"We thought you'd be here-" I rushed over to Isabelle, Jace and Meliorn when we had portalled to Lilith's castle, "Are you guys alright? What happened?-"
Clary goes wide eyed, "Is Meliorn okay?-"
"Where is Lilith?" Magnus questioned.
"She's gone." Isabelle told us, "She turned into this enormous flying wraith."
Jace mentions, putting pressure on Meliorn's wound, "One of her wings sliced right through Meliorn-"
Magnus nods once, "We'll help-"
"I'll take care of the bleeding." Lorenzo joined Magnus in helping heal Meliorn.
"She was in her true form?" I asked Isabelle, who nodded, "I've seen Lilith like that before- when she stole a sliver of my soul, she was strong enough to murder Ithuriel."
Alec asks, "Where is she?"
"Coming for Magnus." Jace stood up when Magnus and Lorenzo took over, "She wants to reopen the rift."
When a roar erupted in the sky, all our heads snapped towards it, Lilith coming right for us, "Oh, looks as if she's found me-"
Simon remarks, "Not a good look on her-"
"Stand back." Magnus and Lorenzo got in front of us, before combining their magic and blasting at Lilith, only for her to not budge.
Alec shot a few arrows at her, those not doing any good either, making Isabelle step up, her palms lighting up with her Heavenly Fire, making all of us shout in protest, only for her to use her power anyway.
When she had killed Lilith, she completely collapsed, her entire body lighting up in flames, making my eyes widen and my hand rest over my parabatai rune, feeling that she was in pain, "Isabelle!-"
Clary says, "We have to do something-"
"Magnus, heal her-" Alec shot out a option.
Magnus was doing so, "I'm trying."
"Well, try harder!" Simon said in a panic.
Lorenzo stopped, "It's not working-"
"The heavenly fire's stopping us." grunted Magnus.
"What if I put the Alliance rune on her?" I blurted out, looking between them, "We could bond her to all of us- absorb some of the flame- maybe that'll put it out for good?"
"How do we know it's not gonna fry us up?" Lorenzo questioned, "Remember, we all have demon blood now."
Alec adds, "We all have Nephilim blood, too."
"Alec's right." Jace nodded lightly toward us, "We have to let Zee do this-"
Isabelle whimpers from the ground, breathing heavy, "It's too dangerous-"
"Izzy-" Simon replied, "If it's the only way to save your life, we're all gonna die trying-"
I took Magnus' hand, using my rune ability to put the rune onto his skin, then grabbing Isabelle's hand, putting the rune of her as well, "Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine-"
The moment I had grabbed her hand and pulled her up, I absorbed her flames, a gasp leaving my lips.
Alec grabbed my hand almost immediately, absorbing part of the flame, as one by one everyone connected, taking a piece.
Suddenly, the flame raised from us and into the sky, as we all stumbled back, watching it erupt in the sky.
Alec looks at Isabelle, exhaling in relief, "Thank the Angel you're okay-"
"Thank Zee-" Simon immediately hugged Isabelle now that he could, holding onto her tight.
"Don't say that-" I lightly shook my head, moving into Alec's side, "It was all of us-"
Lorenzo points out, "Isabelle might be okay, but- it appears Edom is very much not."
"What's going on?" Clary asked, when we noticed Edom's destruction all around us.
"It looks like the heavenly fire destroyed Lilith." Magnus said, "But- the chain reaction is destroying the entire realm."
Jace inhales, "Then we should get out of here."
"Wait." Alec asks, "Don't we have to close the rift?"
"There's no reason to close it if Edom doesn't exist anymore." Magnus opened a portal quickly, "Come on, let's go!"
And we did.
We entered the portal and left Edom to ruin.
"Good morning-" I heard Alec's raspy voice the morning after, making my head perk up, noticing him fully dressed as I was seated in a desk in the art room I had no idea he had set up, since the last time I was here it was just an empty room, "I see you found your little workspace-"
I leaned my chin against my hand, looking at him in admiration, "When did you do this?-"
"When you were gone." Alec leaned against the doorframe, "I feel like it makes our home complete."
I tilted my head to the side while looking at him, "You made an entire room for my doodles?"
"Well, those things that you consider doodles," Alec crosses his arms, "I consider art."
"Oh, how sweet-" I shot him a playful look, before looking back down at the invitation, writing down my name, a small on my lips.
Alec stares at me, "You know, it'd be nice to wake up next to my beautiful fiancée after being separated for so long?-"
"I'm sorry!" I couldn't help but giggle, jumping up, in nothing but his sweater, holding the small invitation in my hands that I had just written, "This couldn't wait."
Alec walks further into the room, "What's that?"
"Look and see-" I handed it to him, pushing myself onto my tippy toes to look at it too, glancing between him and the invitation repeatedly.
"You are cordially invited to the wedding of Alexander Gideon Lightwood and Zee Lillian Young." Alec read out loud, then looked at me, but couldn't help the smile on his lips, "Tonight?"
"Why wait?" I kept myself on my tippy toes, my hands folded, giving him an innocent smile, "I don't know- I feel like after everything we've been through, we deserve a happy moment. And what's even happier than getting married?-"
Alec laughed lightly, "Zee-"
"Alec, our lives suck." I put my hands on his arms, "Who knows what crisis will show up tomorrow? One that'll we'll spend ages trying to fix, and then boom- we never get married-"
"Zee, a crisis isn't gonna stop us from getting married-" Alec softly laughs again, putting a hand on my face, caressing my cheek, "I was hoping that maybe we could- you know, plan?"
"Alec, my love-" I placed both hands onto his shoulders, "When your wedding planner is a warlock, all you need is a little magic and exquisite taste- which, I have- amazing taste- and Magnus is good on the magic-"
"Okay, okay-" Alec's agreement made me throw my arms around him and press my lips into his, making him laugh into the kiss when kissing me back.
"Yes!-" I clapped hands when I pulled away, turning my back to him, "First up, location-"
"How about Paris?-" I gestured my hands in front of me, "Or, Rome? Maybe, Greece? Oh- Italy!"
"Or how about-" Alec came behind me and gestured his hands like I did, "The Institute?"
"Right-" I slowly turned to face him, "Because when I think romantic, I think of the New York Institute."
"Zee, just think." Alec set the invitation down and grabbed my hands, "The ceremonial hall is where our life together begun."
"Everyone, including the Clave remembers when I walked out on my own wedding, told my own mother off and chose Valentine's daughter in front of- everyone." Alec caressed my hand with his thumb, "It's always been a special moment- for us- it holds significance."
"I guess- that is romantic." I intertwined our fingers softly smiling at him, "The Institute it is, then."
Alec softly smiles, leaning in to kiss me, but I was quickly to pull back and start pushing him away, "Wait, you need to leave-"
"What?" Alec was startled, "Why?-"
"Bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other on the wedding day!" I lightly pushed him away, starting to laugh, "Magnus is coming over soon to help me find a dress and do my hair!-"
"You sure you can't give me a sneak peak of the dress when you finally find one?-" Alec started to laugh while I pushed him toward the door.
I pushed him further, "No!-"
"I love you!-" Alec calls out when I pushed out the apartment, shutting the door behind him, leaning my back against the door.
I softly smiled to myself, my voice low, closing my eyes for a moment, "I love you too."
"This is the last dress-" I called out to Magnus, Isabelle and Clary as I stood in the dressing room while they waited outside, "I have a good feeling about it-"
I could hear Clary groan, "You said that about the last twenty dresses!"
"I'm serious, I think this is the one!" I couldn't help but laugh, then opened the curtains and stepped out by them, doing a small twirl for them.
When they laid their eyes on me, they all went silent.
This scared me, "Is it not nice? I thought-"
"Zee-" Isabelle slowly stood up, "It's gorgeous- you're- gorgeous-"
Clary stares, "That's the one."
"Really?" I looked between them, my voice going quiet, "Do you think Alec will like it?"
"He's going to love it-" Magnus slightly turns me toward the mirror, "You're going to look so stunning at the wedding- I can barely wait."
"I can!" Isabelle jumps up, grabbing my hands, "You only have a few hours before you're married off for the rest of your life- you deserve a bachelorette party!"
"Iz, I am not getting drunk mid day-" I looked at her with wide eyes, holding back a bubble of laughter.
"It's happy hour somewhere, my dear-" Magnus quoted himself, "Come on, we could get your nails done- do some more shopping- it's not all about the drinking. Although, that would be a major plus-"
"I think they should paint them white-" Clary took my hand to look at my bare nails, "It'll match the dress-"
"Come on, this is your last day to have fun-" Isabelle persuades, "Who knows what's going to happen after this? One weak pull out and you're carrying a child the next day-"
My eyes widen, "Izzy!"
"Okay, in all seriousness-" Isabelle softly laughs and puts her hands on my shoulders, "You deserve it."
I inhale slow, "What about-"
"Don't even say his name." Clary stopped me before I could go further, "Today is your day- don't let him ruin it- okay?"
"So, what do you say, biscuit?" Magnus ran his hands through my hair and messed it up, "Ready for endless drinks, shopping and fun?"
I looked between them, before lightly throwing my head back, groaning, "Fine!"
And then they all cheered, "Yes!-"
"These are too many bags, Magnus!" I could barely hold myself up when we reached my apartment, dropping down my bags when I entered the living room, "I'm going to be deeply in debt after today-"
Magnus ruffles my hair, "That's the plan-"
"I'm gonna make us some drinks-" I pointed at them, "Settle in- make yourselves comfortable- order some takeout?"
Isabelle claps her hands, "Chinese-"
"Yes-" Clary grabs the phone quickly.
I softly laughed and headed into the kitchen, stopping when I saw a bright gold light, heading right for Alec and I's bedroom.
Suspiciously, I slowly followed it, walking into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me, squinting my eyes at the bright light, when my heart stopped at the sight of my mother, "Mom?-"
She softly smiles at me, "Hello, sweetheart."
"Is that really you?-" I immediately rushed over to her when she nods and hugged her tight, "Mom-"
"I am so proud of you, Zee." She held onto me tight, "Of the woman you've become-"
"Mom, I miss you so much." I pulled away from her, tears in my eyes, "God, everyday that goes by it hurts more and more-"
"I miss you, too- more than you know." She pushed some hair out of my face, "But- that's not why I'm here. Angel Raziel sent me."
"Raziel?" I stepped back, "Why?"
"He believes that if you'll listen to anyone, it's me." She took my hands and sat me on the bed, "Those thousands of years ago, he gave Jonathan Shadowhunter each of his angelic runes for a specific purpose."
"Zee, the fact that you can create your own runes without Raziel's blessing." She began, "Well, he does not look kindly on that."
I knew exactly what this was about, swallowing hard, "The Alliance rune? I drew that to help save my friend- and my parabatai-"
"That may be true, but- you took advantage of your gifts." She gently told me, "You felt the angels' resistance, but- you pushed through anyway."
"I had to- I- there was no other option." I looked up at her, "I did it to save my friends' lives."
"I understand." She exhales, "Zee, your compassion is one of the many great traits about you- but, the angels, they see it differently- they perceive you as disrupting the natural order- and disobedient."
"So- what?" I got up, "Did they send you here to scold me or is there a price I have to pay?"
"Zee," She slowly got up, "They sent me to tell you not to draw another rune of your own ever again."
I stammer, "What?-"
"If you do, it'll be considered as a second strike, and they'll punish you for disobedience-" Her words made my eyes widen, "Pushing past their resistance once more will be a third strike and it'll cost you your abilities- those are his terms-"
"What's the punishment?" I immediately asked, but the room lit up, her disappearing right before me, "Mom?-"
"We've just been informed that a string of demonic attacks have taken place at Institutes worldwide with massive casualties, both mundane and Shadowhunter." Alec stood next to me in front of the entire Institute, as we were announcing the information we had received.
I added onto his words, "Whoever or whatever is carrying out these attacks is not stopping- and there are several Institutes currently unaccounted for."
"What about Los Angeles?" Isabelle asked, "Have you heard from them?"
Alec lightly shakes his head, "Nothing yet."
"I'm going there right now." Isabelle looked at me, "Zee, can you make me a Portal?"
I stammered, when Underhill's voice saved me, "Wait- look at this."
"Hello?" Robert's voice filled the room from the monitor, making us rush over to it, "Can you hear me?"
"Dad, yes." Alec replies, "What happened?"
His words made my heart drop, "Jonathan Morgenstern attacked the LA Institute a few minutes ago."
"How many casualties?" Alec asked.
Robert swallowed hard, "He killed everyone except for me and Max."
"By the Angel." Isabelle gasps lightly.
"He only spared us because he wanted us to take his message directly to Zee." Robert said, "He's taking down every Institute in the world, and he's saving New York for last."
Clary gasps, "What?"
"Why?" Jace questioned.
His words made us all go silent, "Because he wants Zee to watch the world die, knowing that it's all her fault."
"He's not showing any signs of slowing down. Denver and Chicago have already been hit." Alec said to us as we surrounded the table in the Ops Center, "Hundreds of Shadowhunters and at least mundanes have already been killed."
"The news is calling it a string of chemical weapons attacks." Simon told us, "People are being told to stay indoors."
Magnus adds in, "Lorenzo and I have the warlock community at the ready."
Jace pulled up the hologram, "We're detecting a strong demonic presence in downtown Toronto."
"Same energy signature we've seen in the other attacks." Isabelle mentioned, pointing at it.
Alec exhales, "He's heading to the Toronto Institute."
"I'll assemble a team." Jace began to turn.
"Not yet-" Alec stopped him, "I'm not sending anybody on a suicide mission- this is not the same Jonathan as before, he's more powerful than ever."
"I can stop him." I spoke up, "I'll go- alone."
Alec looks at me, "That's not gonna happen."
"Jonathan will not hesitant to kill any of you- especially you, Alec." I shot him a look, "I know he won't kill me."
Clary looks at me, "Can you be sure about that?"
I cross my arms, "Positive."
Simon asks, "And what if you're wrong?"
"It's too much of a gamble." Isabelle shook her head.
"I have to do this- there's too many lives at stake- too many already gone." I placed my hands on the table, "How many more people have to die for me to get out there and stop him? I am the only one who can end this- so let me end it."
"What happens if you get there and you can't take him out?" Jace asks, "He's pretty much invincible now."
"Don't think like that." I looked at him, "Trust me when I say that I can take him out."
Alec stares at me for a few seconds, then sighs, "We'll be right behind you- we'll be there to back you up."
"Absolutely not." I immediately said, "You come anywhere near him and you're all dead- I'm going, and I'm going alone. You guys are safe that way-"
"Then we'll watch you on the monitors." Alec nodded slow, "Anything happens, we're coming right in."
I nodded once, then clear my throat, "Uh, Magnus, I'm gonna need you to portal me in-"
When he shot me a weird look, I immediately added in, "I've never been to Toronto-"
He nods lightly, "Of course, biscuit."
"Hey-" Alec grabbed my hand before I followed Magnus, his voice low, "Are you sure about this?"
I softly smiled at him to keep his worry at ease, tilting my head to the side lightly when I spoke, my voice quiet, "Bad luck to see the bridge before the wedding, hm?"
"My mistake-" Alec put a strand of my hair behind my ear, "I just hope the bride makes it back to have the wedding."
"Don't worry about me." I lightly squeezed his hand, "I'll be fine."
"You took your time." Jonathan said to me when I came out the portal, a few feet away from him, his hair blond and his eyes dark.
"I'm unarmed." I put my hands up in surrender, "I just want to talk to you, Jonathan-"
"I knew you'd come eventually." Jonathan stood still, "It's kind of ironic, considering all those years when I needed you, you were never there."
"Well, I'm here for you now- and I'm not going to go away." I took a step closer to him, "You can kill me, but- know- I'm not giving up on you-"
"Stay back, Zee, or I will end you, too." Jonathan snips at me, "I mean it."
"Jonathan, just- listen to me." I stopped walking towards him, "Not matter how much I try to deny it, you and I, we've always been connected-"
"When you were in Edom, crying out for me-" I told him, "I was dreaming about you-"
Jonathan's eyes went normal, "You dreamt of me?"
"Yes." I barely nodded, tears starting to fill my eyes, "And when I found out that you were my full brother- that my mother was yours, that Valentine deceived our mother- twice- deceived us- I wanted nothing more than to believe in you- I felt for you, Jonathan- I knew you were the way you were because of him."
"Clary might be my sister, but we only share the same father." I took one step, "We share the same parents- you're my family-"
Jonathan's words stung, "And then you turned your back on that family-"
"I tried not to-" I shot back at him, "I wanted to believe in you, Jonathan- I did. I wanted you to be good, but, it's too late now- because I couldn't save you then, and I can't save you now."
Jonathan's eyes filled with sorrow, "You can't?"
I lightly shook my head, slowly walking towards him, "Jonathan, you know just as much as I do that our family is our biggest source of heartbreak- and it always will be."
"But- despite anything you've done and what we've been through, or how much I wanna fight it or wipe it away, I will always love you." I reached up and grabbed his face with my hand, "Because I understand you better than anyone- and that keeps us connected."
Jonathan stares at me, "I love you, too, Zee."
I slowly hugged him tightly, the tears in my eyes falling when I dipped into my abilities, activating a rune that made me sprout wings just as he had, then wrapped them around Jonathan, making him start to choke up, "Zee? Zee, you're hurting me-"
I shushed him, starting to cry when he tried to pull away, "I can't breathe-"
I rubbed his back, sniffling lightly, "It's okay- it's okay- you're going to be okay-"
"Let me go-" Jonathan croaked out as I slowly laid him down on the ground, tears streaming down my cheeks, "Zee-"
I fell to my knees next to him, watching as his eyes slowly closed after taking his last breath, his blond hair going back to normal.
I sniffled, more tears falling, "Ave atque vale."
"Is this actually happening?" My eyes were slightly wide when Maryse had pulled me over to the doors, ready to walk me down the aisle, worrying filling my chest at what could happen because of what my mother had told me.
"Yes, this is actually happening-" Maryse pushes some hair out of my face, "Ready?"
"Wait-" I immediately stop her the moment she took a step, "Is my hair okay? My makeup? Does the dress-"
"Zee, you look absolutely stunning." Maryse put her hands on my shoulders, a wide smile on her lips, "Now, come on- it's time to get married."
"Okay- okay," I took a deep breath, before she linked arms with me and started to walk me down the aisle, heads turning to look at me, Alec and I's eyes locking.
And in that moment, I saw him tear up.
And that made all my worries wash away.
Maryse faces me when we came to the end, hugging me tight, before kissing my head and handing me over to Alec, who took my hand and helped me up onto the platform he stood on, staring at him, his eyes holding a glossy sheet.
I couldn't help but whisper, "Why are you crying?-"
"You're so beautiful." Alec couldn't wipe away his smile, sniffling lightly, "I'm just- so happy."
"Stop crying-" The smile on my lips wouldn't disappear either, "I'll start to cry-"
He pokes my cheek lightly, only smiling wider, "You'll ruin your makeup-"
"What a shame-" I softly giggled, then quickly turned and took the ring from Isabelle, slowly slipping it onto his ring finger.
Alec does the same, slipping the diamond ring onto my finger, his eyes locked with mine, a smile on his lips.
"It is time for Alec Lightwood and Zee Young to mark each other with the Wedded Union rune." Brother Zachariah said, "A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart- a union is born."
I slowly picked up the stele, touching it with the stone, before looking at Alec, who pulled up his sleeve for me to mark his arm.
I looked up at him right before the stele touched his wrist, my voice quiet, "Ready?"
Alec softly nods at me, giving him an assuring smile, as I drew the rune onto his wrist, then handed it to him, as he drew it on the back of my hand.
Then, I pushed myself onto my tippy toes regardless of my heels when he had undid the first few buttons of his shirt, enough for me to draw second rune on his heart.
I fell to my normal height with the heels, as he lightly pulled part of my dress to the side so he could draw the rune over my heart, his back to everyone else to keep me hidden.
"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, Zee Lillian Young-" Brother Zachariah began when Alec set down the stele after he was done drawing the rune over my heart, "It is my honor to pronounce you one."
I could barely do anything before Alec dipped me and pressed his lips into mine, cheers filling the room.
I smiled widely when we pulled away, Alec stopping me up and off my feet, walking down the aisle, Magnus using his magic to make rose petals erupt all around the room.
I was married.
"Since we're all together, there's something I wanted to tell you-" Maryse exhales when we were all gathered, holding our drinks and enjoying the celebration, "I'll admit it's a bit awkward."
She exhales, "It's about Luke-"
"That you guys are a thing?" I sipped my champagne lightly to hide my smile behind the glass.
Alec had his hand on my lower back, "Uh, yeah, it's been very obvious-"
"It has?" She asked.
"Yeah." Jace nodded, "We think it's great."
Isabelle smiles, "We all do."
"Maryse, you and Luke are-" Clary was smiling as well, "You're meant for each other."
"Thank you-" Maryse smiles softly at her, "That means a lot, Clary-"
"Actually-" Clary grabs my free hand, looking at Alec, "Can I steal the bride for a moment?"
"Only if you bring her back-" Alec kisses my temple, "Don't be gone too long."
"I'll try not to-" I gave him a smile, before following Clary to the side, "What's up?"
"I just- want you to know that finding you, and being here- has been- the best thing that's ever happened to me." Clary grabbed my free hand in both of her own, "And I'm sorry- for all I've done to ever hurt you, especially- how I acted when I first got her- I was selfish- and naive-"
"Clary-" I stopped her, "Where's all this coming from? I mean- I just got married, everyone's happy-"
"I just- everything's got me thinking- you know?" Clary was tearing up, "I'm so glad I found you again- and I got to experience this life, and I just- I want you to know that I love you so much- so, so much-"
"Clary? Is everything okay?-" I was now concerned, "Why are you talking to me like you're saying some weird goodbye?-"
"Can't a girl get sentimental?" Clary laughs lightly, her words calming me, "I just watched you get married-"
"I- oh, right-" I laughed softly, then nodded, as she hugged me tightly, "I love you too-"
Alec joins us, "Can I steal my wife back?"
"Oh-" I looked at him, a small forming onto my lips, "I like that term."
Alec grabbed my free hand, a wide smile on his lips, "So do I."
"Go get him, Mrs. Lightwood-" Clary softly pushed me towards Alec, making me walk right into his chest, then burst out into a fit of giggles for absolutely no reason, as she walked away.
Little did I know that losing her was my punishment.
authors note:
explanation : ( for anyone confused !! which i'm hoping isn't everyone , but i feel like it was very confusing and i apologize !! )
the angels tested zee to see if she would obey, and took clary away from zee as a punishment when she didn't. and now, hence forth if she abuses her abilities and tries to push through the resistance, it will cost her her powers. the whole, strike two, strike three was a way to get her to learn her lesson, and with clary being gone, that was how she learned.
don't worry, this isn't the end !!
there is one more chapter after this, (one that's extremely short, but still) and a few things uncover.
i'm hoping this ending doesn't suck skskskks i couldn't have her forget and not get married- so this is the best i could come up with ahshshfnf
and, oh my GOD. in the show, they deprived us of so much wedding content, like bachelorette and shopping, so i had to add them here !! it made me feel so happy writing them, they're all so happy here
the wedding scene was a little different because i did some research on how ceremonies typically go, but if i got it wrong, please correct me !!
( zee's hair and dress :
obviously with her brunette hair, BUT- I fell in love with this dress so I couldn't just described it, I had to add it in )
but, i hope this wasn't as bad as the other ending would've been !!
thank you for 132k !!
go read metanoia !
vote and comment loadsss
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