There is a park not so far from where I am currently living and it provided me with a tonne of inspiration for my 2017 NaNoWriMo project. I had a basic idea I wanted to use and this park definitely makes for an excellent setting for this basic idea. This story is set around and within a public park, a park that could be anywhere in the world and not necessarily the one near me.
All through October 2017 I went on walks through this forest like park. The place is huge, all the hours I have spent in this park over weeks and there is still many areas I had yet to get to. This project is the second successful NaNo I have managed to complete as in reaching a word count of over 50,000 words in one month.
You could either be a planner or a pantser. I generally am a pantser but to take on NaNoWriMo you would be wise to be somewhat of a planner to ensure the story moves forward and that you can successfully achieve a goal of writing at least fifty thousand words in just thirty days.
The pantser side really took over and let loose on this project for some of the initial ideas and some of the initial character ideas ended up not even coming close to being a part of this story.
I like to write and what I write are mostly short stories. I always had a want to write something much longer and now NaNoWriMo has aided me to do this twice. I have been successful with NaNo now twice as in managing to write fifty thousand words or more in thirty days, first time coming in 2011 and now in 2017 so I am grateful for such a thing to motivate me along a journey.
So this is only the second time something I have written has exceeded that magic word count goal and I hope there will be more to follow. In fact at this moment in time I have a couple projects on the go with current word counts in the late thirty thousands and early forty thousand so all going well I will have a third and fourth fifty thousand plus project completed in the near future.
Anyway enough of that, time to get this project to the point where I can put it away.
Karl O'Connor,
November 30 2017.
UPDATE: A new edit has come between the end of April 2022 and early May 2022.
... The waves come in thick, fast, and heavy and crash against a high and lengthy rock formation which rests at the base of a relatively small coastal town. Seagulls hover over the crashing waters and dive, risking it all for whatever the waves may bring hurtling into those rocks.
This town hides a secret from the rest of the world; it also hides the secret quite well from a lot of its own inhabitants. Some know this secret well, most do not and those who do know rarely if ever speak of it. There are those who have experienced it at its best and at its worst though there are only a few who have come through the experience with a memory fully intact. Some of the experienced remember something but are unsure as to what that something is, and some have no memory at all.
When it, the secret, whatever it is, comes calling ... it does so seeking something as individual as each individual that answers that call. What it is that is being answered to is something that could be anyone's guess.
A feeling lives here, and it is difficult to explain if even it could be explained or understood. People come here to this town and do not know why they have come. Some will experience this secret and even while it occurs will be at a loss for what it is they are experiencing. It will not affect everyone though most of whom it will affect will indeed remember nothing when it passes them by ... if it passes them by.
Very few will remember everything as for some, it is as if it never really happened though it has happened and will again. Those who are affected leave something behind, most do this unwillingly and some themselves are left behind completely. One individual will not just leave something behind, he will give it everything to the point he will merge with it, become it for indeed this has already happened, and it will happen again and again until the end of time.
If it were to call you then you would come too. The chance of knowing of what it is you are coming to are slim to none, still you will come ...
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