A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I don't know how many of you still remember Hermione's crimes, well their mention anyway, but I think they will be revealed in the next chapter or the one after that. Along with that, there will be probably one more revelation, but it's not confirmed yet. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out!
One week later....
Lucius sighed as he heard the cupboard doors being slammed closed. Trust his wife to throw a tantrum at nine o'clock in the morning.
Well, she had been in a sour mood all week. And he, for the life of him, couldn't figure out why.
It's not like Narcissa had never been angry at him before, of course she had been, and Lucius had suffered the consequences of her wrath as well. But this time, it was different.
No, this time instead of ignoring him, she was making sure that he knew she was angry. But at the same time, she wouldn't listen to him when he would try to talk with her.
"Stubborn woman." Lucius muttered, thinking that his son Draco definitely got his stubbornness from Narcissa.
And then of course- now wait a minute.
His son. Draco.
"Of course." He facepalmed himself. The reason of her being angry was in his mind all the time, and he just couldn't figure it out.
But he did it now, right? Ans surely that's all that matters, even if it took him a week.
He wasn't that, what did people say, ah yes, oblivious. If anything, he thought Draco was the oblivious one. Lucius, on the other hand, was just confused.
But surely his wife wouldn't get angry because of such a small reason. She should understand that he had to do that.
And she knew perfectly well why he had to do that, at least that is what Lucius thought.
There has to be something else she was angry over.
Too bad his wife was quite unpredictable.
He flinched when he heard her banging the table with the utensils. Now that was another matter. Lucius could swear he had never seen Narcissa entering the kitchen, let alone cooking food herself.
But that changed when she met Hermione Granger.
Draco's so called best friend.
Well, properly met her. Because as he clearly recalled, his wife hadn't been on friendly terms with the muggle born witch when she had met her before twice.
Once in Madam Malkin's shop before the start of his son's sixth year.
And the second, well, when the trio had been bought to the Malfoy Manor and his deranged sister in law had tortured the girl.
He would have never imagined that his own son would be friends with a muggle born, and be protective of her as well.
But that was nothing compared to what he had heard years ago. The way Draco talked about her then, one would think he was in love with her or something.
And when Draco had talked with him about something very important, according to Draco anyways, as Lucius considered it a waste of time, the older Malfoy could very well guess that his son wouldn't let anything ever happen to his best friend, ever.
No matter what.
As for what he had told Draco seven years ago, he never regretted saying that. Sure, his reasons might have been a little selfish, but that had no doubt saved Hermione's life, and that was all that mattered for Draco.
Sometimes, Lucius wondered what would his wife say when she would get to know what he had told Draco. They never had had a talk about telling her something, but still, neither he, nor Draco had told Narcissa about what they had talked.
And perhaps it was better this way only.
Speaking of his wife, Lucius' jaw had dropped when she had informed him that Hermione would be staying with them for the Winter break during Draco's eighth year. How could she even think of inviting that annoying little girl to their home?
But at that time, he wasn't able to say anything. Not only it would have made his wife unhappy, but Draco sure as well would have stopped talking to him as he hadn't forgiven his father for everything he had done until that moment.
Forgiveness. That reminded Lucius that he still owed Hermione for making his son forgive him. He remembered sneering at her when she had Draco to do that, but eventually, and very reluctantly, he admitted to being grateful to her.
Trust that Granger girl to not mind her own business.
But well if she could help him mend his relationship with his son, then who was he to say something?
Shaking his head, Lucius got up from his chair. He did not want to think about those memories anymore.
Making his way towards his wife, he noticed how she still kept ignoring him, even if she knew he was standing a few feet away from her.
He cleared his throat. She ignored him.
No answer.
"My love."
Again, no answer.
He sighed and walked closer to her. Lucius placed his hands on his shoulder, and cleared his throat. "Narcissa?"
"What?" She hissed as she turned around to face him. While waiting for his answer, she crossed her arms in front of her.
He flinched. He had never seen her this angry at him. But then again, he had never thought about doing what he had done either.
"Why are you mad at me?" He asked her.
"Really? Are you really going to ask me that question, Lucius?"
He tried reaching for her, but she pulled her hand away. "Cissa-"
"Don't you 'Cissa' me, Lucius!" Hse narrowed her eyes at him. "You will not get away with this."
"Listen to me, Narcissa. It was necessary, you know I had to do that." He tried to reason with her.
"No, I have no idea why you did that. But it was wrong, and I do not support you in doing this, Lucius Armand Malfoy."
And now he was in trouble. It was never good when Narcissa used someone's full name, specially when she was angry.
He had heard her calling Draco by his full name so many times, and the consequences had never been in his son's favor.
"Narcissa, please try to understand. You know why I hate all those mudb-," He stopped as he saw his wife glaring at him, "I mean, Muggle Borns."
"That doesn't mean you have the right to do what you did. Our son made his choice perfectly clear last week, you do remember his words, don't you? He said, and I quote, 'I will choose her any day.' There was no need of doing that." She shook her head at him.
"That doesn't mean his opinion and choice won't change. And now that he has received that letter, I am sure he will throw that piece of filth out of his house." Lucius too crossed his arms in front of him.
He was adamant that his son would do as he said.
Narcissa laughed. "Oh Lucius, it is so funny how you think that Draco would do that. I know my son, and he would do no such thing. Not only Hermione is very important to him, but also, he knows that if he even tried doing what you suggested, he would have to deal with me."
He was getting frustrated. Why can't she just understand his point? "Narcissa, when will you understand that Muggle Borns don't have any place in our lives. It's better if that girl and her kind stay away from my family."
"That girl has a name and it wouldn't hurt you to say it. Or perhaps you are scared of her?" She suggested.
"Scared?" He raised his eyebrows at her. "Why will I be scared of such an annoying and naive girl?"
"Remember what she told you in the bookshop, when you told her how Draco had told you everything about her? Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself. So maybe you won't day her name because you fear her."
Lucius could do nothing but blink at her. "Wha- Don't be absurd, Narcissa. That girl is nothing compared to me."
"Now who is being absurd? She is the brightest
Witch of her age, Lucius, and not to mention, she had punched our own son. Plus, we all know how she fought in the war. If not for the prophecy, she could have defeated Voldemort."
He did not like to remember a certain memory of his son's third year. "I still can't believe Draco let her punch him. She should have gotten a punishment for punching him."
Narcissa almost snorted. "Draco was a git that time, and we both know that perfectly well. Anyways, don't change the topic, you still shouldn't have sent that letter to Draco."
"I did what I had to. It was right for him, and Athy as well. I am just saving him from something that might happen in the future. You and Draco should be thankful to me." Lucius told her.
"Something that might happen, right? It's not like it will happen. You should let go of your hatred of Muggle Borns, Lucius. We fought a war because of blood purity, and we all know who lost."
"How dare you?" He glared at her. "You know perfectly well that I had let go of the whole blood purity thing a few years ago. And I only pretend that I still follow that in front of everyone because I couldn't let them find out the truth."
She sighed. "Just because it happened with you, Lucius, it doesn't mean that it will happen with everyone. You cannot stop Draco from doing whatever he wants to do."
"Mark my words, Narcissa, you will thank me in the future when Draco won't have to go through what I did."
"Perhaps you can just tell Draco why you hate Muggle Borns-"
"No!" He shouted. "Absolutely not. Whatever happened, is in the past now. And it should remain in the past, I have no intention of remembering that again and again. Maybe it was my fault, I should have just listened to what my father used to say."
"Hermione is not her, Lucius, she would never do something like that to our son, no matter what that girl did to you." She placed a hand on his arm and squeezed it.
"That's what I thought too, right? I thought she would be different, that she is not what my father told she would be like. But she proved me wrong, didn't she? Then what's the chance that the Granger girl wouldn't do the same to our Draco?"
"Have some faith in her, Lucius, I certainly do."
Draco smiled as he looked at the photographs on his bedroom wall. He was definitely thankful for Astoria for convincing him to put them on their room's wall.
Well if you could call threatening someone as 'convincing' them.
Seriously, his mother had had a bad influence on his wife.
Well, Hermione played an important role in making Astoria tease him.
He couldn't, for the life of him, understand why there was even a need to make fun of him. Draco was a perfectly innocent, and kind person, who never did anything wrong.
Why would you make fun of such an amazing person?
Shaking his head, he looked at the first photo. It was of their eighth year, when they had visited Hogsmeade before the Easter Holidays.
One of the main things he liked about this particular photo, was the perfect moment Theo had clicked it.
Hermione had just tripped and fallen face first on the ground. And instead of helping her up, Draco was laughing at her, so hard that he had to clutch his stomach with his hands.
Beside him, Astoria was glaring at him, and Blaise was shaking his head.
But what happened after that, was something he had not expected, and Draco was thankful that nobody had clicked a photo of that moment.
He was about to help Hermione, well at least think about doing that, but she had just grabbed his leg, and pulled him down on the ground beside her. Draco too, had fallen face first on the ground, and his hair had gotten covered in mud.
His hair, that had almost taken him two hours to make it perfect. It would have taken more, if he had used his gel, which he had a variety of.
But Hermione had thrown his hair products out of the Head Dormitory during the Winter Holidays, claiming that he didn't need any of them.
What would that annoying beaver know about the value of those precious products?
Her hair was a bird's nest.
It was like she had never heard of a thing called hair brush.
But then again, Draco wasn't sure if a hair brush that could tame her hair even existed. Poor thing, it may even break while she tried using it.
Back to the topic of photos, the one he mentioned above was definitely one of his most favourites.
As he walked beside those photos, he became engrossed in those memories. So many of them, and it didn't even feel like it had been years since he had left Hogwarts.
A photo of their Transfiguration class, in which Draco and Blaise had tried to prank Minerva McGonagall.
But of course, they had failed. And received detention as well and Draco had sighed in relief when they did not have to go to Forbidden Forest.
Next, a photo of their Potions Class, when they had brewed Amortentia. And Draco had discovered something while smelling the potion, and that was something he would never forget.
A photo of Slytherin winning the Quidditch Cup, after Draco had caught the snitch before Harry had even seen it. And Draco had boasted about that for a whole month.
Then, a photo of them playing Truth, Dare and Situation. He remembered muttering a few curse words at Ginny, when she had given him a dare to kiss Hermione.
When he had denied doing that, Blaise had told him to wear the costume of a ferret for two weeks and roam around in the halls.
Then there were photos of their whole group, minus Hermione of course. Also, the photos of their birthdays, Christmases and what not.
In the middle, there were photos of him and Astoria. When they had started dating, the day he had brought her to the Manor to visit his parents, his proposal and their wedding.
At the end, there were photos of their family. Draco, Astoria and Athy celebrating Halloween, Athy wearing the hideous ferret costume.
Them celebrating Christmas, and in one of the photos, Astoria was smacking his head because he had given Athy a broomstick, even though she wasn't even a year old that time.
Also, he had bought a Slytherin Quidditch jersey for her, declaring that Athy would be the best Seeker Hogwarts had ever seen.
Smiling softly, he remembered the moment Astoria had told him something very important.
"I hate Potter." Draco muttered as he looked through the report. As he had expected, he couldn't understand a single thing Harry had written.
According to him, Harry's handwriting was as bad as his behaviour, if not worse.
He should have learnt from Draco, people loved his penmanship, it was really elegant.
But then again, he wouldn't have learnt that if it weren't for Narcissa to call tutors in their home during his childhood.
It's not like he would admit that to his mother anyway, he hated those classes. He had to maintain his discipline in front of them, convincing them he was a proper, and obedient child.
Only his parents knew how much trouble Draco used to cause all the time. Breaking cups, disturbing the peacocks would be his favorite past time.
"Saint Potter. Couldn't even write properly without making a mess of it." He continued his muttering. "How he became an Auror, is beyond me."
"Draco?" Someone asked as they knocked on the door of his study.
"What?" He snapped, and turned around to see the idiot who had dared disturb him. But his eyes widened as he saw who it was.
"Oh I am sorry, Astoria." He apologized as he stood up. "You know how much I hate Potter and his rubbish reports. He shouldn't even be allowed to be an Auror, let alone one of the same level as me. You know, I am wondering if they would make me the Head Auror. How amazing it would be to order Potter around."
She shook her head and smiled at her husband. His and Harry's rivalry would never end, and it would only increase when their children would go to Hogwarts.
Speaking of that....
"I wanted to tell you something, Draco, otherwise I wouldn't have disturbed you." She said as he grabbed her hand and led her towards the couch.
"It's okay, you are an exception to my rule of no one disturbing me while I am working." He shrugged. "Now don't tell my mother that, otherwise she would come barging in here every time."
"You really think she would follow your rule, Draco?" Astoria raised an eyebrow at him.
"I mean, I do have spells warding my study."
"Clearly you have underestimated her." She chuckled. "You do remember she knows a lot of spells, right?"
"Well I am her son, and I can just use Legilimency on her to know which spell she is about to use on me." He replied.
Of course, it was a joke. He would never use Legilimency on his mother. He knew how bad the consequences could be if she ever got to know about that.
"Okay, so now about the thing I wanted to tell you." She took a deep breath, and faced her husband. "I took a test earlier today, and this is the result."
She handed him a pink coloured stick, and Draco had no idea what it was.
He kept moving it in his hands, and even brought it up to see if there was a secret message or something on it. He was about to take his wand out to check what it was, but thought better of it and instead asked his wife, "What is this, Tori?"
She sighed. She should have guessed that he would have no idea about this muggle thing. "This is a pregnancy test, a muggle one that is."
He nodded slowly. "So what does this sign mean?"
"This," She pointed to the test, "means positive. Which means I am pregnant."
His eyes widened. "Y-you are pregnant?"
She nodded.
"We are having a baby?"
Again, she nodded.
"I am going to be a father?"
"Yes, you dimwit." Astoria laughed. "Yes to all of those questions. Is that clear or do you have any more questions?"
Suddenly, he couldn't speak. All of his attention was focused on his wife, and the hand she had placed on her stomach.
Slowly, he placed his own hand on her, and whispered, "I.... Am going.... To be a father. We are having a baby." He looked up at her and grinned widely, "WE ARE HAVING A BABY!"
She nodded as tears glistened in her eyes. He pulled her up, and taking her in his arms, he twirled her around. "I love you so much, Tori. I just love you so much."
He put her down and kissed her again and again. "I can't tell you how happy I am. You.... You are just amazing."
She grinned at him and hugged him tightly. "You know what this means, right?"
"What do you me- oh wait, we will have to tell our parents." He said.
"Yes," She nodded, "They will already start buying items for our baby, and your mother will definitely start working on a nursery."
"Please don't tell me she will make it a Hufflepuff one?" He groaned. "Why can't she understand that I hate that house?"
Astoria chuckled. "You should thank Salazar that you didn't end up in Hufflepuff. Imagine this, Draco Malfoy in Hufflepuff."
"I would have looked hideous in those robes and in that house. I wouldn't have given a second thought before telling all of them to sod off."
"I know, this is the reason you didn't end up in that house. You cannot help being a prat, can you?" She wrapped her arms around his neck.
He smirked and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You shouldn't insult your husband, Astoria, especially if he is an amazing person."
"You? Amazing?" She laughed. "More like egotistical, Draco. And not to mention cocky as well."
"Not you too, Tori." He said as he buried his face in her neck.
Flashback over
Draco shook his head as he remembered how his mother had started rambling about the Hufflepuff nursery when he and Astoria had told her and his father the news.
He would never be able to understand why his mother loved that weird house, also known as Hufflepuff so much.
As he looked at the picture in which his daughter was wearing the ferret costume, he remembered another one of his favourite memory.
Draco was polishing his latest Firebolt when he heard someone clapping.
Turning around, he saw his daughter playing with her stuffed ferret and clapping at him as well. He put his broom away and sat down on the floor, next to Athy.
Before he could even say anything, Athy smiled at him and said, "Dada!"
Draco blinked at her. Did she just-
"Dada!" She giggled at him.
"TORI!" He shouted. "Come here. ASTORIA!" All the while, he kept his eyes on the little girl sitting next to him.
"What happened?" Astoria asked as she entered the room, but he silenced her. Narrowing her eyes, she walked towards them and sat down on Athy's other side.
"Dada!" Athy repeated as she played with her toy.
Astoria's eyes widened. "Did she just-"
"Yes!" He grinned at her. Picking up his daughter in his arms, he told her, "Come on, Athy, who am I?"
"Dada." She smiled at him and picked up her toy with her hands.
Draco couldn't stop grinning at her, and he hugged her tightly. "You, my sweetheart, are my world. I love you, my baby."
"Uhh Draco?" Upon hearing Astoria's voice, he looked up at her. "See what our dear daughter is doing."
Frowning, he looked down at her. What he saw, was something he didn't whether to shake his head, or curse Granger for giving her that stupid toy.
Athy, was pointing at the stuffed ferret, and shouting, "Dada!"
Astoria laughed. "Looks like even our daughter knows that you had become a ferret once, Draco."
Flashback over
He would have happily thought about all those memories, if his gaze hadn't landed upon the letter lying on his desk.
The letter that his father had sent him a week back.
Glaring at the piece of parchment, and picked it up. Sitting down on his bed, he read that stupid letter for what seemed to be the hundredth time.
I am not going to bother with the greetings, we all know that you would just skip them. Although if it were up to you, then you would have burnt this letter just as you received it.
Thank Salazar your mother taught me this spell, it would ensure that this letter would not get destroyed until you send a reply.
Back to the matter of this letter.
You see, I noticed how that Granger girl had been roaming around you like an annoying fly ever since she came back.
You can't dent that she is not annoying.
Salazar knows why Narcissa loves her so much.
Anyways, the reason I am writing this letter is that I want you to stay away from that annoying Muggle Born. She has no right to be in your house, and it would be better if you just throw her out.
Filth like her don't deserve to be in our presence.
And I am speaking this from experience, Draco, they don't deserve our time nor our patience.
One day, they would be the cause of our destruction.
Draco looked up from the letter as he heard noises in the room next to his.
He stepped out from his room, and saw Hermione standing in front of Astoria's portrait, doing Merlin knows what.
Looking back at the letter, he sighed.
If you do not throw her out of your house within three weeks, Draco, you will get disinherited.
And I won't change my decision, no matter what. Even Narcissa wouldn't be able to convince me otherwise.
A/N: That's it for this chapter. It was 4000+ words. Hope you guys liked it. I am sorry if it was weird, I had been so tired when I wrote this, and I just couldn't figure out how to write the scenes I wanted to include in it. Random question: If you could meet one HP character, who would it be? Answer in the comments below. Vote, comment and please share my story. Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you!
Next chapter on 22/11/20(Sunday).
Until next time.
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