Chapter 12
Written by OriginalVampire01
Liza's POV
"Look Elijah it has been a pleasure talking to you, but I have to meet up with a friend," I quickly came up with anything to get out of this conversation and ran before he can stop me. I went in the house and into my room very quickly. As I was getting some clothes I cut my palm.
"Shit." I said out loud.
Niklaus came rushing in.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
As soon as he saw my palm, the veins appeared around his eyes. He came closer to me and I knew what he was about to do.
"Niklaus! Don't! Back away," I said firmly taking a step backwards.
He used his vampire speed; before I knew it he was in front of me with his fangs drawn out and I knew he was ready to attack. I tried to push him away but I failed and as soon as his fangs touched the skin around my neck I screamed, I screamed louder than I have ever had. I closed my eyes, standing still in fear. Seconds later the pressure was relieved from my throat. I opened my eyes and saw Kol holding Nik down before snapping his neck.
"There don't worry, you're safe for now just be careful next time. I heard it's bad to cut yourself in a house full of vampires," He warned winking at me, before leaving the room.
I took his advice to heart, I needed training. I had been too dependent on being a vampire, I had no idea how to defend myself now in a normal human form. Luckily, I know just where to get it.
"Jeremy, hey it's me," I said.
"Lisa, hey what's up?" He asked.
"I was just wondering if you are free today?" I questioned.
"Yeah sure, why?"
"Meet me outside your house. I'll be there in twenty minutes. Oh and get your training gear," I told him.
"What for?" He asked obviously confused.
"You'll see just get them okay?" I told him and hung up.
I got dressed into some training wear and went straight over to his house. A few minutes later he came out.
"Good let's go," I said and started walking towards the woods.
"Where are we going?" He asked.
"To the woods, I need you to teach me how to defend myself," I explained to him.
"What for? You do realize you live with the original family right?" He asked sarcastically.
"Yes I'm very aware of that thank you," I answered rolling my eyes.
"That's exactly why I need training, I cut my palm earlier and the second Nik saw the blood he attacked me, please Jer I need this," I pleaded with him, "I'm not safe anymore. They don't care for me how they once did, I am just human blood bag to Nik now, and I can't defend myself like this."
"Fine lets go, but if you get bruised that's on you," He warned me and I laughed.
"I think I'll be fine," I said still laughing.
We began to walk in to the woods. We kept walking for a while until we reached a spot where he stopped.
"Here is far enough," He said and placed the dummy down he was carrying.
"Here," He said and threw me boxing gloves and pulled out another one for him and we both put them on.
"First lesson," He said.
"I thought you were going to teach me how to defend myself against vampires, not beat you up," I laughed at him and before I knew it he knocked me on the ground.
"Don't get ahead of yourself," He explained and I laughed while he offered me a hand to pull me up and I took it.
"For the record I totally let you do that," I said trying to hide my embarrassment.
It was so different being human again. I could have snapped him like a twig before everything happened, now I felt like he had punctured my kidney with one tackle.
"Sure you did," He said playing along and I laughed.
"Come on hit me," He said as we both got into position again. I threw a punch at him but he dodged it.
"That's the best you've got?" He said laughing and I threw another one at him but he dodged it again.
"Damn it Liza I thought that you're going to give me a real fight," He said laughing, "I thought the Mikaelson's would have taught you better than this."
I tried throwing another one but when he fought back, I tripped over a branch landing on the ground.
"Crap," I said and he laughed, when I saw him laughing that hard I joined n.
"Lisa, don't take this the wrong way but you definitely need help," He said as he pulled me up.
"You think?" I asked sarcastically.
He was trying to stifle a laugh as I wiped the leaves from my clothes that had become stuck to them when I landed on the ground.
"Are you okay?" he questioned, "I thought you'd kick my arse."
"You clearly didn't remember that I was 18 when I became a vampire, and in those days girls didn't fight, we picked flowers and were courted by gentlemen. That was nine hundred years ago, I became very dependent on my vampire abilities. As a vampire I am very much able to kill everyone in this town before one of you could even touch me, as a human, I'm a danger to myself and everyone even a four year old could easily injure me."
He let out a deep chuckle.
"When I'm done with you I will have you completely capable of putting up with a fight with a vampire. But by the time I teach you to do that, you will probably have the originals back to keeping you safe," he smiled.
"Am I really that bad at this?" I sighed.
"I won't sugar coat it, you are very bad at fighting, but I can change that."
We kept practicing for a couple of hours until it was nightfall.
I went back home and I began to get ready to take a shower. The bruises and cuts on my entire body were now completely clear. I realized tonight that I need to be more careful. The originals didn't remember me as the Liza who they raised and loved as their own. They could attack me as if I was any other human. I was basically a sitting duck here, ready to be killed by them if I wasn't careful. I needed to remind myself that I'm no longer a vampire, I'm human and this makes me way more vulnerable to everything around me. I needed to be more careful otherwise I'll end up dead.
Author's Note:
I hope that you liked this chapter, it was written by OriginalVampire01, but I added a few bits here and there.
This is the first chapter that you guys have written. If you'd like more information on this go to the chapter named Continuing the Story. If you are interested in writing one of the future stories then PM me or comment and I'll add you to the list.
Thank you.
Charlotte. c:
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