S i x t e e n•
" I put drops of blood in Damon's bourbon and stefans coffee, Stefan didn't lash out and no one seemed to notice." Macy said ripping her arm away from Kathrines grip
"I also put my blood in the coffee stefan gave to Elena this morning, after you turned up last night, decided I wanted to put my blood to the test." Macy said as Kathrine watched her intently
"I know how my blood works, if I give it to a vampire they won't feel the pain, only get the scar which they will heal because of the blood, However I can't give my life to them like I do to a human, because I'm a hunter, just no clue what type" Macy huffed
"I like you , until you start getting in my way then we have a problem" Kathrine walked off leaving macy on her own.
Just then macy felt a raging burning feeling in her head, she wanted to scream but every second it would stop then come back.
She walked to the wall holding on it for support to go and find Damon or anyone that she new, when she came in the eye sight of Bonnie, and Damon, holding his head like macy is doing to hers.
Bonnie then stormed off with Damon's head back to normal, and so was hers. Macy walked quickly to Damon.
"What happened to you then?, you just looked like you were having a killer migraine" She asked as Damon looked at her puzzled
"Bonnie done her witchy thing on my brain." He snared looking at the door Bonnie just walked out off.
" Oh, okay, catch you later." Macy walked from Damon and went to the bar to sooth her brain with more champagne, watching Jenna and Jeremy making there way in, Jeremy away from the crowded area and Jenna to the bar.
"Your Elena and Jeremys friend macy right?" Jenna said as she picked up a glass of champagne at the bar
"Yea, nice to see you Jenna, Jeremy has said a few things about you." Macy said as she smiled at the some before Jenna showed her way to Mrs Lockwood.
Macy made her way outside to the back to see stefan lying on the floor, just then she felt a pain in her stomach, like someone stabbed it she crashed on the floor, breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry macy, I forgot about the blood." Katherine watched the girl as she held her stomach
"He's fine, it'll take a bit longer to heel, you'll be able to walk in a few." She vamp sped off leaving macy on the floor.
A few minutes later macy could finally stand up and she started looking for everyone finding stefan and Damon talking
"Hero hair, do me a favour and don't get yourself killed." Macy said as she held onto Damon for support
Macy lifted up her t shirt to show a semi healed wound
"What the hell happened." Damon said as he put his arm around macy
"That's why I didn't feel anything." Stefan mumbled, making sure macy didn't fall
"Correctomundo, But right now I could use any of your vamp blood, I can't be assed to wait a day for it to heal, I've got things to do"
Almost suddenly, Damon's wrist was connected to macy lips, healing her up as well as Stefan
"Thanks" Macy said as she straighten herself up
"What were you thinking!" Damon shouted at macy letting her go
"Wanted to try my blood, I put it in everyone's coffees this morning." Macy said as she began to walk away but was caught by the wrist and spun back around by Damon
"That is so stupid."
"It helped your brother." Macy said as she try to get out of Damon's grip.
"Nope your staying with me." Damon said as macy looked at stefan
"You'll have to stay with one of us till your blood is out of our system."
"Why didn't you smell it stefan." Damon said as he let go of Macy's wrist
"Why didn't you smell it?" Stefan challenged
"It was the smallest drop for you, Elena and Stefan." Macy said to Damon
"I don't care, you will never do that again." Damon's eye dilated as he looked into macy
"Are you trying to compel me." Macy asked as she scoffed "your forgetting I take vervain."
"Maybe I should spike it, or change it all to water, like you spiked ours." Damon said through gritted teeth
"Why do you care what I do, just because I care this tiny bit for all you? News flash Damon I've had nobody in my life for years so when I actually find people I kinda bond with, even if they're vampires or the biological daughter of the person who killed my parents, I'm not about to let them get killed, so even though I care for you, I beg you not to care for me." Macy stormed off, Stefan not far behind
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