Chapter 11
Holaaaaaaaa :>
Yeah sorry I've been kind of lazy but my mom has ilke 11 meetings today and I barely have any schoolwork so I have lots of time to work on this!! :D
Anyways imma start writing now..
Gon's POV:
Gon sneakily ran through the bushes, following alongside Killua and Illumi. He only caught some of what they were talking about, but he was more focused on not getting caught.
He never really thought of a plan to save Killua. He only planned so far as to follow them. All of a sudden, Illumi and Killua just stopped, Gon did the same, trying not to panic as he hid behind the bushes and trees on the side of the path.
"Do you feel like someone's following us?" he heard Illumi ask. "Hm?" Killua responded plainly, "No?" Killua started to walk again, and Illumi looked around a few more times with suspicion, then continued to walk.
After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at Killua's house.
The door is so huge! Gon thought to himself. He watched as Illumi reached out and opened some of the doors, just like that. Killua and Illumi walked through, and Gon waited a few seconds, then bolted to the big door, worries filling his mind.
What if inside there's nowhere I can hide and I get caught?? What if I get stuck here and can never get back out??
Gon ran faster, squeezing through the small gap right before the door closed. He ran behind the nearest tree and cautiously poked his head around and continued to follow the two Zoldyck brothers.
There was a lot of plants to hide behind, and Gon was just now realizing how huge this place was. He kept following them, and eventually they got to what Gon assumed was some sort of checkpoint. There was a low wall, with a young girl with a staff standing in the opening, as if guarding it. (Canary :>)
Illumi and Killua walked by her, and continued to walk down the path. Gon sat there, wondering what he should do.
Maybe I could just climb the trees, and then jump across to the other side.. and then if I'm not caught, great. But if I am... would I just run? Everyone would be alerted that someone was there on the property...
"Come out, whoever you are," a voice said, interrupting his thoughts. It was the girl who was guarding the path. Gon didn't move, staying as still as possible, maybe he wouldn't be noticed.
He heard the girl sigh and walk over to where he was. "I know you're right here," she said. Gon stood up, panicking. "Why are you here?" the girl demanded. "I'm just following Killua.." Gon said. That sounded really weird.. I should have worded it differently, or at least tried..
"Uh- why? Just who are you, and why are you following Master Killua?" Gon sat there thinking, should he tell the truth? It could get both Killua and Gon in really big trouble, but what else was he supposed to do?
"I'm Gon!" he introduced himself. He decided to try and change the topic a little, and this way it wouldn't even be suspicious. "Who are you?" Gon continued to ask. It was a common response for anyone, and he hoped it would last him a while or so.
"Huh- oh- my name is Canary- but why are you following-" Gon cut her off, "That's a nice name. So what do you do? Are you like a guard or something?" "Oh- I'm just an apprentice butler- but why are you-"
"How old are you?" Gon asked yet another question. I'm not nearly as strong as Killua, or as smart.. but with my social skills I might just be able to get by.
"Why are you asking all these questions??" Canary said, a bit annoyed. "Oh- I'm just curious.." Gon responded carefully. "Hm.. well I'm curious why you're following Killua."
Gon stood there, unsure of what to do, he was pretty sure he could trust Canary, and he needed to get by..
"I'll tell you, on 2 conditions," Gon said. "Hmmm, what are the conditions?" Canary asked, thinking about his offer. "One. You have to let me pass through. Two. You can't tell anyone that I'm here or why I'm following him." Canary sat there, thinking.
Please let this work, please let this work..
"Fine. Tell me," Canary said, finally giving in. "Okay.. so.." Gon stumbled on his words, before burying his face in his hands, "AaaAaAaaaaaAaaaAa it feels weird to say, especially to someone I just met."
Gon took a deep breath and looked up. "So, uh... basically Killua's parents don't want anyone around Killua, he's not allowed to have friends, and his parents kinda hate me. So they unenrolled Killua from school and took him back here, so I came too..."
"Yeah I know most of that but why did you come? Aren't you supposed to be in school or something?" Canary asked.
Gon was usually fine telling people things, but this seemed different.
"Um- its just that- Killua... we.. ASLDKGHAKLJIEFKLDGJALKDF this is so wEiRd," Gon panicked. Canary stood there awkwardly, "You can just say so. Remember I can't tell, and then you'll also get to keep following him." Gon took another deep breath, then said as fast as he could..
"KilluaandIaredatingandIreallydon'twanthisfamilytodosomethingbadtohimandIwanttosavehimsowecanbetogetherandwe'dprobablystayatmyplaceorsomewhereelseforawhileandthenmyplaceorgetourownplacebutyeahIneedtosavehimsoIfollowedhimandIllumihereandthenallthishappenedand-" "Woah.. slow down," Canary said, waving her hands, "Wait- you're dating?"
Gon could feel his face warming up in embarrassment. He nodded his head. "So can I go by now?" he asked hastily. "Yeah, that was the deal, and good luck!" "Thank you, Canary!"
Gon thanked her for helping him, then kept on running down the path, in pursuit of Killua.
Canary's POV:
Canary watched as Gon, who was apparently Killua's boyfriend, ran down the path. She stood there, wondering if she'd made the right choice. She felt like she was basically sending him to his death. But then again..
The amount of overwhelming feelings she felt in disbelief when Gon told her that he and Killua were dating was.. well.. weird. Canary had always had an eye on Killua. He was really skilled, and cute, and funny.. but she never knew he was gay..
She felt a little bit betrayed, how could Killua not have told her such things? She was his only friend, and they spent so much time together, and then Killua leaves the house and comes back dating this guy, yes a GUY, that he's known for 3 days or whatever.
Canary felt the tears forming in her eyes. She had always wanted Killua to get what he desired most, people to care about, but she had always hoped it would be her.
His boyfriend was very polite and kind, and even Canary thought that he was worthy of respect, but she still felt aggressive feelings and thoughts against him. Part of her wanted to go against her word, and report Gon, but she had promised him, and as much as she despised him, she didn't want to lie to him.
She pulled her phone out of her pocket, her finger hovering right over Master Kikyo's phone number to call her. Her finger hovered there, shaking with uncertainty.
Then, as fast as she could, she threw her phone on the ground and smashed it with her staff. She couldn't betray Gon like that, it wouldn't even be fair or honorable. Either she could leave him alone, or handle him personally..
Killua's POV:
Killua walked along the paths he despised, his oldest brother, Illumi, at his side. He didn't consider the fact that Gon wouldn't be able to get past Canary, he was surprised he made it even past the Testing Gate while it was closing after Illumi opened it. He felt someone's presence approaching fast, it was very faint, but it was there. Killua looked behind him in alarm, and he saw a quick flash of familiar shades of green, and two beautiful amber eyes peeking through a bush. Killua smiled, and continued walking with Illumi.
He was really impressed now, and he wondered how he managed to get past Canary.
He'd always found Canary kind of annoying. But she was still decently skilled, and it was incredible that Gon had been able to get past, he'd have to ask him how later..
They finally reached the actual house at the top of the mountain, and Killua walked inside to be greeted by his whole family, along with someone else who he didn't recognize. There were banners stretched across the ceiling and ribbons, streamers, balloons, and all sorts of other decorations.
He felt Gon's presence across the room, watching curiously from his hiding spot.
"Welcome home Kil!" his mother explained. "I think you mean welcome to hell, but alright, same difference," Killua shrugged. His mom got a little upset at that, and from what Killua could tell, genuinely hurt, "We prepare this whole welcome party for you, and that's how you treat us!?" "You guys are acting as if I came back based off of free will. And who the hell is that?" Killua said, pointing to the person he didn't recognize.
It was a girl, around Killua's age, from what he could tell, and long brownish-blonde hair that fluttered slightly in the indoor breeze from the open windows. Most people would have had much interest in her, but in all honesty, Killua was disgusted, and he let that into his tone of voice.
"This is Syrah," his mom said, "Your fiance." Killua immediately exploded, "Ew no! What the fuck!? You seriously think you can just make me come back here, promising everything to be alright and making me leave Gon, and you expect me to date this gross piece of shit you probably found on clearance at the dollar store? She looks and smells horrible and I am not remotely interested. She could burn in hell for all I care, in face I think I would really enjoy that, and you guys could go join her, since you care so much."
Syrah stood there with wide open eyes. Her eyes were green, Killua had hated that color all his life, until he met Gon, and now he actually had a soft spot for the color green, but the green in her eyes was a whole different story, and Killua hated it.
"Now now.. is that how you treat your fiance, Killua?" Kikyo cooed. "I never said this old hag was my fiance!" Killua yelled.
"I'm your age!" Syrah snapped. Another thing Killua hated about her, her voice. "Does it look like I fucking care?!" Killua yelled back. "Oh look," Kikyo said, "Cute couple fights already!"
Killua was seriously about to lose it. He was not afraid to kill every single person in the room, aside from Gon. He felt the familiar feeling of death and killing take over him, as the light faded from his eyes. Just as he was about to spring at them, he felt someone hug him from behind, and immediately was brought back to his senses. He twisted his head to see Gon there, holding him tight around his torso.
"Gon!" Killua exclaimed. Gon let go of Killua and took a small step back. "What were you thinking- you should have stayed hidden!" He felt his whole family tense with anger (except like Alluka and Kalluto and a little bit Zeno because I think they're like the 3 nicest to him), especially his mother. Gon started crying, "I couldn't! I know you may not have the best relationships with your family, but they're still your family!" "I don't want them to be my family! They treat me like trash, they literally tried to KILL YOU, and they all deserve to burn in hell!"
"Oniichan.." "Except you, Alluka, and you too Kalluto," Killua said with a slight smile. The two youngest siblings smiled, and went to go get some lemonade. "Killua.." Gon said. "Fine," Killua said, "If you want to go based off of this whole 'its family' shit, then what about the old hag they want me to marry!?"
"We're the same age!" Syrah exclaimed. Both of them ignored her completely. "Oh that..." Gon said, "Honestly I agree, but still you shouldn't KILL her! Haven't you ever been taught some manners?!"
Killua laughed bitterly, "Manners, funny." Gon looked at him, a little annoyed. "Listen, I hated my family even before I met you.. and when they tried to kill you.. well.. I guess that was just the final say, I hated my family, I wouldn't ever forgive them. Gon, you mean everything to me. If anything ever tries to hurt you, it won't even get the chance to regret it's choices, because I'd kill it. I'll protect you forever, as long as I'm around, you'll be safe.. because.. I love you, Gon." Killua wiped a tear from his face and looked up at Gon.
His family stood there, staring in disapproval, for the most part. "I.. I love you too Killua!" Gon leaped into Killua's arms and cried onto his shoulder. Killua gently pulled Gon's head away from his shirt, to where they were looking each other right in the eye. Before Killua could remember that his family was literally right there, he kissed Gon, right on the lips, and Gon kissed him back.
"That's fucking gross," Milluki said, and Gon and Killua both remembered what was going on, and they both pulled away and turned towards Killua's family, holding each other's hands tightly. "Not as gross as you," Killua responded calmly. "You little-" Milluki's words were interrupted as they heard glass shattering in the kitchen, and two screams of terror.
"ALLUKA! KALLUTO!" Killua exclaimed with worry. Everyone ran over to the kitchen with worry, and saw an absolute mess. They looked around the room and saw Alluka and Kalluto's bodies lying on the floor in a pool of blood.
DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!! Okay okay, don't worry, they're not dead, just knocked out and injured. I would never kill them off bc that would be too sad :C
I'm sorry if you didn't like how long this chapter was, but I couldn't seem to stop writing I just got dragged into it because it was so exciting lol
Anyways, sorry for the cliffhanger but I'll probably work on the next chapter pretty soon, maybe even like an hour but my eyes hurt from staring at the screen for so long and I just need a pretty decent break, lunch, and I need to finish my schoolwork before my mom is like "wHaT dId YoU dO aLl MoRnInG?!"
Thanks, I hoped you liked this chapter and are liking the book, if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me since it takes me a while to come up with things.
Baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :3
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