[14] Do I Wanna Know
Song: Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys
I constantly feel alone and as if everyone hates me. I really want to ask my parents if I can move schools, but I know they'd say no because it's too much gas. I know my friends(really, just the people I follow) would be happy if I did leave. Really, the only thing keeping me from just begging to move is the band and a guy friend of mine(I love my band class, okay? XD).
Y/n's POV
After three hours of driving and reading Seth's directions to Mark, he pulled into a gravel driveway, disappearing in the trees. He slowed down and turned right at the split in the road. He explained that Seth had given him a key to the garage here. The garage was on the right turn and the cabin was on the left. He held the key in his hand in front of me.
"I need you to unlock the garage then open the door so I can put this thing in there." He instructed.
I nodded, taking the key into my hand and hopping out of the car. I left the air conditioned truck and stepped into the hot September day of North Dakota. The sun was still up and shining brightly at five in the afternoon, slight wind blowing the remaining leaves off the trees. It was quiet with the acceptable sound of a bird singing their song, or the boats passing by on the nearby lake. I could see why Seth liked it here so much. After all that's happened recently, this felt foreign to me. I've always loved silence, thats why I always went to the coffeehouse to do my homework. But now I wanted it to end as quickly as I could break it. I don't get why I hated the silence so much now. I felt the need to make as much noise as possible just so I didn't have to sit in the quiet.
Thankfully, opening the garage door made quite some noise. The large wall like door slid upward at the press of a button, allowing Mark to park his truck inside. After he was in far enough, I closed the door again, taking the majority of the light away. Marked turned the car off, stepping out onto the grey concrete with a tap with each step. I made it over to Mark's side, noticing the two, yellow jet skis on a trailer next to us, sending me on a memory trip of always riding one at my Grandparents cabin. Mark noticed as well, patting the side of them.
"The keys are right here, we could take these on a ride." He smiled.
I nod in agreement. "We really should."
Mark's smile turns into a smirk. "But who said you needed a jet ski to have fun?" Mark said, winking at me as he walked past me and towards the normal size door I entered through, his stuff on his back.
Immediately, I felt my face heat up and my ears get hot. I turned around, got my backpack from the truck, and followed after him, thinking about my next words carefully. "And who exactly told Mr. Cocky he could take whatever he wanted?" I question, standing next to him as we walked back up the gravel road once he's locked the garage.
"No one needs to tell me that I can get any guy or girl I wanted." Mark said with a cocky grin.
I raise an eyebrow at him. Instead of arguing, I let out a soft chuckle. As much as I wanted to, I wasn't about to disagree. How could anyone turn him down? Even if it's just for shits and giggles to him and meant nothing, it'd be difficult to decline his suggestions.
He shrugged and turned his head forward. "You aren't disagreeing."
Since he was the one I could count on for the flirtatious comments, I decided I could make the same remark as well. "If I disagreed, I'd just be lying."
Mark's smirk returned, stopping in his tracks and pulling me in front of him by my belt loops. "I know somewhere we could tell lies."
Deciding to mess with him a bit, I pulled his hands off of me, a smirk now on my face as well. "No thank you." I grinned deviously, turning around and turning onto the other road that lead to the cabin. "I prefer a genuine relationship with a gentleman."
He laughed, catching up to me. "That's not what you were saying in LA."
"You said you weren't a killer in LA, but I guess that was a lie." I shot back, shrugging.
"Well then I guess we both lied." He smiled innocently. "It's even."
"It'll be even when I actually hook up with you."
He put on his signature smirk, staring at me as we walked underneath the line of trees down the gravel road to the cabin. "So you're saying it's a possibility?"
"Am I?" I teased, a smile I couldn't wipe off growing on my face.
Mark folded his arms. "I think you are, missy!"
I giggle softly, slightly leaning towards him and whispering, "There's only one way to find out."
He grins widely before stretching his arms out to grab me, but failed as I began running. I ran as fast as I could, but Mark ran faster. Though, the patter of our feet against the against the small rocks didn't last long. I stopped running as soon as the cabin came into sight. Mark stopped behind me, noticing my awestruck face and turned his head towards the cabin. Well, more like a beautifully built house in a craftsman style.
(I love craftsman style houses, fight me)
The long, concrete walkway lead to a stone porch with chairs and plants placed neatly on it. The walls were built of stone by the porch, but by wood everywhere else. In between the two seats, there was a large window that looked liked three doors made of glass. The roof was a mix of grey and brown, and under the points were the signature arks with three lines meeting in the middle. By the walkway were green plants planted in the soil with rocks surrounding some, looking as if someone had just put them there
(Since I could never describe how absolutely amazing this looks, take this picture of the reference I used.
Note- I hate that I'm using a picture but just lOOK AT THIS!
Okay, thats it, byyye!)
"This is what he considers a cabin?" I gawk, slowly walking towards it.
"Does he think of his house as an apartment?" Mark questioned, following slowly behind me.
I reach the door, finding it locked. I glance behind me, seeing Mark make his way up the stone steps. "You have the keys?" I asked.
"Yeah, got them when we were in the garage."
He stepped up to the door, trying to find the correct key. There weren't that many, but there were a few on the ring. As he tried to unlock the door, my eyes roamed around the place. The driveway had a large spot that could fit a car or two. Next to the 'cabin' Mark and I were lucky enough to stay at, there was another beautiful looking place. It wasn't really close to us, but it wasn't that far either. Trees blocked most of the view off, so it wouldn't be that hard to hide from Seth's neighbors. At the end of the empty driveway were stone stairs with a black hand rail leading down the hill and between the crowd of trees following it. Through the trees was a sight that was difficult to miss. The lake was visible through the trees, the light reflecting off of the dark blue water, a boat passing by often. A smile crept onto my face as the missed feeling of excitement welled up within me.
Mark pushed the wooden door open, grabbing my attention. The both of is walked in, taking everything in. It had a couch and two seats on both sides of it, a large TV mounted on the wall of big rocks across from the couch. Under the TV was a fireplace, causing even more excitement to create a smile. Between the two soft looking chairs was a cushioned footrest you could reach from either the couch of one of the chairs. Behind the couch was an open kitchen, a large bar in the middle with a stove on it. There were many cabinets, two fridges, and a sink along the wall with the long counter with a dish washer next to it. There were two hallways on either side of the kitchen. One led to another living room, a master bedroom, and a kids room with two bunkbeds. The other lead to the laundry room, the garage, and a door leading to the back yard. Walking back into the kitchen, I noticed two more hallways in the living room. The one next to the front door lead to another master bedroom. The other had a bathroom and two more bedrooms with queen size beds. Must've invited people over a lot.
(I tried describing my aunt's lake house but I could never describe how aMAZING that place is.)
I made my way back into the living room, looking at all the pictures framed on the walls. There was a picture of a big group, men in suits on the left and woman in knee length, white dresses on the right. In the middle of them both was a guy who looked similar to Seth and a girl in a long, white dress and beautiful, blonde hair. Seth, his hair longer than his current haircut, was next to the couple with a big smile on his face. Another one was of a black lab by a fire pit with chairs surrounding them. The fire pit in the back yard. On the bottom of the wooden frame had the words 'Avenger - 2003-2014'. A sad smile covered my face as I continued to stare at the adorable dog.
(I really love the name Avenger for a dog. Thanks, Brendon Urie for coming up with that name on a Buzzfeed interview.)
Mark came out of the master bedroom next to the front door with a clear plastic bag in hand. "I think I know how he can afford all this shit." Mark said, holding up the bag with a dark green, dirt like stuff inside.
(I don't know how to describe weed, oKAY! It's not like I've ever seen it in person before.)
"Put that down, what if the police ever find it and your fingerprints are on it!" I instructed worriedly.
Mark rolled his eyes, walking back into the room he just came from. "Like they don't already have them."
I shook my head at his carelessness. Spotting a remote on the footrest, I grabbed it and turn the TV on. Mark returned, seeing me with the remote in my hand.
"You better put that down, your finger prints are on it now!" He mocked in a high pitched voice. I roll my eyes once again. He giggled to himself then spoke up again. "You wanna go check out the dock?"
All other thoughts were pushed away as I was reminded of the lake. I sprang up with a wide smile on my face. "Yes!"
As he began his way outside, I turned off the screen and placed it back on the footrest. Leaving the house, I saw the keys on the bar. Something inside me made me feel it was important to take them. They clanged together in my hand as I made my way to follow Mark. I held all of them tightly to stop the noise and met him on the porch. I began to follow him towards the steps leading down the hill after I locked the front door and put the keys safely inside the bag that was still on my back. Mark had his too, which made me feel relieved or like I did something right.
The steps felt like they went on forever, twisting and turning down the hill. My legs burning and my will to keep going was almost gone when, finally, we were at the last set of stairs and we could see the wooden dock floating by the giant rocks against the hill and tied to the handrail so it doesn't float away. The end of the steps can't be seen, making me wonder how far under water they go and how deep this lake is.
The two of us stepped onto the somewhat large dock, a big grin on my face. A wooden ladder stood upside down, held up by a cord connected to the dock. Mark unhooked the ladder and pushed it in the water, sending drops of water over us and the dock. I giggled in excitement, enjoying the cool water on my skin under the hot sun.
"This is pretty nice." Mark commented, looking around at the trees above and behind us, the other side of the lake, and down sides. He met my eyes again, his signature playful smirk on his face. With a scared, yet confused look, I was about to ask what he was thinking of when he smoothly pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. My confused look didn't disappear.
"We can't just come down on the dock and not jump in." Mark shrugged, continuing to strip.
I immediately looked to the side, using my hands to cover him from my peripheral vision. "Woah, what the hell, dude!"
"Relax," Mark chuckled. "I'm decent."
Even though it was probably a bad idea, I trusted him and dropped my hands, turning my head back to look at him. His clothes were in a pile by his bag, his underwear still covering his lower half. He slowly took steps back towards the edge, the smirk still on his face. "What, you were expecting me to fully undress?"
"Expecting and wanting are two different things." I grinned.
Mark smiled as well. "Well if you want anything, all you have to do is ask."
He turned around and jumped into the water head first. He popped back up, his wet hair slicked back and a smile on his face. "You gonna jump in or what?"'
Grinning widely, I copy Mark's actions and begin taking off everything but what I'm wearing underneath, making a pile of my things next to Mark's. Now half naked, I jump into the water next to Mark. The water against my skin felt amazing. When I arrived back to the surface, I wiped the water off my face and opened my eyes. Mark looked at me with an impressed look.
"And I thought all bikini models' body's were photoshopped."
(I don't care what any of you guys say. YOU👏ARE👏ALL👏BEAU-👏-TI-👏-FUL👏)
"And I thought fuck boys had better better pick up lines."
"You loved it." He chuckled.
I laughed. "I did?"
My back was against the dock and Mark's hands found their way to my hips. "Yeah, you did."
Mark began leaning in closer. I wanted it to happen, but I didn't. He was difficult to turn down, but I don't want anything happening again like what happened with Tyler. I still haven't checked the pregnancy test yet and I had no idea if I was pregnant or not. But, I still wanted this. I wanted to go past what we did in LA. I just wanted him. Not just sex, but have a relationship with him. I wanted to get to know him, be the person he confides in. I wanted to be more than something he uses for sex. However, before I could get so much as a kiss, he paused and everything was silent. Something I used to love, but now hate with everything in me. There were deep voices sounding from the house, with what sounded like radio cutting in and out.
(Those walki-talki things(however you spell it) that people like truck drivers and police use are also called radios, right? Or am I just dumber than I thought?)
Now I know why he stopped.
Mark quickly grabbed onto the dock and pulled himself up. "Get under the dock, now." He ordered.
I nodded, ducking under the water and getting in between one of the floats before coming back up. I could hear Mark moving around hurriedly above me. I saw the ladder get pulled up through the cracks between the wood and heard the cord as he wrapped it around the ladder. Mark slid in the water, barely making any noise and held his breath as he swam under the dock. He popped up in front of me, quietly letting his breath go.
The voices with no faces got louder and I could tell they were coming down the steps. I turn toward the voices, trying to see something through the cracks. Mark came up behind me slowly, trying not to make any noise with the water and held me close to him, his hand over my mouth. My back was against his chest.
"Why are we here again?" One guy asked. Taking the first step onto the dock.
"It's a three twenty-seven. Meaning, people were spotted on someone else's property." The other answered.
(That's most likely very far from true. I don't even know if they even have a number code thing for that.)
"Oh, right. Sorry."
"You're good. That's why you're with me for the first few days of the job." The man chuckled. "Some elderly lady called and said she and her husband were leaving her lake house when she saw two kids walking around here. She says she saw them trying to get into the house."
"The door was locked and the house looked like nobody had been in it for a while. Nothing in the driveway, nothing on the dock. Maybe it's the old lady thing." The guy with the younger sounding voice laughed.
Deep laughter, even deeper than Mark's, sounded. "That, or the kids gave up and left."
They stepped right over our heads, standing still for a second. I held my breath, tensing up against Mark's chest. "You see anything?" The man above us asked the younger guy.
(In real life, they'd probably have dogs to sniff them out, but oH WELL! THIS IS A F A N F I C T I O N)
"No one's on this side. I'd say they've left already." The guy above us stated, turning back around towards the stairs. "Lets head back up."
After their voices had been muffled from the distance, Mark still held me close with his hand clamped over my mouth. We stayed like that for what felt like forever and he wouldn't let go until he heard the police car drive off. Mark let out a deep sigh, taking his hand off me and backing up some.
"What just happened?" I breathe out, turning back to Mark, still whispering.
"That old couple next door Seth warned us about saw us and thought we were some kids walking around." Mark stated in his normal volume, but a little bit quieter. "At least we know they left and we have nothing to worry about now."
For the first time since all of this started, there is nothing to worry about.
Long chapter for my long absence :)
Probs shit tho :/
Anyway, take these two funny stories I love about my friends(but people who "secretly" hate me).
1) Sooo, a McDonalds in my county is temporarily shut down for having a hepatitis A thing going around there. So hep. A has become a joke in this county, and especially my school. My friend, McKayla, went to McDonalds in the next county over with her step mom and dared her to say "hold the hepatitis A" while ordering. She said, word for word, "and while she was ordering, she said 'I'd like a BigMac, hold the hep. A' and I never thought she would've done it!"
2) *in marching band practice*
Band director(his wife just had a baby and our other band director showed us a picture of the baby and he's sO CUTE): *looks at watch* Okay, it is now 4:20-
Two girls from my section(they're hilarious): OOOHHH!!
Band director: *looks at them with a blank face*
Band director: *stares at watch for a long time*
Band director: it is now 4:21, be at set one of the opener at 4:26.
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