The Problem Begins
Stella's POV
"He's there-again," I said, peering out the window. He smiled at me and walked away. I frowned. "He's walking away. That's new."
Ella rushed by my side right before he disappeared from sight. "Yeah, you're right! But why?"
"Maybe we should go and investigate?" I suggested. Ella nodded, grab her coat, and ran out of the room. I heard her tell our mom, "Is it alright if Stella and I go to the store to get supplies for a project?"
I heard Mom asked, "When's it due?"
"Two weeks," Ella lied. "Can we go?"
"But why? I have a friend I want to introduce you to. That can wait," Mom said slyly. I raced out of the bedroom and stopped in my tracks.
Mom's "friend" was our stalker. Unfortunately, I was so distracted that I didn't notice Mom leap at me, mouth stretched wide open. I turned and screamed, "Ella! RUN! Get to Kat and don't stop running!"
Ella did as she was told. I ducked under Mom's outstretched arm and fled.
Kat's POV
I heard the banging from across the house. I called, "Coming!"
When I opened the door, Ella and Stella tumbled in like lost puppies. They were breathing heavily, and I saw fear in their eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Is the stalker back? Did he try to hurt you?"
"No- Mom did. He's her friend. She's a blix," Ella panted. "She jumped at Stella and tried to bite her. The man was in our apartment, and she said that he was her friend!"
I stood in shock as it crashed over me. Karen-a blix. My friend, trying to hurt her own daughters. Even when a were cat was in the building. I grabbed my coat and pulled it on. I pushed past the twins, who were crying, "Wait, Kat-where are you going? Don't leave us! Help us!"
I ignored their pleas as I hit the down button for the lift over and over impatiently. When the door slid open with a ding, I slammed the ground button as paced the lift impatiently. Oh, god. This was bad. Really bad. And the marks on Ella and Stella's- not to mention the Doctor's and Amy's- were obviously bite marks. I had no clue if Time Lords were affected the same way from blix bites as human and were animals, as they didn't have human blood in them, but if they did, then this was horrible. I was the only one not bit, but I knew if she could get into a TARDIS, she could get into an apartment.
I burst out onto the streets of London and looked around. Ella and Stella's apartment faced west, where they saw the Doctor's TARDIS. I walked around the building trying to find it-
And walked straight into the Doctor. He looked startled. "Um, Kat! Uh, hi!"
I cut him off. "One, stop visiting me. It's getting creepy. Two, huge problem. There's a blix."
"One, I wasn't going to visit you, two, what?" replied the Doctor.
"A blix, and if you don't know what a blix is there's something wrong with you," I snapped.
"What's a blix?" asked Amy, who arrived at the Doctor's shoulder.
"It's like a vampire," said Stella, who had just caught up. "With pointy teeth-"
"but when they bite, they can control you at night," added Ella, who also just caught up.
"That would explain the puncture marks, then," guessed Amy. I nodded.
Ella's POV
As I looked at the Doctor, I couldn't help but think, Did our foster mom take us in just because we were Time Lords?
"Anything we can do?" asked Amy.
"Be careful. They can control you at night, Time Lord or human, and she'll use us to her advantage. Kill ourselves. Kill eachother," said Stella.
"Anything other than killing?" asked the Doctor.
"Servants?" I guessed. "Bring them something that we want to protect from them? Stop us when we're chasing them? Really, the possibilities are endless."
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