"Zee-" Alec caught me when I returned to the Institute, looking like a complete mess, "Where have you been?"
I was covered in dirt despite how much I had dusted myself off, and I was completely alert due to Ithuriel's death, my eyes landing on my boyfriend, "Alec-"
"You're all dirty-" Alec took notice and wiped some off my cheek, picking some out of my hair, "What happened?"
"I- I was with Luke, we were trying to track down the Owl." I lied through my teeth, "Things didn't go so well-"
I hated lying to him like this.
But, I couldn't tell him that I had summoned Ithuriel and gotten him killed because I was trying to figure out if the wish I made triggered Jace to lose his mind.
"I was worried- you didn't answer all of my calls." Alec lightly grabbed my hands.
He trusted me without a doubt.
And I was lying right to his face.
"I know, I'm sorry- I lost track of time." I exhale deeply, "But- what's up, why all the calls?"
Alec lightly swung our hands, "Well- first, I wanted to tell you that I found an apartment that I thought you'd really like, then I got worried because everyone kept saying they hadn't seen you since you left the Institute."
"Already?" I blinked, "That was fast-"
"Not very- Izzy's been helping me look for the past few weeks," Alec admitted to me, "You know- all those photos she kept showing you?"
"Of all those empty rooms and- are you actually serious?" I couldn't help but begin to smile.
"Yeah- I wanted to make sure you liked it before I asked you to move in with me." Alec came clean about it, "And the one you liked the most- I booked an appointment to see tomorrow morning- so, before we do anything tomorrow, we're going out for breakfast, then we're going to look at the apartment."
I only smiled wider, "I love you- so much."
"I love you just as much- maybe even more." Alec pressed his lips to my forehead and pulled me along.
"More?" I repeated, "No way-"
"Yes way," Alec dragged me along with him, "Now, come on- you need a shower."
A gasp left my lips at his words even when I knew he was right as he pulled me with him, "Alec!"
"Luke, I've been through all the Institute archives three times already, and there's no record of a greater demon that matches this one." I sighed deeply early next morning, holding my phone to my ear with my shoulder, looking at the picture I had drawn of the demon.
"I don't know what else to do." I placed the picture into my sketch book, hiding it to make sure Alec didn't find it.
"Ithuriel said the Owl has a master." I sat on my bed, grabbing my phone, holding it to my ear, "This has to be who it is, and it is powerful enough to kill an angel- I have to let everyone know."
Luke argues with me, "You do that, and it unravels everything about Raziel and the wish."
"I don't care if the Clave locks me up, Luke." I argued right back, lowering my voice.
"Well, I do." Luke shot back, "And so does Alec."
"And what about Jace?" Luke added in, "He carried that same lie, he'll be in trouble just like you."
I sigh, covering my face with one hand, "And the last thing he needs is for his treatment to be interrupted."
"Okay- fine, I'll keep quiet- I gotta go," I hung up, tossing my phone next to me, covering my face entirely.
Alec then walks into my room, "Ready to go?"
"Yeah-" I put on a quick smile, uncovering my face and getting up, grabbing my jacket, "Let's go."
"You really planned everything out perfectly-" I looked at my boyfriend with astonishment as we walked through the halls after getting back.
"You already inspected the apartment, you made sure everything was ideal for me to see it, you already payed the fees and all we had to do was sign the lease?" I listed off, warmth filling my heart, "And we got the key?"
"Well, I didn't want us to wait if you had said yes," Alec wrapped an arm around me, "I wanted us to be able to move in as soon as possible- so I handled everything beforehand."
I wrap my arms around his middle, coming to a stop and looking up at him lovingly, "You're sweet."
Alec softly smiled, leaning his forehead against mine, "I love you."
"And I love you-" I smiled at him until both our attentions were pulled away from each other, our heads turning at a familiar voice.
"I'm just here to see my children!" Maryse Lightwood's voice echoed, Alec and I looking towards the entrance, as she was stood with Underhill, not being let in.
Alec's eyes squint, "Is that my Mom?"
Underhill fought back, "Show some respect!"
"This woman's been excommunicated by the Clave." argued the man who wouldn't allow it, "She's not allowed to enter."
"This woman is Alec Lightwood's mother." Underhill presses, gesturing to Maryse, "Allowances can be made."
Maryse sighs when she spots Alec and I making our way towards them, "It's fine-"
"Hey-" I cut in, "Let her in."
He looked at me, "I don't take orders from you-"
"Hey!" Alec stopped next to me, his voice more stern and louder than mine, "As long as I'm in charge, you do take orders from Zee Young and Maryse Lightwood is allowed in the New York Institute, is that understood?"
This made me purse my lips to hide my smile.
Maryse walks in, hugging onto me, as I tighten my grip around her, mouthing a small thank you to Underhill for stepping up for her.
"I'm sorry, I should have called ahead." Maryse lead us into the courtyard, facing Alec and I.
"No, it's- it's no problem." I messed with my hands as I came to a stop with Alec, "You're welcome any time."
"Mom, did the-" Alec swallowed, looking from the ground at his mother, and for a moment he seemed like an innocent, vulnerable child worried for his mother, "The de-runing, did it hurt?"
This made my heart overwhelm with emotions, as I placed a hand on his back and used my other hand to gently grab his hand and squeezed it in mine in comfort.
"Not at all." Maryse exhales deeply, "The adjustment's actually been easier than I expected."
I looked at her, "Have you found a place to live yet?"
"You can stay here if you'd like, we could make that happen." Alec offered right away and squeezed my hand back, "I meant what I said, you're always welcome."
"Thank you, but- I've actually found a place." Maryse walked closer to us, smiling, "All I want right now is to spend some time with my wonderful children."
Maryse presses her palms together, "Speaking of which, where are Jace and Isabelle?"
"Maryse, we need to talk." I walked with her in the hall towards my room, folding my hands together.
Maryse was smiling, "About you and Alec getting an apartment together?"
I looked at her, a soft smile on my lips, "Who told?"
"Isabelle." Maryse came clean, "She's been boasting about it ever since you said yes to him."
"I'd say yes to anything your son would ask me." I opened the door of my room and walked in.
Maryse slowly followed me, looking at me, "Does that include marriage?"
I stopped after closing the door, looking at her, caution in my eyes, "Was that some sort of hint?"
"No, no-" Maryse laughed lightly and set her purse down, "Alec isn't going to propose to you, yet-"
The yet made my heart jump.
"Well, when the time comes, however he does it and whenever he does it, I will always say yes." My words made us both smile, as I slipped off my jacket.
"Actually, I wanted to talk about you." I suddenly said, pressing my palms together, "And your excommunication."
"I told you, Zee." Maryse inhales, "I'm okay."
"Why don't I believe you?" I asked, stepping closer to her, "Maryse, you don't have to hide how you feel- not with me."
"I feel so lost." Maryse turned away from me and faced my full body mirror, tears in her eyes, "Like I don't know who I am anymore."
"Look at me-" Maryse slowly pulled off her scarf, her bare, runeless skin shown, "It's like they were never even there."
I went to my dresser and opened up one of the eyeshadow palettes I had resting on the surface, rubbing my finger against the black pigment.
I slowly walked over to her, placing a hand on her back and reaching my hand to her neck, swiftly and smoothly smearing on a deflect rune on her skin.
"I know it's not the real thing-" I quietly trailed off, pulling my hand away when I finished the rune, "But, it's something like it."
Maryse looked at me through the mirror, tears in her eyes with a small smile forming on her lips due to what I had just done.
"Even without all the runes, you're still you." I wiped away the black from my finger, "Still strong, and brave and beautiful."
"But- no longer a Shadowhunter." Maryse exhales and tosses her scarf on my bed, sitting down on it, "I don't know what I'm supposed to do now."
"You're not alone, okay?" I sat next to her and grabbed her hand gently, "You have four kids that love you more than anything."
Maryse softly smiled, correcting me, "Five."
My mouth was opened at my stammering, as she reached over and put a strand of my hair behind my ear, "Can't forget the future daughter in law."
This made my heart fill with warmth.
"Actually, Alec and I were talking." I began, inhaling, "We want to take you out tonight."
Maryse's expression lightly dropped at my words, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"You said yourself you wanted to spend more time with us, so- let's go out." I squeezed her hands lightly, "Izzy, Jace, Alec, you and I- as a family."
Maryse still gave me a slight hesitant look, "Zee, I don't know-"
"I'll even make Iz bring her new doctor boyfriend-" I persuaded, "He's a mundane."
Maryse's eyes light up like a teenage girl's after finding out her crush liked her back, "Really?"
"Yes-" I smiled a little, "Please?"
Maryse gave in, "All right."
"You look better." Isabelle's voice filled my ears as I walked through the halls and towards the Ops Center, sipping on the coffee Alec had got me.
"I'm finally back to myself." Jace's voice made me stop in my tracks, "Whatever the Silent Brothers did, it was a success."
Clary's voice followed as I entered the Ops Center, seeing her, Alec, Isabelle and Jace conversing, "So- you're finally cleared for duty?"
Jace was smiling, "Yes, I am."
"Jace?" I immediately rushed over to them, "Dude-"
Jace looked at me, a smile on his lips, "Hey-"
"The treatment worked?" I set my coffee down and threw my arms around my best friend tightly, as he barely hugged back, "It's so good to have you back."
Something felt off.
Jace pulled away after a second, barely hugging me back, "It's good to be back."
"Jace-" I pulled him to the side when Isabelle, Alec and Clary weren't paying much attention, "A lot happened while you were gone, we need to talk, but- not here."
"We can talk later." Jace pulled his arm from my hold forcefully, the look he was giving me unsettling, "I want to get caught up in the Ops Center."
"What? Jace-" I grabbed his hand, "This is serious-"
"Later, alright? I just wanna get caught up." Jace doesn't even look back at me.
I stood still, stammering, "Jace?"
Jace forced a smile and looked back at me, acting as if everything was okay, "Yeah?"
I observed his features, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm great." Jace simply said and walked away from me, leaving me speechless, "We'll talk later, okay?"
"It all happened before I could fully process what was going on." I watched Magnus as he examined the drawing of the demon I made, "I wish I had gotten a better look at it."
"I've seen a lot of demons in my day, but- never this." Magnus admitted, observing the drawing.
"The last thing I remember, it touched its claw to my chest." I inhaled deeply, looking down at my feet, "I still don't know why it didn't kill me."
"Powerful demons often leave an imprint, traces of their unique energy." Magnus set down the drawing, "If I can tap into the spot where it made contact with you, perhaps we can get a better sense of what we're dealing with."
"Okay, go for it." I put my hair behind my ears.
Magnus' fingers sparked blue as he used his magic over my chest, a red fog of magic counteracting his, his fingers now red as he stared at him, "Biscuit-"
My eyes squinted, "That looks familiar-"
"This energy signature, it's the same as the one that corrupted the ley lines." The red fades from his fingers, "It seems that this is the demon we've been chasing this entire time."
Then, he wrote a fire message on the drawing and sent it out, as my eyes immediately widen, "Magnus- what are you doing?"
"I'm sending a message to an old contact." Magnus calmed me, "He has access to information far beyond my resources- hopefully, he's willing to help us identify the beast."
"You think this could all happen within the next two hours?" I asked, "I have somewhere I need to be-"
Magnus scans my features, "Somewhere?"
"I'm going out with the Lightwoods." I told him, inhaling, "It's so Maryse can feel more welcome than she does- since the deruning."
"Well, that's sweet of you." Magnus put a strand of my hair behind my ear, smiling.
"Yeah-" I began and paused, "I should tell Jace."
Magnus notices my pause, "Biscuit? Is everything okay?"
I looked at him, quiet.
"Biscuit-" Magnus places a hand on my shoulder, "You can talk to me about anything."
I wanted to tell him about the wish.
But, I didn't.
I sighed, "It's just- I tried to tell Jace about all of this earlier, but- he was acting strange."
Magnus' eyes squint, "Strange how?"
"He didn't exactly seem happy to see me? Like- he was faking it-" I looked away, "I tried to hug him and he barely hugged back- and he kept dodging me."
"Sometimes, it's best just to be patient." Magnus have me advice, "Jace has been through a lot- he probably just needs some time."
Or he hated me for being the reason he's screwed up.
The fire message came flying in, as Magnus caught it, "Ah- we're in luck."
I looked at him, "We are?"
"Brother Zachariah says he's willing to meet." Magnus flickered the paper, "Tonight."
I purse my lips, "Tonight?"
"You have plans tonight-" Magnus realized immediately, "Don't worry, biscuit- I'll bring Clary, I'll fill you in on everything once we get back."
"Thank you, Magnus-" I pushed myself onto my tippy toes and hugged onto him tightly suddenly, catching him slightly off guard due to the unexpected affection; except he wasn't complaining.
I just needed it.
Especially with all the guilt I felt.
"Hi!-" I rushed over to the Lightwoods at the Hunters Moon, rubbing my lips together, "I'm sorry I'm late, I lost track of time-"
I was wearing a rust orange dress, one that was lace trimmed and off the shoulder, having small spaghetti straps, gold ankle strap heels on my feet, my hair wavy.
"All that matters is, you made it-" Alec wraps an arm around me when I sat in the empty chair next to him, as he pressed a kiss to my temple, "You look gorgeous-"
I see Maryse smiling at Alec and I, as I covered my face in embarrassment, turning slightly red.
Whenever he showed me public affection, I got flustered, and he knew that.
Isabelle picked up the menu, saving me from saying anything, "How about we order some food?"
"That is a great idea." Alec picked up his menu, keeping his arm around me and holding it open for me to see as well, "I'm starving."
Maryse notices the many glances towards her and folds her hands, "I hope I'm not embarrassing you."
"What are you talking about?" asked Alec, "You're our mother, we stand by you."
Isabelle grabbed her hand, "Always."
"Thank you." Maryse softly smiled. "If there is a silver lining in all of this, it's getting to be with the four of you again."
"So-" I trail off in conversation, leaning my elbows onto the table, "What are you gonna do now?"
"I need to find a job." Maryse smiles wider and folded her hands, "I'm looking forward to it, actually."
"Isabelle, where's your friend?" Maryse then looks at Isabelle, as my parabatai began to stammer, looking towards her brothers.
Jace speaks up, "What friend?"
"Friend? Wait, you have a new boyfriend?" Alec sits up, "Why am I the last one to hear about this?"
"Oh, no." Jace played along, "Alec, I haven't heard about this one either."
My eyes landed on Jace.
Someone was off about him.
Really off.
He didn't seem like himself.
Like he was a different person.
Alec snapped me out of my thoughts, my eyes shifting to my boyfriend, "Wait, you knew about this?"
"Uh- maybe." I picked up the drink Alec had already gotten for me, making my heart warm.
Alec's jaw dropped, his hand grabbing the leg of my chair and pulling me closer until my chair hit his, his arm wrapping around my middle and pulling me into his side, "And you didn't tell me?"
"It wasn't mine to tell-" I giggled lightly, lightly nudging his shoulder playfully.
"He's not my boyfriend." Isabelle made herself clear, "We've only been on one date."
"Alec was my boyfriend after our first date." I sipped my drink, shrugging slightly.
Maryse sipped her drink as well, adding in about Isabelle's new beau, "He's a doctor."
"Well, what is he?" asked Alec, his fingers playing with the material of my dress, "Is he a werewolf? A warlock?"
Isabelle inhales, "He's a mundane."
Alec blinks, "Seriously?"
Jace smirks, "Well, that's new."
Maryse reminds them, "I'm practically a mundane at this point."
Isabelle looks between Alec and Jace, "You all have to promise to behave yourselves."
Jace was smiling, "Us?"
Alec laughs a little, "What?"
"Oh-" I looked at the door when Isabelle's date, Charlie walking, "There he is-"
"Oh, Isabelle." Maryse looked at him when he began walking over to us, "He is handsome."
Isabelle looks at her, "Mom-"
"Wow, what a jawline-" I observed, leaning my chin on my hand, my elbow resting on the table.
"Hey-" Alec's hand suddenly blocked my sight, making me turn my face and look at him, "Look at my jawline-"
"Baby-" I let the nickname slip from my lips, my voice lowering, leaning over and kissing a small kiss to his jawline, "You know I only got eyes for you."
This made Alec smile, as Jace's eyes were glued to Charlie, a sudden eager Look crossing his expression, "Can't wait to meet him."
Alec set down his drink, his arm around me, looking towards Charlie, "So- what kind of doctor are you?"
Charlie replies, "Pediatric surgeon."
Jace nods, "You work with children."
"Yeah, well, kids love to break their arms, running at a coffee table." Charlie's words made us all laugh, "And- not everybody heals as fast as Isabelle."
"Yeah-" Isabelle let her hair hide her face, smiling a little, "The magic of makeup."
I picked up my drink, "It does wonders-"
"Anyway, Isabelle has told me about the family business." Charlie mentioned, Alec suddenly getting serious.
Alec sat up, "What exactly did she tell you?"
Charlie looked slightly taken back, looking between us all, "Is the jewelry thing a secret?"
"Oh- jewelry." Alec was now filled with pure humor, laughs bubbling out of his lips, "She told you we're jewelers?"
Charlie's confusion made Maryse speak up, "We prefer to think of ourselves as artists."
"That- and, you know- men and their need to express their masculinity." I placed a hand over Alec's, making up an excuse, "They get embarrassed."
This make's Charlie laugh lightly, as I grabbed Alec's hand, getting up and grabbing my drink, "Excuse us- Alec and I need refills-"
Alec grabbed his drink as I pulled me along with me to the front, downing the rest of my drink as Alec copies my actions.
I set my glass down next to Alec's, smiling at Maia, "Can we get refills? Make them doubles-"
Maia pours them for us, pushing the two glasses towards us, giving me a small smirk before heading over to Simon.
"Doubles?" Alec picked up his glass, "What did I do to deserve this?"
"Nothing-" I sipped my drink and let go of his hand, walking towards our spot at the Hunters Moon, the pool table left alone, the wall up hiding us from the rest of the room.
Alec follows me, "We're gonna play?-"
"Eventually-" I set both our drinks down, and grabbed both his hands, backing up into the corner by the wall where no one could see up, my back hitting the wall, pulling him into me.
"Are you drunk?" Alec asked when I pulled me against me, setting his hands on my waist.
"Not enough-" I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing my lips to his, alcohol laced in the flavor of tongues, our hands all over each other.
"That was cheating!" I pointed at my boyfriend after the shot he had just made, running a hand through my hair.
"You're just saying that because you're losing-" Alec stood up and leaned against his cue, eyeing the table to see what shot he could make next.
"No way-" I giggled, sipping more of my drink.
Alec's eyes linger with mine, before he leans over and hits his cue against the ball, pretending like he couldn't have possibly made the easy shot we both knew he would get, his solids hitting together.
My heart leaped at this, a memory of our second date lingering in my mind when he had done the same thing.
My phone buzzed on the table, as I reached and answered the call, a smile on my lips, "Hello?"
"Hey, you at Hunters Moon?" Clary Fray's voice filled my line, silence following her voice.
"Yeah, I am- what's up?" I set my drink down, pulling out my stele and running it over my Iratze so I wasn't so drunk anymore, handing it to Alec.
"Is Jace there?" questioned Clary.
"He was a second ago, why?" My eyes scanned the room as Alec ran my stele over his Iratze as well, "Clary, what's going on?"
Suddenly, Magnus was speaking, "Biscuit-"
"Magnus?" I said his name in question, realization flooding me, "What happened?"
"You said Jace was acting cold towards you earlier?" Magnus said through the phone, "Detached? As if he was faking happiness towards you?"
"Yeah-" I trailed off.
"Around the time that Jace was preparing to go to the Silent City, a woman came to see me." Magnus began, "She requested an elixir that would make a person fall out of love- or, in other words to diminish a strong connection- an attachment."
"There was something off about her." Magnus continued, "I couldn't put my finger on it right away, but- what if she was simply masking her power?"
Then, my eyes landed on Jace, who was following Ollie right out of the Hunters Moon.
Alec was confused, "Where's Jace going?"
"Biscuit- what if she was the demon that attacked you, disguised in human form?" Magnus thought.
I took a step away from Alec, my voice lowering, "You really think that's possible?"
"To complete the potion, a sliver of soul was required from the object of affection." Magnus told me, "And you wondered why that demon only touched you, instead of just killing you."
Alec noticed my distance, "Zee, what's going on?"
"Zee-" Clary's voice followed Magnus', her words making my heart stop and drop to the bottom of my stomach, "Jace never went to the Silent City."
All the color had left my face as I stared at the door.
I slowly pulled the phone from my ear, ending the call, swallowing hard, not even glancing at Alec.
I began walking away, pushing through the crowd of people, heading right for the door, Alec trying to figure out what was going on while following me.
I held my kindjals tightly, rounding the corner when I heard a woman's piercing screams, Alec right behind me with his bow and arrow aimed.
I hadn't told him anything yet.
He just knew he needed to back me up when I pulled out my kindjals from my hidden thigh sheaths.
He didn't ask questions, he just had my back.
But, I couldn't stomach the feeling that what I thought could've been true.
That Jace was the Owl.
If the Owl had the master and that master was the demon that attacked me, there was no other explanation.
Jace wasn't going insane.
He was possessed.
"Stop!" Clary's shout was heard, as I immediately ran towards it, my heels clicking against the ground, Alec's footsteps right behind me.
When we turned the corner, there was the Owl, hovering over Ollie, after possessing her.
Clary was defenseless, her blade not in sight and Magnus was on the ground.
The Owl stood straight, growling.
I grunted, throwing my kindjals at him with full force, as he spun kick one at the wall in the alley we stood in, my other one flying right back at me.
Alec's arrow hit against the metal, as it fell to the ground, both weapons on each other.
The Owl growled and began inching closer to us, as Alec shot an arrow at him, him catching it with ease.
Then, gunshots were heard, the Owl's body jerking a few times before he fell, revealing Luke, holding his gun.
The Owl snarled, his disguise flickering, until his face was exposed as he stood straight, revealing Jace.
Alec's eyes slightly widen, "Jace?-"
"Oh, no-" Clary exhaled at her boyfriend.
"Oh, Jace-" I could barely speak any louder, stammering to find words, staring at my sick best friend in horror and guilt, "It was you- it's been you."
authors note:
I'm sorry for the late update ! i have so much going on with finals & schoolwork deadlines , i haven't gotten much time to write :(
from now until my finals are over, i'll be updating whenever i can, because after that i can definitely get back on schedule
anyway, the next chapterrrr, first few scenes, i love em, just be ready for the content I'm gonna deliver (it's not that great but hey pls enjoy)
omg the maryse and zee moments, THE ZALEC MOMENTS
this chapter was so cute
thank you so much for 36k !!
go read metanoia !
vote and comment loadsss
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