Ch 6
A/N: Hello everyone! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I actually missed writing fluff, specially in which Draco is being teased, and I don't think there was really a fluffy scene in this story, except the scene in the last chapter. As much as I love Draco, I love writing scenes where he's being teased by his friends. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!
Draco was talking to a few guests when Tipsy, the Malfoy house elf, approached him. "There are two guests standing at the entrance, Master. Should Tipsy bring them here?"
Draco looked around, his brows furrowed. "Everyone is here. Who are the guests then?" He muttered. "No need, Tipsy. I will go and see who they are. You can go now."
From the corner of his eye, he saw Hermione glaring at him. "Thank you, Tipsy." He sighed, and the elf smiled and dissapparated with a 'crack'.
It had been a decade since she got the idea for S.P.E.W, and she still followed it, much to Draco's annoyance.
He walked towards Harry, who was talking to some Ministry Employees, and tapped his shoulder. "I need you to come with me to the entrance. It's urgent." He whispered.
Harry nodded, and excused himself. "What happened?" He asked the blond wizard as the walked towards the entrance.
"I thought everyone whom we had invited were here. But Tipsy told me that two more guests are standing at the entrance. Did you invite anyone else as well, and didn't tell me?" Draco asked him.
"I don't remember." Harry shrugged. "We should just go and see who are they. Anyways, who is Tipsy?"
"My house elf. More specifically, she's a Malfoy house elf."
"What?" Harry blinked at him. "Are you sure you are Hermione's best friend? Because there is no way she can accept that you have a house elf."
Draco rolled his eyes. "Pay a little attention, will you, Potter? I said she is a Malfoy house elf, and so, she lives in the Manor. You have been to my house so many times, did you ever notice a house elf there?"
"Uhh..." Harry thought for a moment. "No."
"Good. If I had even thought about having a house elf there, Astoria would have thrown me out of the house. She supports Spew as well, you know?"
"But then how come there are house elves here, in the Manor?" Harry asked him. "I thought Narcissa supported spew as well."
"She does, no matter how much I try to convince her that it is just stupid." Draco shook his head. "Initially, she wanted to free the house elves, but when she and father decided to move to France, there had to be somebody who could live in the Manor."
"I refused to live here considering what all happened during the war, and we didn't want to sell or demolish it, because no matter how much I dislike it, the Manor is our ancestral home, and I did spend my childhood here. And well, the house elves didn't want to leave it either, so my mother decided to pay them and give them holidays as well. And sometimes, she even buys clothes for them." He finished.
"Hmm..." Harry nodded. "I am still surprised how quickly Narcissa agreed to the idea of Spew, because she didn't meet Hermione much, right?"
"Correct. They only met for a few days during the Winter and Easter and Holidays when Hermione stayed at our penthouse. And before that... Well, the first time Granger met my mother was during sixth year," He grimaced, "When you lot came to Madam Malkin's, and after that-"
Harry cut him off. "She met her when we captured and brought to the Manor and... Hermione was tortured. I am actually surprised that Hermione agreed to meet your mother just a few months after that had happened."
"My mother came to Hogwarts a few days before the Winter break began, to meet McGonagall and do Salazar knows what." Draco rolled his eyes. "At that time, Granger was in Hogsmeade, but I was in there in the Heads' Dormitories. Mother told me to give her a letter, in which she apologized for everything that had happened to her because of our family, and asked to meet her sometime. I knew Granger couldn't go back to her parents' house, and she didn't want to go the Burrow. I told her she could come with me to my penthouse, and meet my mother. They met, and talked for hours and somehow, Mother convinced her to stay there for the rest of the Holidays. And then she stayed at my penthouse for the Easter Holidays as well."
"So, in just a few days, Hermione managed to convince Narcissa about Spew?" Harry asked, and ex Slytherin nodded. "Wait, what was the full name again? I keep forgetting it."
"Society for the Prevention of Elvish Welfare." Draco smirked at him.
"Pretty sure that it was PROTECTION, and not prevention, even if I didn't remember the full name." Harry shook his head at him. "I think Narcissa must like Hermione very much to support her ideas instead of the beliefs that she had been supporting and following for years."
"What can I say? My mother loves Granger, even more than she loves me." He rolled his eyes.
"I think everyone loves her more than they love you." Harry chuckled.
"Story of my life." Draco muttered. "Not the first time someone would love her more than they love me, even if they had met her just for a few days, and have known me for years. For example, my friends."
"I am still surprised that someone loves you." Harry smirked at him. "I can barely tolerate you. Merlin knows how your parents, Astoria and Hermione put up with you."
And yet you said that I was your best friend a few weeks back, Draco thought.
"If you are done insulting me, can we please go and see who are the guests standing there?" He pointed at the entrance.
As they reached there, Harry quickly hugged the wizard before Draco could even look at him properly. "Oliver! It's been so long since we last met." Harry grinned as he pulled away.
Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Keeper, and a bit mad about Quidditch, Draco thought.
"I know right? But it is good to see you again." Oliver grinned back at him. "And thanks for inviting us, Malfoy."
Having no idea that he had been invited, Draco just nodded.
"Hope you don't mind that I invited them here. I wanted to tell you, but I forgot." Harry whispered to him.
"It's okay." Draco muttered. "You are welcome, Wood. Anyways, who is she?" He asked, pointing to the girl standing next to him.
"Oh this is Josephine Smith, my girlfriend." Oliver said, wrapping his arm around the witch's waist.
"Josephine? I thought you were dating Granger." Draco said.
(A/N: Please pretend that Ron and Hermione never kissed for the sake of this story.)
"Who told you that?" Oliver asked him. "Oh wait, you were the Head Boy, weren't you? Hermione said that she was pretty good friends with the Head Boy when I last met her. Anyways, we just went on one very awkward date, and quickly realized that we were better off as friends. She was actually the one to introduce me to Josephine."
"Oh well Granger didn't tell me how that date had gone." Draco muttered.
He just knew that she and Oliver had become close friends after the war, and that he had asked her out on a date during their eighth year.
Draco had initially thought that Oliver would be his Auror partner, when thoughts about Hermione's boyfriend had crossed his mind, until he reminded himself that Oliver played for the Australian Quidditch team, after playing for Puddlemere United for three years.
"I am sorry, I didn't know that. The Daily Prophet should have printed something about this, right? After all, you are a very famous person, Wood, and they would have followed you and your girlfriend, and clicked pictures as well. And I didn't see anything about you two in the Prophet." Draco said. "Oh, and it is nice to meet you, Josephine. I am Draco Malfoy." He extended his hand to her.
"Nice to meet you too, Draco." Josephine smiled as she shook his head. "And to answer your question, yes, they should have printed something. But they could only do that when they get to know about us."
"You mean nobody knows about you two?" He asked.
Oliver nodded. "We both agreed to not let the Daily Prophet know we are together when we started dating three years ago. When we became friends five years ago, after Hermione introduced us, there were some rumours, and still are. But we never confirmed them."
Draco nodded and let them inside. "And Potter, I forgot to mention it earlier, but it is Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare, and not Protection. You should pay a bit more attention when Granger talks about spew." Draco said and Harry just glared at him.
The next few minutes consisted of Oliver greeting everyone, and introducing his girlfriend to them. The group then started talking about Quidditch when Narcissa informed them that they wouldn't be able to play that game in the Quidditch pitch in Malfoy Manor during the weekend.
"But why? I have heard that the Quidditch Pitch here is one of the bests in the world-"
"Malfoys always have the bests." Draco interjected, but everybody ignored him.
"-And I really want to play here. Harry said that he and the others had been planning it for weeks, and were hoping that I would play Keeper." Oliver said.
"I am sorry, Oliver, but I am hosting a gala here during the weekend. And I trust you all to not disturb us, but I also don't want any guest to get hurt because of the Quidditch balls. Though I had told my son to inform you all about the gala days ago." Narcissa narrowed his eyes at her son.
"I forgot." Draco mumbled.
"I am afraid we will have to cancel the match." She said.
"You can't cancel Quidditch." Oliver told her.
"Silence, Wood." McGonagall said.
He and Harry smirked as they realised that it was the exact same thing she had told him when the students have been petrified after the Chamber of Secrets had been opened.
"It's been twelve years, and you still said the same thing." Harry said. "Anyways, I know how much you were looking forward to it, Oliver, but we will have to play some other time now."
"I hope you and your husband enjoyed the party, Mrs Granger." Narcissa said as she stood next to her.
"Oh please call me Jean, Mrs Malfoy. And yes, Robert and I really enjoyed it. Thank you for hosting the party for my daughter's birthday." She smiled and looked towards her daughter, who was currently talking with her father and friends.
"Hermione is like my daughter as well, Jean, and I love her." Narcissa smiled. "I would do anything for her, even smack my own son's head."
"Oh poor Draco." Jean laughed. "But jokes aside, I think he is a very good man, and he cares a lot for Hermione."
She nodded. "That is true. Even when Draco used to say that he hated her, I knew there was a small part in him that cared for her, and admired her."
"Hermione used to say the same thing. She would tell us how much she hated the 'Blonde Slytherin' or the 'Ferret' in her letters, but during her sixth year, she was concerned for him and even wished that she could go and talk to Draco."
"Sixth year was really hard for him. My poor dragon..." Narcissa sighed. "He told me that he wished he never believed in blood prejudice. He was really alone that year... I just wish I could have been there for him."
"You did what you could do, Narcissa." She placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hermione told me everything. How Draco was forced to take the mark, how the noseless fool threatened you and your family, and finally how she helped him in his trial and then they became friends."
"She talks a lot about Draco then. Another thing they have in common. Draco used to talk about her for hours." Narcissa chuckled.
"Don't tell anyone, but did you know Hermione had a crush on Draco? She told me he looked very good at the Yule Ball."
"Oh... Draco had a crush on Hermione as well, but don't ask him about that. He would never admit it. I honestly thought he would finally act on his feelings when they became friends during their eighth year." She said.
"Well they do look good together. Richard and I even assumed that they were a couple when they came to our house in Australia." Jean said.
She remembered that day very clearly. They were watching the TV when suddenly there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, she saw a blond man carrying her daughter bridal style. Hermione quickly told them who he was, and Draco laid her down on the couch. He kept on fussing over her, telling her not to move her ankle much, while Hermione told them how she had gotten hurt.
Draco wanted to use the healing spell on her, but since he hadn't really used one before, Hermione told him that she wanted to heal the Muggle way. After that, he had refused to allow her to walk on her own. When she would be lying down on the couch, Draco would sit at the edge, take her feet on his lap, and slowly massage her ankle.
Jean had smiled when she saw how much Draco cared for her daughter. She and Richard had thought they were dating, and he was just about to warn Draco not to hurt her when Hermione told them that he was her best friend. Jean would have never guessed it and would have probably asked them when they fell in love when Draco told her that he was married to Astoria.
"We were actually betting on them, that is, on how long it will take Draco to ask her out. When he told he wanted to introduce us to his girlfriend, I thought it would be Hermione, but it was Astoria." Narcissa said.
"Don't you like Astoria? I think she is a lovely girl."
"Oh no, I do like her. And she is indeed very lovely, and an amazing girl. It's just that we thought for so long that Hermione and Draco will end up together, but when they didn't, it was a bit of a surprise. That doesn't mean I am not happy for him and Astoria. I am very happy, and they are a great couple as well. I know how much they love each other, and Astoria certainly isn't like other Pureblood girls. She is a bit like Hermione. And Draco deserves to be with a person who loves him and cares for him. I am really happy for him and Astoria."
The two talked for a few more minutes, not noticing the person standing behind the pillar, listening to their talk.
The next day...
"I have to ask him." Hermione muttered.
She finally plucked up the courage to talk to him as she made her way to their office. It was just a harmless question, right?
Of course, she would understand if he thought she was weird and strange. That wasn't the issue at all.
The main issue was how to ask him.
She couldn't just go and say, "Hey Draco! Did you ever call me Mia? I had a strange dream about it. Thanks, bye."
Oh, and she couldn't tell him what she exactly saw in the dream either. That is, if you would call it a dream. Because it certainly didn't feel like that to Hermione.
Hermione wanted to forget everything about it. She certainly didn't want to talk to Draco about it. It's not like it was really special, or very important. But on the other hand, she would keep thinking about it, and would wish everytime that she had talked to him.
She finally made up her mind when she reached the office. She would talk to him, but before that she had to figure out how to broach the subject.
Hermione entered the office, and to her luck, it was empty. She looked at the watch and found that she had almost half an hour before Draco arrived.
Great, and now on how to ask him.
"I don't even know what she problem she has with it. I don't have any problem with it." Draco said.
"Uh? What?" Hermione asked him.
"I said I don't know what problem she had with it, and that I don't have any problem. You do know what I am talking about, right?" He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Uh...yes, I know. I agree with you. I don't know about her problem as well, nor do I have any problem."
"Am I dreaming?" Draco smacked his head. "Ouch! Nope, I am not dreaming. But did you just agree with me, instead of agreeing with my mother?"
"What?" Hermione blinked at him.
"You agreed with me, and that's a first. You don't have a problem with me calling you Granger. I don't know why mother has a problem with it." Draco shrugged.
"Ohh..." She muttered.
Perfect. She got the perfect opportunity to ask her question.
"Not that I have a problem with it, of course, but why do you call me 'Granger'?" Hermione asked him.
"I don't know." He shrugged. "Never really thought about it much. But I guess... Granger suits you. It's not like you have a bad name, of course. I have been calling you Granger for years. And old habits die hard."
"Hmm..." She nodded. "Have you ever considered calling me something else?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know." She repeated his words. "Something like a nickname. Definitely not 'Mione. It's pretty weird. Maybe something new, or unique."
Draco was silent for a few minutes. "How about Mia?"
"Mia?" She froze.
"Yeah, Mia." He nodded. "I think it's pretty good. I mean, it is not like I am going to call you that now onwards. I still prefer Granger. But maybe, if I want to tease you, I will call you Mia. What do you think?"
"I like it. Like you said, it is pretty good. Did you ever think about this name before?"
"I don't remember clearly, but I think I did. Remember we were having a conversation about constellations, and you said that my name was weird? I think I may have thought about a nickname for you that time." He said.
She remembered that conversation clearly. They had promised to do start gazing after that, but they never got the perfect opportunity.
"And if I did, I would have obviously thought Mia. I think it suits you. Mia... A really nice nickname. I like it." Draco smiled.
"We never did star gazing, right?" Hermione asked him, after hesitating for a moment. As fas she could remember, they never did that.
Draco froze as soon as she asked him that.
"W-what is with the questions?" He stuttered.
"Nothing." She shrugged. "I don't remember clearly, and I am curious. We did promise to do star gazing, remember?"
"We promised a lot of things, Granger, and we broke most of them." Draco looked away from her. "And no, we never star gazed. I don't think we ever got the... Right time, I guess." He sighed.
Hermione was confused. She knew she had broken some promises, but Draco? She couldn't remember a promise Draco had made, and broken afterwards.
What was he talking about?
Before she could ask him, he said, "Come on, let us start working on this case. We have wasted a lot of time already."
A few hours later...
"Saint Potter, if you aren't busy procrastinating, can we discuss this case?" Draco said as he entered his office.
"Are you ever nice and pleasant, Draco? Or is acting like this your second nature?" Harry rolled his eyes.
Draco just narrowed his eyes at him and sat down on the chair in front of him.
"Anyways, did you ever learn how to knock? And I don't think I told you to sit. You should be more polite, Draco." Harry said.
"As if you ever knock before entering my office." Draco muttered. "You would be a git if you think I am going to wait for you to tell me to sit."
Harry sighed. "I should tell Narcissa how humble you clearly are. Maybe she would teach you a few things."
"Can we please talk about the case?" Draco asked as Hermione entered the office. "Oh good, you are here, Granger. We should discuss the case."
For the next few minutes, the trio discussed the case. When that was done, Draco excused himself, and went back to his office while Hermione talked with Harry for a few more minutes.
"How are you? And, is being here okay for you?" Harry asked her.
"I am fine, Harry." She smiled. "It has been five years, and honestly, apart from a few times, I like being here. I missed you all so much."
"I know." Harry grinned. "How can you not miss me? I am an amazing best friend, and not to mention a very sweet and famous person."
"You clearly sound like Draco now." Hermione chuckled. "The two of you have so many things in common. You two should have been best friends in Hogwarts."
Harry shook his head. "That git has a huge ego. Anyways, speaking of Draco, is sharing an office with him okay?"
Hermione nodded. "I am fine, Harry, really. I just..."
"Do you still have a crush on Draco?" He asked her.
"I don't know. I think I may have a crush on him." Hermione said.
"Yeah just like I hate Snape."
Before she could say anything, they heard a THUD outside the office.
"Who is there?" Harry shouted as he and Hermione stood up and opened the door. There was nobody outside.
But just as he was about to go back to his office, he saw someone near the corner, but they quickly walked away, and out of his sight.
"Did you see anyone there?" Hermione asked as he sat back down.
"No. However, I saw someone near the corner. I couldn't see who it was, but I noticed the person's robe. It was navy blue colour."
Navy blue robe. An Auror's robe.
"Wonder who it was." Hermione said. "Anyways, you don't hate Snape anymore."
"Just like you don't have a crush on Draco anymore." He smirked at her.
"Damn." She shook her head. "I was hoping you would believe it. But of course, like you said, I don't have a crush on him anymore."
Harry laughed. "You are my best friend, Hermione, I know you nicely. Maybe even more than anyone as well, but clearly Draco will argue with me on that."
"True. Oh I hope whoever was outside your office, didn't hear our conversation. I should have thought about a silencing spell. Imagine if someone heard me saying I have a crush on Draco."
"Imagine if Draco heard that. It would have been really awkward, and I don't think he would have talked with you after that, maybe even for a long time." He said.
"I know. But thankfully he didn't as he is probably in our office now."
"Hermione... Are you sure you don't feel anything for him now?" Harry asked her.
"No." Hermione sighed. "It has been five years, Harry. I don't have feelings for him anymore. He is just my best friend. In fact, when my mother assumed that we were together, it was then when I realised I didn't have feelings for him. I know it is ironic that when somebody thought we were together, I realised I don't like him in that way. But it is what it is. That's the reason I avoided him for a few days. I was sure that I didn't have a crush on him anymore, but I wanted to give myself some time. And now, I can say that he is just my best friend, nothing more."
Harry nodded. "It's good then. I know that feeling something for him was one of the reasons why you didn't want to come back here, or be his partner."
"I am really happy for him, Harry. I know Astoria is a great girl, and how much they love each other. I may not have been here for the past five years, but I saw them when we were in Hogwarts. I was there when he asked her out, and they have been together ever since. I even met Astoria when I was avoiding Draco, and I really liked talking to her. She is my really close friend."
"Well then you will join Ginny and I for dinner at his house then? Astoria invited us, and told me to tell you as well to come to their house today."
"Definitely. I am sure we will have a great time. Let me know the time, okay?" Hermione said as she stood up.
"Okay, and wait," Harry handed her a wand, "It is Draco's wand. He forgot it here. Give it to him when you go back to the office. I am sure he must be either worrying about it, or coming here to get it."
A/N: That's it for this chapter. It was 4000+ words. Hope you guys liked it. I know nothing really special happened in it, but at least we got to know a bit more about Hermione's life, and how she became friends with Narcissa. And that she had a crush on Draco. I wanted to include one more scene in this, but since I thought this chapter was already long, it would be in the next chapter. Random question: Do you like Oliver Wood? Answer in the comments below. Vote, comment and please share my story. Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you!
Next chapter on 6/9/20(Sunday).
Until next time.
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