T w e n t y n i n e•
Macy pulled up in front of the Gilbert's home that she has been to a couple of times before.
Elena texted her on the way just saying to let herself in so she did, going straight into the house.
"I'll be nice when Damon learns to keep his paws off you." Jenna said
"We all know Damon's a jackass." Macy said as she flipped her hair walking into the two
Elena turned around and smiled while Jenna put food on the table coming up to hug Macy. She smiled and returned the hug before they were interrupted by mason
"Good news I found the shot glasses" Mason came in with shot glasses in his hand and Jenna laughed while pulling away from the hug to go up to mason in the kitchen
"That would be my exit." Elena said walking towards Macy rolling her eyes
"I'm going to join Elena." Macy said walking along with Elena as they both laughed
They walked out onto the porch sitting down. Then Macy remember she had not given Elena her blood. So while Elena called Stefan macy went back inside to get water. Passing Caroline along the way
"Hey Caroline, didn't know you were coming, how are you." She asked and Caroline smiled back
"I'm good thank you, by the way thanks for the night I turned, I really needed the help" Caroline smiled at the raven girl and she smiled back
"It's not problem" Macy said walking back into house, reminding herself to get a glass of water to help Caroline too.
As Macy walked inside she saw all the food spread out on the table and she smiled. She grabbed two glasses of water out of the cupboard and poured water, getting her little bottle full of blood out of her pocket and putting a small drop in each water
"And what do you think you're doing." Damon said taking the blood from Macy as she slightly cursed for getting caught, putting her hands on the counter
"Just getting Caroline and Elena drinks, very thirsty people, leave me alone Damon." Macy picked up the glasses leaving the blood bottle with Damon
Macy caught Elena and Caroline coming in off the porch and gave them drinks
"Drink up, don't want you getting dehydrated haha." Macy laughed nervously as Caroline and Elena took a drink slowly. Macy watched them till they drunk a bit and then they both smile
"Are we going to just stand here or go for food." Caroline bluntly asked as her and Elena walked to the dining room for food.
Macy let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding, taking her jacket off and placing it on the stairs, walking back into the kitchen and taking a swig of the whiskey bottle while jumping onto the island in the kitchen
"Food has started raven." Damon Said as he walked into the kitchen.
Macy took another swig of the bottle and Damon yanked it out of her hand.
"Ah ah ah, can't be drink all that now can we." He placed it on the side and took the bottle of blood out of his pocket, Macy stuck her middle finger at him
"Where are you getting your blood from Macy." Damon said leaning against the island next to Macy
"That's as stupid question to ask." Macy said as she shown her wrist to Damon
He huffed and took Macy's blood pooling it down the sink
"You do realise I can get more from Kathrine." Macy mumbled
"What was that." Damon asked
"Why is mason here?" Macy asked as she hopped off the counter going to turn to face Damon but he was already in front of her so they bumped into each other.
Damon's hands made their way to Macy's waist as he smirked down at her, her breath hitched
"Jenna's high school friend, inviting him to this barbecue as a chance to see if he was a wolf."
"That's a bit of a shit plan, what are you going to do, stab him with sliver." Macy remember some of the myths she read on the internet, she put her hands on Damon's and moved them off her body
"How about we play Pictionary after food?" Damon smirked
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