[3] Night Trouble
Song: Night Trouble by Petit Biscuit
Ugh I have no service and I'm in the middle of nowhere. This is boring
Y/n's POV
It was around 8:30pm when I left the coffeehouse. I was there for a few hours, my head hurting more and more as the time passed. I finished half of the homework I have currently, but all The papers due within a week. Finally, I decided to leave and finish the rest of the homework later. And not procrastinate on this pile. After classes tomorrow, I'll come back to the coffeehouse and work on it.
Lets see how quickly this plan turns to shit.
The sun was falling slowly, creating multiple different colors instead of the plain blue in the sky. As I strolled down the sidewalk, the sky got darker, the roads slowly emptied, and the other people cleared out from the sidewalk or the bike lane.
I wasn't planning on going to Mark's place, but it was tempting. He didn't seem dangerous, but I guess no one can tell someone is going to kill you just by looking at them. He is good looking, I wouldn't doubt it if someone had told me he's the kind to sleep with someone then leave them the next day, never to speak a word with them again. I definitely did not want to be on his list, though it was tempting.
It was completely dark when I had reached campus. Some people were still out, walking with their significant other, talking with their friends, or, if you're Lucas, smoking outside the school building.
"Y/n?" Lucas spoke as I passed him. I turned around and sent him a smile. Knowing I hated the smoke, he stomped out his cigarette before speaking again. "Where you coming from?" He asked, beginning to walk by my side to my dormitory.
"The coffeehouse. I was working on homework. Harid is killing me." I chuckled, shoving my hands in my pocket. He nodded.
"Errind is piling my class with a shit ton."
"So, what're you doing here?" I asked, pushing my sight towards him. "Already done cleaning your house after last night?"
"I still have to mop and stuff, but other than that, it's fine." Lucas answered. "I was visiting Isaiah while his roommate was out. Just came out to smoke for a bit."
"You should really stop." I suggested, worried for my friend. "I don't think anyone would like it if you died too early from smoking."
He shrugged, not really seeming to care. "It's fine. It'll be years before that happens. I'll stop before then."
"Lucas-" I started.
Lucas cut me off. "Y/n." He stated sternly, as if he was a father warning his child before they get in trouble. "I said I'll quit later. Just not now. Nothing bad will happen."
I let out a sigh. He was just about as stubborn as a child. There is no convincing him otherwise, no matter how much I have tried. I was worried about him, there's no doubt about it, but there's nothing I can do to convince him.
Eventually, we reach the girls' dorm, our conversation dying. Boys' weren't allowed in the girls' dorm, just like how girls' aren't allowed in the boys' dorm. We stopped outside dorm building five, standing in front of the steps.
"I guess I'll see you later." Lucas grinned.
I nodded awkwardly. "Good luck with that homework." I grinned, beginning to make my way up the steps slowly.
"You too." He nodded, beginning to walk backwards. "Tell Amora I said hi."
"Will do."
Finally, I escape the awkward air, and began making my way down the hall to my room. All the doors were decorated with whatever the owner wanted. One was plain with a small white board stuck to it. Another was fully decorated with a rainbow flag with a girl with brown hair's picture on it and below it was another flag known as the asexual flag with a black haired girl's picture over it. Amora and my door was just a picture of us with Lucas and Isaiah next to us from Halloween last year with symbols of things he have in common; bands, hobbies, places we're interested in visiting, etc.
I twist the key in the doorknob, unlocking the door. I barely opened the door when a hand was pushed the door closed on the other side, creating a small bang to be heard throughout the quiet dorm. Confused, I yell through the door, trying not to be too loud.
"Amora? Are you alright?"
There is some shuffling from the other side. "Yeah...yeah, I'm fine!" She hollered back.
After a few more seconds of standing outside, waiting for the OK to come in, the door opens and Amora comes out, but through a small crack, clearly trying to hide what's in the room. She shut the door and stood in front of me with an innocent smile.
"I see you're feeling better." I state, folding my arms with a curious eyebrow.
"Uh- yeah. I'm feeling great. Pain killers helped a lot." She nodded. "So, uh- it's a nice night. Warm, bright sky, really quite. Maybe you should go to the park, maybe invite Isaiah or Lucas if you want."
"Amora, what-" Once again, I was interrupted.
Amora begins pushing me away from the door. "It'll be fun! You haven't spent much time with those two, go!"
Before I could get another word in, she's already back in the room, shutting the door quickly. I didn't go to the park like the had suggested. Instead, I sat on the steps of the girls' dorm, my book bag I wanted to put in my room sitting next to me. It was fine for the first ten minutes, looking around at the beautiful night, but soon it got boring staring at the same things, listening to the loud crickets.
Slinging my bag around my shoulder, I stood up and began walking to the address written on my notebook earlier. Of course, with the help of my phone telling me where to go.
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