I walked through the halls of the Institute, dressed in a burnt orange thermal shirt, one that was tucked into my usual black ripped jeans. I ran a hand through my straightened hair, as I had just spoken to Maryse over the phone.
She did not want me at that wedding.
And I was obliging.
I had a feeling she knew about what is being felt between Alec and I.
And she wouldn't let me be the reason Alec backs out of this marriage.
As if he would, anyway.
Lydia is probably one of the best women you could score in a relationship. She was gorgeous, and powerful.
Even if Alec is marrying her for his family, he wouldn't just ditch her for me.
I accepted that.
His feelings for me surfaced early, while mine feelings for him surfaced too late.
I couldn't watch Alec get married to Lydia.
It would hurt.
And this hurt, I couldn't just control; as I had been touch to do with my emotions.
And thinking of the devil, Alec came to my side, "I'm looking for Lydia, have you seen her?"
"Nope-" I pop the p, not even daring to look in his direction as I kept walking, "If I do, I'll send her your way."
"Hey-" Alec grabs my arm and stops me, his eyes desperately trying to connect with mine, but I couldn't dare look at him in the eyes right now, "Are you coming to the wedding tomorrow night?"
I shook my head, pulling my arm from him, "No- I'm not."
Alec's expression dropped, his eyes still trying to meet mine, "What- why?"
I didn't want to admit to him what I felt.
Because it wouldn't matter.
His choice was set and permanent.
But the words that came out of my mouth, were the exact opposite of what I as thinking.
"Alec-" I inhale sharply, my eyes connecting with his for a brief second, "Why would I go to a wedding to watch the man I didn't know I had feelings for get married to another woman?"
Alec's eyes slightly widen, surprise and disbelief crosses his features, as if he couldn't believe what he had just heard.
I huff, breaking eye contact, lying through my teeth, "I- I have something I need to do-"
Alec looked deep in thought, as I walked away from him, just wanting to be away. I needed to avoid him.
"Magnus-" I softly smile, giving him a hug as I walked to the table in the Ops Center, "It's so good to see you-"
"The pleasure is all mine, biscuit." Magnus smiled, sitting back down after pulling away from my hug.
Jace walks over, sitting in a chair, clearing his throat, "Morning."
I don't even look at him, my gaze falling to the ground, "Morning."
"You talked to Clary?" Jace's voice was quiet, not being able to meet my eyes either.
"Uh- yeah." I swallow, "She's gonna stick back with Jocelyn for a little."
Jace barely nods, "You were training most of the night, right?"
"Uh- yeah." I mutter, "I need the practice."
Jace nods again, "Yeah."
"Yeah-" I repeat, clearing my throat.
"While this conversation is no doubt scintillating, remind me why we couldn't do this at my place?" Magnus cuts through the awkwardness, "At least there we'd have cocktails."
"Magnus-" I looked at him, "It's 9:00 in the morning."
Magnus' mouth turned up slightly, "Oh, it's happy hour somewhere, my dear."
"You're right." I exhale, "We should've done this at your place."
Jace inhales sharply, "We invited you here, Magnus, because Hodge can't leave the Institute. He's an important part of this mission."
Magnus glances around the Institute, "Well, then, where is our tardy little tutor?"
Hodge walks over to us, "Pardon the delay, Magnus. I was following up on a lead."
"Now, we've narrowed down our list of warlocks to these three." Hodge pulled up all the profiles.
"Why is Ragnor Fell up there?" Magnus points out, "He's not more powerful than I am."
"Well, some would disagree." Hodge reasoned, "He is older than you."
Magnus remarks, "Certainly not wiser."
"He was the former High Warlock of London-" My eyes scanned the profile, skimming through the words.
"And one of my oldest friends." Magnus adds, "Very prickly, likes to keep to himself."
"Okay, look." Hodge went straight to the point, "We just need to figure out which one of these warlocks had enough access to Jocelyn that they could create the potion for her without anyone discovering what they'd done."
Magnus shrugs, "By the early '90s, Ragnor was a professor at the Shadowhunter Academy in Idris."
"Correct me if I'm wrong-" I began, "But- Isn't that when Jocelyn lived there? Could he have made the potion for her?"
"The little bugger!" Magnus blurts out, putting pieces together in his head, "That's why he hasn't responded to my fire message."
"Ever since Valentine began hunting warlocks, Ragnor's been holed up in his secret country house just outside of London." Magnus informed us, "For all I know, Ragnor suspected my fire message was a ploy by Valentine to lure him out of hiding. We'll have to confront him face-to-face."
Hodge looks at him, "You're going on this mission?"
"Of course!" Magnus stood up, "I'm the only one Ragnor trusts. Besides, I've played my last hand here- even I know when to fold."
When he turns, Alec stood tall with Lydia right by his side.
I sigh deeply, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as I threw my head back in slightly annoyance, muttering to myself, "Damn it-"
"Magnus, I didn't know you were here." Lydia smiled sweetly, "We're just on our way to greet a few representatives of the Clave who arrived early for tomorrow's wedding. How long are you staying?"
Damn it, she was so sweet.
Why wouldn't Alec marry her?
"What's going on here?" Alec glanced between us all, "Nobody told me about a meeting."
"Well, there was good reasoning behind it." I cross my arms, my eyes meeting his, as I cleared my throat, "Magnus figured out that Ragnor Fell is the warlock who can wake Jocelyn."
Jace nods, standing up also, "We're just bringing him back to the Institute."
Alec stood still, "How can I help?"
"It's not a mission we need your help on." I remark, "We're good."
"We're just recovering a warlock, Alec." Jace matches my tone, "We got this covered."
"Besides, you have emissaries from the Clave to meet." I shrug, "You don't want to waste your precious time on us- when you could be keeping your untarnished perfectly-crafted family image quintessential, right?"
Lydia sighs, "Again, lovely seeing you, Magnus."
Alec watches me as he walks away with Lydia, greeting the emissaries entering.
"Get ready." Jace told me, "We leave in an hour.
I don't respond, walking away from them, walking down the hall of the living space.
I could always just back out of this mission and send in a substitute.
It was so weird being around Jace now.
It was always awkward, and the vibe was never as chill as it was before we found out we were related.
The moment I turn the corner, Jace Wayland himself runs right into me.
I had just seen him minutes ago and he's back.
I try to walk past him, but Jace tries to walk past me, taking the same direction I was, as we both stepped in front of each other again.
We switch to the other side, only to stop right in front of each other again.
"Jace-" I huff in frustration, "Get out of my way-"
"You're in my way!" Jace argues, as we were stepping in front of each other back and forth.
I suddenly stop, my fists clenched to my sides, "You know what- we need to talk anyway."
Jace huffs, "We're good-"
"We can't even look each other in the eye, Jace." I stare at my feet, "We need to talk about this at some point."
"I don't want to talk about this right now-" Jace shakes his head, "I feel weird right now."
"Well- so do I." I shot back, "It- we just- didn't know. If we did- none of it would've happened. It's not our fault."
Jace exhales, walking past me, "I can't do this right now."
I didn't care, as I headed right into my room, set in unease due to this conversation.
"Ragnor's house is just across these fields." Magnus points when we come out of the portal, walking next to me as Jace walked ahead.
"Let's make this quick." Jace's speed only quickened, "We'll talk to Ragnor, then Portal him back to the Institute before anyone knows we're gone."
Magnus looks between us, trying to start conversation after a long silence, "So brother and sister, huh?"
"Oh god-" I huff, screwing my eyes shut at the thought, "I don't wanna talk about it- at all-"
"Glad we're on the same page." Jace calls out, "I mean, what do you want me to say? That I was attracted to my sister- whom I grew up with- and had sex with her?"
"Point of fact, brother and sisters are often attracted to each other." Magnus cuts in, "I once knew this one couple in ancient Egypt-"
"Magnus-" I stop him, catching up to Jace, "That's what we already know, Jace. It's not something you should repeat out loud."
Jace jerks to a stop, facing me, his eyes connecting with mine for the first time in a while, "Well- what the hell am I supposed to say, Zee?"
"I don't know-" I felt annoyance burn in my chest at his sudden outburst, "You tell me."
"I don't know what to tell you." Jace shot back, "I feel weird-"
"You already said that!" I said back, "I feel weird- and disgusting- and I'm blaming myself for not knowing it was you the entire time!"
"You said yourself that we both didn't know and it's not our fault!" Jace fought back.
"It's called putting an act!" I raise my voice, stepping back, sighing, "Whatever you and I had, has already been ancient history. I-"
"It wouldn't matter if it's scones history or not because we still did what we did-" Jace huffs, "It was foolish of us to not even think of the possibility that we were related."
"It's not like I remembered who raised me- my mom took my memories, remember?" I stepped closer to him, "You can't just-"
Magnus cuts in, "Are you two done?"
Jace and I looked at him, a huff leaving my lips as I walked away from them, picking up my pace.
Jace huffs, grabbing my arm, "Listen- I'm sorry, okay?"
My body tenses at his touch, as I jerk to a stop, looking at him.
"We can't- push each other away." Jace exhales sharply, "It's only going to make this worse for us."
I huff deeply, reluctantly nodding, "Fine- I still feel weird."
"Yeah-" Jace lets out a sigh in relief, his teeth showing as he was slightly grinning, "Me too.
"In more important matters-" Magnus began, walking over to us, "Why won't you come to the wedding?"
"That's another thing I don't want to talk about-" I pull my arm from Jace, walking ahead.
Magnus follows, Jace close behind, "Lydia's great- but, Alec is clearly into you, my dear."
"That doesn't matter." I dismiss, "His perfect, respected, and ideal family image needs to be held. It's way more important to him."
"Zee- Alec's been in love with you for the past three years." Jace shot me a look, "There's no way he'd turn you down- you finally feel the same way towards him."
"Aren't you- pissed at him?" I looked at him, "And showing up to his wedding and begging him to pick me over his stunning wife to be, is just- completely rude."
"My problems with Alec isn't going to stop me from making the people I'm closest to happy." Jace reasoned, "You make him happy."
"Alec's not in the right state of mind anyway." Magnus shrugs, "I'm sure you keep him straight minded, biscuit."
"I'm not going to that wedding-" I deny, but then come to a stop when I hear a sizzling, "What was that?"
"Look out!" Magnus calls out, as I was pulled back by Jace, a green fire surrounding us, "Ragnor put up wards to protect his lair."
I clear my throat, standing straight, "Why is the fire green?"
"It's a wall of fire that only the pure of heart and intention can pass through." Magnus looks at me, "Are you ready?"
I don't respond, as we all stood side by side, walking through the fire, but on the other side, I was alone.
"Jace?" I look at my sides, noticing the absence of my friends, "Magnus?"
My first instinct is to run right for Ragnor Fell's house. I ran down the field and up the path, pulling out one of my kindjal's, holding it steady as I slowly entered the unlocked home.
"Ragnor?" I called out, "Ragnor Fell?"
I slowly made my way through the house, noticing a painting of him on the wall, "Hello?"
I started to move to another room, but halt when I see movement in the painting's eyes.
"I'm not that foolish-" I mutter, reaching my freehand into the painting, grabbing Ragnor by the collar, pulling him out of it, as he hit the ground with a thud, a groan leaving his lips.
"Well done, Zee Young." Ragnor congratulates, standing up, "You have mother's talent, I see. Only a true artist would notice the subtle changes in my eyes."
I stay silent, watching him as he walked into his living room, looking at a chair, "Yes, I know. I need to work on not moving my eyes, you don't need to remind me."
"Ragnor-" I followed him, "Did you know Jocelyn Fairchild? You made the potion that put her to sleep?"
"At her request, yes." Ragnor confirmed, "And I knew it was only a matter of time before either you or your sister came to me looking for the antidote."
"Please, sit-" Ragnor gestured toward the seat in the middle of two chairs.
I hesitated, putting my kindjal away and sitting down, "Jace Wayland and Magnus Bane. They were with me, but I lost them in the fire."
"Let me do this my way!" Ragnor yelled at a chair, then looked at me, "Your friends, are they true?"
"Magnus said he's known you for centuries." I mentioned, "He sent you a fire message- one you never answered."
"This is not an act- It is not an act!" Ragnor shouted at the chair, "It is essential."
"Okay, what is your deal?" I shot up, my hand resting on the grip of my blade again, "My friends are missing and if you can't help me, I'll find someone who can."
"What is it worth to you?" Ragnor stepped closer to me, wanting a response.
"Find Magnus Bane and Jace Wayland- and you wake up Jocelyn Fairchild?" I persuade, "Whatever you want."
"That's what I wanted to hear." Ragnor broke out into a smile, snapping his fingers, Jace and Magnus appearing in the chairs he was shouting at.
Jace and Magnus got up quick, Magnus sighing, "Honestly, Ragnor, was that nonsense necessary?"
"Of course." Ragnor nods, "She offered me anything. You were only up to a timeshare of your flat in Paris- yawn."
"All right, enough-" I cut in, "Can you wake Jocelyn up or not?"
Ragnor looked at me, "Not without the Book of the White."
Jace huffs, "What is the Book of the White?"
"It's an ancient book of warlock magic containing spells more powerful than-" Magnus chuckles, "-most warlocks could ever imagine."
"I possessed the book when Jocelyn came to me, and I used its contents to create the potion." Ragnor went in depth, "Regrettably, I no longer have the book. I asked Jocelyn to hide it that Valentine might never find it."
"Are you kidding?" I huff, "Is there any way to get the Book of the White?"
"Possibly- I may have something that can help us." Ragnor held his finger up, "Won't be but a moment."
Ragnor walks away from us, as Magnus looks around, "It's a bit drab, isn't it?"
I looked at Magnus, "Really?"
Ragnor's screams filled our ears, a demon roaring as Ragnor fell off the stairs and onto the ground, killing the demon right before he fell.
"Ragnor!" Magnus shouts, running towards him.
"Shax demon-" Jace said, as him and I rush after him, crouching over Ragnor.
Ragnor was gasping, Magnus holding him straight, using his magic to try and treat him, "Creature took me by surprise-"
"How could a Shax demon get past Ragnor's wards?" I sighed deeply, watching in sorrow.
"It must have followed us." Jace spoke, "Jumped through when the fire wall reset-"
"Be still, my little dear cabbage." Magnus whispered, "Your wounds are deep- hold on, please."
But it was too late.
Ragnor's body went limp, as his head fell back, whatever was left of the life in him disappearing.
I gasp, covering my mouth quickly.
Jace squeezed his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Magnus stares at his lifeless friend, "For centuries, this man knew me better than anyone."
"Magnus, I'm so sorry-" My voice was quiet, my hand dropping from my mouth, and rubbing his back in comfort.
"We have to leave, now." Jace got up, his eyes scanning the room.
"You're right- more demons could be on their way." I sigh, "We don't have time to scour through mountains of Ragnor's stuff."
Magnus snaps his fingers, opening a portal for us, "Get back to the Institute- I'll transport everything back to my place, and find what you need. Now, leave me to take care of my friend."
Jace and I didn't question it, as we slowly entered the portal, leaving Magnus with Ragnor.
"Jace, you're coming to Alec's bachelor party, right?" Isabelle came to my side when Jace and I entered the Institute, Clary glancing at Jace, coming over to us also.
Jace denied, "No- he doesn't want me there, and I'm swamped."
"You two seriously haven't worked things out yet?" Isabelle questions, huffing.
"There's nothing to work out." Jace shortly said, "If he wants to talk, we'll talk."
Isabelle shot back, "He's your parabatai."
"We have more important things going on than a bachelor party." Jace lead us to the training room, "Come with me."
"We have a mole in the Institute." Jace faced Clary and Isabelle, crossing his arms, staring right at Lydia.
Confusion crosses Isabelle's face, as I sigh, "We were attacked by a Shax demon when we went to see Ragnor Fell."
"The attack couldn't have been coincidence." Jace exhales, "Valentine must have been tracking us."
"You don't think someone from the Institute told Valentine where you were going-" Clary looks between us.
I huff, "There's no other explanation."
"No one here would betray us like that." Isabelle says, "This is our family."
"Not everyone's family yet." Jace's glare was fixed on Lydia, as he backed up, "I swear, if Lydia is the leak, I'm gonna-"
"Hold on-" I stop him, "We don't know if she did anything yet."
"And wrongfully accusing someone of a crime is dangerous." Isabelle crosses her arms, "Trust me, I've been through it."
"Lydia was right there when we were talking about Ragnor Fell." Jace argues, "If she's not gonna admit what she did, I'm gonna make her admit it."
"Jace, stop-" Clary steps in front of him, "You are too worked up to talk to anyone right now."
"Especially not an important envoy from the Clave." I add in, placing my hands on my hips.
"Let me talk to Lydia-" Clary offers, "If you accuse Alec's fiancée of treason, you will ruin whatever relationship you have left with him."
"Clary's right, Jace." Isabelle sides with her, "If Lydia did this, she might not be so defensive with Clary."
I nod in agreement, "She might let her guard down."
"Fine." Jace gave in, "But I wanna know everything she says."
[ alec's pov ]
"Ready?- a couple more steps." Isabelle lead me somewhere blindfolded, "We're almost there!"
"All right-" I exhale, "Izzy-"
"You trust me, don't you?" Isabelle's tone was light.
"No, not really." I softly scoff, "And I told you, I don't need a bachelor party-"
"You need this one." She stops me, "Now, count to five, and take your blindfold off."
"Really, Izzy?" I hear her footsteps fade, as I took off my blindfold, looking around at the emptiness, "Seriously?"
Jace came from behind the steps, "Izzy said you wanted to talk."
I looked at him, crossing my arms, my mood now sour, "I don't know what she thought I wanted to say."
"Great-" Jace turns, walking away, "I guess I'll go. I've got work to do anyway-"
I don't make a move to stop him, as I just let him walk away.
Jace stops, then huffs, facing me again, walking back over, "You know what? She's right- we do need to talk."
"Okay." I gave in, "Well, it's my bachelor party, so you go first."
"I don't know how things got so messed up between us." Jace began, "But I do know my life has been a lot harder not having you to talk to."
I sigh, admitting, "Mine, too."
"I know it seems like I've been making a lot of crazy choices lately." Jace inhales, "And I know you think that I was only thinking about myself and Clary, and I wasn't thinking about the consequences to anyone else."
"All I can say is, I've been going through a lot." Jace went on, "But I only ever did what I thought was right, Alec. But I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry."
"I know." I exhale deeply, "You know, we just- got caught in all this drama."
"Yeah-" Jace scoffs, "I mean you're getting married tomorrow."
"And both Zee and Clary are your sisters." I shot back, "You know, what's up with that?"
"Hell-" Jace pinched the bridge of his nose and sat down, "Yeah, uh, don't even get me started on that."
I sat with him, as he vented, "Zee and I- we took things to the next level. And Clary- I kissed her- It's worse, I wanted her. I was falling in love."
Jace looked at me, "I must be sick or something- I don't know-"
"No- you're not sick." I shook my head, "Situation's just- it's confusing. And trust me, I know."
My thoughts trial to one particular person as I spoke, "You know, it's like, you have this plan for your life right, and you know what you need to do and what your responsibilities are. And you think, you know, If you follow the rules, everything's gonna be fine."
"Then somebody comes along, and pushes you off that path- completely." I inhale deeply, my eyes closing for a moment and all I saw was Zee, "You can't think straight when you're with them- and you're willing to do anything, and everything to make sure that- that person is happy. It's like- all the rules you have set don't matter when it comes to them. Nothing else matters- but them."
As hard as I tried to convince myself, or show to other people that I wasn't in love with her, I couldn't fool them.
Jace already could tell who I was basing my words about, "You still love her."
"I can't imagine a day I won't." I open my eyes, staring straight ahead, a deep sigh leaving my lips.
I clear my throat, "The point is, we're Shadowhunters- emotions get in the way. And if you get knocked off the path, you have to focus and find your way back."
Jace swallowed, "I mean, you still have to be true to yourself."
"I am." I stood up, "I'm fulfilling my duty."
I sigh and look at him, "Look, would you be my suggenes and give me away tomorrow?"
Jace sighs in defeat, standing up, "Alec, if this is what you really want I'd be honored. I'm always gonna be here for you."
I weakly smile, "Me, too."
[ zee's pov ]
I slouched in my seat, at Magnus' apartment.
I sipped my drink, as I looked through pages, in hopes of finding what we needed to find the Book of the White.
But, I couldn't understand half of it, and my mind was elsewhere.
Alec was getting married right now.
"I don't understand why you didn't go after Alexander." Magnus walks into the room, sitting across from me, holding his own drink and book, "I'm certain, with very little effort, you could have won him back."
"Magnus-" I shot him a look, "I'm nothing compared to Lydia."
"That's because you're incomparable!" Magnus sat up, "I'm sure Alexander is waiting for you to walk through those doors and stop him from making the biggest mistake of his life."
I shook my head, "Maryse told me not to go either way."
"Who cares what Maryse says, biscuit?" Magnus questioned, "This is about you and Alec. She has no say in what's between you."
"Magnus, even if I did go to the wedding-" I sigh, "There isn't a possibility he would drop everything for me. And on top of that- if there was I wouldn't know what to do after. I'm not used to- relationships. I never open up to anyone in that way."
"It's bound that someday someone will come along who will tear down those walls you've built around your heart." Magnus sipped his drink, "And when that love comes to you, you must do everything in your power to fight for it."
I stop, looking down.
Maybe Magnus was right.
I was in deep thought for a few moments.
Before I came up with a final conclusion, I downed the rest of my drink and got up, "Magnus- I need you to portal me to the Institute."
Magnus simply smiled, getting up, "Of course, biscuit."
I rushed into the Institute through the back, ready to rush into the ceremony hall, not caring about my attire or appearance.
"Wait-" Magnus chased after me, "You're going to stop him- in that?"
I don't respond, that being the response, completely focused and determined.
I jerk to a stop in surprise when Magnus used his magic from behind me, as I was now dressed in an off the shoulder, navy blue mermaid dress, white heels to match on my feet. My hair was loosely curled, and to accessorize, Magnus had added diamond drop earrings.
I couldn't muster out a word, as I shot him a thankful look.
Magnus simply waves for me to go on, as he gave me a hopeful smile, following behind me.
I swung the door open as it squeaked with the movement and turned right towards where Alec's wedding was being held.
The door slams behind Magnus and I, my pace quickening as I entered Alec's wedding, my eyes widening when all the attention was on me, and Lydia held the stele an inch away from Alec's wrist.
A rune on the hand, a rune on the heart. A union is born.
Magnus stood to the side, his back against the wall as he watched this all go down.
Jace was smiling in relief that I had showed up, as was Isabelle.
Simon scanning my dress; stunned, as Clary looked hopeful, a smile on her lips also.
Lydia was caught off guard, and Alec's eyes were glued to me, and only me.
My eyes connected with Alec's, our eye contact not breaking. Despite all the people in the room, our eye contact made me feel like we were the only ones in the room.
My eyes were practically begging for him to pick me.
His eyes looked as if he was giving in.
Maryse had turned, speaking to Hodge, "What's she doing here?"
I barely took a step closer, when Maryse was marching towards me, "Zee, leave this wedding now."
"No-" I was too caught up in the trance Alec had me in, "I'll leave if Alec asks me to."
"Zee-" Maryse grabbed my arm, readying to drag me out of the wedding, "I told you to leave."
I briefly broke eye contact with Alec, my soft expression hardening when I looked at Maryse.
I harshly ripped my arm out of her grip, swallowing hard, "And I said I would leave if Alec told me to."
Jace was looking at Alec, "Are you gonna be okay, buddy?"
My heart plummeted when Lydia grabbed his face, "Alec? Hey."
Alec was breathing heavily, practically gasping, as he forced down a swallow, "I can't breathe."
"I know-" Lydia nods gently, "It's okay."
"I can't do this." Alec blurts out, "I thought we were doing the right thing, but this isn't it."
"You don't have to explain." Lydia's reaction has shocked me, holding his face.
Alec was guilty, "Lydia, I'm sorry."
"Hey-" Lydia looked between Alec and I, giving us her best smile, "You deserve to be happy."
"Okay? Go-" Lydia's hand dropped, as she stepped back, nodding in reassurance, "I'll be fine."
Alec faces me, standing tall, his eyes staring right into mine from where he stood.
Fear was growing within my chest, as I took a step back, not knowing what he would do next.
When he stepped off the higher platform and started making his way over to me in long strides, I felt my eyes grow slightly wide, and my heart race.
As he got closer, his eyes remained connected with mine the entire time, not daring to look at anyone or anything.
The closer he got, the more I notice how his pupils had dilated the entire time he held eye contact with me.
Maryse was walking towards him now, "Alec, what are you doing?-"
"Enough." Alec silenced her, not even bothering to glance at her, or to even stop his pace.
Once he was directly in front of me, he moved arms around me, one hand resting on my lower back as the other rested on the upper, pulling me towards him, our chest's hitting together as he pressed his lips into mine, as if we were the only ones in the room.
Gasps filled the room, but I didn't care.
The fear in my chest washed away, as I grabbed his collar and pulled him as close as possible, kissing back almost instantly.
He chose me.
I barely got to pull away, before Alec was already begging for more, his lips following mine, keeping them connected.
I couldn't help but break out into a small smile in the kiss, as did Alec.
I gently pulled away after a few seconds, as he leaned his forehead against mine, my hands holding his face.
He was biting down on his bottom lip to hold back a smile at he was just doing, as I couldn't hold back the smile on my lips.
My smile easily faded when my attention was ripped away from Alec and toward everyone who was staring at us.
"Alec-" His name came out as a whisper from my lips, as my hands fell from his face, "What did you just do?"
Alec exhales, snapping back into reality, looking around, "What did I just do?"
Maryse and Robert left the room, Alec watching them, swallowing hard.
Isabelle rushes over to us, "Alec, I am so proud of you-"
Magnus walks around, engulfing me into a hug, "Biscuit-"
I looked at Magnus, whispering, "Thanks for making me look less of a mess."
Magnus smiles, as my eyes shift towards Simon Lewis, who was coming near us.
"Guys, that was incredible." Simon walks over to us, "It was like watching the live version of The Graduate. You know, the Dustin Hoffman movie? The amazing one? You were Ben."
"Elaine!" Simon mimicked Ben, then points at Alec, "And you were Elaine- obviously the taller, more muscular version of her- but at the altar, though, you were like-" He mimics Elaine, "Ben!" He returns back to his normal voice, "And then now, you're both sitting on the bus at the end of the movie, both totally stoked, but wondering, like "what're we gonna do now?", you know?"
Alec looked between us, "Who invited the vampire?"
"Seriously?" Simon's grin fades.
"Alec- really?" I gently hit Alec's arm, looking at Simon, "You honestly described that perfectly- minus the bus part."
My eyes land on Lydia, as she gave me her weakest smile from where she stood.
"Guys- give me a minute." I slowly move away from them and walked over to her, "Lydia-"
"Zee." Lydia greeted me, the small smile remaining on her lips even when I walked up to her.
"I'm sorry- I crashed your wedding-" I began to feel slightly guilty, "What you just did for Alec- I don't know how to thank you-"
Lydia stopped me, "It was the right thing to do."
"So- what are you gonna do now?" I quietly ask, "Remain the temporary Head of the Institute?"
"Actually- I'm going to head back to Idris." Lydia exhales, "Dive into work- there's no place for me here."
"Lydia-" I inhale sharply, "There's always gonna be a place for you here."
She smiled softly, "I give you and Alec my best."
Before I could say anything else, Lydia had left me alone, a guilty pout falling onto my lips as I turned around.
Magnus walks over to me, "We need to speak privately-"
"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings." Magnus told Clary, Jace, Alec and I, as we were in the training room, staring at the items on the table that he had made appear, "But I can't determine which will lead to the Book of the White."
"Wait, this bookmark." Clary grabbed it, "I've seen it before. In the alternate dimension you showed me a book of spells, and this was in it. It must have been the Book of the White."
Alec stood next to me, "If that's the case, we can use the bookmark to track the owner of the book."
"Okay-" Jace reaches for the bookmark.
Magnus grabs it before him, "Warlock tracking is stronger."
Magnus closes his eyes for a few seconds, tracking who the book had belonged to.
Magnus' eyes snap open, "Well, there's good news and bad news-"
"The good news is I know the owner." Magnus began, "The bad? It's Camille."
I scoff, "Camille?"
"Looks like Raphael has her locked up in the basement of the Hotel DuMort." Magnus nods.
"Well, after I punched her, there's no way she'll help me." Clary huffs in defeat.
"She won't have a choice." Jace looked up, "Trust me."
"You've had feelings for me this entire time-" I confront Alec, using my hands to gesture as I spoke.
Alec nods, watching me in amusement, "Sometimes you're total obliviousness just blows my mind."
"Alec-" I hit his arm lightly.
Alec broke out into a small smile, "Kidding-"
"I can't believe you did that." I ran a hand through my hair, "I mean, did you see the look on your parents faces? Who knows what they think-"
"I don't care what they think." Alec stopped me, his hands resting on my arms, "I did what made me happy."
I tilt my head down instantly, looking at my feet, my cheeks slightly heating up.
"You know-" Alec leaned over, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear, whispering in a teasing tone, "It should be a crime to look better than the bride on her wedding day."
My jaw drops, "Alec!"
"I'm kidding!" Alec softly laughs at my reaction, "I just- you look stunning."
"You're- so much happier than usual." I point out, pursing my lips to hide my own smile, "I would think what you did would be- nerve racking."
"I'm so glad we got away from that crowd and all those people." Alec slowly nods, exhaling, "So intense."
"It didn't stop you from kissing me in front of all of those people-" I cross my arms, softly smiling at the thought of it, "I have to hand it to you, you certainly know how to make a statement."
Footsteps approached, Alec and i's attention diverted towards Maryse heading up the stairs and into the training room, over to us, Robert closely behind her.
"What have you done, Alec?" Were Maryse's first words, "To us, this family?"
Alec stood his ground, "This isn't about you."
"Of course it is-" Maryse sneers contritely, "You are either being selfish or naive."
Maryse turns to me, stepping closer as I stepped back, "I told you not to come to the wedding!"
Alec interjects, coming between us and guarding me, "You did what?"
"I-" I stammer, "I'm sorry-"
"Don't apologize to her." Alec stops me, looking at his mother, "I'm more than happy that she came. Thank the Angel she didn't listen to you and showed up."
"This wedding was your plan from the start." Maryse shot at him, "And now you have humiliated us in front of the most respected members of the Clave. I don't even recognize you anymore!"
"I'm the same person I've always been." Alec was handling the situation well, implying to his feelings, what he really felt, rather than what he always did for family, "Now everything's just out in the open."
"And all for Valentine's daughter." Maryse spat, before spinning on her heel and walking away.
Robert sighs, "Just give her time."
Alec inhales deeply, "And you?"
"It's something I didn't expect, but I won't control who you feel what for." Robert admits, "How long has this been going on? Are you two in love?"
I stammer, "Uh-"
"Love? What? No-" Alec was also trying to find the right words, "No, it's- it's sort of a different-"
I cut him off, "It's all very new- for the both of us."
"Right." Robert nods, "I better go check on Mom."
Robert heads in the direction Maryse disappeared in, as I swallowed down the guilt in my chest.
"Hey-" Alec places a hand on my back, "You know what I just realized?"
I looked at him, "What?"
"We haven't gone on a date yet." Alec's thumb caressed a small part on my back, "Maybe we should."
"Yeah-" I trail off, "You're right."
"You wanna- I don't know, get a drink sometime?" The corner of Alec's mouth turned up.
"Since when do you drink?" I question, teasingly.
"I'm willing to sacrifice for a date." Alec shrugs, "What do ya say?"
I purse my lips to hold back a smile, "I would love that."
authors note:
lowkey loved this chapter ??
oof play war of hearts by ruelle, jsjsjs
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