[1] Pop 101
☝️I'll be putting songs up here that I think fit with the chapter and/or are played somewhere in the chapter
Song: Pop 101 by Marinas Trench
Y/n's POV
"Are you ready yet, Amora?" I groaned, standing by the door exiting our dorm room.
"Almost!" She giggled back, adding more mascara.
Glancing down at my phone, I checked the time. "We need to meet Isaiah at Lucas' place in ten minutes."
Amora has always been like this. Waiting until the last few minutes to start putting her makeup on, which leads us to being late. She looked fine as she was, I don't understand why she says she needs it. Her naturally straight, ombré hair, starting blonde at the roots and turning into a light brown that matched her skin, ended close to her waist. Her big, brown eyes clear of glass covering them and the hispanic accent were the main thing that pulled everyone toward her. Guys loved her.
Finally, she stood up and shoved her phone in her back pocket, her long nails tapping against her case. In skin tight jeans and black short sleeve shirt, she grabbed my arm, turned out the lights, and leads me outside the dorms.
"We have to be there in five minutes." I state, walking by her side on the sidewalk.
"They'll have to deal with us being late then." She shrugged. "It's not like no one shows up late to these things."
I nod in agreement. Our friend, Lucas, was throwing a party in a house that used to be his parents before they moved out and gave it to him. I've never been to a college party, but I'm certainly not expecting what I see in movies. The blasting music, colored lights, so many people in one room you can barely make it across it. I'm hoping thats not what it's really like. I'd rather spare myself the embarrassment bound to happen.
I didn't know what to expect. Amora describes them as the funnest place on earth, while Lucas explains it as bland, but fun if you get drunk enough. Once they found out I've never been to one, they were determined to take me to one. I've been caught up with work and school I haven't had much time to do much. Hell, I barely knew my way around LA.
Being from (hometown) and moving to LA for college wasn't as easy as everyone makes it out to be. I got lost multiple times just trying to find the campus. Trying to fit so much into so little was probably the hardest part. I didn't want to have to pull around five suitcases until I found my dorm room. Somehow, I eventually managed to shove most of my belongings into a large book bag and a couple of traveling bags.
It wasn't but a fifteen minute walk full of pointless conversation and the clicking of Amora's heels against the sidewalk before we arrived at Lucas' house. The lights shining through the thin curtains weren't bright, but dim. The silhouettes of the people creating them were holding bottles and cups while laughing together or dancing drunkly. Music could be heard from the back yard where people were chanting "Chug! Chug! Chug!" And ping pong balls slapped against tables.
Isaiah stood in the front, looking around anxiously. Once his eyes landed on us in darkness, his eyes stopped roaming and a smile formed on his lips. "Finally! It took you long enough!" He groaned.
"Yes, I apologize for wanting to look decent." Amora said, her voice laced in sarcasm.
Isaiah raised an eyebrow. "You couldn't start getting ready earlier?"
Amora laughed, her eyes squinting. "With my schedule?" She folded her arms with a smirk. "I'd like to see you try being a busy female for a week. You wouldn't survive a day."
"Y/n is a busy female, but I'm positive she'd make it here on time. You don't need to put on makeup, or do things to your hair. Everyone is drunk, no one cares! Y/n seems to know that, look at her!" Isaiah pointed at me.
I sent him the harshest glare I could come up with. "Thanks."
"No problem," He grinned, patting my back before turning around and heading for the door. Amora and I follow behind him.
"Don't listen to him. You look fine." Amora reassured, sending me a bright smile. I return the smile, my gaze in front of me as I entered the busy house.
A song I knew as Pop 101 was playing over the speakers loudly, but not enough to cover the voices of everyone talking to their friends. It wasn't crowded, but a good amount of people were here, some I don't think even went to our college. The majority of the people were holding beer bottles or solo cups. Amora looked around happily while I took in every detail, seeing it as nothing but a good opportunity to make mistakes.
Isaiah lead us to the large, fenced in backyard where Lucas greeted us happily. Over by the brick wall of the house was a bar full of bottles of alcoholic drinks with people surrounding it to get whatever they could find. A white folding table stood by the fence with solo cups neatly placed with two people on each side taking turns to throw a small, white ball into one of the cups.
"Hey girls! Looking good, as usual." Lucas complemented, lazily placing his hand on Isaiah's shoulder. "Y/n, what do ya think so far? Look fun?"
"(Not really/eh/yeah!)." I replied.
"We should all play beer pong together!" Amora suggested excitedly. "It'd be so fun! I'd love to see innocent Y/n drunk as hell."
I rolled my eyes with an amused smile. It wasn't long before Lucas was chugging multiple beers through a funnel, Isaiah was talking to a random girl, and I was following Amora around like a puppy. I didn't know anyone else here, and socializing was not something I was fond of. Everyone here seemed drunk off their asses anyway, I doubt they'd be interesting enough to talk to.
"Hey Amora." A guy purred, taking a seat on the coffee table opposite from the couch we were in.
"Hey Brian." She forced a smile, probably tired of the guys coming up to us. All of them are always inviting her to dance, or to find a room somewhere, never sparing a glance my way. I'm fine with it, I'd rather not have drunk guys asking me for sex. Thankfully, no one has gotten touchy with her or tried to force her to do anything.
"I haven't seen you in a while. How ya been?" Brian asked, his hands on his knees.
Amora grinned and nodded. "Good. What about you?"
Brian smirked with a look in his eyes I didn't trust. "Never better, now that I saw you."
Amora giggled, playfully kicking his foot. "Shut up."
"It's true!" He laughed. "You want a drink?" He leaned in, his elbows on his knees now and a devious smirk playing at his lips. "Maybe one of my secret mixes?"
Amora's eyes lit up. She agreed excitedly, beginning to smile, but it fell slightly when she remembered I was with her. Brian stopped when he realizes Amora stopped following him and stood a few feet behind her with an impatient arm fold.
"Hey, maybe you should go around and talk to some people. This is a party, they're made for meeting new people." Amora suggested.
Ignoring her comment, I addressed my concerns. "I don't trust that guy, Amora. I don't think-"
Amora, with a harsh glare, interrupted me. "Since when did you control who I hang out with?"
"I'm just saying-"
"He's not a bad guy, Y/n." She folded her arms. "He's not like you, trying to fuck the whole population."
"Amora-" I start, only to be cut off by Brian this time.
He grabbed her wrist, sending me a mean glare. "Let her do what she wants."
With that, he pulled her away into the back yard. I knew better than anyone not to take things to heart when she has alcohol in her system. She doesn't have to be completely drunk to spit out any insult that comes to mind, even if it's not true. It doesn't take much to set her off when she's had a drink or two. She has the tendency to make it seem that I'm a whore when she's had a drink, making up stories I've apparently told her, calling me things like slut, whore, or something like that, or going around pointing at people saying I've slept with them.
Sighing, I took a few steps into the kitchen and gripped the stereotypical red party cup in my hand. A bottle of vodka stood next to the sink and a pack of soda next to that. Remembering people talk about mixing vodka and Dr. Pepper, I decided to pour both into the plastic cup.
(Do people really do that? I'm almost positive I've heard my dad talk about that XD )
"You don't look like you're having fun." Said an unfamiliar voice from behind me. Looking back, I am met with a friendly, but frightening man, looking a few years older than me. He took a few steps to the side and turned around so his back was facing the window over the sink and propped his elbows on the counter. His brown eyes looked soft enough to care about saving an animal's life, but his firm expression and well built body was saying that wasn't true. I've definitely never seen him before.
"You know staring is rude, right?" He said, turning his head to me with a smirk.
Quickly, I averted my eyes back to my hands cupping both sides of the solo cup.
"Whats your story?" He asked, taking a sip from his own cup.
I raise an eyebrow, turning around and leaning against the counter like him. "Excuse me?"
"Y'know," His eyes roamed the room in front of him. "Why are you alone? You don't look normal, walking around like a lost puppy."
I rolled my eyes. "Says the guy who looks like he just came out of Grease."
He looked down at his outfit, black jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black leather jacket meeting his sight. Giving a small chuckle, he nodded. "Okay, thats fair."
I take a sip from the mix in my cup, raising an eyebrow at the odd taste.
"I don't know why you're drinking that. Pure vodka would be better than whatever that shit is." The man next to me stated, not even bothering to look my way. Instead of replying, I placed the drink on the counter to forget about it later.
"So where is your owner?" He asks again. "Find him cheating or something? You look pissed."
"So I have to be here with a guy?" I spit, venom laced in my voice just as much as his has been this entire time. I stare down at my feet, letting out a small sigh. "She ditched me for some sketchy guy."
He nods, pressing the rim of the cup to his lips again and leaning his head back. "I know how that feels."
"What, your girl left you for one?" I said, bringing back what he had said just a few seconds ago.
"No," He rolled his eyes. "My friend, Wade. He's off with some girl."
Noticing all the looks in this guy's direction from drunk and tipsy girls, I say, "Looks like a lot of girls here would go somewhere with you. Why don't you go find one of them?"
"I'm good." He declined, looking disgusted. "I'd rather have a sober one." The disgusted look turned into a cocky smirk in my direction.
"Good luck." I let out an airy laugh. "I'll have to get drunk off my ass before I'm anywhere near doing something like that with you."
He smirked once again, pushing the bottle of vodka toward me.
"I thought you'd rather have a sober one?" I mocked, ignoring the bottle.
He laughed a bit. Before he had the chance to say anything else, someone gripped my upper arm tightly. Isaiah is beside me, supporting Amora's weight as she spits out insults.
"We're leaving." Isaiah stated with an angry stare, tugging on my arm and turning the other direction. I didn't expect him to pull on my arm so roughly, sending me almost face first onto the kitchen floor before catching my balance and standing up straight. Quickly, I pried Isaiah's hand off my arm and rush to Amora's other side and place her arm around me, leaving that guy alone by the sink.
"What happened?" I asked Isaiah, holding Amora up and assisting Isaiah in leading her back to our dorm.
"She-" Isaiah started, only to be interrupted by another drunk insult.
"Nothing to your concern, you slut." Amora slurred.
Isaiah started again. "She thought it would be smart to chug some of this weird shit through a funnel, get drunk as shit, and flash the entire back yard while standing on the beer pong table."
My gaze burned into the closed eyes of the drunk girl we were basically dragging out of the house. Her head was resting on Isaiah's shoulder and looked as if she had passed out. I would've never thought she'd do such a thing, even under the influence of alcohol.
Isaiah stopped once we got to the front door. He told me to let go of her, put his arms under Amora's knees, and held her in his arms bridal style. He was the first out the door and onto the cement porch. It was obvious he was mad about this. She's definitely going to earn an earful from him tomorrow.
"What made it even more difficult was getting her away from that dude. He would not let her go, it was complete bullshit!" Isaiah ranted as we walked along the sidewalk.
His words continued, but I found my mind wondering off to a different subject. The man in the kitchen. I never got his name. He definitely was not something anyone attracted to guys would want to miss out on. That guy was a good looking fella, there is no doubt about that. I don't remember ever seeing him before, and I know I'd remember a face like his, so I don't think he went to the same school.
If he wasn't convinced he was too much of a badass to go to one, that is.
WOO! FIRST CHAPTER! I'm really excited for this, really. I have a lot of ideas planned for this and I CANNOT wait to write them.
Also, I'm trying to write in past tense when the entire time I've been writing fanfiction/stories its been in present tense, so if it switches from one to the other then I'm sorry, and I missed it when checking for things like that.
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