A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. I apologise if it was overwhelming, but I hadn't showed how everyone had been affected because of the war in Another Chance, so I wanted to include that in it. I tried to keep it as short as I could, and I loved the words Draco had told Hermione (the scene where he says life is worth living). The ending line of that paragraph was inspired by a song, 'Life Is Worth Living' by Justin Bieber, and I absolutely love it. Read the A/N at the end to find out when the next chapter will be out. On with the chapter!
Draco had a nightmare.
Actually, he wasn't sure if it was a nightmare or not.
What do you actually call a dream that you were pleased to have, but as soon as you wake up, it affects you worse than a nightmare would?
That was Draco's situation.
To be honest, he didn't regret having that dream, not at all. He would do anything to see her again, even if it meant him suffering afterwards.
And the dream he had had, it was one of his favourite memories of her. Of them.
He still remembered how nervous he had been before he had plucked up the courage to do that.
Of course, how could he forget about his nervousness? Blaise and Theo still teased him about that constantly.
Just you wait, Draco would tell them, just you wait until it is your turn. I will get my revenge, idiots.
And his turn was soon approaching, he reckoned. There wasn't much time left until one of his best friends asked a certain question to a certain someone.
Although he was happy for them, he still couldn't understand what Pansy had even seen in Blaise.
Seriously, Blaise? That git had a huge ego, even bigger than that of Draco.
Well it's not like Draco thought he had a huge ego. It wasn't called ego, according to him. It was just his pride, and confidence in himself.
Aside from the fact that Blaise had a huge ego, he was annoying. Really annoying. There were days where Draco was that close to hexing him.
Perhaps turning him into a ferret would be better. Imagine Blaise Zabini as a ferret.
Maybe then his friends would stop teasing him, and instead make fun of Blaise.
And his mother, she was honestly one of the most unpredictable people he had ever met.
When he had thought that she would angry that someone had punched her son, she had just said that he had probably deserved it.
Then she had told him to warn the Dunderhead Trio that the Death Eaters were after the Muggle Borns during the Quidditch World Cup. He had to tried to warn them, though his words had been cruel, and he knew that perfectly well. But it's not like if Draco had tried to warn them in a sickeningly sweet and friendly tone, that they would have believed him. They would not have. So he had to use those words, and it had become one of the things he has grown to regret. But, he had thought at that time, better that muggle born Granger hating me, then leaving this world.
Next, he had thought his mother would just go to Hogwarts, and shout at Moody (well, Barty Crouch Jr.) for turning her precious son into a ferret. But she had had a good laugh when Theo had told her that news, even if Draco had warned him not to.
And last but not the least, she had invited Hermione to their penthouse during his eighth year. While he knew that his mother had never been that supportive of the blood purity thing, and had probably never hated Hermione, Draco had never thought that his mother would willingly invite her to their home for the holidays, and even apologise to her.
Anyways, we are getting off topic here. Back to the matter of his dream.
So where were we? Oh right, Draco had been damn nervous before asking her a particular question. And he didn't know whether or not he was supposed to be grateful to his friends for helping him.
"Okay then, don't you dare mess this up, Draco Malfoy." Pansy said as she crossed her arms in front of her.
"I agree. Otherwise I don't want you barging into our house at two o'clock in the morning, crying and shouting because she said no." Blaise snickered.
Draco glared at him. He would get back at that git later. Maybe he would use a few spells from the spell book present in the Malfoy Library.
Yes, he did name the library he had at his home 'The Malfoy Library'. How freaking original, isn't it?
But there was something weirder than that. And it was the paper he had sticked on the wall outside, which stated, "Nobody, and I mean nobody is allowed to take even a single book from here without my permission. And yes, that includes you as well, Mother. -Draco Lucius Malfoy."
But it's not like his mother, or anyone else would have followed his rules.
"Now now, Blaise, there is no need to make him nervous, is it? And for the record, he is allowed to come to our home whenever he wants to. Last I checked, he was still our best friend." Pansy told him.
"Of course. But I wouldn't prefer dealing with him at two o'clock in the morning, crying because his girlfriend realised what a git he was." Blaise shrugged.
"I swear I will kill you if you said one more word, Zabini." Draco growled at him. "You know better than to test me."
"Oh sure, go on, Drakey. And then you can enjoy asking her that question from Azkaban. Maybe we can even come visit you there, you know? Should I book a grand cell for you there now?" Blaise smirked at him, but realised his mistake a little too late.
Azkaban. It was still a sore topic for them to discuss about. Even if it had been years since the war ended, Draco still and nightmares about it, often ending up in Azkaban in them. He had been that close to going to that godforsaken place, and he would have, if it hadn't been for Hermione and Harry to testify for him.
Because of course Ron had not spoken in his favour, even if Hermione had requested him to.
And his decision to do that was because of several reasons, but we will talk about that later.
"I am sorry, Draco. I had said that as a joke, because-" Blaise started but his best friend cut him off.
"Because it is perfectly normal for you all to discuss or joke about that as you had not almost gone to that place, right? Because that deranged Voldemort had chosen me to fulfill that task as a punishment, and I still have this mark on my arm which disgusts me everytime I look at it. And because of this, I'll never be more than a Death Eater to almost everyone no matter how much I have given to the Wizarding World after the war. No matter I became an Auror to catch those Death Eaters so that those witches and wizards could finally live in peace. It never matters, does it? Because they would never look past my name, and I will always be a filthy Death Eater to them." Draco yelled and turned away from them.
Blaise frowned. People had no idea how much he hated Voldemort for several reasons, but the most important one has to be for ruining Draco's life.
Well he was extremely grateful to Potter and Co. for whatever they did, and he knew Draco was too, but of course, to expect Draco to go and hug Harry and thanking him was just crazy.
He knew how Draco's eyes had widened and Harry's jaw had dropped when Hermione had told them to hug and thank each other during their eighth year.
Pansy smiled sadly at her boyfriend, and then hugged Draco. "I am so sorry, Draco. We are really sorry, for what you had to go through, and for what you are going through now." She pulled back and ruffled his hair.
"Pansy," He groaned. "How many times must I tell you not to mess up my perfect hair? You do know it takes hours to style them perfectly?"
"Oh hush." She shook her head at him. "You look so weird in your slicked back hairstyle. Astoria would run away before you even get the chance to talk to her if you go like this."
Draco shook his head as well and then turned towards Blaise. "If I mess up, then I am blaming you, Blaise."
"And if you succeed, will I get an award then?" He asked, smiling smugly at him.
Blaise recieved a book to his face.
Flashback over
Draco sighed as he remembered how he had almost messed up. When he was younger, he had never believed in commitment. In promises.
But that had changed because of a certain witch, who first made him believe in commitment, in promises.
And then she had left him.
But it would be wrong to say that Draco blamed her. He had done that, until a few months after she had left. Sure, it had hurt him. But at least, she had been happy, right? Because if she was happy here, then she wouldn't have left. And if she was happy, then Draco didn't have any problem.
So it was safe to say that Draco was afraid he would back out at the last moment. That he would leave and hurt Astoria like someone else had done to him.
He had thought about asking Astoria for months now. But whenever he would have almost did, he would remind himself that it was too soon. That she wouldn't say yes, and maybe even end their relationship.
But if a certain someone had taught him something, it was hope. Hope was something that was more powerful than any spell. Because if you had hope, you had everything.
And so, when he had gone to his girlfriend's house to pick her up for their date, he had a hope. Hope that everything would turn out well. Hope that she will be with him forever.
Draco smiled as Astoria walked towards him. She as wearing a green coloured knee length dress. His favourite colour. Cliché, isn't it?
Before she had the chance to even ask him where they were going, he grabbed her hand and apparated them to Paris.
"D-draco? Where are we?" Astoria asked as she looked around. She would have said something else, but before she could do that, her eyes fell upon the Eiffel Tower.
Her jaw dropped. Paris? He had taken them to Paris for a simple dinner? Astoria knew he was extravagant, but this was on a whole different level.
"I know you don't like me spoiling you too much, but trust me, you are going to love this surprise." Draco grinned at her, and grabbed her hand once again.
He led her towards 'La Magie Ruelle', which was similar to the Diagon Alley. After they had entered the magical world of Paris, he took out two tickets from his pocket, and gave them to a wizard standing in front of a hotel.
"Bienvenue Monsieur," He told Draco, and then towards Astoria, "Et Madame." (French for Welcome Sir and Madame. Also, please note that I do not speak French, so blame Google if the translation isn't correct.)
The couple smiled at him, and entered the hotel. "Come on, we have to go the hall." Draco muttered, and placed her hand on the small of her back.
Astoria gasped as they entered inside the hall. There was a concert going on. A concert of her favourite singer.
"I-is he- Am I dreaming?" She asked the blonde wizard standing next to her.
He chuckled and shook his head. "You most certainly aren't. Now come on, we don't wanna miss this concert now, do we?"
As they stood directly in front of the stage, courtesy to the tickets Draco had bought, Astoria turned towards him. "How did you even manage to get those tickets? I know for a fact that they must have been really expensive. Do you really had to waste your money, Draco?"
He sighed. He had expected this reaction. "Darling, I am a Malfoy. I have connections, and I so manage to get the tickets. And don't worry about the price. He wasn't going to perform in London until next year, and I knew how much you wanted to go to his concert, so I bought the tickets, and brought us here."
"You have done this for me, and I can't even you scold you right now, Draco." Astoria muttered but smiled as he wrapped an arm around her waist.
As the singer ended the last song of the day, Draco started fidgeting. Perhaps it had been a bad idea. Maybe she wouldn't like what he was about to do.
He looked towards the singer, whom Draco had told about his plan, and saw that he was gesturing for them to come on the stage.
He nodded and climbed up the stairs on the side, Astoria, though following him, was looking at him in confusion.
He made her stand in the centre and then held her hands in his. "Astoria.... Where should I start?" He let out a chuckle, and then continued, "I have never been good with words. I have never known how to deal with emotions, and if I try doing that, I mess up everytime. You.... You entered in my life, in a sense, when I needed someone to be there for me, to be there with me. You have been the one ever since, and you continue to be. You made me a person who was proud of himself. You stood by me, and didn't even complain once no matter what I said to you. Tori, you never left me, even when you received howlers for being with me. I guess what I am trying to say, you have been someone, whom I can trust, who I know would never leave me. And, someone, whom I know that I can spend my whole life with, and never regret that decision. I have made so many mistakes in my life, Astoria, and yet you accepted me. You chose to be with me, and for that, I couldn't be more grateful to you."
With that, he bent down on his knee, and took out a small box from his pocket. Holding her one hand with his, and the other holding the box, Draco said, "I want to be with you forever, Tori, and that is not just an empty promise. I would do anything for you, because you are my love. Love of my life, and waking up next to you every morning ultimately puts a smile on my face. Pretty sure I did a bad job of expressing my feelings right now, but that doesn't change the truth. I guess what I am trying to ask is, will you marry me, Astoria? Will you be with me forever? Will you stay by my side?"
Everyone stood in silence as they waited for her answer. "No." Astoria said.
"No?" He panicked. He knew it was a bad idea and yet he had done this. "Astoria, I-"
She chuckled and knelt down in front of him. "Scared you, did I?" Before he could say something, she added, "Did you really think I will say no?"
His eyes widened. "So does that mean-"
"Yes, you fool! Yes! I'll marry you." She grinned as everyone around them started cheering for the couple.
Flashback over
Draco sighed as he looked at the clock. His parents would be arriving here after a few minutes.
He just hoped his mother was able to convince his father to behave.
Because if he didn't, then there was going to be a problem.
"Why is she after me?" Harry groaned as he looked at the front page of the Daily Prophet. "Doesn't she have anything better to do?"
There, on the front page of the Daily Prophet, was the heading, 'Hermione Granger has become Auror Harry Potter's Chosen One. Our sources have confirmed that romance is blooming between the two, despite Potter being married to his best friend's sister.'
Below it, was a photograph of him and his best friend-cum-sister hugging and Harry kissing her forehead.
"So Harry, cheating on my sister, are you?" Ron smirked as he entered his fellow Auror and partner's office.
"Not you too." Harry glared at him. "Rita freaking Skeeter is enough as it is. I can't believe she is still after this stupid story. Didn't she learn anything when Hermione had captured her in the glass jar?"
"Seems like she didn't." Ron sat down in front of his desk. "How did she even get this photo anyways?"
"I have no idea." He shook his head. "But this happened during our eighth year. I think a few weeks before we graduated. Something had happened, and Hermione was crying. So I was there for her, nothing less and nothing more. And Ginny knows about that."
"Why was she even crying?"
Because she was in love with Draco who had asked Astoria to be his girlfriend in front of her.
Well, that was one of the reasons.
Because she had done something very wrong and had no idea how to deal with it.
Oh and also because she was afraid that she would have to go to Azkaban because of that, and everybody would hate her.
But it's not like Harry could tell those reasons to Ron, right? So, he said, "Uhh I don't remember really. It had happened almost seven years back, you can't expect me to remember everything, Ron."
"Right because you had almost forgotten Ginny's birthday as well a year back. Thank Merlin Hermione reminded you. Speaking of, do you know where Hermione is? I haven't seen her in days?"
Imagine telling Ron that Hermione was in his so called enemy's home. Fraternizing with the enemy of course, according to the red haired wizard.
"W-why are you asking that, Ron?" Harry asked as he took a sip of his coffee.
"You remember how I had went on that date a few days back?" Ron asked, and Harry nodded in reply.
The Chosen One hoped his best friend would find someone special, like he had. And he seriously wished that Ron didn't have feelings for a certain witch anymore.
"So it made me realise something." Ron said. "Aren't you going to ask what?"
"Nah. Not really interested in those matters. I am not one for the gossip, you know? Better go and talk with Ginny if you want any gossip." Harry raised his eyebrows at him, while drinking his coffee.
"Whatever." Ron shrugged. "I am still going to tell you. It made me realise that I still have feelings for a certain witch."
No. This cannot happen. Please don't let it be her, Harry thought.
"Harry, I am still in love with Hermione." Ron looked down at his hands.
Harry spat out his coffee.
Which ruined the Daily Prophet, but he didn't give a damn about that. He would have burnt the paper as soon as he had finished reading if it weren't for Ron to disturb him.
He didn't know how to feel about this. Harry knew for a fact that Hermione didn't return his feelings, even if she wasn't in love with Draco anymore. She had told him that it was just a stupid crush she had on Ron, but soon discovered that they were better off as friends. Hermione's first love had been Draco, and he will always be special to her.
"And I think I am going to ask Hermione to be my girlfriend." Ron said, not caring about the expression on Harry's face.
He stopped walking and turned around to see Hermione standing in front of Athy's room. He had heard a 'floosh' a few moments ago, indicating that his parents had arrived through the floo.
"I just, you know.... I just thought that it might be better if you go and meet your parents, alone." Hermione tucked a curl behind her ear, and added, "They don't know that I am here, right? And I don't think your father will like it if he got to know about that."
Draco nodded. "But I think Mother would have probably told him to not use any derogatory word towards you. And if he does.... Then I guess he will have to face her wrath."
"Okay." She smiled at him, one which he didn't return. "I will just stay here. Athy is sleeping and is probably going to wake up soon."
Again, he nodded. He had just turned around towards the stairs, when he felt her grasp his wrist. "Draco.... Are you okay? I think I just heard you crying and shouting a few minutes back. And you look paler than usual. Do you want something? Or are you hungry? I can just-"
He pulled his hand out of her grasp and walked away. When he was almost at the end of the corridor, he looked at her over his shoulder.
"You needn't care about me, Granger." He told her. "I am no better than I was when she left." He looked back towards the stairs, and continued, "I don't need your pity. And you should mind your own business."
And with that, he climbed off the stairs. Hermione sighed as she turned around and entered Athy's room.
"Whom were you talking to, Draco? Upstairs? We heard voices." Lucius asked as he saw his son enter the living room.
"No one. You must have imagined that, Father." Draco looked at him for a brief moment, before his mother took a step forward and hugged him.
"How are you, my little Dragon?" She pulled away and cupped his cheek.
Draco closed his eyes for a moment, and leaned into her hands. "I am existing." He opened his eyes and stepped away from her.
Narcissa sighed as she the tell tale signs of her son using Occlumency to stop focusing on his emotions. He had never been the one to openly tell his feelings, but ever since he had mastered both Legilimency and Occlumency, she felt as if he had become more closed off than before.
"Where is Athy?" Lucius asked as they all sat down on the couches.
"Upstairs. She is sleeping." Draco replied. "What brings you two here?"
Narcissa leaned forward and placed her hand on his bicep. "We just wanted to see how you adn Athy were. I tried sending you letters, but you didn't respond. So, I had to sent my patronus."
He nodded. "I haven't the mail since the past few days. My phone is also not charged. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone."
"I understand." She squeezed his bicep. "But Draco, you can't just stay in your home, forever, right? You need someone to talk to, otherwise this is going to harm you, my Dragon." She looked at Lucius, and then back at him. "I know you are hurting right now, but you have to be strong, you know? For Athy's sake. Perhaps you can talk to your best friend Hermione, even if just for a few minutes. It will help you."
She heard Lucius scoff beside her. He still wasn't used to the idea of son being best friends with a Muggle born.
Draco gulped. He hated lying to his mother, but at that moment, it felt the right thing to do. "I-I am not ready to talk to anyone right now, Mother, much less her. I just want to be alone right now. I'll talk with her when I am ready."
She nodded and pulled her hand back. She was just about to say something, when they heard someone cry upstairs.
The ex Slytherin seeker looked at the stairs and sighed. "Looks like Athy woke up. Excuse me." He had just stood up, when he heard Hermione trying to sooth Athy.
Her voice could be heard perfectly, and if it not for that, then the way Athy shouted, "Mi!" would have surely told his parents that he had been lying.
"Draco," He turned around to face his mother, "Is Hermione upstairs?"
"What gave it away?" He scratched the back of his neck, pretending to know nothing about what she was saying.
"Don't lie to me. I think we all heard Athy crying, and someone trying to sooth her, and unless I am really mistaken, I think that voice was Hermione's." She said. "So tell me, is she upstairs?"
Might as well tell the truth, he thought. "Yes. Granger- she is in Athy's room right now. I was staying at her place for two days before we came here, the reporters wouldn't leave my house. And, I needed to be alone, she knew that, so she told me that she would stay with Athy."
"I can't believe this." Lucius muttered and stood up. "Your wife just died a few days back, and you are already getting together with the mudblood!"
"Are you crazy?" Draco yelled at him. "I am not getting together with her. She just stayed here because I wasn't in the right condition to take care of my daughter. I apologise for having a breakdown instead of looking after her. And how many times I have told you not to call her that word, Father?"
He rolled his eyes. "I know you, son. I know you have had feelings for that girl. And now that you are free, you have decided to stay with her."
Draco grabbed his father by his collar before he could stop himself. "Don't you dare." He hissed. "Don't you dare talk like that, Father! You have no idea what I am feeling right now, how I was after Astoria left. And you sure as hell don't get to talk like that with me or anyone else in my home."
Lucius glared at him and pushed his hands away. "Did you see that, Narcissa? This boy has the guts to treat his father like that. I don't know what that mudblood had done to make him like this-"
"ENOUGH!" This time it was Narcissa who yelled at him. "Not a word more, Lucius. We are going back now."
But he didn't understand. "I am giving you a chance, Draco. Throw that girl out of your home right now, or you can stay away from us. I won't tolerate her staying here. Choose now, Draco."
The said person looked at his mother, and silently apologised. "I will choose her anyday." With that, Draco turned around, climbed the stairs and went to his room.
A few minutes later, Hermione knocked on his door, and entered. He was sitting on his bed, his hands covering his face. "You shouldn't have said that, Draco. They are your parents."
"And you are my best friend." Draco removed his hands and looked at her and his daughter whom she holding in her hands. "End of discussion."
She sighed and sat down on the bed next to him. "You can't be like that, Draco. You can't treat people like that. He's your father, and the way you reacted...."
"He was talking about you like-"
"I know he was. But whatever he said doesn't change the truth, nor your opinion. And what about Athy? Do you know how you being like this is affecting her? You haven't said a word to her ever since Astoria left, for Godric's sake!"
"Stay out of this, Granger. You don't get to tell me how I treat people. It doesn't affect you, so just shut up." He told her.
"No, I won't. I will not let you become like your father, Draco, and be so distant to Athy. You told me how Lucius was so distant to you, and how your childhood was ruined. I won't let you do the same, Draco, even if you insult me or something." Hermione narrowed her eyes at him.
"You-" Draco was about to retort when he looked at Athy's face, and the expression she was looking at him with. The love he saw in her eyes, the innocent way she grinned at him, and the way she held her hands out to him, was enough to bring him out of the trance he had put himself in after Astoria had left.
"Salazar," He muttered as he finally took her in his hands. "What have I done?"
"You haven't done anything, Draco. You were hurting, and you wanted to be alone. But now, you have to be here for Athy. Don't turn into your father, Draco, otherwise you'll regret this forever."
He reached for her hand and squeezed it. "I won't. I promise you that I won't. Athy is my priority right now, and I'll never do anything to make her feel like she isn't important to me."
Hermione smiled weakly at him. In that moment, she felt like they would be fine. Everything would be fine.
But that changed when they received Lucius' letter.
A/N: That's it for this chapter. It was 4700+ words. Hope you guys liked it. I enjoyed writing the flashbacks, but I feel like the third and fourth scene were a bit rushed. Random question: Opinion on Harry Potter? Answer in the comments below. Vote, comment and please share my story. Reviews are always appreciated. Thank you!
Next chapter on 15/11/20(Sunday).
Until next time.
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