The history of titans
(If you pay attention to the guide for the creatures of the Forest of the mystics, you'll notice I change the name to the name of the forest to the mystic forest, I mainly did this because I didn't want to constantly write the forest of the mystics when a character is talking about the forest they live in, you might also notice some lore I dropped in, and I will admit this lore was inspired by attack on Titan. And there actually was a big inspiration for why I created the Titan gene for the mystic forest, and it's literally a combination of animatic ideas for the songs victorious and house of memories which were both made by panic at the disco. The song victorious dives mainly into the origin of the Titan tree and the first creature expressing the trait. I so if you want a bit of background knowledge on the titan trait and titanism in the mystic forest, I recommend you check out my guide to the creatures of the forest of the mystics, which I'm soon going to change the name so it better matches the current name of the mystic forest as well as being less of a confusing sentence to read. The reason it supposed to here is because I don't think it's worthy of its own book, as it's meant to be kind of like a legend, even though these are indeed true events that happened within the forest. And if anyone is confused about certain names such as Ōkami, shika, Inu, and usagi, those are the Japanese names for wolf, deer, dog, and rabbit. I've also made payment on the dune usagi in my OC guidebook, so if you're curious, you can check that out. Anyways onto the story)
The Ōkami leader was tense at the stump, she had no knowledge as to why a succubus in fear demon called upon The select group of species they did. It was almost like a plan something and wanted other species to take the blame. The Ōkami looked to her left, seeing a Kitsune with pale hair that had red markings in it. She took a look at the other creatures, noticing some masuna, 5 hytta. Many different species of dragon, a pack of inus, a neko and his clan, 10 shika, 5 different species of usagi, many different species of harpy, 6 different types of Kitsune, including the one with pale hair and red markings, 3 Sudra, a centaur, an anakade that was holding an akade, 3 corpse scavengers and 1 cloud fox.
Among the whispers of confusion a voice arose from the crowd. "Ok, why did you call us here? And why did you bring some of our predators?" A harpy who's tail reminded the Okami of a peacock said, annoyance lacing his voice as he stared at his natural predator. Suddenly another voice arose from the right of the Okami. "Yeah! My biggest question though is why would you want an akade, You know those things like to eat harpies. And you're putting a young cloud fox in danger with it being close to 5 hytta. So why did you call us all and why did you say no attacking each other?" An inu that had blonde hair and a curled tail said.
" patients my dear, we just need to wait for corpus, he's The one that came up with an idea, he even kept it a secret from me." The The loan succubus stated, crossing her legs and frustration. As if it was on command, the fear demon appeared. "Aahh, infidelity, I knew you would be able to gather a decent amount of each species I had requested, except the cloud fox I see. No matter..." corpus stated, I walked over and standing in the center of a large stump they were all told to meet by. " I know you are all wondering why we called you here, and the reasoning behind it being we want to make a deal with you all."
" what kind of deal?" One of the hytta spoke out, it's bear paw slamming on the ground. "YEAH! WHAT KIND OF DEAL?" a smaller looking Sudra said, genuine curiosity peaked in her voice as she was curious. " Opal, olana, be patient my friends, I will get to explaining it. But first I want to get to know you all and where you came from." Corpus said, leaving the Okami skeptical.
"My name is norvan, I brought my entire clan with me to ensure no one gets hurt among our kind." The neko stated, un-sheathing his claws. "My name is Connie! And I came with my pack because we were all curious!" An inu with brown and black hair stated, his eyes glistening. Slowly but surely, names were exchanged till it was just The kitsune with pale hair and Ōkami leader yet to introduce themselves. "My name is flare sight, and I think I know why you've called upon us." The kitsune finally spoke, her Voice was monotone as she didn't show any personality. "My name is karvana springs, I am the leader of the Okami pack you called upon, and one of the Feel Ōkami that has black for and red eyes. Now that we've all introduced ourselves can you explain why you wanted us all here, especially considering the cloud foxes can't even speak human like most of us." The Okami said, visibly agitated.
"Calm down Karvana, I just wanted to make a deal with everyone here, me and infidelity believe that eventually humans are going to come into our forest and attack us, The reason I called upon all of you is so that we could make a deal to kill any humans on site. Eventually if the group chooses to, we will wipe out humanity and allow the mystics to rule the world and not be forced within a small forest." Corpus said 'small?! The damn forest is more than 123.552691 acres, and there are many different habitats! What is he going on about?!' Karvana thought, anger coursing through her veins.
" and why would we make a deal like that? This forest is definitely nowhere near small, it's at least over 100 acres, so why would we ever want to expand outside of the forest?" Flare sight spoke out, for some reason she never showed her personality, which confused Karvana even more. "Well, we don't want the forest getting too crowded. And remember the bay siren has just went extinct, and not to mention the situation that all the sea sirens are in right now. And we can't forget that hundreds of rivers and lakes sirens were killed outside of the forest simply because they were trapped in the bodies of water they were in. Overall humans are a menace at this point, and if the group so chooses to do, we will eliminate all human life so that the mystic forest can expand." Corpus said, grabbing the attention of some of the attendees, however some spoke out " well, humans aren't that bad, remember the whole reason that we're even stuck in this forest is because of multiple misunderstandings, the biggest one being mystics didn't understand that a human child didn't kill a young mystic, if anything, both humans and mystics are the reason we are even in the situation. And your proposition sounds insane to top it all off. So I shall speak for all the charcoal dragons here and say we will not join this group." Soot, One of the charcoal dragons protested.
" I am with soot! Your proposition is insane, and you ask dragons that couldn't actually fight or kill a human for the life of them to join this! You even asked a cloud fox to join this, cloud foxes are not murderers they eat goddamn sadness and converted to happiness!! There is no way in hell pixie dragons are going to join you in this!" Shade, a darker colored pixie dragon said. With those two protests, all of the charcoal and pixie dragons that I had attended the meeting had left. " well I don't care what they say! Humans have been in control of the outside world for way too long! It's time to mystics took it back!" the Hytta with the bear paw known as opal exclaimed.
This one A grants lead to more groups agreeing till it was down to flare sight, Karvana, and a lightning harpy. "Honestly, i'm only doing this because of peer pressure, but I will join this group" the lightning harpy said with reluctance. " though I would say your plan is for proof, I refuse to join as the flames tell me many will die in this group, so I shall not join your group. Though it won't matter because you already have different Kitsune's in your group." Flare sight said, her eyes glowing a soft blue color that was barely visible to anyone unless you were looking directly at her eyes. "Well, if I can ensure my pack gets a good portion of the territory to run free, then I shall join as well" Karvana said.
"Oh well, Karvana I really wished you had thought ahead on what might happen to you during this, and you were promising." Flare sight said. Before anyone could question her, A spiral of flames consumed the Kitsune. Karvana and a pollen dragon named ashume tried to put the fire out, but the flames were too hot for the two to handle. Once the fire died down it was extremely obvious to everyone except the masunas that had attended the meeting that The one kit soon to reject the offer disappeared.
" never mind her, AnyWho, I was thinking that we should be called the Titans." Guapos said, flicking his tail, none of those who attended the meeting had realized what they had done and the curse they had brought upon themselves at joining The Titans.
5 years later, a small group of humans had entered the forest carrying an injured cloud fox. " OK, the mission is simple. bring the fox to its family, and get out. Does everyone understand that?" The tallest in the group said strictly. "Yes Jack, we know!" A smaller girl with long black hair said. Little did this group know that they would be hunted in the forest.
3 members of the group went straight forward, among them was a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, boy with brown hair and green eyes, and another boy with black and blue eyes. The young girl holding the cloud fox and a girl with pale ginger hair went to the left, while the tallest in the group went to the right. Effectively splitting them up into three groups
Within the largest group, the three members talk to Among each other. " hey Crystal, do you even know where we're going?" The boy with brown hair asked. " I don't Shawn, but I'm pretty sure will find that small foxes family first!" Crystal replied, causing Sean and the boy with black hair to sigh. " Crystal, we don't know anything about this forest for all we know we could walk off a cliff and die." The boy with black hair said, extremely annoyed that the group has split up. " oh calm down Jacob, it's not like we're going to get car-" before Crystal could finish her sentence, a bird like shriek was heard from above. Before any of the group could react a jungle harpy flew down and grabbed Shawn, flying off with him.
Crystal and Jake up ran after the harpy, determined to rescue their friend. As they followed the flying creature, they had to stop abruptly as they came across A huge chasm. They could only watch on hopelessly and in her as several other harpies flew over to the jungle harpy and began fighting over Sean, managing to rip some of his left leg and right arm off of him. Tears formed in Jake's eyes as he knew his friend wouldn't make it out alive, meanwhile crystal screamed at the Bird like creatures "YOU BASTERDS!! GIVE MY BROTHER BACK!! IF YOU WANT SOMEONE YOU CAN HAVE ME!! JUST PLEASE SPARE MY BROTHER!!!" The young girl cried out! Hoping that the monsters tearing apart her brother would have some empathy.
Unfortunately, her screaming prompted several large tendril like objects to speed out of the chasm and grab the bird like creatures. In response to being grabbed almost all of the harpies began to panic, thrashing their talons and biting the tendrils in a desperate attempt to break free, several of the avian mystics managed to escape, however the rest were quickly dragged down to their deaths, including The jungle harpy that was holding Shawn. A series of loud crunches could be heard resonating from the bottom of the chasm. Crystal and Jake up looked down to see a bunch of plant like creatures with elongated snouts, some appeared to have blood on them. One of these creatures caught crystals attention immediately, as on one of the spikes right next to it was her brothers head.
Crystal began to sob, knowing she was the cause of her brothers death. "Hey... I'm sorry about what they did...." A voice from behind the two said, prompting the remaining two children to look behind themselves. Before them was one of those alien creatures, it's feathers were a lime green with some purple dots surrounded by bright yellow circles lined the legs of this avian creature. "W-what are you?!" Jacob asked in fear. " I'm a lightning harpy. My name is ashume..." The mystic said, extending a wing to the two.
The two children were obviously hesitant, seeing as one of them was killed by those creatures, but Crystal reluctantly grabbed his wing. " let's get you guys away from the edge, I don't want one of those akade down below seeing you... they usually wait for the perfect time to kill harpies like myself, The whole reason they can do it is because of their tongue." ashume said, pulling Crystal away from the edge. A hearing what those creatures in the chasm could do, Jacob quickly got away from the ledge. "So... why would that thing do that...." Crystal said to herself, not expecting an answer.
" those harpies that died had joined a group called the Titans, I was pier pressured to join... all I can tell you is that they usually kill humans that enter this forest and it's not safe for you guys. Especially because you screamed, some of the members of this group might be heading this way" ashume said, doing his best to guide the two humans out of the forest. Before they could get far away from the cliffs, a sharp object pierced ashume's heart, causing him to collapse dead, traumatizing both Crystal and Jake up even further.
Without thinking, the two kids ran away from the body and cliffs, choosing to head right as to avoid whatever just attack to them. Eventually after 30 minutes of running the two ran into two people having a normal conversation. A woman with dark red hair and greenish gray eyes, and a man who is dark skinned and had electric blue eyes. Their presence in the forest gave crystal a bad feeling, however Jacob seem to be captivated with the woman. As the two people approached Crystal realized something about one of them.
"G-get away from us!!" She said, backing up against a tree. " and why would we cutie?" The man asked, placing a hand to the left of crystals head. Without thinking, the young girl pushed the man into a vine hanging near them. To everyone's shock the vine quickly wrapped around the man, causing the man typical Nick and grow sharp claws in an attempt to escape. However his attempt was futile as he was quickly dragged upwards. The next thing the three remaining people heard was a Crunch, followed by a rain of blood that presumably came from the man. Crystal was terrified she witnessed the vine come back down, she knew it wasn't a vine anymore.
The woman with red hair stared at the blood before looking at Jacob and placing a hand on his shoulder, slowly backing him into the false vine. Crystal wanted to save her last friend but was too terrified to move, for fear that whatever killed the man would kill her. As The woman and Jacob got closer to the false vine, Crystal got the genius idea to throw a sharp rock at the woman's head. As soon as the rock collided, the woman fell back, causing her to ditch her disguise from shock.
In the woman's place was a lien demon with small curved horns and unrealistic body proportions for her chest. As soon as Jacob realized that a succubus had tricked him, he carefully avoided the vine and rushed over to Crystal. As The succubus got up, Jacob shouted "WHO ARE YOU?!"
(This is already gotten pretty long, and I'm sorry if it's confusing to read. I will do a part two eventually but not right now. Especially considering that yesterday I had two shots in my left arm and two shots in my right arm and they still hurt from the shots. Long story short I hate shots but was forced to get them)
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