[9] Drugs And Candy
Song: Drugs And Candy by All Time Low
I read some fanfictions, think I'm weird for reading them, then refrains from voting, commenting, or leaving any trace I was there. I'm trying to change that but I'm failing...whoops?
Y/n's POV
Seven in the morning. We were woken up at seven in the morning. Groans were heard all around the house as Seth went to each and every room to wake everyone up. Of course, having not slept in a long time, I fought with him. I refused to get up this early. The other guys groaned and got up after a bit of yelling from Seth. I was not having it.
"Shut the fuck up!" I groaned in reply to Seth's yelling, turning my back to him and burying my face into the pillow he provided.
"You're getting up, come on!" Seth commanded.
"Since when do I take orders from you?"
"When you stepped into this house." He huffed. "You don't want to waste the day, do you?"
"I'm wasting the day sleeping when it's noon."
"Y/n, c'mon." Mark clapped, walking into the room. "If we have to suffer, so do you."
"fuck off." I grunt.
Silence took over the room for a moment before Mark spoke up once again. "Get up, or so help me, I will cut you."
I still didn't listen. "do it, I dare you." I mumble, knowing he actually wouldn't do anything.
Mark didn't reply. Instead, he calmly stepped out of the room and walked into the kitchen. No one said anything as he came back into the room. Surprisingly, Seth never protested. I still didn't believe Mark would do what he had said, so I lay still, my eyes closed and my blanket close to me. He was trying to scare me, attempting to make me thing he was getting a knife from the kitchen. It wasn't working. That was until I felt a smooth, cold medal, flat against my cheek. My hand wrapped around his wrist as fast as it could, pushing it away from me. My annoyed eyes fell on Mark's mischievous ones, a smirk plain on his face. In his hand was a tall, thin knife pointed toward the wall behind the couch.
"Thought so." Mark grinned, pulling his wrist out of my grasp and taking steps back into the kitchen.
The boys' in the room sat quietly with tired eyes as I sat up, keeping the blanket over my crossed legs. Seth smiled happily at all of us as Mark strolled back into the room, leaning against the wall beside the archway into the kitchen with his arms folded.
"What would you guys like for breakfast?" Seth asked, scanning everyone's faces.
"Sleep." I reply.
Mark glares at me then points into the kitchen with his thumb. "I wont hesitate to get that knife out again."
I send him a sarcastic smile. "Like you'd do anything."
"You wanna test that?" Mark questioned threateningly.
Seán stepped in. "Mark." He said with a warning tone. He looked from Mark to me. "We can't argue with each other right now."
Seth didn't question anything. "Waffles sound good?"
* * *
Everyone was silent as they sat comfortably on the couch while the TV played a random show Seth enjoyed. It was boring, really. I had no idea how he found it so entertaining. Rather than complaining, everyone stared at the screen, their plates and forks in hand, pretending to like the show as much as Seth. The show made me want to bang my head against the wall behind me. Maybe suffocate myself with the blanket covering my legs. Probably stab my eyes out with the silver fork in my hand. Honestly, anything would be good.
To my relief, the show took a break and changed to commercial. I mentally celebrated, even though it would return in a few minutes. I shoveled another bite of the waffle Seth made for each of us before he decided to speak.
"So Y/n," Seth began, making my muscles tense. Why me? "You're from USC?"
My eyes widened a bit as I stared down at him at his spot on the floor in front of the couch. He turned back to look at me when I hadn't answered.
"Hm?" I hum, deciding to hurry and swallow my food.
"University of Southern California. You went there, correct?" Seth questioned again. A few of the guys stared at him skeptically.
"Uh, yeah." I nodded, staring at him with confusion. "How did you know that?"
I caught Mark's eyes for a second before his hard eyes switched back to Seth, showing no emotion.
Seth chuckled. "What, you think I don't know? The news is still a thing, y'know. I know what you and Mark have done."
Seán choked on his food as soon as those words came out of Seth's mouth.
"The rest however, I had no idea they were apart of this." Seth stated, looking around at everyone seated on his couch. "I was certainly surprised when Felix showed up with two people on the run."
Mark was next to speak, leaning forward and placing his elbows on his knees, looking intimidating. "What all do you know?"
"The neighbors heard a gunshot, called the police, but when they arrived, no one was there. No one alive, anyway. They found Y/n's stuff and found a gun with none other than Mark Fischbach's fingerprints on them."
"You left it there?" Seán asked, clearly shocked and mad.
"We were in a hurry, I forgot all about it!"
"You can't forget things like that!" Seán scolded. Mark didn't answer, just rolled his eyes and returning his gaze to Seth.
"I told you it was not a good idea coming here." Seán mumbled, seeming mad.
"Don't worry, I wont say anything." Seth assured.
Mark still held the intimidating look. "How can we trust you?"
"You can take my phone, keep an eye on me at all times, anything to make you feel safe." He smiled. "This could be fun. How many people get to hide wanted people with a few of their friends?"
"How in any way is that fun?" I mumbled underneath my breath. I leaned back on the couch, keeping my eyes on Seth. I met eyes with Mark's brown ones again, knowing we both felt the same about this situation.
Neither of us trusted him.
Yoooo its eight in the morning, I'm tired, and I'm starving, but fUN TIMES, RIGHT?
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