"Jace?" I noticed the blond boy when walking through the Ops Center after I had just gotten back from training with Alec, "Yo-"
Jace doesn't turn, staring at the elevator doors as he waited for them to open.
"Jace-" I called out his name, coming to a stop behind him, "Dude- what's going on?"
When he doesn't reply, I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Jace?"
Jace flinched at my touch, looking back at me, confusion crossing his expression.
"Where did you disappear to when we were at the club?" I questioned, "Clary, Iz and I have been texting you non stop- you had us worried-"
Jace blinks, "What?"
"You've been gone almost all night." I stared at my best friend in confusion, "Where have you been?"
Jace swallows, breathing heavily, "I have no idea."
"The last thing I remember, I was- I was fighting Jonathan in the club, but- but, then he must've knocked me out, but it was-" Jace was stammering as we sat on the bench in front of his bed.
"Jace-" I stopped him, "Jonathan isn't the Owl."
Jace looked at me; confused.
"Whenever Jonathan and I were in battle, he always cut my neck- the Owl went for my side." I told him the facts I knew, "And- Izzy slashed him with her whip- the electrum he didn't burn- if it was him, it would've."
Jace inhales shakily at my words, "But- then the nightmares I've been having-"
"They're not signs, Jace." I cut him off, "Jonathan is- for sure, dead."
"Then that's good." Jace got up, walking towards his desk, exhaling deeply, "Yeah, that's good."
"Jace, what is going on with you?" I got up as well, "Is it bringing you back? Look, I don't fully understand it-"
"No." Jace shook his head, facing me, denying my concern, "I'm- I'm fine."
"No, you're not!" I slipped off my zip up sweatshirt, tossing it on the bed, leaving me in only my cropped spaghetti strap tank top, "Stop lying to me, Jace."
Jace doesn't reply.
"Look- we need to figure out what the hell is going on- we need to get you some help." I turned for the door, "I'm telling Alec about the wish-"
"Zee!-" Jace grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, making me face him, "Listen, you need to swear to me that you haven't told anyone else about this."
"I haven't- but, I need to." I argued, "If this is my fault- I have to come clean about what I did-"
"Zee, we've been through this." Jace reminded me, "You compelled the one wish from Raziel- to the Clave, that's the worst offense possible."
"And I know what they'll do to me, but- Jace, if something is really wrong- I can't just not let Alec and Isabelle know about it-" I shook my head, "I can't keep this from them any longer-"
"Well, you're going to have to." Jace pressed, "Come on- if Alec knew, he'd be as guilty as we are- we're protecting him."
I go silent.
Jace swallows at my worried expression that never left, "I promise you, I'm fine."
I scoff lightly, pulling my wrist away, "Then why don't you remember where you've been all night?"
"I'm just tired." Jace came up with a solution, "I haven't slept in days."
"Do you honestly believe that's all this is?" I didn't buy his simple excuse as to why this was all happening to him.
"I just need to get some rest." Jace was honest with em. "And now that I know Jonathan is dead- I finally can."
Alec stood still in front of the glass of Morgan's cell, "Who is the Owl demon?"
Morgan threw herself against the glass, demonically screaming, "Sarah!"
"Hey, honey-" I greeted him softly when I walked out of the elevator, slipping back on my sweatshirt, "Any luck?"
"There's no breaking through." Alec shut off the intercom and faced me, as I noticed him back in his normal dressed up attire, greeting me with a small kiss, "What've you got?"
"Sarah's her twin sister." I exhale deeply, wrapping my arms around his middle, "They share an apartment in Queens."
Alec wraps his arms around me as I continued, "If the Owl's M.O. is consistent with his previous victims, Morgan is being driven to kill someone she loves."
Alec sighs deeply, "She's the 11th mundane this week who's become possessed."
"The Owl has been busy, and has been unique with his work." I grabbed his hand and stood in front of the cell, staring at Morgan, "I spoke with Iz and- in a typical possession, the body's cells wouldn't be affected."
Alec looks at me, "But- Morgan's are?"
"Izzy ran some tests, and-" I exhale deeply, "Her cells are no longer mundane- they're demonic."
Alec stares at me, "So- there's no way we can save her?"
I lightly shook my head, as Alec closed his eyes and tilted his head down at my words.
"I got your alert-" I walked into Alec's office later that day, "Another Owl attack?"
I was dressed in one of Alec's button ups, as this was a forest green color, ending mid thigh, with black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket and black combat boots, my hair wavy and a little longer than it used to be.
"No, blood unit hit downtown." Alec was looking at something on his tablet, "Most likely a rogue vampire- I want you on this with Jace."
I stood still, "How about Izzy? Or Clary?"
Alec looked up at me, suddenly suspicious at my sudden request to switch, "Well, why not Jace?"
"He's exhausted-" I huff lightly, waking further into his office and standing in front of his desk, "He's been hunting the Owl 24-7, he hasn't slept at all."
Alec sat up, "Are you sure this is about sleep?"
My eyes squint, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"When you, Clary and Jace were at Lake Lyn, my parabatai rune disappeared." Alec unexpectedly brought up once again, "There's a reason for that."
I leaned my hands into his desk and looked down at them, "Alec-"
"Isabelle's rune was disappearing when you almost died in front of us-" Alec mentioned, "But, mind faded at the Institute and it was suddenly back."
I wanted to tell him so badly.
But, I couldn't.
I shook my head, "Alec, honey- I know you think something happened, but- really- it didn't-"
"Zee, I know you're lying to me- I can feel it- I know you." Alec got up, noticing how I couldn't make eye contact with him, "Why are you hiding something from me?"
I looked up at him, staying silent.
"There was a reason." Alec was determined to figure out what had happened, "What was it?"
My voice got quiet, "Alec, I can't tell you."
Alec looks between my eyes, "So something did happen?"
"Alec, you need to trust me when I say that I can't tell you about this-" I wanted to break and tell him, but, I contained my urge, "I really can't."
"Look I know how much you care about Jace, how much you would do to protect him." Alec leaned his palms against the desk as well, staring into my eyes, "But- if there is something wrong with Jace, something serious- you'd tell me about it, right?"
I swallowed, "I would-"
Alec exhales deeply, a slight wounded look on his expression, "Then why aren't you telling me about this?"
My tone turned more stern, slightly frustrated but more upset with myself, "I'm trying to protect you."
This makes Alec go quiet.
"I told you that I couldn't tell you about this." I stood straight and stepped back, "Why can't you just leave it at that?"
Alec sighs quietly, "Zee, wait-"
"Izzy and I can handle a rogue vamp." I cut him off, turning and leaving his office.
"That vampire left behind a lot of blood, but- barely any clues." I sigh deeply and stepped onto the sidewalk with Isabelle.
"Maybe we'll find something out here." Isabelle exhales, then looks at me, "Are you sure Jace is okay?"
I shrugged, "He's tired."
"Zee- you and I've seen Jace tired before." Isabelle didn't buy my excuse, "He's never missed a mission."
"I think it's just- everything he's been through lately is just catching up to him." I simply said, "He needs the rest, anyway- he's been on the Owl case nonstop."
When Isabelle's phone buzzes for what felt like the tenth time, I changed the subject, "Who keeps calling you?"
Isabelle put her phone away when she saw who it was, "Someone who can't take a hint."
"Oh-" I began to smile, "The mundane you met at the hospital?"
Isabelle sighs deeply, "I gave him my number to get him off my back."
"Oh, come on, Iz-" I stopped and looked at her, "You wouldn't have given him your number in the first place if you weren't at least a little interested."
"Shadowhunters don't date mundanes, remember?" Isabelle reminded me quickly.
"Shadowhunters also don't fool around with Downworlders- what were you and Meliorn again?" I shot back, smiling lightly, as she couldn't help but give me a small smile as well.
Then, Isabelle notices something, leading me there, "So much for thinking our vampire only came here for blood bags."
I notice the blood drenched cloth, "Is that part of his lab jacket?"
Isabelle picked up the cloth and activated her tracking rune, closing her eyes.
"If a vampire drained a mundane, you'd think we'd find a body." I watched her, "Anything?"
"No tracking signal." Isabelle opened her eyes and sighed, "Body or not, our mundane must be dead."
"I'm sorry." I heard Alec's quiet voice when I inched closer to his room, "Damn it-"
Isabelle and I had taken a breather from the mission when it had lead us to a dead end, just about to head back out in a little.
I wanted to check up on Alec.
To see if he was okay.
"Zee, I am- greatly sorry for upsetting you." Alec stood in front of his mirror when I quietly stood in his door frame, "I didn't mean to push it, I'm just worried about Jace- no, no, no-"
"I'm so sorry." Alec cleared his throat and tried again, "I understand that you can't tell me- and if you say you're trying to protect me- then, I trust you."
Alec exhales deeply, staring in the mirror.
He then pulls out his phone, tapping on the screen a few times, sending a message to someone.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, blowing my cover.
Alec hears it, looking up and back at me, noticing me standing in his doorway, realizing that I had been watching him, "How much of that did you hear?"
"Enough." I stepped into his room and closed the door behind me, looking at him, a soft expression on my features.
"Look- you know I'm really bad at apologies." Alec was vulnerable, stepping closer to me, "Please just let me kiss you-"
I walked over to him and grabbed his face, pressing my lips into his, melting in his arms when he wrapped them around me.
He kissed me for a few moments, pulling me closer, until we pulled apart, looking into each other's eyes.
"I know we've been mad at each other all day, but- that didn't change the fact that I noticed you haven't had anything to eat or drink all day." I mentioned, placing my hands on his chest, "Do I need to force-feed you?"
"No-" Alec exhales deeply, dropping his arms and covers his face for a second, "Look, Jace- he's my parabatai, so- I should be able to help him, but- this, I just- I don't know how."
I looked between his eyes, "What's- this?"
Alec dropped his hands and looked at me, "Do you remember when Valentine told us how Jace's mother committed suicide?"
I nod once, "What about it?"
"Afterwards I looked up Celine's medical records and found that she had a history of mental illness." Alec mentioned, swallowing, "It's just- it can be hereditary."
I was speechless, "You think Jace is going insane?"
"That's the only thing I can make out of what's going on with him-" Alec ran a hand through his hair stressfully.
"I know you're scared." I placed my hands on his arms, "But- we don't know for sure if Jace is going down the same road as Celine- don't lose hope."
"Thank you." Alec softly smiled at me, kissing my forehead, then sitting down in a chair, grabbing a book from a pile, opening it.
I walked over, "What's all this?"
"I need to stop these mundane murders." Alec exhales deeply, flipping the pages, reminding me, "But- we have no idea who or what the Owl is, and we hit a dead end on testing on Morgan."
"I'm looking through the archives-" Alec told me, his eyes scanning the pages, "Digging for clues."
"Not to be an overeager girlfriend, but- need a hand?" I sat on the arm of the couch, grabbing one of the books, "I'll catch up with Iz."
"You help me all the time." Alec looked at me from the book he was looking through, exhaling deeply, "If I came to you every time I had a problem-"
"We'll spend more time together." I cut his sentence off almost immediately, sarcastically, but dramatically groaning, "Oh, the torture."
This makes Alec smile.
"Look, let me get some food in you, and- then, I'll call Magnus, he can come to the Institute and examine Morgan- maybe, he could help." I suggest, setting down the book, "Please?"
Alec stares at me in admiration, "I love you."
"I love you too." I smiled, leaning over and pressing my lips into his gently.
"No point tracking." Isabelle said to me when I activated my tracking rune, holding the cloth, "Our mundane's dead."
"I thought I'd try one more time, in case he's being held over water." I shrugged lightly, then looked at her, showing my concern, "You sure you're okay, being in this neighborhood full of vampires?"
"I can handle it." Isabelle assures me, "Yin-Fen dealers know the dirt- if we play our cards right, we might be able to get a lead on this delinquent blood sucker."
"Speaking of dirt-" I walked with her, "That mundane you're avoiding is it because you're still hung up on Raphael?"
Isabelle sighs, "Let's just drop it."
"Isabelle- look who you're talking to." I reminded her, "I'm your parabatai- you can tell me anything."
"All the guys I've been with- sex was always a big part of it." Isabelle opened up, "With Raphael it was about everything- but, that- he made me feel like I wanted so much more."
"As much as I hate saying this, because of how much I hate Raphael for feeding your addiction-" I inhale sharply, "Why end it if that was the case?"
"We thought we couldn't be together without being tempted by our old habits." Isabelle shook her head lightly, "But- Raphael and I, there's something about us that just fits."
"It's like you and Alec." Isabelle related mindlessly, "You're perfect for each other- like two pieces of a puzzle and just fit."
"If that's the case-" I began, going soft, "If you and Raphael fit-"
I froze in my spot, cutting my own sentence off when I felt a hit on my tracking.
Isabelle looked at me, "What's wrong?"
"I just got a tracking hit on our missing mundane." I looked at her, "He's not dead."
"Not yet." Isabelle exhales, as her and I began running towards where the tracking lead us.
"Tracking signal's on fire." Isabelle walked down the steps with me, armed and ready, "The mundane must be close."
I noticed the hole in the ground, inhaling sharply, "That might not be a good thing."
Isabelle and I walked down the steps and scoured the room, looking around.
Then, a deep, raspy voice filled the room, making us spin towards it, "Looking for something?"
The mundane was snarling as he inched closer to Isabelle and I.
"We know you're thirsty." I began, flipping my kindjals in my hand, "We're not here to hurt you."
Isabelle followed up my words, "Where's the vampire who killed you?"
I held my kindjals tighter, "Just take us to your sire."
"Not a chance." growled the mundane, as he launched his self toward us, growling loudly.
Isabelle slashed her whip, it wrapping around his arm as he flipped her onto her back.
He ran towards me as I grunted, fighting him off with my kindjals, as he groaned with every movement.
Isabelle got back up and wrapped her whip around him once more, as I shoved both my kindjals into him, killing him.
Isabelle smirked at me, "Nicely done."
"Right back at ya." I flipped my kindjals in my hands, smirking back lightly.
Then, we heard distant screaming.
"Upstairs!-" Isabelle ran up the stairs as I quickly followed her, following the scream until we reached the door that led to the roof.
Isabelle froze when the scream was heard again, but louder and more audible, "It's Raphael."
"Alright, three, two, one-" I counted down as we both kicked the door down at the same time, rushing out onto the roof to find a barely covered Raphael, screaming in pain, his ankle chained.
"Raphael!" Isabelle cries out, running towards him, as I followed her, using my kindjals to break the chains.
"Get him out of the sun!" I shouted, squinting my eyes at the sun rising, helping Isabelle drag him to the shade.
Isabelle looked at him with wide eyes when we helped him stand, "What happened?"
"I tried to get a lead on the vampire- I tried to take her down on my own." Raphael breathes heavily, hissing in pain, "But- she got the upper hand."
I stare at him, "Who is she?"
Raphael couldn't catch his breath, "I don't know."
"What's happening?" I asked, walking towards Alec and Magnus through the Ops Center, noticing the new blazer Magnus had on, "Hey- nice blazer, red's really your color-"
Magnus smiles lightly at me, "Thank you, biscuit."
"I'm not sure-" Alec admits, meeting with me half way and looks at Underhill, "How long has the system been down?"
"Less than two minutes." Underhill replied.
Lindsay adds in, "Hopefully- it was just a glitch."
Alec and I traded looks, knowing that's not what it was at all.
Magnus, Alec and I headed for the elevator, heading down to the sub cells right away to check on Morgan.
When we came out, Morgan was laying in her cell, completely still, not moving.
"No-" Alec exhales, running into Morgan's cell, as Magnus and I quickly followed him, all of us hovering over Morgan.
Alec kneels and turns her onto her back, Magnus using his magic on her to see what had happened to her, as I hesitantly spoke, "Is she okay?"
Then, Morgan suddenly gasps and sat up quickly, scaring the hell out of all of us, as Alec moves back quickly, I stumbling behind him, my hands on his shoulders, going to him for protection, "Oh hell no-"
My eyes trailed from Morgan, to Magnus, "What's going on?"
Magnus was just as confused as we all were when his magic faded, "She's free of all demonic possession."
"Where am I?" Morgan was frantic.
"Hey, you're okay." Alec places a hand on her arm to calm her down, "You're okay."
"Jace?" I knocked on his bedroom door, walking in and closing behind me, "Dude- you missed the alert-"
"I was just checking in to see-" My voice faded when I see Jace sat up on his bed, holding his necklace, tears in his eyes, his hair a mess, bags present under his eyes.
"Oh, god-" I walked over to him immediately, sitting across from him, "What happened- are you okay?"
Jace stares at me, quiet sniffles coming from him.
"Jace, what's going on?" I was truly concerned for my best friend's health, "Talk to me- please."
"I was walking back from from the Jade Wolf, and I don't know how I got here." Jace's voice shook as more tears filled his eyes.
My eyes squint, "What?"
"Zee, I think, I'm-" Jace was stuttering to create a sentence due to how much he wanted to burst in tears, "I think I'm losing my mind."
I was speechless, not knowing what to say.
Before processing, I put my arms around him tightly, as he clung at my embrace, sobbing into my shoulder.
authors note:
merry christmas !
ok tbh, zace is goals honestly
like actual best friend goals, like they take it to another level
but, zalec has me in my feels rn
also, thank you so much for 28k !!!
go read metanoia !
vote and comment loadsss
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