[6] Paranoid
Song: Paranoid by Post Malone
My biological mother is messaging me at 2am, going off on me and saying I look like a boy since I cut my hair(I cut it three months ago, and she's just noticing?). Now she's going on about how I was raised by a dike(she calls my step mother a lesbian all the time. Not sure why?) and how that's apparently the reason I'm pansexual. Wow, I didn't know gayness was contagious, mom :')
My mother is a psycho-_-
Y/n's POV
The sun was beginning to show, painting the sky with multiple colors. A single word hasn't been spoken for three hours. Mark was still driving, Tyler and Ethan were asleep, and I was inside my own mind while staring out at the passing cars. I couldn't help but think about what everyone else was doing right now.
All my friends had morning classes at seven. Amora was probably getting ready right now, if she didn't decide to skip again, and Lucas and Isaiah were still asleep, knowing they throw on whatever they find and walk out.
But where would I be if I never came to Mark's place?
I'd either still be sleeping or trying to ignore Amora loudly getting ready and go back to sleep. I wish I was back in that position. I wish I had never went to Mark's. I just wish I could go back to how it was a week ago. Wake up, go to class, work on homework, part time job, finish homework, then go to bed. It wasn't a fun schedule, but anything was better than this.
I began nodding off, finally about to get some sleep, when the car jerked to the side quickly, then lined up with the road again.
"Stupid fucker." Mark mumbled, clearly resisting the urge to honk the horn.
(Honk the horn sounds really weird but I didn't know how to reword it :/ )
My head jerked up, looking around outside. He glanced at me before looking back at the road. "You should go on to sleep. We'll be on the road for a while."
I shook my head, wanting to stay awake. "How much longer?"
"Until we find somewhere safe to stay for a night or two."
I nodded. "What do you think is happening right now? Back at home."
He shrugged. "They're probably still searching the house. Talking to the neighbors. At your school, I don't think anything changed."
"You think they'll find anything leading back to me?"
"I dunno." He sighed. "Did you leave anything there?"
I shook my head. "Nothing."
That nothing didn't last long before I started doubting it. My eyes widened slightly as I remembered a big thing I forgot.
"Shit." I cursed under my breath, feeling my pockets for my wallet.
Mark switched his gaze between me and the road, panic covering his face. "What?"
"I left my book bag there. It has my wallet in it, my school ID-"
Mark cut me off. "Well that was a little dumb."
"Well I'm sorry that you murdering someone scared me to death and I couldn't think of anything else but 'what the fuck is my life?'" I apologized sarcastically.
He chuckled. "Well you're in the same amount of trouble as us. You'll be fine."
My mind wondered back to the number one question I had. "You've done this before." I state as if I knew it was a fact, rather than guessing. "Haven't you?"
Mark stared out at the highway for a moment or two before nodding. "We were in some tough shit. It was Tyler, Wade, Bob and me, then we ended up bringing Ethan along with us when we stopped in Maine, and Felix and Jack got wrapped up in it all in Boston. The both of them were visiting from Brighton- some place in the UK. I guess that visit lasted longer than they had planned." Mark sighed, glancing up at the mirror hanging over our head.
"This is crazy." I mumbled.
"What is?"
"This!" I raised my voice, but not enough to be yelling. "This is all insane. I witnessed a murder and now I'm running away from the police with a group of guys I just met, who are possibly gonna kill me next!"
Mark chuckled. "We aren't gonna kill you." He sent me a quick glance. "However, you will find yourself like Vic if you try to do anything stupid."
My eyes widened in fear, only earning an amused laugh from Mark. He never clarified if he was joking or not, which scared me more. My only priority right now is not pissing him off.
* * *
The guys happily jumped out of the car, stretching their legs and joking around with each other in the parking lot we were in. We had stopped to eat at a small restaurant and fill both cars with gas. It was almost noon, meaning we had been driving for nine hours. They looked thankful to finally be out of the small space.
I, however, exited quite cautiously. I still felt like we weren't far enough to stop for a second. There's no doubt what happened had already been on the news. They're bound to have found my bag, the campus must be covered in police officers.
The eight of us began heading inside. We were soon seated into a large booth, holding four on each side. I was on the outside with Tyler, Seán, and Wade on the other side of me. Ethan sat across from me, Mark, Bob, and Felix next to him. I still felt as if the whole place was looking at us, sending us disapproving looks. The guys were acting as if nothing happened. I wish I could just pretend nothing did happen. Like these guys were my best friends. Like Mark didn't kill anyone. Like we weren't running from being arrested.
After our waitress left with our drink orders, everyone began scanning the menu. I wasn't hungry, but I knew I had to eat. I hadn't eaten since seven last night.
"Are you sure we're far enough?" I asked quietly, scanning the boys' faces.
"We're fine." Mark stated, never looking up from the menu.
"Do you feel like everyone knows?" Ethan asked. I nodded in response. "Don't worry. I felt the same way when I first joined them. You'll get over it." Ethan smiled kindly, then returned to his menu. It didn't take much to figure out he was one of the kinder ones in the group.
"It's just paranoia." Tyler stated from beside me.
I nodded, hoping it would go away soon. We killed someone. We fucking killed someone. It was on the news, cops are searching for us, how would people not know? Are we really okay here? I still felt like everyone was staring at us, calling the police to let them know where we were.
God, I hate this.
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