"Alec, are you here?-" I walked into our apartment, shutting the door behind me and tossing the keys in the small bowl, having just gotten back from shopping with Magnus, "I miss my husband-"
"I'm here-" Alec walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his lips into mine for a few moments, then takes the bags from my hands, "You're back early- usually you guys would be gone for hours- I swear, you hit every store twice-"
"I could barely do half the stores today-" I kicked off my boots, walking right into the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips, "We went out to eat in New York, and hit a few stores, but then I felt sick later on- and, extremely tired- so, now- I'm home."
"I gave you the day off so you could have a relaxed day, and you're telling me you haven't been?" Alec set down my bags on the side, coming over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders.
"Technically-" I looked up at Alec, popping a chip in my mouth, "Since I'm Co Inquisitor-"
Alec tilts his head, "I was trying to be cute."
My heart suddenly dropped to my stomach, being extremely affected by it for some reason, "I'm sorry."
"It's alright-" Alec rubs my shoulders gently, revealing the stress in them, "I was only kidding-"
"No, no- it's not alright-" I dusted my hands off and covered my face, tearing up, wanting to cry my eyes out, "You're being so nice, and I just- I'm being rude-"
"Rude- what?" Alec gapes at me in slight surprise, softly laughing, turning me towards him, "Where did you get that from?-"
I uncovered my face, the tears in my eyes falling, "You're laughing at me now?-"
"No, no, no- of course not." Alec was amused, pulling me into his chest, rubbing my back, "What's going on with you today?-"
"I don't know- I'm being completely crazy." I sniffled, wiping my tears, hugging his middle tightly, "I feel so sick, and tired-"
"Are you feeling alright?" Alec put his hand to my forehead to feel for my temperature, "I know you've been throwing up for the past few weeks- maybe it's a stomach bug?"
"I don't know- maybe." I exhale slow, then looked up at him, "I wanna go visit everyone in New York-"
Alec looks down at me, rubbing my back, "You didn't visit them when you were there earlier?"
"No, I didn't want to see them without you-" I looked up at him, "Can we please go?-"
"You're the transport." Alec's words made me smile just lightly, before he kissed my head, agreeing with go with me.
"Jace, I've seen you." I heard Simon day when I walked toward the training room, slowly down at his words, "Go to her apartment, her school- I have vamp speed, remember?"
Jace replies, "Look, it's not a problem- she doesn't have the Sight anymore and I'm always glamoured."
"No, Jace, it is a problem- how many times do we have to do this?" Simon shot back at him, "It took- so long for me to finally get Zee to stop checking up on her- for Zee to stop blaming herself for what happened the night of her wedding-"
My heart dropped at the words, and my mind immediately went to the letter I had found on my bed when I had went home the night.
"They didn't think taking your abilities would be fit discipline for abusing your powers, so, what they deemed fit was if you used another rune, I'd be stripped of mine and sent back to the mundane world as a punishment for disobedience." The words on the letter instantly flooded my mind, "But, I understand, you did what you had to do- and I don't want you to blame yourself."
"If anything, I deserve being banished more than you being stripped of what makes you special, because- rune or not, you were right. I did ruin your life when I showed up, and was naive enough to put you through absolute hell, and I'm so sorry." I could practically hear Clary's voice in my head when I had first read the words, "I'm just glad that I finally got to see you be happy again before I had to go."
"Look, it takes every ounce of willpower that I have not to check up on her myself, but- there's nothing we can do." Simon's voice snapped me out of my own mind, "Her Shadow World memories are gone- she doesn't remember us- anything we do to try to change it, it's against the will of the Angel and it could make it worse."
"Hi, guys-" I walked in right then and there, holding a few bags of food, not wanting to listen to this any longer, "Miss me?"
"Zee-" Simon's head snapped back towards me, before walking towards me and hugging me for a few seconds, "It's so good to see you-"
Jace hugged me next, holding me tightly for a few seconds, "How's everything back in Alicante?"
"Great-" I pulled away, dropping the takeout into their hands, "Enjoy- there's some in there for Izzy too-"
Simon kisses my head as a thank you, before rushing off to find his girlfriend, as Jace opened the bag of food, his eyes scanning the burgers and fries in the bag, "What about you?-"
"Alec and I had some before we came." I crossed my arms, "Although, I wouldn't mind stealing your fries-"
"Have them-" Jace took the carton out and hands them to me, then looks at me with a smile, "Thank you-"
"Hey-" I grabbed his free hand, my voice falling quiet, "She's got an art exhibit tonight- I'm gonna go- want to come with me?"
Jace stares at me, then nods just lightly.
"God, Zee-" Jace rubbed my back when I had threw up on the side of the street, "Is this a drunk throw up?-"
"Do I look drunk to you?-" I groaned lightly and stood up, wiping my mouth, swallowing hard.
Jace put his hand to my forehead, "Are you sick?-"
"No-" I smacked his hand away, "Look, you go on- I'm gonna go buy a pack of gum and a bottle of water- the taste in my mouth right now is terrible-"
Jace nods just lightly, before squeezing my shoulder lightly in comfort, then walking away and into the building.
I walked to the nearest store, browsing the aisles, grabbing a few snacks after I had gotten distracted.
I stopped in my tracks suddenly after being lost in thought, looking down at the snacks in my hands, then thinking back to how much I've already had.
My mind went to how I was tired and losing energy the past few weeks, and the repeated throwing up without being actually sick.
I dropped all the snacks in the hands and immediately went into a different aisle, grabbing a pregnancy test from the rack, rushing to the counter and paying for it as quick as I could.
I went into the bathroom, taking the test, before setting it down on the counter, pacing back and forth, waiting for the pregnancy test to give me a clear result.
And two lines it was.
My heart stopped, staring at the test that rested on the counter in front of me, my eyes so wide they could fall right out of their sockets.
I grabbed the test, slowly leaving the store, walking towards the back alley when I heard Clary and Jace's voices, my hands holding the test delicately in my hands, in complete and utter shock.
"I'm- Clary." I heard her introduce herself when I came to a stop a few feet away from them.
"Jace-" I weakly called out, seeing him turn at the sound of my voice and excuse himself from Clary, "I-"
"She knows my name-" Jace had a sudden light in his eyes when he comes over to me, "She remembers my name-"
I looked up at him, "Jace-"
"What is it?" Jace noticed how spooked I looked, "What's wrong?"
"Jace-" Tears burned in my eyes, slowly turning the test so he could see the results, holding it in the palms of my hands, my voice going as quiet as it could be, "I'm pregnant."
authors note:
but, she's pregnant !!
and alas, this book has finally come to an end.
i never imagined it, but here it is.
(here's the short, sappy moment where I talk about how much this book means to me so you can skip that if ya want):
i never wanted to start this book sksksks, two friends of mine forced me to because in predestined, zalec had this tension that needed to be executed somewhere, and that somewhere was not in a jace book.
but, it's actually become one of my favorite books that I've written. this ship has brought me so much joy and i'm so glad that you guys have been on this journey with me !!
I'm hoping this was a better ending than what you guys were expecting- but, thank you so much for reading this book ! i love you all so much
you guys still want zalec content, you guys can go read metanoia (different plot, different story, but it's still zalec)
maybe someday in the future if i ever get the chance (i have some ideas) i'll upload some bonus chapters !! like 'zee telling alec she's pregnant' , or little parent moments so we're not completely deprived of them. they may not be full chapters, but it'll be something !! so stay tuned
but, thank you so so much for 134k !!
go read metanoia !
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