I pulled the towel from my head, running my hand through my damp hair, as all my hair fell back into place.
I was in my room, about to go to Alec's for bed.
I changed into one of his t shirts and a pair of sweats, standing in front of my mirror, the minty taste in my mouth from the toothpaste making my mouth cold as I breathed in.
My finger ran along my bottom lip as I spread the lip balm on it, until I heard my door open.
I don't even bother to look back, my eyes falling onto Alec through the mirror who walked in, his hair a mess, sticking up in different ways, a zip up hoodie that he had his hands in the pockets, wearing sweats and barefoot.
Before I could turn around, Alec walked behind me, scooping me up in his arms, walking out of the room, shutting my light off and closing my door behind me, walking down the hall.
I was caught off guard, "Alec?-"
A tired expression was planted on his face permanently, as he walks into his room, kicking the door close, darkness present in the room but the moonlight coming from his window being enough for him and I to make out everything in the room.
Alec practically tosses me onto the bed before falling face fist into the mattress, moving all the way up, unzipping his hoodie, tossing it blindly to the side, as it perfectly landed on a chair, laying on his side, wrapping his arms around me, laying his head on my chest.
I ran a hand through his messy hair, fixing it, "Are you- okay?"
"I accidentally fell asleep while you were in the shower and I woke up without you, and I got sad." Alec's voice was raspy from just waiting up and still lingering to sleep, holding me tighter, nuzzling his face into me.
"I don't know if I should hold you or tease you about being a softie." I looked down at him, continuing to fix his hair.
Alec's cheek rubs against my shirt as he looked up at me, "I like the first option a lot."
I bite my bottom lip to hold back a smile as it slips out from underneath my teeth when I lean in to kiss him.
Alec presses his lips into mine for a few seconds, before pulling away, his eyes diverted towards the strand of hair that fell from behind my ear, "Your hair smells really good."
My eyes squint in confusion, not knowing if I should thank him for saying that or not.
"What shampoo do you use?" He asked, taking another whiff of the scent, "It smells great-"
"It's something Magnus brews for me." I shrug lightly, "I showered at his place once and his shampoo was so much better than what we have here so whenever I run out, he brews me a bottle."
"Can you ask him if he can brew me a bottle?" Alec now moved up and had his face nuzzled into my damp hair, repeatedly just enjoying the scent.
"Alec, stop sniffing my head!" I playfully shove him away, turning away and reaching for his nightstand, grabbing his stele.
I lay on my back again, lifting my shirt a little, running the stele over my Iratze, the pain in my jaw disappearing.
Alec's eyebrows furrowed, "What hurt?"
I place his stele back on the nightstand, "My jaw."
The slightly concerned look faded from Alec's face, a small smirk forming on his lips as he simply wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him.
I hid my face in his bare shoulder, keeping my slightly embarrassed face hidden.
"Hey-" I walked over to Alec and Isabelle, fixing the sleeve of my shirt, giving Alec a side hug, pressing my lips into his in a small short kiss, "I heard Max is on his way."
I wore a long sleeved beige cropped thermal shirt, the first two buttons undone, my hair straight as down to it's full length, ending mid chest, as I wore black ripped jeans and black boots.
Alec looked down at his feet, a slight rose color forming on his cheeks from my affection, making me hold back a smile.
Isabelle inhales sharply, "Feels like just yesterday we were taking knives away from him."
Alec looked up at his sister, wrapping an arm around me, "Well, he's lucky to have you as a tutor."
"Alec." Isabelle spoke up, "Maybe it's a mistake putting me in charge of him."
"Are you kidding?" I blink in disbelief, "Iz, you're the smartest one here."
"Zee's right." Alec rubs my arm, "And you're one of our toughest fighters."
"But- it's just I don't totally feel like myself yet." Isabelle admits, crossing her arms.
"What about those mundane meetings?" Alec asks, his eyebrows furrowing.
Isabelle couldn't help but smile lightly, "They're helping even though they think I'm talking about heroin."
Unexpectedly, Jace walks over to us with Clary, "Shadowhunter down."
Clary said his name, "Milo Keytower."
"What?" I slip away from Alec and meet them halfway, Alec and Isabelle following, "What happened?"
Inquisitor Herondale joins the conversation, "From what I understand, his runes were carved out. Is that true, Jace?"
"Yes." Jace confirmed, "After he was attacked by a wolf."
Clary adds in, "He had multiple bite and claw marks."
"What kind of werewolf randomly attacks a Shadowhunter?" Isabelle questions.
Alec answers, "One who's trying to send a message.
Inquisitor Herondale adds, "And get the attention of the Clave."
I cross my arms, "We need to find them before this happens again."
Inquisitor Herondale looked away in suspicion, "Well, I think I have a pretty good idea who it is."
Inquisitor Herondale had accused Luke of being the one to attack Milo Keytower, as she had called him in for questioning.
Luke quickly fired back with a alternative of a dna test, proving that it wasn't him.
And in other news, Jace would be the new appointed Head of the Institute when Inquisitor Herondale was off the premise.
"Congratulations." Alec said to Jace, getting up from the chair he sat at where he looked at the monitors after Jace had told him and I about this news, walking towards one of the tables.
"It should've been you." Jace quickly replied, and I could tell he felt guilty for something that wasn't in his hand, as him and I followed Alec, "I told her that."
I could tell by Alec's change of tone and expression that he was bothered by this. It wasn't that hard to figure it out, because he had been wanting this his entire life.
But, the position he had been longing for was being handed over to his parabatai simply because of a last name.
"The Clave was never going to hand it to me." Alec stopped at the nearest table, his palms resting on the surface as I came next to him, Jace on the corner, "I'm dating- Valentine's daughter-"
My jaw dropped, my arms crossing as I looked at my boyfriend, tilting my head to the side, a defensively offensive look flat on my features, a small scoff leaving my mouth.
"Whom I love very much." Alec quickly adds when he notices the look on my face, "I'm sorry-"
"It's okay." I place a hand on his back, giving him a smile full of sympathy, "I get it."
Jace sighs, "Look Alec, I didn't want this, I swear."
"You're a Herondale." Alec looked away from me and at him, "Get used to the perks."
Before Jace could reply, the alarm starting blaring as two dead Shadowhunters were wheeled in on a stretcher, Clary and Lindsay walking over to us.
Jace was first to speak, "What happened?"
Clary answers, "We found Rosegreen and Penmount dead in the Bowery, runes carved out."
Lindsay speaks as we all surrounded the dead bodies, "Just like Keytower."
"Except Penmount's been drained by a vampire." Alec notices, his eyes scanning the body.
Jace observes as well, "And Rosegreen was lanced by a Seelie Knight."
"It's not just a lone wolf." I looked from the bodies, to them, "It's multiple Downworlders."
"Luke was right all along- the Downworlders want revenge." Jace realized, "This could be the start of an uprising."
"Another Shadowhunter was found Dead last night in Williamsburg." Inquisitor Herondale said at the briefing, "This time, murdered this time murdered by a warlock."
"In this time of crisis, it is essential that we maintain strong leadership." Inquisitor Herondale continued and gestures toward Jace, "That is why I am naming- Jace Herondale."
"Head of the Institute, effective upon my departure to Idris." Inquisitor Herondale finishes, "Dismissed."
"Let's not make a big deal about this." Jace immediately says when Alec, Isabelle and I walked over to him and down the Ops Center, "She's still in charge until she leaves."
"Still!" Isabelle laughed softly, "Being appointed Head of the Institute and finding out you're a Herondale? Don't let it get to your head."
"So Herondales are what, like the Kennedys of the Shadow World?" Clary asked as we all surrounded a table.
"It's an old Shadowhunter family." Alec answered her, "Like the Lightwoods."
"But, they're the Kennedys." I point out, crossing my arms.
"Let's focus on what matters." Jace told us, "The Inquisitor would like us to reach out to our allies, to see what they know. At this point, she considers all Downworlders suspects."
Alec exhales deeply, "That's casting a pretty broad net."
"She can't possibly think any of our friends did this." Clary said, looking between us.
"Yeah, well, we'll prove that to her." Jace spoke, "Since Luke's DNA cleared him, we should collect samples from all of our friends to clear them as well. I'll make an Institute-wide announcement."
"I'll go talk to Simon." Clary nods, walking away from us, earning a nod from us.
"I'll go see Raphael." Isabelle said, taking a step away.
"No." Alec and I almost instantly say sternly, in unison.
"Why not?" Jace asks, looking between Alec and I, earning only silence, "Am I missing something here?"
"Jace-" Isabelle faces him, "I'm a Yin Fen addict."
Jace looked taken back, "Excuse me?"
"It's a long story, but I'm better now." Isabelle didn't want to go in detail, "Not perfect, but better. Definitely good enough to hunt down whoever's murdering our people."
"Okay, we'll take all the help we can get." Jace nods, speaking before walking away, "Just report back with any leads, okay?"
Before Isabelle can walk away, Alec speaks again, "I'm going with you."
"No." Isabelle shook her head, "I'll have more traction with Raphael if it's just me- I'll leave as soon as Max is settled."
Both Alec and I shot her disapproving looks.
"Guys, I can handle this." Isabelle assures us, "You just have to trust me."
When she walks away, I dramatically groan and lean my elbows against the table, "I really hate it when she uses that card."
"Yes, I have Magnus' DNA sample." I spoke with Alec on the phone, walking along in the dark, "I'm heading back right now."
"Was he upset that you wanted his DNA to clear him?" Alec asked, as I walked further down the alley I was walking through.
"After I explained to him that I trust him and know he didn't do this-" I trail off, "He reluctantly obliged."
"It's really late- I don't think you should be out alone." Alec's voice was filled with worry when he changed the subject, "I should've went with you, you would've been safer that way."
"Alec, I'll be fine, you know I can handle myself okay?" I assure him, until my phone rang again, as Clary was giving me a call, "Clary's calling me- I gotta go, okay? I love you-"
Before Alec could reply, I hung up and answered Clary's call, "Hey-"
"Hey, did you get Magnus' sample?" Clary asked, and I could heard shuffling in the background.
"Uh, yeah, I'm heading home as we speak-" I told her, "Did you get Simon's?"
"Yeah- hey, maybe we could meet up half way?" Clary suggests, "We could walk back to the Institute together-"
"Sure-" I began, but before I could reply any further, I grunt when something hits the back of my head.
I fell forward, landing on my knees, dropping my phone, Clary's voice yelling through the phone, "Zee!"
I force myself up, pulling out my kindjals, spinning to face my attacker, when there was a slashing against my stomach, catching me off guard.
It was a person in a black hood, with claw like weapons.
Blood oozed out of my wounds as I grunted, my kindjals clinging against the claws, until they had the upper hand and I was on the ground.
I try to get up but it was no use, as a wave a weakness overcame me, my eyes rolling to the back of my head, everything going back.
I quiet whimper let my lips, as I felt my consciousness returning to me.
My entire body felt weak, as I forcefully opened my eyes, blinking a few times to get used to the light shining above me.
I ran a hand through my slightly tangled hair, my palms flat on my mattress as I slowly pushed myself up, noticing how I was changed in one of Alec's shirts and was now in my room.
I look to my side, noticing Alec seated in a chair by my bed, his head leaning against his fist, his eyes closed, looking as if he had been sitting there all night.
I push myself up into a sitting position, my voice coming out raspy and weak, "Alec-"
Alec's eyes almost instantly fly open, as he sat up quickly from his slouched position, blinking the sleep away from his eyes, "Hey-"
I held my arms out, in deep desire for him to hold me, as he obliged, getting up, sitting in front of me and wrapping his arms around me.
I bury my face into his neck and take in his scent, as he kissed my head, "I'm so glad you're okay."
I slowly pulled away, "I don't remember what happened-"
"You were drugged." Alec looked away, dreading the thought of it, let alone speaking it out loud, "You were already hurt by the time Clary got to you."
It was then I noticed the stinging pain on my stomach, as I pulled up my shirt and notice the claw marks on them. An Iratze would heal it completely.
"Wait- these are claw marks." I observed, "I was attacked by a wolf?"
I should've turned by now.
"From the evidence, that's what we can tell." Alec inhales sharply, "But, even Clary doesn't remember who the attacker was."
"Clary?" I pulled my shirt down, "Is she okay?"
"She came after you alone, and ended up almost going with you in the process." Alec grabbed my hand, "Fortunately, Simon got to you both before it was too late."
"Is she okay?" I asked, "Is she hurt?"
"She's fine." Alec assured me, looking down at our hands, "She wasn't as severely injured as you were."
I held my palm out, "Can I use your stele?"
Alec pulls it out of his pocket, placing it in my hand as I pulled my shirt up and ran it over my Iratze, the claw marks disappearing, the pain in my body along with it, leaving only exhaustion.
As I raised the stele up to my stamina rune, Alec grabbed my wrist, "No."
My lips fell into a slight pout, "But-"
"No." Alec took his stele out of my hands, putting it back into his pocket, "You use that rune like a drug and that isn't good. You need rest, not an adrenaline rush."
I sigh deeply, wrapping my arms around his middle, "Fine, I'll listen to you."
"I don't think I've ever heard you say that." Alec wraps his arms around me as well.
"Well, there's a first time for everything." I point out, giving him a soft smile.
What looked like guilt flashed in Alec's eyes as he looked away, "Zee, I'm sorry."
"Sorry?" My eyebrows furrow at the sudden tone change, "For what?"
"I should've went with you to Magnus'." Alec took the blame, "I shouldn't have let you convince me that you were okay to go on your own-"
"No, I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you." I argued, "This isn't your fault."
Alec looks at me, his eyes locking with mine.
"It's not, okay?" I press my lips into his for a few seconds, pulling away, "I'm fine."
Alec softly nods, a small smile on his face as I shared the same on my own.
I look to the side, noticing the shirt I was wearing earlier teared up and stained with blood.
"Oh my God!" I slip away from Alec, grabbing my shirt from the ground, my eyes scanning over the rips from where I was attacked, "I loved this shirt!"
Alec shot me a look from where he sat, but behind that look I could tell he was trying to hold back a laugh.
"I mean, thank the Angel I'm alive." I clear my throat, tossing the shirt out, "It was a nice shirt, though."
Alec grabs my hands and pulls me back over to him, wrapping his arms around my waist, "I'll buy you a new one."
I softly smile, grabbing his face, leaning down, pressing my lips into his.
"So- Imogen says to lock up Simon and you just let it happen?" Clary confronted Jace right as she left the elevator, Jace looking taken back.
I slipped on my leather jacket after tucking in Alec's t shirt into my jeans and fixing my hair, walking over to them, "You locked up Simon?"
"I tried to help Simon- okay?" Jace looks between us, "You know I wouldn't have done any of this if he hadn't broken Clave rules."
"Oh, suddenly you're into rules?" Clary remarks, "You know, Jace Herondale might have some kind of family name to live up to, but the Jace I know would break any rule for the people he cares about."
"People are dying." Jace stares at her, "People Zee and I have known our entire life- people we trained with. There are no easy choices right now."
I cross my arms, "I agree with Clary."
Jace looks at me, "A team just found Lockheart dead."
Before I could reply, Inquisitor Herondale walks over to us, "And we've just caught his killer."
And behind, Maia was being dragged by a few Shadowhunters.
My eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Maia, what's going on?"
"Lockheart was mauled by a wolf." Inquisitor Herondale went in depth, "Ms. Roberts was found a block away, minutes after the kill."
"I was walking home from work." Maia was already defensive, "What, is that a crime now too?"
Inquisitor Herondale looks at her, "Did anyone see you walking home from work?"
"It's New York City." Clary spoke up, "A lot of people were a block away."
Inquisitor Herondale looked at her, spite in her tone, "An hour ago, this wolf viciously attacked Jace for carrying out a Clave mandate."
Maia was quick to expose Jace, "To put a tracking chip in my neck!"
"Wow- wait- to do what?" I blurt out in surprise, my arms dropping as I stepped closer.
Clary was just as shocked, "Wait what?"
"You know, I have been stopped by cops for no other reason than being black, but I thought the Shadowhunters were more evolved than that." Maia argued, looking at Jace with sincerity, "Jace, I didn't do this."
Jace was silent, as Inquisitor Herondale stepped in and spoke because he could, "Six Shadowhunters are dead. Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment."
"Isn't fear an emotion, Madam Inquisitor?" I called her out, stepping closer, "Because that's all this is."
Inquisitor Herondale turned to me, "Excuse me?"
"The only reason you're certain Maia did this is not because you found her a block away, but because she "attacked" your precious grandson." I crossed my arms, "Finding her a block away isn't solid proof that she did this."
Inquisitor Herondale doesn't reply to this.
"This is wrong- this is all wrong, in fact- this is what's making everything worse." I looked between her and Jace, "Involuntarily- chipping all the Downworlders? What has the Clave come to?"
"Ms. Morgenstern." The name she addressed me by only made me angrier, "Downworlders preying on Shadowhunters is what is wrong."
I scoff, "You sound like Valentine-"
"You and Mr. Lightwood are very alike." Inquisitor Herondale eyes me up and down, "He said the exact same thing."
I was quick to shoot right back at her, "Well, I'm glad to know my boyfriend and I are always on the same page."
"Your idealism is charming, but when they wheel in the next dead Shadowhunter with their runes carved out, what will you tell their family?" Inquisitor Herondale questioned, "What will your ideals have done for any of them?"
"What, so you're going to just lock whatever Downworlder you see a few blocks from the scene of the crime without any solid, physical proof?" I snipped at her, disbelief crossed my features.
"A little while ago, we all thought Jace had demon blood." My arms dropped to my sides, my tone lowering dangerously low, "If he wasn't a Herondale, you'd be locking him up too."
"Take her too." Inquisitor Herondale instructs as two Shadowhunters grabbed me as well, "Maybe some time in a cell with teach you who speaks to who."
"Wait- what're you doing?" Clary blurts out, "Stop, this is wrong!"
Jace opened his mouth to speak, but Inquisitor Herondale beat him to it, "Put them downstairs with the vampire."
Alec was now walking towards us, "Wait, what's going on?"
Clary was quick to fill in him, desperately trying to get this to stop, "They're locking Zee up too!"
"What?" Alec's eyes went wide, looking at Jace as they pulled Maia and I away, "Why? She didn't do anything wrong, stop this!"
Clary's shout filled my ears as we turned the corner, "Jace, tell her to stop!"
"Why didn't you just leave?" Maia asked as Simon told her and I about what happened when he brought Clary and I in, "There was nothing you could do for her."
Her and Simon sat on the bed, as I sat on the ground, my back against the glass, my legs folded up, my jacket resting on the bed.
"I just couldn't." Simon sighed, "And I kind of thought Jace would stand up for me."
I exhale deeply, "Jace looks lost."
"Like a deer caught in headlights." Maia nods, "I guess I get it."
I softly nod, "Me too."
"Get what?" Simon looks between us, "That he's under the Inquisitor's spell?"
"To know what it's like, to want so badly to have real family." Maia slightly shrugs, "The things you'll do."
"Even for the world's most terrifying grandma?" Simon comments, earning a soft laugh from the both of us.
"Totally I mean, you should have seen her face when Zee went off on her." Maia recalls, "That woman was legit scared- Zee was on fire."
I smirked, "If I didn't know any better I'd say you like us Shadowhunters now."
"A few of em." Maia softly smiled, "Thanks for standing up for me."
"I have a great influence." I returned the gesture, as I thought of Alec.
"Hey, Simon?" I looked at him, "You're a good boyfriend."
Simon softly smiled at me, "You think so?"
"Yeah- you've got the older sister approval." I gently nod, "Don't screw it up, Simon."
Although, I wanted Clary with Jace, if she was happy was Simon, I wasn't going to come between that.
I supported her, and I knew Simon was a good boyfriend to her.
Simon sighs, "I don't plan to if I ever get out of here."
"You're a Daylighter now." Maia brought up, "Does that come with any other new tricks that could break us out of here?"
"No- but I've realized that being a Daylighter is like, totally overrated." Simon said, "Like, I should have got something cool, heat vision, or invisibility-"
The door creaked open and Jace's voice filled our ears, "If only you were invisible."
We all looked at the door, as Alec, Clary and Jace walked in.
"Clary! You okay?" Simon ran to his girlfriend instantly, "I tried to stay but they wouldn't let me-"
"No, it's alright-" Clary held onto him tightly, "It's okay-"
I got up, walking right for Jace, "I'm going to kick your-"
"Nope-" Alec came between us before I could even make it, bending and throwing me over his shoulder.
I gasp, "Alec!"
Maia walked over to Jace, "You know damn well I didn't kill anyone."
Jace crossed his arms, "Yeah, well, even so, I should probably let you cool out down here for that right hook you landed."
"You deserved it." Maia remarked.
"Yeah, I did- I was wrong." Jace responsibly admitted, "I'm sorry."
"Did you just," I pull myself up, still handing from Alec's shoulder to look at Jace, "-apologize?"
Alec looked at me with the same look on his face, "I think he did-"
Jace playfully rolls his eyes at us, "Really, guys?"
"An apology from you- wow." Maia was just as shocked, "There's a first time for everything."
"She had everything- werewolf claws, vampire fangs, seelie blades." Isabelle listed as she told Alec, Jace and I in his office, "She used it to make it look like a Downworld uprising."
"You know-" I leaned against the arm of the chair Isabelle sat in, crossing my arms, "I never liked her."
"Yeah, I figured that out when you kicked her out of Magnus'." Jace recalled the memory out loud, "But, the question is, why?"
"We're not sure." Alec stood with his hands behind his back, "But- it has to go beyond covering her tracks."
Isabelle nods, "I agree."
"That's great work, Iz." Jace softly smiled, "I hear Max is back up on his feet and ready to take over the world."
"How are you doing?" I wrapped my arm around her, "Are you okay?"
Isabelle nodded gently and gave me a small smile, "Getting better one day at a time."
"Good." Jace's smile remained, "We'll keep investigating Kaelie.0
"But- in the meantime, my first official act as Head of the Institute is going to be somewhat controversial, so I'm gonna need your help." Jace stepped closer to Alec, "You're taking over."
Alec slowly nods, "The Seelie investigation?"
"No." Jace couldn't stop smiling, "I mean you, Alec Lightwood, are now the Head of the New York Institute."
I almost jump out of my seat, my eyes widening with excitement as I looked between them, my arms dropping to my sides.
The hard expression on Alec's face disappeared, "Can you do that?"
"Yeah." Jace chuckles, "I mean, like you said, being a Herondale comes with certain perks- naming a successor is one of them."
Isabelle was smiling ear to ear as well, standing up with me.
"You were right." Jace admits, "Downworlders and Shadowhunters, we're all a mix of human, angel and demon. If we let the Clave forget that we deserve a revolt."
"I'll always be a soldier." Jace was smiling wider, "But- you're a leader, Alec."
"Wait-" I paused, looking between them, "I don't know which one of you to hug first-"
Jace breaks out into a soft laugh as he went in first, engulfing me in a tight hug, as Isabelle hugged Alec, "I'm sorry I let Imogen throw you in the cell."
"It's okay- it's okay-" I held back, rubbing his back, "You're back- that's all that matters-"
The minute Jace pulls away, I hop into Alec's arms, his grip tight the minute he grabbed me.
I could feel him smiling against my neck, making me smile even wider, "I'm proud of you."
"Proud of me?" Alec puts me down, "Why?"
"You finally got what you wanted." I rubbed his arm, smiling up at him, "What you deserve."
Alec kisses my forehead, looking at Jace, "I have your first assignment."
Jace's lips turned up, "Bring it."
authors note:
if any of you got what zee meant by her jaw hurting, you dirty minded little shit-
also, random alec gif cause I couldn't find one for this chapter sksksksk
this book hit 8k too? omg I'm cryin
but awh, I'm so soft for zalec
vote and comment loaaads !
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