person would say." "You aren't helping my point here Gon!" "Did you say knives? As in plural? I think we have to call the police." "No! Please we need to get out of here!" Killua begged, Gon could tell he was a bit irritated, and Gon hoped he wouldn't lose his cool.
The security guy reached for his walkie talkie but Killua knocked it out of his hands, causing the security guy and everyone else around alarm. "Killua- calm down-" Gon said, grabbing Killua by his shoulders and looking him in the eye, "Getting upset like that will only make our situation worse."
Killua's POV:
He hated to admit it, but Gon was right. But what was he supposed to do? Just leave all his precious children because some random ass security guard said so? He realized how Gon was holding him, and that he was holding him, and his face started to turn red. There's so many people staring..
Killua turned to face the security guy, forcing Gon to let go. He glanced at the bench where they had set Kalluto and Alluka when the security became a problem. They were still safe, just unconscious. He looked back at the security guard, looking him in the eye to show he wasn't afraid and he wasn't backing down, "Is there a way I can bring them that you guys will let me?"
"Hmmm, maybe we could send someone with you on the flight to make sure you don't start attacking, sure. We can do that.. you may proceed to your gate now, when it's time to board the plane the guard will be there." "Hm, thanks." Killua said. He walked over to Alluka and picked her up, Gon was still staring at the floor where he was before. "Gon, you're coming right?" "Huh?" Gon said, looking up, "Oh, yeah- I'm coming." Gon grabbed Kalluto and they walked over to Gate B 7, their gate.
They found a spot where they could all sit down. "So now we just wait to board?" Killua asked, "Sorry, I've never really been on a plane before.. since you know.. I've kinda stayed home.." "It's alright, all we have to do is wait to board, then we just go on the plane and wait until we get to Yorknew City." "Sounds like a lot of waiting," Killua complained. "It's not that bad," Gon explained, "It usually goes by pretty quickly. See? We're almost about to board." Killua looked up at the screen at the gate that says when they're going to board, it was only about 2 minutes.
I'm going to just continue writing but in the next chapter because this is getting kinda long I think. So yeah..
Bai :>
(if the next chapter doesn't come out really soon then I either got my computer taken away, went to eat lunch then got distracted, or got stuck at a part and ran out of ideas, so yeah but it'll probably be really soon I just need to break up the chapters a bit)
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