Rosaline quietly stood behind Master Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan on the ship. She did not wish to be there. She knew something was amiss; she could feel it as clear as day and worried more for Dahlia.
"Tell them we wish to board at once."
Rosaline heard Qui-Gon talking to the captain and knew they were going to land, she just hoped that nothing would be done and everything would go smoothly. She knew it wouldn't.
Once they all exited the ship they were met with a protocol droid that led them to the conference room. The droid left the room as quickly as it entered to get its master. Rosaline felt a sense of unease. She had hoped the whole thing would be quick and easy.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-Wans voice tinged with suspicion.
"I don't sense anything"
"It's not about the mission Master, it's something... elsewhere, elusive"
Rosaline stared at Obi-Wan her eyes widening a bit.
"Don't center on your anxiety, Obi-Wan. Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs."
"Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future."
"But not at the expense of the moment" Be mindful of the living force, my young Padawan."
"Yes, Master... how do you think the trade viceroy will deal with the chancellor's demands?"
"These Federation Types are cowards. The negotiations will be short."
Rosaline knew they wouldn't. Once again the feeling of unease had found her.
"Is it in their nature to make us wait this long?"
"No. I sense an unusual amount of fear for something as trivial as this trade dispute."
Just then a droid came in with drinks offering it to the three, the two men accepted it while Rosaline denied it.
Soon after an explosion was heard and all three Jedi jumped up pulling their lightsabers out. Rosaline looked down to see gas coming out of the vents.
The three inhaled and started holding their breath
"Negotiations haven't started because the ambassadors aren't there?"
Dahlia sat straight on Padme's left side, listening to Senator Palpatine speak.
"How can that be true? I have assurances from the chancellor his ambassadors did arrive."
The hologram started to distort "It must- handiwork- negotiate- ambassadors-"
"Senator Palpatine. What's happening?" The queen asked
"Check the transmissions generator"
"A communications disruption could mean only one thing: invasion"
At that word, Dahlia started to worry but she dared not show it. "The Federation would not dare go that far." Queen Amidala stated
"The senate would revoke their trade franchise, and they'd be finished," Captain Panaka said
Dahlia walked down the stairs dressed in one of the queen's outfits, she'd always found them to be an uncomfortable thing to wear and today was no different.
"How will you explain this invasion to the senate?"
"The queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I have assurances it will be ratified by the Senate."
"I will not cooperate," Dahlia said lowering her voice an octave
"Now, now, Your Highness. In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see our point of view."
As they were taken down the stairs and outside the only thing on Dahlia's mind, was how uncomfortable that dress was.
Rosaline looked at all the girls walking, and even with all of them being disguised she was able to tell, Dahlia was the one playing queen at that moment.
Before she knew it she was watching Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan jump down and cut through the droids, after they were done she jumped down as well, "How uncivilized" She said.
Obi-Wan couldn't help but to look at her confused.
"We should leave the street. Your Highness," Qui-Gon said
Dahlia nods, and starts to move with the other handmaidens across the street, Rosaline was immediately behind Dahlia walking her somewhere safer.
The group ends up in an alley between two buildings "Your Highness, we are ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor"
"Your negotiations seem to have failed, ambassadors."
"The negotiations never took place." Qui-Gon tells the man then turns his attention to Dahlia "Your Highness, it's urgent that we make contact to the republic."
Before Dahlia could answer captain Panaka stepped forward "They've knocked out all our communications."
"Do you have any transports?" The jedi knight asked
"In the main hanger. This way." at that they were all running down the alleyway as the alarms sounded. Dahlia felt a sense of comfort knowing Rosaline was right behind her.
"There are too many of them" Captain Panaka says
"That won't be a problem" Qui-Gon responds "Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us."
"Thank you, Ambassador, but my place is with my people," Dahlia said not believing a single word that she had just spoken. She wished for nothing more than to be off of Naboo, away from the danger.
"They will kill you if you stay." Qui-Gon informed her
"They wouldn't dare." "They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion legal. They can't afford to kill her."
Ignoring them the Jedi master turned his attention back to Dahlia "There is something else behind all this, Your Highness. There's no logic in the Federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you."
"Our only hope is for the senate to side with us. Senator Palpatine will need your help."
"Either choice presents great danger..." Dahlia looked over at Padme and Sabe " to us all."
Qui-Gon looks at the girl puzzled "We are brave, Your Highness." Padme says
"If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now," Qui-Gon informs her
For a split moment Dahlia hesitates before speaking up "Then I will plea our case to the Senate. Be careful, Governor."
For a brief moment, Rosaline was able to get a second alone with Dahlia they stood together in a corner "Rosaline I'm worried," Dahlia started "I do not wish to be part of this. What if something goes wrong?" Rosaline grabbed Dahlia's hands "Nothing, will go wrong. I swear this to you. I will stay by your side and protect you no matter what."
Dahlia looked down at the floor nodding. She knew her best friend would always be by her side.
Dahlia sat up straight in an uncomfortable chair while Captain Panaka presented a droid to her. "An extremely well-put-together little droid, Your Highness. Without a doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives."
"It is to be commended. What is its number?" Dahlia said with a small smile
"R2-D2, Your Highness." "Thank you, R2-D2."
She smiled as the little droid chirped at her. "Padme. Clean this droid up as best you can. It deserves our gratitude." She smiled once again as the droid made noises "Continue Captain" Dahlia said turning her attention back to the people in the room.
"Your Highness, with your permission, we're heading for a remote planet called Tatooine. It's in a system far beyond the reach of the Trade Federation."
"I do not agree with the Jedi on this." Panaka weighed in
"You must trust my judgment, Your Highness." Dahlia wished for nothing more than to disappear at that moment. Perhaps she could beg one of the other girls to do this instead.
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