Hi! My name is Scootaloo, but most people call me Scoot. I live in Ponyville, Equestria with my friends and family. I am a bright orange pony with a magenta mane, you can't miss it. However, even though I am a Pegasus, I can't fly yet. But I know that my sister, Rainbow Dash's lessons will get my hooves off the ground in no time! I'm usually a pretty cool pony, but two ponies who aren't cool are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, I mean, Come on! Just because I'm 10 and I can't fly, doesn't mean I never will! Just look at bulk biceps, he can fly pretty okay. But that's not the only problem they have with me, they also get on me and my two friends about not having a cutie-mark. Yeah, they're pretty un-cool. Anyways, that's about all I need to explain, besides I need to go to school. Bye!
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