My hand ran through Alec's hair over and over as I played with it, his head on my lap.
We were on the little couch on the side of my room, my elbow leaning against the arm rest, my head resting against my fist, Alec laid across the couch.
His hair was soft and I loved how calm he got when I played with his hair.
He had fallen asleep on my lap once again, exhausted from the day but I didn't mind.
It was adorable seeing him so at peace when he was asleep.
When his quiet snores disappear, my eyes fell onto him, noticing his eyes slowly opening.
His voice was raspy and quiet, "Hi-"
"Enjoy your nap?" I lean down and kiss his forehead, my hand moving from his hair to hold his face.
"You know- that is the best thing to wake up to?" Alec softly mumbles, as I gave him a weak smile, as we shared a small kiss.
I sat back up, leaning my head against my fist once more, beginning to run my hand through his hair again.
Alec observed my features, "Are you okay?"
I pause for a moment, my eyes locking with his soft ones, "I'm fine- why?"
"You haven't been eating breakfast and I've woken up to an empty bed three times." Alec confronts me, "You have bags under your eyes."
"Alec, I'm okay." I ran my hand through his hair again, "Don't worry about me."
Alec sighs deeply, muttering to himself, "You're the only thing I ever think about."
"Hey-" I walked over to Jace, Clary and Alec in the Ops Center, pushing myself onto my tippy toes and kissing Alec's cheek, "What'd I miss?"
Alec looked down when a slight rose color raises upon his cheeks, "Azazel's attacks go as far south as the meat-packing district- and then the trail goes cold."
"It's no use just tracking the dead bodies." Jace sighs deeply, "With his ability to dematerialize, he could be anywhere."
"Maybe we can help." Isabelle walks over to us, and I don't waste time to rush over to the other side of the table and throw my arms around her.
"Iz!" I held onto her tightly, "I'd be so mad at you right now if I wasn't happy that you're back-"
"I missed you too." Isabelle hugged back tighter, and at this point I didn't want to let go of my parabatai.
"We've been so worried about you." Clary rubs Isabelle's back as we held each other longer, "Where have you been?"
"Looking for Azazel." Isabelle inhales sharply, Alec and I trading looks.
When I pulled away from the hug, that was when I noticed a tall blond standing next to Isabelle, "Who are you?"
"This is Sebastian Verlac, from the London Institute." Isabelle introduces him, "When the demon came after me, Sebastian saved my life."
Sebastian's British accent was thick when he spoke, catching me off guard, "Oh, I simply lent a hand."
Isabelle inhales sharply, "Sebastian's an expert on all things Azazel."
Sebastian nods, looking between us but his eyes kept falling onto me, "When I studied abroad at the Paris Institute, I specialized in greater demons."
"Thanks for saving my sister." Alec reaches for a handshake, as Sebastian gladly accepted it, "I'm Alec."
"Yeah, thank you." Jace agreed and shook his hand also, "I'm Jace."
"The great warrior in the flesh." Sebastian admires, "Your reputation precedes you."
"As does yours." Sebastian shook Clary's hand, "You must be Clary. Valentine's daughter."
"Yeah." Clary shook his head for a moment and then pulled away, "Don't hold it against me."
Sebastian's eyes fell onto me, "And you're Zee Young."
"Don't tell me there's gossip about me too-" I shook his hand, as he held a tight grip on mine.
"Enough for me to recognize you in an instant." Sebastian was lingering to our connected hands, "You're even prettier in person."
My jaw drops, not knowing what to say to him. I was caught off guard and my eyes were squinting in suspicion, awkwardness and confusion.
I stood at the corner of the table, Sebastian in front of me and Alec across from me on the other side.
I press my lips together, slowly pulling my hand from his, trying not to be rude.
From the corner of my eye, I notice the angry look crossing on Alec's face and the weirded out look on Jace's.
Then, there was a tug on my arm, as I was pulled around the table and to Alec's side.
I almost stumbled on my own feet, my eyes slightly widening at his sudden movement to pull me over to him.
I looked at him, but he was too busy glaring down Sebastian.
"So- tell us about Azazel." Jace quickly clears his throat when he notices the tension in the air, "How do we take him down?"
"The only way to banish him is to puncture his demonic core." Sebastian broke eye contact with Alec, "In corporeal form, it's between the T8 and T9 vertebrae, but it's not that simple- the core is about the size of a pea."
I inhale sharply, "So- the entry point's right below his sternum?"
Sebastian hums and Jace speaks up, "If I can get close enough, I can kill him."
"You wouldn't have enough velocity, and even if you did, the defeat's only temporary." Sebastian explained, "The nasty buggers always find a way to break out of their realm and come back."
"Thank you for the intel." Alec shortly said, "We'll take it from here."
Sebastian spoke up quickly, "If I can, I'd like to help."
"We appreciate that, but you don't have clearance to go on mission." I could hear the slight annoyance in Alec's tone, "Not this Institute."
Isabelle didn't seem to happy about this, "Alec, you can't be serious."
"Hey, Alec- look." Jace whispers to him, "He clearly knows more than us about Azazel, we could use all the help we could get."
Sebastian speaks due to Alec's silence, "Now, as far as tracking is concerned, we should really think about-"
Alec interjects rudely, "We have a very capable warlock for that."
"You do what you want." Alec looks between us all, walking away from us, "Zee and I are gonna work with Magnus."
I opened my mouth to speak; no words coming out.
My mouth open and closed a few times, as I looked between Alec and the others.
"I- guess, I'm working with Magnus!" I chirped up quickly, before rushing after my boyfriend, "Alec!"
"Alec, stop!" Isabelle chases after her older brother and stops in front of him with me, "What's your problem?"
Alec sighs deeply, "Sebastian Verlac shows up out of the blue and saves you?"
I notice his suspicion, "What are you trying to say?"
"Alec, you did everything you could to help me." Isabelle stares at him, "And I love you for that. But- don't treat Sebastian like the enemy just because he was able to help me."
Isabelle walks away, and I notice the slightly wounded look crossing Alec's features.
"I'll call Magnus, okay?" I kiss his cheek, grabbing my phone and dialing his number.
A few rings later, Magnus answers, "Uh- hey, Zee."
That was weird, he always called me biscuit.
"Hey, Magnus-" I hesitantly greeted him, "Look, I know you had a rough night, but, Alec and I need your help tracking Azazel."
"I wish I could help, but- I'm busy with a client." Magnus' voice was deeper and different.
"Are you okay?" I trailed off. "You sound strange."
"I had a rough night." He made up an excuse, "Look, I need to get back to my client- if you need a warlock, call Dorothea."
I knocked on the door of Magnus' apartment, my eyes falling onto Magnus when he peaked his head through the door, "Hello, Magnus."
Magnus stares at me, his voice deeper than usual, "Hello."
"What's going on?" I slowly walked into his apartment, my voice raspy due to how exhausted I was.
"Nothing." Magnus abruptly blurts out, closing the door, "Why?"
"You were acting strange on the phone just now." I eyed him, my eyebrows furrowed in suspicion and caution, "You were really terse."
"I told you." He moved quickly and stopped me from going further into his house, "I'm busy."
"I understand that- but, you've never refused to help me when I need it, even when you're with a client." I cross my arms, my eyes raking up and down his body, noticing how he was standing different than usual.
"Magnus, are you okay?" I could tell something was off with him, "You're acting really weird."
Then, Magnus was tossed to the side and my eyes landed on Azazel, "Did I not tell you to get rid of her?"
I instantly pulled out my kindjals and got in position, as Magnus quickly shouts, "Zee, don't!"
As Azazel threw me back, I aimed my kindjal right where I knew would send him back to Edom, throwing it as hard as I could.
When my body hit the ground, my kindjal pierced into Azazel, as he vanished into nothingness with a scream, his ashes on the ground.
"No, no!" Magnus crawled over to the ashes and grabbed at them, "No-"
"What the hell?" I got up, walking over to him, "Why'd you tell me to stop?"
"I was afraid something terrible would happen." Magnus looked down, "Something that couldn't be undone."
"I know you're listening!" Valentine shouted, throwing his shoe at the camera to get someone's attention, "Please!"
"I'm not Valentine!" He shouts again, "I'm Magnus Bane!"
I swung the door open, walking in, "That's enough."
"Biscuit, thank God you're here-" Valentine walked over to me, grabbing my arms, "You have to listen to me-"
I jumped back, "Don't touch me-"
"I know it sounds crazy, but I'm not Valentine." He reaches for me again, "I am Magnus-"
"Do you really think I'm going to believe you?" I don't move, staring at my father, "You almost killed me the day of your massacre-"
"Biscuit, I promise you it's me!" He held my arms, "Azazel switched us with a curse, unum as unum-"
I stared at him in suspicion.
He could be telling the truth.
He was calling me Biscuit and Magnus at the apartment was acting weird.
But, I was tired and running only on my stamina rune.
I spoke cautiously, "How do I know it's you?"
"You and I talked before I portaled you to Alec's wedding." His words made my heart beat rush, "I told you when you found a love that tears down all the walls you've built, you had to fight for it."
I stared at him, my eyes slightly widening, "Magnus?-"
Before I could continue, the door crashing open and in walked Alec, tearing Valentine away from me and pushing him against the wall, "Get away from her!"
My eyes widen, "Alec!"
Valentine shook his head, "Listen to me-"
"No, you listen to me!" Alec raised his voice, "You can try brainwashing my girlfriend into thinking someone you're not, but your sick game won't work on me!"
"It's not a game." Valentine shook his head, "Biscuit, please- tell him- I'm Magnus- Azazel switched us with a curse-"
"You're the reason the woman I love almost died, twice." Alec stares at him with pure hatred, "And you think I'm going to believe that cheap excuse? You're insane-"
"Alec, stop!" I raised my voice, stepping closer, my voice running low, exhausted waving over me again.
Alec looks back at me, his expression hardening.
I almost stumble over my own feet, the wave of exhaustion overwhelming me.
I was more tired than I thought.
I turned away from him, grabbing my stele and pulling up my shirt, activating my stamina rune once more, feeling pure adrenaline rush through my veins.
I had been using my stamina rune so much lately.
More than I could count.
Alec lets go of Valentine and grabs my arm, pulling me out of the cell, shutting the door as Valentine calls for me, "Biscuit, please!"
"Alec, I told you, I'm fine." I huff deeply, the elevator ringing as it opened, as I walked out of the elevator.
Alec followed me and grabbed my arm, stopping me, "Is that why you keep using your stamina rune?"
"Don't worry about me, Alec-" I looked at him, giving him an assuring smile through my bags and tired expression, "I'm okay."
"You're the only person I've been worrying about." Alec stares at me, and I knew he noticed my expression.
When I notice Jace, I tear my arm from Alec's hold and rush over to him, "Jace, we need to talk."
"Yeah!" Jace smiles, "Heard you banished Azazel. Congratulations!"
"Thanks, listen-" I inhale sharply, Alec coming to my side, "Um, this is gonna sound crazy- but, bare with me. I was just with Valentine, and he says that he's Magnus, that Azazel switched them with some kind of a demonic curse."
Jace scoffs, "What?"
Alec shook his head, "He's making excuses-"
"Just hear me out, okay?" I burst stressfully, "I know- it's hard to believe, but when I went to see Magnus earlier, he was acting unbelievably strange and Valentine- he knew things that only Magnus could know- like, intimate details."
Alec looks down at me, "How so?"
Jace crosses his arms, "Like what?"
"Magnus only ever calls me Biscuit- and all day he's called me by my name- he was standing differently and he sounded different then usual, something was majorly off about him." I went in depth, looking between them, in hopes that one of them would believe me, "Valentine kept calling me Biscuit just now- and he mentioned the conversation we had before I went to Alec's wedding, he practically quoted it perfectly."
Jace looks between Alec and I, "Well, he could have had a warlock steal your memories."
"No, that's not possible-" I shook my head, "I would have noticed, okay-"
"Well, just remember that this is Valentine." Jace was aiding Alec's side, "He's always 10 steps ahead of us- he's always planning his next move."
I ran a hand through my hair, "You're right, okay- but-"
"Zee, just trust me." Jace exhales deeply, "You don't wanna fall for his lies."
"Why won't you guys believe me?" I stepped back, hurt crossing my features, "I know Magnus- and I know Valentine-"
Alec's expression softens, "Zee, you're tired and-"
"Alec, I told you- I'm fine!" I snapped, looking at him with a hard expression, pointing at him.
Alec looked taken back, Jace matching his expression.
I open my mouth to speak, but stop myself, just waving them off and walking away.
"What's wrong with her?" I heard Jace ask Alec, "Is she okay?"
"She hasn't been sleeping or eating." Alec replies to her, and I could feel their stares on me as I walked away, "She keeps telling me that she's fine- but, I know she's not. I'm worried."
I sat in the Greenhouse alone, staring at the palm of my hand, that seared the sun rune on itself but slowly faded, my eyes glowing.
"Damn it-" I tried again, but the same reaction occurred, my eyes fading back to brown.
"Your rune ability still causing you trouble?" Sebastian Verlac's voice filled my ears, making me look up.
"You know." My eyes fell onto him.
"Yeah, it's, um- it's kind of the hot topic around here." His British accent was thick as he spoke.
"You know all this stuff about Azazel." I sat up, "My powers stopped working when I tried to use them against him- Is it possible he somehow took them?"
He inhales sharply, "Stealing angelic power is something that even a greater demon can't do."
"So much for simple answers." I played with my hands
"Look, it, um- It might be simpler than you think." Sebastian sat down next to me, "We are trained so fiercely to believe that emotions cloud our judgment."
"But- I believe that emotions give us power." Sebastian continued, "And when we suppress them, we are all the weaker for it- perhaps that's the problem."
I sat up completely and leaned my back against the bench, hugging my knees, "My mother just died, but I feel the pain of that every day- I don't know what else it would be."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Sebastian gave me his condolences, "Not only have I heard that Jace just found out that he's not Valentine's son, but that Valentine tried to kill you twice."
"He almost succeeded both times- but, I pulled through. It's not very easy to get rid of me I guess-" I shrugged lightly, "But, what does that have to do with anything?"
"Well, think about it." Sebastian folds his hands, "Your father's never really been your father, you've just lost your mother- and the brother that you thought you had isn't your brother."
"I haven't been able to use my sun rune since Valentine's massacre." I stared at the ground, "I almost died- and that's when Jace found out and told me we weren't related."
"That's what you're blocking out." Sebastian pieces it together, "The pain of all your father's done to you- and of losing another person as family. You need to let that in, Zee."
I looked up at him, "Believe me, I have."
His eyes lingered with mine, "Really?"
I walked into the kitchen, wanting to grab a sip of water to reduce the dryness in my mouth when my eyes landed on Jace.
Jace sat at a table, shoving cold spaghetti into his mouth from a small plastic container, his eyes locking with mine.
Jace slurps the noodles into his mouth, holding up the container, "You want some?"
"You have spaghetti sauce all over your mouth." I couldn't help but crack a small smile, walking over to him, grabbing a fork and a napkin, wiping it away for him.
Jace moves the container so it was between us, as I sat in the stood next to him, taking a bit out, eating it.
My stomach growled loudly after I swallowed my first bite, Jace and I looking down at my stomach in unison.
"It's getting easier and easier to notice that you've been out of it." Jace mentioned, looking up at me.
"Jace, I'm fine, okay?" I repeated myself for what felt like the hundredth time today, taking another bite, "I just haven't had an appetite lately; that's all."
"You've been awfully repetitive today." Jace calls me out, taking a bite of the spaghetti, "You're not fooling us."
"Can we just not- talk about me?" I looked at him, "Did you hear about Inquisitor Herondale putting in a request for Valentine's execution?"
"Yeah," Jace softly nods, recalling a brutal memory and opening up to me, "You know- when I thought Michael Wayland died, I used to count the bruises and scars on my arms from his abuse to remember him by."
"Me too." I quietly said, looking down, "I did the same until Magnus took my memories and my mother used the Iratze on me."
Jace inhales sharply, "He's finally getting what he deserves. Especially after what he pull us through."
"I can't believe he's actually going to be executed." I chew the inside of my cheek, "He put us all through so much and he's finally being put out of his misery."
Jace's eyebrow raises, "Still think he's Magnus?"
"Yes, yes I do." I shoved my fork into the spaghetti, "The Clave hasn't accepted the request yet so once someone actually believes me, we'll switch them back and then Valentine will be killed."
"Alec's really worried about you, ya know?" Jace mentions, making my heart ache, "When you blew up earlier about Magnus, I don't think I've ever felt something like that from Alec before."
"Jace." I sigh deeply, setting my fork down, "I'll be okay- he doesn't need to worry about me."
"Zee- he loves you so much." Jace turned in his seat so he was facing me, "You're always on his mind- he's always worried about you, no matter how many times you'll tell him not to."
I stared at him, guilt filling within me due to how hostile I was being to Alec recently.
Jace's phone buzzes, as he looks at it, "Magnus wants to speak with me-"
I shot him a hesitant look, "Jace."
"I'll be fine, okay? If anything's off, you'll be the first I'll call." Jace pats my back, getting up, "Eat the rest of the spaghetti-"
When Jace walks away, I stare at the spaghetti in front of me.
I took another bite, and when I swallowed it, I lost my appetite.
I placed the forks in the sink and closed to container, putting it back in the fridge before leaving the kitchen.
I walked around the Institute in search for Alec, when I heard him call, walking towards the elevator, "Inquisitor Herondale, I heard you put a request in for Valentine's execution."
"Unfortunately the Clave has denied that request." She faces him, pressing the button, "They don't understand."
"Valentine will never tell us where the Mortal Cup is." She continued, "It's time to take matters into my own hands."
Fear sparks within me as I ran over to them, "What do you mean take matters into your own hands?"
She doesn't reply as we all went down to the sub level where Valentine was held, Alec already speaking when the elevator beeps, letting us out. "You're going to execute Valentine right here in the Institute?"
Inquisitor Herondale was focused, walking towards the cell, "I disabled the security system."
Alec notices the look on my face and quickly speaks, "That's not protocol, that's-"
"Mr. Lightwood," Inquisitor Herondale stopped and looked between us, "Ms. Morgenstern."
"Either help or go." She said, "The choice is yours."
Alec and I exchange looks, slowly following her.
The door creaks open as we walk in, Inquisitor Herondale looking at Alec, "Put him in the chair."
Valentine looked at me with alert, feared eyes, "Biscuit, what's happening?"
Inquisitor Herondale's tone was more firm, "Now."
"No- no- please." Valentine begged as Alec grabbed him and placed him in the chair due to orders, "Please don't do this- don't do this-"
Inquisitor Herondale ignored his pleads, "Gag him."
"Alexander, what are you doing?" Valentine asked, Alec gagging him, his pleads now muffled, "Please, don't- please, don't do this! Biscuit, please stop this!"
"My son is dead because of you." Inquisitor Herondale stares at him with pure hatred in her eyes, "And it's been 23 years, and the pain just never goes away."
She doesn't look back at us, "Guard the entrance."
I stared at Valentine, slowly backing away, feeling a pant of guilt in my chest.
Alec and I stood by the entrance, as I caught a glimpse of the Inquisitor pulling out a dagger.
I looked at Alec, "This is wrong-"
Before Alec could reply, a hologram of Magnus and Jace shined in front of Alec and I.
"Hello, Alec." Magnus greeted us, "It's good to see you again, Zee."
My eyes fell onto the cuffs Jace was in, as they went wide, "Alec-"
Alec had his arm on my back, "I know-"
"Zee, I'm so sorry." Jace apologizes, the look on his face sincere, "You were right, they switched."
When I heard Valentine's distant scream of Magnus' nickname for me, I ran back into the cell as fast as I could.
"No!" I shrieked, putting my hand in the way of the blade before Inquisitor Herondale could slit his throat, a large cut forming on my palm, as I hissed at the pain.
Alec ran in also, his eyes landing on my wound, "Zee!"
Inquisitor Herondale looked at me with pure anger at how I sabotaged her plan to kill him, "Ms. Morgenstern, your loyalty to your father will result in you being deruned and banished-"
"It's Magnus!" I raised my voice, my eyes wide with alert, breathing heavily, "It's not Valentine!"
Alec took out his stele and pulled my shirt up slightly, activating my Iratze, my wound healing.
Inquisitor stares at me, "What are you talking about?"
All of our gazes moves toward Jace and Magnus, whom was Valentine, "You've taken my light your darkness will come."
Those words hit the Inquisitor hard, "What did you just say?"
"I'm repeating your words back to you." Magnus said, "You remember the fire message you sent to me the night Stephen died. The good news is, in exchange for my freedom, you can save your pure angel-blooded warrior."
Inquisitor Herondale seemed unaffected, "I don't make deals with the devil."
"You chose the wrong bait." Jace remarks, "For all she cares, you could slaughter me right now."
"I don't think so." Magnus shot back, knowing he had the upper hand, "Imogen wouldn't dare slaughter her grandson."
Jace almost laughs, "After all your lies, you expect me to believe I'm a Herondale?"
"Stephen Herondale was your father and his wife Celine was your mother." Magnus confessed, "You ever think about poor Celine?"
"Nine months pregnant when she took her own life.
Her dead body ravaged by werewolves, her unborn son eaten alive." Magnus taunted is, "Or was he?"
Inquisitor Herondale was dreading the thought, "You didn't-"
"The Clave took so much from me, so I took something in return." Magnus said, pulling out a ring, "But I'm sure you want further proof."
"My family ring." Inquisitor Herondale realized, "Where did you get that?"
"Off Celine's very hand." Magnus said, speaking before the hologram disappeared, "You have one hour to meet my demands, or your grandson dies."
I walked towards Magnus' apartment with Sebastian and Alec, as Alec mutters to me through his teeth, "I don't know why you felt the need to bring him here."
"He wanted to help!" I argued, turning towards the door behind stumbling back quickly when I noticed the wards were up, tripping on my own feet, falling back.
Sebastian and Alec both reach to catch me, Alec stepping closer and catching me first, eyeing Sebastian.
"Wards are up." I pretend not to notice the tension and focus at the matter at hand, "You said Valentine wouldn't have this kind of warlock power."
"Yeah, but- as always, he defies expectations." Sebastian inhales sharply then looks at me, "Look, we're gonna need you."
"Well- let's see what I can come up with." I stood in front of the doors, my eyes beginning to glow gold as the rune seared itself onto the wards, only for it to slowly fade away and disappear as it seared itself.
I huff and pull out my stele, activating my stamina rune once again, focusing harder, only for the same reaction to happen.
"Guys-" I stepped back, my eyes fading back to normal, "I can't make it work."
"Yes, you can." Sebastian grabbed my arms and turned me to face him, "Tell me what it feels like to have your entire family ripped away from you."
I blink, "What?"
Alec instantly stopped him, "That's enough."
"Trust me on this, okay?" Sebastian quickly said, "Trust me."
Alec hesitantly took a step back, eyeing us.
"Tell me how it feels when it finally sinks in that your father, the man you wanted so badly to change has willingly sacrificed you twice for his own needs." Sebastian's words hit me hard, "Not only did he experiment on you twice, but he activated the Soul Sword, knowing damn well that it could kill you, and he didn't care."
I could feel the tears begin to burn in my eyes, as I slowly began shaking my head, "Stop it-"
"Look, your mother?" Sebastian continued to press, "She's never coming back, Jace isn't your brother and Clary? She isn't even your full sister."
My teeth grit, "I told you to stop-"
"You feel like you're all alone in this world, don't you?" Sebastian wouldn't stop, "Feel it, Zee- feel it!"
I raised my voice, "No!"
"Sebastian, stop it-" Alec interjects, the look on his face showing me that he didn't like this strategy not one bit.
"Your father will never love you." Sebastian pushes, "The only reason he wanted you was to use you."
"Sebastian, stop it!" I cried out, my eyes holding a red tint in them as they pooled with tears that refused to fall.
"I can't stop it, Zee." Sebastian shook his head, looking me dead in the eye, "That empty feeling that eats away at your soul and makes you feel like you want to die, day after day after day, it never stops."
Sebastian turns me to face the doors, "Now take that pain and use it."
My jaw clenched, my eyes glowing gold through the tears as I held my hands to my side, my palms facing the doors, the rune searing in the air, my hands coming up, as I pushed the rune onto the wards, destroying them.
I swung the door open, running into the apartment, Alec and Sebastian on my tail.
"Biscuit!" Magnus called out for me, confirming that they had switched back.
I ran for Valentine who was removing towards the portal, a grunt leaving my lips as I grabbed him and brought him through with me, hitting the ground on the other side of the portal when we were back in his cell.
I forced myself onto my feet, staring at my father with pure hatred when two Shadowhunters grabbed him, "Welcome back."
"You're taking the wrong side, Zee." Valentine said to me, "One day you'll understand."
I walked back into the Institute after being with Magnus, slipping off my jacket the moment I walked in.
"Zee-" Sebastian caught me, walking over to me, "Hey."
"Hi, Sebastian." I greeted him, holding my jacket, "What's up?"
"Um- look, I- I'm sorry if I was too hard on you tonight." Sebastian apologizes, "I- I hope you know I never wanted to do anything- to purposefully hurt you-"
"Sebastian." I stopped him, "You helped me with my runes- I actually don't know how to thank you."
Sebastian folds his hands together, "Well, how would you feel about dinner?"
I don't reply, just staring at him.
"Oh God, I was too forward, wasn't I?" Sebastian quickly followed up, chuckling softly, "I was."
"No- no, you're fine, It's just-" I trail off, rocking back and forth on my feet, "I don't think my boyfriend would like that very much."
"Of course you have a boyfriend." Sebastian softly said, embarrassingly chuckling at himself, "Of course you do, how could you not?"
"Yeah- Alec and I are together." I slip a hand into my back pocket, "If you haven't already noticed."
Sebastian looks away in thought, "Yeah- I don't think he likes me very much."
"Alec's like that with everyone." I made an excuse, when I knew well that Alec looked like he despised him, "But- thank you, for everything."
He shot me a smile, before I walked away from him and towards my room, walking in, noticing Alec laying on my bed.
"Hey." I inhale sharply, closing my door, setting my jacket down, "How are you?"
"I'm fine." Alec sat up, "But, you're not."
I sigh deeply, turning away from him, walking over to my dresser, "Alec-"
"I love you, and I know something's wrong." Alec stood up, a few feet behind me as I stared at him through my mirror, "Whatever it is, I'm here for you."
"I appreciate it." I inhale sharply, looking down at my hands, unwillingly tearing up, "But- I'm fine."
"No, you're not." Alec shot back at me and I knew I couldn't lie any longer, "I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna leave until you talk to me."
I stayed silent, as he spoke away, "Remember when you said "when things get crazy, don't push me away"?"
A small tear slipped my eye as I turned to face him.
My eyes connected with his and I knew I couldn't keep it from him any longer, because now I knew why I was upset.
"Everything Sebastian said was right." My voice was weirdly quiet as I spoke, "Valentine will never love me- and he never did. He has constantly put my life on the line- and has made it ten times harder. He injected the demon blood in me- the same demon blood that prevented me from being with you, and almost killed me. He activated the Soul Sword, knowing that there would be a possibility that I could die."
"Clary isn't even my full sister- no matter how much we try to act like it, and Isabelle? I love her with all my heart, but she's not blood. Jace? He's not my brother- and Jonathan? Jonathan's dead." My voice broke as more tears fell, "And my mother- the only person who was a Young- is gone. I'm alone, Alec."
Alec walks over to me and wraps his arms around me tightly, pulling me into his chest, "You're never alone."
authors note:
zalec feels hitting me like a truck
i published another alec lightwood book ! if you follow me , you probably already got the notification .
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if you're interested in reading jace herondale books, i published another one of those too and you can also find that on my profile with two published chapters !
hehe look at me promoting my books
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