Hatred gets the best of her...
Scootaloo slammed the door to her room and threw her helmet on her bed. She threw her scooter into the closet and horse kicked it shut. Then she trotted over to her desk, sat in her chair, and began to quietly sob. "I... I hate them." She choked. About a minute later, some subtle knocks quietly tapped on the door. "You in there, Scoot?" A familiar voice said. "Go away! I wanna be left alone!" She rasped. The door opened and Scootaloo turned around. "Are you sure?" It was Button. A good friend of Scoot's. She knew him because of Sweetie Belle. "Oh.. Hey, Button." Scootaloo wiped away her tears and turned back around to her cluttered desk. "What's wrong, Scoot?" He asked, calmly. "Nothing, Everything's absolutely Peachy." She rolled her eyes. "What about your sister, Rainbow Dash? Isn't she usually here?" He looked around. "She's on weather patrol." She answered. "Oh." He answered, admiring all her posters. There was WonderBolt posters, RainbowDash posters, Even some other posters from other fandoms. "Why were you crying?" He finally asked. "I wasn't crying! I just hit my eye on something." She lied. "You were crying, weren't you?" He protested. Scoot paused and glanced at him. She sighed and nodded with guilt. "It was because of those two idiots." "Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom?" He gasped in disbelief. "No! Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Who else?" She growled. "Well, what did they do this time?" He sighed. "They called us blank flanks, so I confronted them, and then they..." She paused and began to cry. "What? What did they do?" "My scooter!" Scootaloo took her scooter out of her closet and showed it to him. He gasped at the broken metal and bars, along with the fact 2 wheels were missing. "Why did they do this?" He quivered. "I told you they weren't the nicest of ponies. What, did you think they were nice in the first place?" She ranted. "I never really knew them at all." Button admitted. "Of course you didn't." She groaned. "Why don't you tell your parents?" Button asked. She froze in place and began bawling. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" "I can't tell my parents, you idiot. Because they... they... they're... dead." She choked on her sorrow. Button froze, mouth wide open in pity. "Just leave." Scootaloo pointed at the door. Button picked himself up and trotted over to the door. He glanced back at her one last time, and she began crying all over again. He sighed at his failed attempt to cheer her up. "Dead?" The word echoed in his head. "I always thought Scootaloo had parents. She always said they were out of town, or went somewhere." He mumbled to himself. He stopped when he saw Orion fly straight towards him. "Hey, what's up Button!" Orion grinned. "Nothing much... Scoot's not in a good mood right now, if you were planning on visiting her." He confessed. "How'd you know I was planning on visiting?" "Just a hunch. Anyways, she's having a bit of a breakdown. Turns out her parents are actually... dead." Button sighed. Orion fluttered to the ground and gasped. "Are you serious? She's got to be kidding, right?" "I don't know. But it seemed like she was serious as ever." The two colts sighed. "I guess I'll wait till she's better." Orion frowned. Button nodded his head in approval, and the two trotted over to the farm for some advice. From who, you ask? Just a familiar red and yellow pony with a pink bow in her hair.
To be continued XD
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