[18] Overdose
Song: Overdose by Grandson
*says regular updates are coming back*
*disappears again for God knows how long*
IM SORRY XD I'm really struggling for ideas for this thing before it ends!!
On a different note: My step mom and I are going to New York in a few days and seeing Be More Chill on Broadway so thats just fUn(I'm gonna be in the same room as George Salazar and Will Roland, be prepared to hear my sobs all the way from New York).
Y/n's POV
Pregnant and a criminal. It was interesting, to say the least. Everyday was spent trying to think of ways to make this kid's life not a living hell. Give them a life a child should have. There have been times where I have debated giving them up to someone who could provide that, but with his excited eyes and eager grin, Mark always managed to convince me not to, providing many reasons on why we should keep this kid with us wherever this journey takes us.
This relationship with Mark was nothing different to how we were before. Besides the occasional talk about a child, nothing was different. The flirting, the bickering, everything was still there. It's Mark, and I don't think he was about to change because a girl was pregnant.
Though, something should change if he was planning on being the father figure for this kid. We barely know anything about each other and what are two parents if they don't know each other?
"Mark?" I mumble, staring at the black TV screen as Overdose by Grandson played on the radio softly behind us.
Mark hummed in response, sending vibrations through my stomach. As I laid on the soft couch of the living room, Mark laid on top of me, his head on my upper stomach and both his arms hanging loosely on each side of me. My hand tangled itself in his dark hair mindlessly, clearly relaxing the man with a constant stone face.
(I don't know what an "upper stomach" is either. I meant the area below your chest and above your stomach, but I have no idea what to call it.)
"I was thinking.." I started.
Mark brought his arms up and propped his upper half up on his forearms. "Oh no." He groaned.
Rolling my eyes with a smirk, I turned my head to look at him. "What do you mean 'oh no'?"
He smiled playfully and began to explain. "Whenever you think, it always ends up weird or just completely stupid." He giggled.
"Stupid? My ideas are not stupid!"
His eyes go wide. "Oooh sweetie, yes they do."
"Okay, first, fuck you." I said, making the two of us laugh. "And second, can I say what I was thinking now?"
"Fine." Mark smirked, going back to his position on my stomach, now tracing circles on my side.
My hand finds it's way back into his hair, wrapping it around my finger. Moments like these I enjoyed most. The calm, quiet moments with just us, no arguing, no panicking, just calm silence.
"We barely know anything about each other." I began, but before I could continue, Mark sat up on his elbows again.
"No, no, no, no, no. Absolutely not." He stated firmly.
"I told you plenty about me already, you don't need to know any more."
"We're going to spend years here if everything goes as planned and if we're going to do that, I think it'd be better if we actually knew each other!" I explained, speaking as Mark continues to protest over my voice. I stared at him with a warning look, to which he stopped talking and stared back at me with the same look.
I decided to speak up before he did. "All I'm saying is that if we're going to continue living together and keep whatever this-" I motioned between him and me. "-is, then I think we should know more about each other- even if it's just the simplest thing."
"You already know plenty about me, there is absolutely no need to tell more."
"Since when have you seen two people who have lived together for years-" I began, only to be cut off.
"Years? What are you talking about years? It's been a month!" Mark asked, almost yelling.
"You plan on being the father figure for this kid, I expect you're gonna be here for longer than a day!"
Mark stayed silent, staring at me with his signature stone face.
"Back to what I was saying." I stated with anything but amusement. "Have you ever heard about two people living together for years and barely know anything about each other?"
"There's a first for everything." Mark shrugged.
Silence then overtook both of us, staring at each other with slight annoyed expressions. Another song started playing on the radio that we stopped listening to minutes before. Still, not giving up, I kept going on with my idea.
"As me a question." I stated simply.
"Oh my god." Mark groaned, pushing himself off of me, standing up next to the couch.
I sat up, my hands supporting me up. "All I want you to do is ask me a question! I didn't say anything about you telling me your life story!"
He stopped his route to his bedroom, turned around, and shoved his hands in his pockets. He raised an eyebrow at me, giving me slight hope he would stop protesting and come back. I missed the warmth of him laying on top of me, but I also just wanted to stop arguing and go back to the calm silence. Why does he hate sharing some parts of himself so damn much?
"We can wait for a later time if you'd like, but for now," I shrugged, hoping he'd agree. "Just ask me whatever you'd like to know about me."
Mark nodded, looking around the large living room we spent the most time in. "Alright, here's a question for you." I smiled, happy he agreed. "Why are you so goddamn annoying?"
My smile vanished and an annoyed look took over as I rolled my eyes. Mark resumed his short walk to his bedroom, closing the door loudly behind him.
Sitting in the same room, on the same couch, with the same ending as last time I tried to get to know him. I fell back onto the couch, staring up at the tall ceiling, wondering what I was doing wrong to make this so difficult.
Soo...that wasn't my plan to have them argue again, it was actually supposed to be a really calm chapter where you actually get to know Mark, but that changed as I started writing it. \(•_•)/
But seriously- Duolingo has Klingon but not friggin SINDARIN?! I'm suing.
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