[5] Leaving Tonight
Song: Leaving Tonight by The Neighborhood(I thiiiink this goes with this chapter?)
Is this moving too fast? I feel like it is, but I had no idea what else more could happen between the beginning and Mark killing Vic
Y/n's POV
I was sitting in what I assumed was Mark's car. My hands were shaking and I still couldn't accept that I am leaving with a group of guys I just met. I could see one of the older ladies next door on her porch standing with her arms crossed. Her front door was open, occasionally yelling into it, probably talking to the other lady. I assumed they were Sherri and Carrol that Seán had mentioned earlier.
I couldn't help but feel like I was a problem with the guys. They have to worry about me not saying anything, or doing something to cause them to be found. It was tempting to call the police when they were still in the house, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It felt wrong, for some reason.
My hands were shaking in my lap. I still couldn't wrap my head around this. Mark killed somebody. For all I know, that might not be his first victim. Seán said they just got away from all of this. Ethan sounded like they've done this multiple times. They all sounded like they knew what they were doing.
After a couple of minutes in the car, the guys start piling out of the house with a backpack hanging from one shoulder. The older lady from the other house had already gone inside, but I'm sure she'll be back. All the guys pile their bags in the trunk of the car I'm sitting in. Mark quickly hops into the drivers seat of the car, Tyler and Ethan in the back. Bob, Wade, and Felix jump into the truck next to us. No one said a word as Mark sped off out of the neighborhood, Bob, Wade, and Felix behind us.
Mark's expression was hard to figure out. I couldn't tell if he was mad or throwing on that face he always has whenever I saw him in public. His brown eyes hard, lips slightly pushed together, and eyebrows pushed down a little. Ethan was staring out the window like a sad child, mindlessly playing with a thread on his jeans. Tyler looked annoyed. Like a teenager who just got in an argument with their parents.
"Where do you live?" Mark asked, returning to that attitude he always had.
"University of Southern California." I answer, turning my gaze to the window. The car falls back to silence. It wasn't difficult to hear to sirens and see the blue and red lights passing us on the other side of the street. None of the boys' expressions changed at that. It was as if they didn't hear it.
"Who was that guy?" I asked, my eyes still trained on the dark trees blurring past us.
Mark sighed, twisting the steering wheel. "I don't think now is the right time."
"You've killed other people, haven't you?" I mumbled.
Ethan's attention was now on Mark and me in the front seats. Tyler payed no attention to our conversation.
"Not now, Y/n." Mark shook his head.
I didn't listen to him. I wanted answers, and I didn't feel like waiting for them. "What did you do to that guy he was talking about?"
It was silent for a while. I thought he was ignoring me, but before I could ask my next question, Mark spoke. "Vic Welters. I put his brother in the hospital and he wanted me to pay for the bills."
Thats all he said. He sounded aggravated, so I decided not to push my luck of not being killed yet and sat quietly.
It was almost three in the morning when he pulled into the parking lot closest to the girls' dorm. Before I got out, Mark stopped me.
"Don't talk to anyone. Don't tell a soul where you're going, what happened, what you're doing, or who you're with. Only bring what is necessary and fits into nothing bigger than a book bag. If you take any longer than ten minutes, we're leaving without you. Got it?" Mark instructed sternly.
I nodded, hopped out of the passenger seat, and slammed the door shut. Bob, Wade, and Felix were parked next to us, waiting anxiously to take off again.
When I got to my dorm, there were three girls sitting in the chairs and couches by the entrance. I didn't look up at them. I felt like they knew. I felt like somebody was going to yell out what happened and call the police. I didn't know what to do if Amora still wouldn't let me in our dorm room for whatever reason.
Thankfully, the door wasn't pushed back closed when I unlocked it. I took one step inside when I was attacked with hugs from my roommate. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she wore leggings and an oversized shirt I've never seen before. Scared I might take too long, I pushed her off of me and began searching around the room for everything I needed.
Amora looked at me, confused. "I was so worried, it's almost three in the morning. Where were you?"
"I was with Lucas and Isaiah at the park, like you told me to do." I lied as I began shoving random clothes into the bag.
She folded her arms. "I called both of them an hour ago to see if you were with them. Isaiah said he hasn't seen you all day, and Lucas said the last time he saw you was when you were coming back from the coffeehouse." She noticed I was packing a bunch of clothes. "Where are you going?"
I ignore her, grabbing a brush and throw it in the bag. She grabbed my hand before I could do anything else.
"Are you mad at me?"
Again, I didn't answer her. I didn't have time for this. I had to hurry up. I pried her hand off of my wrist and resumed to what I was doing. She shouted out apologies, piled me with questions, and attempted to stall me the entire time, but I continued to ignore her. She's only making this emotionally harder.
When I threw the old book bag I used last year over my shoulder, Amora grabbed the bag, preventing me from going anywhere.
"What is wrong? Haven't I made it clear that I'm sorry?" She asked, sounding really upset.
I threw her hand off of the bag, aggravated and upset to leave as well. Instead of saying anything like I wanted, I threw my dorm key on my bed and turned to leave. Her voice never stopped apologizing, though. She followed me out of the dorm room, earning odd looks from the three girls by the door. I stopped outside the dorm building when I realized she wasn't going to stop. I could see Mark and Bob's car from here, headlights turned off.
Turning around to face Amora, I see the hurt look on her face that only made it harder to leave. "Stop following me." I demanded in a stern tone. I began walking again, only to hear her stepping behind me.
"Just go back to the dorm. I don't need you following me like a damn puppy."
She folded her arms, offended. "If you said it that easily, I should've told you that at Lucas' party. You know how annoying it is to have to sit around the whole time while everyone is having fun, just so I don't make you mad?"
"Looked like you were having fun when you flashed the whole backyard." I mumble, beginning to walk back to the guys. Again, I was stopped by Amora. She grabbed my shoulder and forced me to look at her. Before she could say anything else, I spoke up. "Go back inside that dorm. I have better things to do than listen to you."
Her lips pressed into a thin line, her arms crossed. Finally, she turned around and began walking towards the door. "Don't come asking to move back in. There's no way I'd let a bitch back in."
"Good. Have fun sleeping with Bryan as much as you want." I holler back to her. I didn't need to turn around to know she was staring holes in the back of my head. Though, before she could see who I was leaving with, I heard the door slam shut, indicating she stormed inside.
Mark hopped out of his car and pulled the trunk open. "What was all that?" He asked, taking my bag and throwing it carelessly in with the others.
"Nothing." I mumbled, walking back to the front of the car. Mark appeared next to me again, slamming the car door shut and starting the car.
"Hey, I had to answer your question earlier. Now you have to answer mine." Mark stated, glancing at me with a playful smile, trying to lighten the mood.
I'm at %5 and at a drive in! I will check for errors later!
Also, I'm sorry for this book already sucking. The last chapter, I had no idea how she would've been convinced to come with them, so I gave up and just made her come. I'm sorryyyy!
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