"Dad?" Jace breathes heavily, tears brimming in his eyes, as he stares at the man.
I barely took a step, feeling as if I could collapse right there.
The man looked oddly familiar. Too familiar.
I definitely knew him from somewhere, but I wasn't sure.
"Son-" He stood up and reached for Jace, "Oh, Jace- I can't believe it-"
I jump between them, breathing heavily, holding my kindjal in defense, "Get back."
My mother touched my shoulder, noticing the sting on my neck, "You're hurt-"
"How did you find me?" The man looked between Jace and I, "How?-"
"You're dead." Jace's voice was weak from behind me, "Valentine killed you- Valentine's- he's here-"
"No, Jace-" He shook his head, reaching for Jace over me, using advantage of my height, "It's me."
"Hey-" I raise my voice, holding my blade higher, my vision becoming slightly blurry, as my breathing grew even more ragged, and my body grew weaker, "I told you to get back!"
"I'm Michael Wayland." The man gaped down at me, "I'm Jace's father."
I shook my head, keeping my ground.
"Look, I know what Jace told you, but I've been here for ten years." He confessed, "Valentine took off and left me."
"And Jocelyn Fairchild?" Clary questioned.
"He took her with him." Michael told us, "You are?"
"I'm Clary, her daughter." She introduced herself, "Meliorn, the Seelie, told me that he was here with her."
Her voice started to fade, as I blink, slowly stepping from between Michael and Jace.
Michael instantly engulfs his son in a tight hug, a tear slipping from Jace's eyes as he held onto him, as shocked as I was.
I screw my eyes shut, trying to focus, but it only made it worse, because when I opened my eyes, they were rolling to the back of my head as I collapsed, dropping my kindjal.
"No!" Jace moved quickly and caught me, holding my bridal style, "I got you- I got you- just- keep your eyes open-"
I no longer had the energy to speak, my eyes barely open as I coughed, my body almost lifeless as the venom spread through my body.
"It's Ravener venom-" Clary cries out, picking up my kindjal, "She kept telling us she was all right-"
My voice was weak, "We have to find Valentine- we need to find him now- we came here for him-"
"Her stele-" My mother began to look through my pockets quickly, "Where is it-"
"Take mine-" Jace quickly told her, keeping a hold on me, as she nodded, quickly digging through his pockets, her eyes widening in surprise when she grabbed the card the Mortal Cup was hidden in, shoving it back in his pocket, Michael's eyes watching her do so.
"Where is it?" She questioned, looking through his other pockets, avoiding the one she just looked at.
"Back pocket-" Jace told her, looking at me, "Hey- it's gonna be okay-"
She pulled the stele out, Clary pulling my shirt up a little, moving my jacket out of the way, exposing my side, where the Iratze rune was engraved on me.
"What's wrong?" Jace questions, noticing how her trying to activate the rune wasn't doing much change.
"The rune is weak-" Michael notices, "Ravener venom must be spreading."
"We have to get her help." Clary sniffles, "We- we closed the Portal."
"Valentine's got a standing Portal." Michael told us, "Let's go-"
"Hey- hey- stay with me." Jace held onto me, rushing behind his father, as he lead us all towards the portal.
Clary shrieks as they run into the Jade Wolf, Jace still carrying me, "We need help!"
"Clary, what happened?" Simon's voice filled the room, my vision going black as I closed my eyes, deep wheezes leaving my lips as I struggled to breath.
"We thought we found Valentine, but he was already gone-" Clary explained, panicked.
"Margaret?" Luke's voice was in shock, "Am I seeing things?"
"Quite frankly, you're not-" My mother's voice followed his, "That's not to worry right now-"
"Michael Wayland?" Luke was now questionable.
"Valentine took my mother with him, but we found- Margaret and Jace's father-" Clary told him, as I felt myself being set down somewhere, hands running through my hair, pushing it out of my face.
"What?" Simon questioned, "I thought Valentine killed Jace's father."
"He tried-" Michael Wayland's voice joins in, "Hello, Lucian."
"This can't be." Luke stammered, "I thought I'd never see you again."
Michael sighed, "I never thought I'd see anyone again."
Luke's voice got closer, "What happened?"
"Demon got her." Clary told him, "She can't fight the poison. Her runes are too weak and she needs blood, but we can't go back to the Institute."
"Hey-" Jace's voice was in my ear, "Stay with me-"
"Simon-" Clary's footsteps got farther, "Simon, there's gotta be some kind of blood at Hotel DuMort. Could you call Raphael?"
Michael's voice was in the background, "Can you get some water?"
"I'll get some-" Luke jumped up, his footsteps rushing off.
"Calling won't work- we have to do this in person." Simon informed Clary, "My van is in the garage- you drive, I'll hide under a blanket to stay out of the sun, and- there's underground parking in the hotel."
"Okay-" Clary agreed quickly to his plan.
"She's weaker-" My mother called out in panic, "You gotta hurry-"
"Keep her awake-" Clary instructed, her voice coming closer to me, "You're gonna be okay- I'm coming back. Please, just hang on-"
"Simon, let's go-" Clary said, the sound of footsteps rushing off with Simon's.
"Here-" Luke said, the sound of a bowl being set on a surface filling my ears, "I thought you were dead. There were rumors that-"
"Everybody thought they were true." Michael's voice was close, but from scent, I could tell Jace was next to me, and my mother was on my other side, due to her telling me it was going to be okay every now and then, "He tried to kill me, but I survived the attack. I've been a prisoner ever since- I never thought I'd see him again."
"How did you survive what he did to you?" Luke questioned.
"Jocelyn pulled me through-" Michael exhales.
"You were there." Luke said, "Did he hurt her?"
"No, and he won't." Michael told him, "We both know that- he'll never stop loving Jocelyn, even if he wanted to. She'll be safe."
My eyes snap open, gasping loudly when a cold towel pressed against my hot forehead, as I sucked in deeply, pushing back into the restaurant booth with barely any strength, breathing heavily.
"She's awake-" Jace's hand was on the back of my head, "We're getting you help- you'll be fine-"
My mother ran her hand through my hair, pressing the towel against my forehead, "It's going to be okay, I promise-"
"I don't- understand-" I weakly said, staring at who was supposedly my mother, Luke and Michael a few feet away, speaking amongst themselves, "I don't know if it's actually you-"
"I once told you that you were stronger than you knew. That- you were the purest person I had ever got the chance of raising, and whatever pain that would come in your path, you wouldn't let it overpower you- you would embrace it and try to make more good." She recalled a memory, "That- one day that it would show, and you'd grow into a beautiful woman. I was hinting the Shadow World- but I never really got around to telling you until that night, did I?"
"I wish what you said were true." I whispered, staring at her, "It is you-"
She nods, tearing up, "It is- it's me."
"Valentine-" I swallowed, coughing, "Valentine- took you?"
"Look at your condition-" She puts a strand of my hair behind my ear, removing the towel from my forehead and placing it back in the water to cool once more, "We can talk about this later."
That only confirmed it further.
"I want to kill him." My voice grew quieter, looking between her and Jace, "Am I wrong to want to kill him?"
Jace shook his head slowly, looking down, "I want to too."
"Many have tried-" Michael joined our conversation, looking at us.
"I'll succeed-" I seethed through my teeth, "I will kill him- I swear."
"Hey-" My head snaps back when I heard Jace's voice, as he walked into the back room, where I laid on the couch after the blood transfusion I was given, a blanket on my lower half, "You're looking much better."
"Yeah-" I weakly smiled, my voice raspy, as I played with my stele, "I'm feeling a lot better."
"You scared me for a second." Jace walked over, sitting in the seat by where I laid, "I thought we lost you-"
"You can't get rid of me that easily, Wayland." I winked, grabbing my phone out of my leather jacket that rested on another seat.
"I can't lose you, you know that right?" Jace stared at me, "You're my best friend- I don't know what I'd do without you."
My eyes trial away from the device in my hands and looked at him, "Are those emotions I see?"
"Zee-" Jace softly chuckles, "I'm serious."
I grab his hand, softly smiling, "I don't know what I'd do without you either."
Jace smiles gently, my eyes moving towards my screen, noticing the endless missed called and text messages from Alec.
I swallow hard, shutting it, looking at Jace, "Is it really him?"
Jace's eyebrows furrow in confusion, as I explained my question, "Michael Wayland. Is it really him?"
"Yeah-" Jace nods slowly, "His story checks out."
I purse my lips, looking away, not saying anything.
Jace read through my expression easily, "You don't think so?"
I kept my stare away from him, "Would you be upset with me if I said I didn't?"
"No-" Jace denied, "I wouldn't."
I exhale deeply, slowly sitting up, setting my phone to the side, slipping my hand away from his, a hesitant look on my face as I confessed, "I don't buy it."
"Why not?" Jace questioned.
"I don't know-" I shrug, "He looks- awfully familiar. I didn't know you until over three years ago, so how would I be able to recognize your father, Jace?"
Jace ran a hand through his hair, shrugging, not knowing what to say, now also in thought.
"I'm just getting a vibe. It's probably a phase-" I sat up, grabbing his hands, "I'm still happy for you, Jace."
"As happy as I am for you?" The corner of Jace's mouth turned up, "You found your mother, Zee."
"After three years of buried hope-" I trail off, "Yeah- yeah- I guess I did."
"How does it feel?" Jace softly smiles at me, genuinely happy, "Have you talked to her yet?"
"I haven't spoken to her since I found out it was really her." I admit, breaking eye contact, my eyes burning for some reason, "I don't know what I feel besides anger."
"Anger?" Jace repeats, "Why anger?"
"Valentine took my mother." I huff, rolling my eyes gently to try and prevent my eyes from burning and tears from forming, "After three years of me not knowing who kidnapped her, I finally found her and it's my twisted murderous father, who put her through God knows what."
"I get that feeling. I thought my Dad was dead- but he's been Valentine's prisoner." Jace scoffs in anger, "I want to kill Valentine just as much as you do."
I looked at him, completely still.
"They don't know us." Jace nods towards me, "We will succeed."
"We will." I nod, agreeing with him.
Jace points at my eyes, taking it as an advantage to tease me, "Are those tears I see? Are you actually crying?"
"I don't cry-" I blink away my tears, "You know that."
Jace playfully smiles, crossing his arms, "Your mom wants to see you."
"Is she call cleaned up?" I question, "Where is she?"
"Yeah- she showered, I got her a fresh change of clothes and some food, caught her up to speed on everything that's happened, she's a lot better than when we found her." Jace nods, "She's with Luke."
"Cool-" I slipped off the blanket off my legs, putting my boots on.
"You know what she said about you-" Jace looked at me, "It was all true."
"That I'm stronger than I knew, and I'm pure and- will use whatever pain to create more good- growing into a beautiful woman?" I recall all my mother's words, scoffing, "Yeah- no way-"
"But-" Jace protests, "You are all of those things. We all think so."
"You think I'm a pure hearted powerful woman that only creates good in her wake?" I question, "All right, Jace-"
"Yeah- yeah I do." Jace admits, looking up at me, "I know you better than anyone, and I don't see any less of that in you."
"Jace- Valentine is my father." I stood up, staring him in the eye, "There's a part of him in me. And none of it is good."
With that, I walked away and through the plastic, my eyes landing on my mother and Luke sat at a booth, speaking together, Michael and Clary on the other side of the restaurant, also speaking.
I walked over to Luke, "Hey-"
"Feeling better, kiddo?" Luke smiles up at me.
"Yeah-" I smile softly, "Can I have a moment with her alone?"
Luke nods, getting up, giving me a side hug, before heading to the back, leaving me alone with my mother.
I sat across from her, giving her a weak smile.
"I'm glad you're okay." She smiles at me, her hands folded, putting a strand of her damp hair behind her ear.
"I am too-" I clear my throat, changing the subject, "Listen- I have so many questions."
"Questions I could have the answers to." She nodded, understanding, "Go on, ask away."
"What did he do to you?" I softly said, "When we found you- you were beaten."
"He tortured me." She shook her head, looking away, "Wanted me to give in and aid him in his mission to free the world of Downworlders."
I scoff, looking away in silence.
"I'm okay now-" She sat up, "It's okay."
"Why didn't you tell me that Valentine Morgenstern was my father?" I question, "Why don't I remember him at all? Whenever I think about whoever was any type of father figure to me in the past, I only think of Luke."
"That's because I took all your memories of him." She looked down at her hands in shamefulness, "I wanted you to have a father figure that- took care of you- and was a good example. Not Valentine- a mass murderer who's fixed on murdering half of our population."
"I had- memories of him?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion.
She sighed, "Valentine kidnapped and tortured me because I took you back. He raised you for ten years. I don't know what happened in those ten years, but- I told Magnus if he were to ever give you back your memories of those ten years, to not show Valentine's face."
"Magnus did give me back my memories- but Valentine was never the face. It was another man- I just- I can't put my finger on it." I sigh, folding my arms, "Regardless, I'm not upset with you for taking my memories. I just- I don't know why you didn't tell me about the Shadow World."
"Valentine had you for the first ten years of your life." She stared at me, "He probably taught you- so much. With his mindset, he could've trained you into a Downworlder killing machine. So- I took your memories of him and tried to let you live a mundane life for eight years- but, it didn't work out in the end."
"Well- I'm not mad at you for it." I lean back into my seat, crossing my arms, "I remember everything he taught me- and despite it, I'd never aid him in this war."
"I know you wouldn't." She weakly smiles at me, "You're my daughter."
"Mom-" I sat up, leaning my elbows on the table, "Did I have a brother?"
"Brother?" She repeated in slight shock and confusion, "Not that I'm aware of, why?"
"Weird-" I look away, staring at the ground, deep in thought, a young boy running through my mind from my memories over and over, "Nothing- just a thought."
"But, why would Valentine tell a prisoner what he was planning to do?" My mother questioned as we all were gathered and sat at a booth, staring at Michael.
"He didn't." Michael said, "Well, not directly. But- he gave me a way to learn all about his plans."
Jace looks at him, "How do you mean?"
"He injected me with Downworlder blood." Michael exhales, "The pain was excruciating- sometimes I was sick for days."
Jace looked down, being slightly upset about this.
But, unfortunately, I didn't buy his story for a second. No matter how much I wanted to.
"But- it's not often you got a Shadowhunter to experiment on." He went on, "So I guess that's why he always stopped short of killing me. But, little by little I developed enhanced hearing and vision."
"Well- there was another Shadowhunter he had the chance to experiment on." I gesture towards my mother with my eyes, "But I'm not aware of any experiments being done on her."
"Because she's Margaret Young." Michael stares at me, "She carried his child- he loved her at one point. He wouldn't put her through the pain he put me through."
"Does torture match your ideal of the pain he only put you through?" I squint my eyes in suspicion, folding my arms.
"I'm sorry- and you are?" Michael eyed me, still not knowing who I was.
Clary cuts in, "Can you just tell us about the memory?"
Michael sighed, dropping our conversation and explaining the memory.
"Who's Renwick?" Clary questioned.
"It's not a who." Luke exhales, "It's a where. It's a deserted smallpox hospital on one of the islands of the East River."
"Under our noses is right." Clary sighed, "And we can't track over water."
Michael looked down, "He left me to die in that cage."
"Valentine never wasted time on compassion." Luke added in.
"Well, I assure you, I will murder him with my bare hands." I stood up, "He won't get any compassion from me when the time comes."
"Before it does, you need a strategy." Michael looked at me, "Waiting a day could mean the difference between failure and success."
"All right-" I barely nod, "Jace and I will scout Renwick's tonight."
"No-" Clary stood up, grabbing my arms, "Your runes are still weak. Luke and I will go. Just take this extra time to rest and-"
I scoff, "I'll be fine-"
"You power through everything." Jace stood up also, "But- you're too weak now, you're staying here."
I huff in defeat, sitting back down, "Fine-"
I grunt as Jace knocked me to the ground, as we were training in the chamber like room in the back, this being the room Simon was locked in when him and Clary were kidnapped.
I was changed out of my clothes and into a simply black sports bra, black sweatpants replacing my jeans, my hair in a hair pony tail, fly always and strands of my hair all over, a sheet of sweat over my body, along with Jace's shirtless one.
"Damn it-" I huff, groaning in slight pain, laying on the ground.
Jace grabs my hand, pulling me up, "You okay?"
"I'm fine-" I was ready for another round despite how tired I was, my fists clenching as I threw a few punches at him, Jace dodging my swings.
"So-" Jace trails off, grabbing my arm when I swung at him, flipping me onto the ground, "You wanna talk?"
"What?" I groan in pain, "There's nothing to talk about-"
"I mean about your now existing love life-" Jace helps me up, "It's been an entertaining subject for me."
I grab onto the fence around us, using this to leap up and wrap my legs around his neck, bringing him to the ground, keeping my legs around his neck to hold him down, "I'm not in love with Alec."
Jace softly smiled, holding my legs, "I didn't say anything about Alec."
I clear my throat, "Uhm- I meant anyone, in- general."
"Sure," Jace rolls, pushing me off him, sitting up on his knees, "Alec is getting married soon and you have feelings for him."
"I don't have feelings for Alec." I sigh, pushing myself up onto my feet, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
"You can say that all you want." Jace shrugs, "But- I can see it too."
I stare at him for a few seconds, before huffing in defeat, no longer wanting to lie as I confessed, "Of course I have feelings for him. But- there isn't anything I can do about it now."
"Well- are you going to his wedding?" Jace questioned, staring at me.
"No-" I shook my head, "Magnus said I could stay with him while it's happening so I don't have to watch it."
"You're not going to fight for him?" Jace questioned.
"Why are you pushing this?" I lean against the wall, crossing my arms, "You're- not even talking to him."
"Alec's my parabatai- and you're my best friend." Jace shrugs, "I'm just looking out for your happiness."
"Alec makes me happy." I blurt out without realizing, "I like the way I feel when he looks at me- or when he's talking to me- because it's all a rush that I've never felt before but love the feeling of. The things he does for us- for me- like when I would have those nightmares of my mother, and Alec would sit on the ground, by my bed and hold my hand until I fell asleep, or- when I was injured during a mission and he took care of me and brought me tea-"
Jace stares at me as I went on, "But- none of that matters because Alec is getting married to Lydia. There's nothing I can do about it- and I should've acted on what I felt before. But, I didn't."
"You could go to the wedding." Jace exhales, "You going there could be what stops him from marrying her."
I shook my head, scoffing, a voice making both Jace and I look towards where it came from, "May I join?"
Michael Wayland stood there, holding two sets of wraps and two punch pads in his hands.
"By all means." I inhale sharply, as he walked in, tossing a pair to me, and one to Jace.
He placed the two pads on his hands, as I stepped aside, letting Jace go first.
As Jace took a few hits, and swung back, my thoughts trailed elsewhere.
Alec Lightwood.
I was disappointing him.
I had disappointed him.
I disappeared into a portal to another dimension, and now we're back and haven't gone back to the Institute.
Isabelle was on trail, and I was here resting up.
I wanted nothing more than to get back and use the Mortal Cup as leverage to free her, but at this point, I wouldn't be able to get back to the Institute until we found Jocelyn.
I intended on finding her tonight.
"Hey-" A hand touched my shoulder, my head snapping up, my eyes landing on Jace, his hair damp with sweat, "You okay?"
"I'm fine-" I clear my throat, wrapping my hands, looking at Michael, as Jace stepped out, grabbing his water bottle, leaving us alone to get some air from being overheated.
Michael stood, ready for any swing, holding his hands up that were wearing the punching pad for me to punch.
My jaw clenched, as I remained focused, repeatedly punching the two pads as hard as I could, non stop.
Michael dodges one, hitting my side.
I grunt, grabbing onto my side, as he looked at me, "Us Shadowhunters mend quickly, but it seems you're still weak."
"I can manage." I grit my teeth, different sounds of anger seething through them I returned to punching.
He knocks my side, sending me to the ground, "I didn't quite catch your name."
My expression only held a hard stare, as I forcefully pushed myself onto my feet again, my hands at my sides, as I panted, "Zee Young."
"Zee Young?" Michael's expression had changed, "You're- Zee Young."
I don't respond, throwing another punch at the pad.
"How could I be so stupid-" He chuckled in surprise, "You look so much like your mother."
"I get that a lot." I grunt, repeatedly landing solid punches.
Michael watched me, holding his ground, "What do you think of your father?"
"Valentine's a lunatic." I scoff, "That's what I think about him."
"Didn't he raise you?" Michael questioned, "Isn't there a part of you that thinks of him as a father figure?"
"How do you know that?" I was overheated, but I kept punching, as he got a few blows in on me, "And what do you care?"
"Words from being a father myself." He avoided my question, knocking me back to the ground for the tenth time, "Would it help if you knew how much he loved you?"
"What the hell do you know?" I groan on the ground, slowly sitting up, staring up at him.
"When you're a prisoner, you hear a big deal of his conversations." Michael said, "He loved your mother just as much. He's fierce in his love- and always longed to meet you again."
"Valentine- is a mass murderer." I got up, raising my voice, "He's twisted and sick- you may know what he's done to you, but you don't know the first thing of what he's done to my mother. A woman he allegedly loved."
I scoff, shaking my head, "You know what- it's quite frankly none of your damn business, so stay out of it."
Michael got in a shot on my side, "I'm saying from a father's point of view- in his sick twisted way, maybe he's doing it for his children. It could be his way to protect them."
"I couldn't care less." I shook my head, throwing another punch in, groaning when he got another hit on my stomach, "Clary and I don't need his protection."
Michael knocks me on the ground once more, "You're still weak- I've been imprisoned for years, I shouldn't even be able to get a hit on you. I've already knocked you to the ground at least five times. You need to fight harder."
"Give her a break-" Jace walked in, sipping his water, his breathing calm, "She's still recovering."
I force myself up, grunting while dodging his next swing, my foot coming in contact with his jaw, my gloved first pounding into his stomach, as I knocked him off his feet, his body hitting the ground loudly, a groan leaving his lips.
I breathe heavily, staring at Michael as he laid on the ground, unwrapping my hands and throwing it onto the ground, "Don't tell me what to do."
I stepped out, taking my hair out of it's ponytail, messing it out, grabbing my water bottle, sipping my water as I left Jace alone with his father.
Clary sighs, "We couldn't even count the demons."
"Yeah, but we still gotta get Jocelyn out of there." Luke nods, looking at us.
"That would be a suicide mission." Jace crosses his arms.
"Doesn't have to be." Clary argues, "I have the Cup. Demons have to obey me."
"That's what Valentine wants." My mother sighed, "He knows you'll do anything to save your mother."
Michael nods, "He wants you to take out the Cup and use it."
"Okay- and if she does?" I looked at him.
"He'll take it." He told me the ultimatum, "And he'll kill us, too."
I pathetically laugh, slipping on my leather jacket, "Well, He doesn't know what he's dealing with."
We had gone to Renwick's, Michael, Jace and Luke being the ones who had fought the demons outside, as Clary, my mother and I snuck inside.
I guarded Clary and my mother, as we searched the building, looking around, seeing if we could find Jocelyn.
And in that moment we had found her, it was like everything was in slow motion, Clary's eyes widening, the seraph dagger slipping from her hands, rushing towards her mother, who was still trapped in the spell she placed upon herself with the potion.
I rush after her, as did my mother, Clary's grabbing her mother's face, "Mom!"
"Mom, please, wake up-" Clary begged, trying to wake her mother, as my mother came to Jocelyn's other side, eyeing the spell around her.
Moments later, Jace and Michael ran in, slamming the doors shut, drawing a rune on the doors, keeping it locked.
"Wait-" I took a step closer to them, putting my kindjal in its scabbard, "Where's Luke?"
"We left him fighting Blackwell-" Jace stepped away from the door, the demons hitting the door with all force, "Luke told us to leave him, Zee."
"You did what?" My eyes went wide, as I ran towards the door, "You can't leave him on his own-"
"Stop!" Jace steps in front of me, holding me away from the door, forcing me back, "No- what are you doing? Get back!"
"Jace, we can't shut him out-" I tried to push him away, "He has to make it inside!"
"No, there is not enough time!" Jace argues, holding me back.
"We have to secure the room-" Michael told me, lWe don't even know if Luke is still-"
"Alive?" Clary cuts in, "Jace, no- we cannot shut Luke out! He will die for nothing!"
My head snaps back towards her, all my movements halted, "You can't wake her up?"
Clary shook her head, "I can't wake her up."
"Okay- out of my way-" I pushed Jace to the side, my hand grasping the grip of my kindjal, making a run for the door, Jace rushing after me and grabbing me by my waist, lifting me off the ground, "Jace!"
"If you go out there alone, you will get killed!" Jace shouts back at me.
Michael looked at Clary, "Luke wants you and Jocelyn out of here. That's all he cares about. Pull yourself together."
"Zee, if you don't help us, no one survives-" Jace puts me down, holding my arms, "Do you understand?"
"If Luke dies and Jocelyn never wakes up-" I looked away, as I was all fired up.
"Look at me!" Jace jerks me to look at him, "We will get her home- we will find a way to wake her up."
Jace looked between Clary and I, "Do you believe me?"
The demons screeched, as Michael backed up, "Get ready."
"Hey-" I grabbed Clary's arm as we stood to the side, Jace and Michael stood in front of the door, their attention glued to the demons, my mother by Jocelyn, "I need to talk to you."
Clary looks at me, her back turned to everyone else, our voices low so our conversation stayed between us, "Yeah?"
"Don't use the actual Cup." I quietly said to her, eyeing Michael from where I stood, "I'm betting Michael's gonna want to try it out."
"I'm way ahead of ya-" The corner of Clary's lips turned up, as she pulled up a mug from her bag, implying that she would cast a glamour on it, "Great minds think alike, right?"
I smirk, as she casted a glamour onto the mug, it now looking exactly like the Mortal Cup.
"Clary, now!" Jace faced us, "We can't wait any longer."
Clary and I exchanged glances, as we both walked over to them, Clary holding up the glamoured Cup, "Demons, I command you! Find Valentine!"
I pulled out my kindjals out, stood steady as the screeching and banging from the demons continue.
Clary repeats, "Demons, find Valentine!"
Michael looked at us, "Let me try."
Clary gave it over to him, Michael turning his back towards us for a few moments.
"Come on-" Jace urged his father, staring at him.
Michael faces us, a devious grin on his lips, as he used his dagger to cut the shapeshifting tune on her wrist, a groan leaving his lips as he revealed his true self; Valentine Morgenstern.
"No-" Jace weakly said as he watched, "No-"
Valentine smirked, holding up the Cup, "Demons attack my enemies! I command you!"
When the screeching continued, Clary shouts, "Knock it off, guys!"
The screeching stops, the demons disappearing from our sights, Clary revealing that she had the real Cup, "You're not the only one who knows how to cast a glamour."
Valentine notices the mug in his hands, throwing it onto the ground, as it shattered into pieces.
"Should we let the demons take care of this?" Clary questioned, looking between Jace and I.
I stepped closer, my grip tightening on my weapons, "No-"
Jace stood still, in agreement with me, "Send them away."
Clary nods, demanding, "Demons, be gone!"
"You kidnapped my mother." I stepped closer, pure hatred and anger shining in my eyes, "You tortured her!"
"She took you from me." Valentine glanced at my mother, then looked at me, "She got what was well deserved."
"Well deserved?" The words seethed through my teeth venomously, as I moved, my blade against his neck.
"You pretended to be my father." Jace had the same look in his eyes, anger threaded in his tone, stood behind me.
Valentine shook his head, standing still as my cold blade touched his neck, "I wasn't pretending, Jace."
"You murdered him." Jace stepped closer, coming to my side, his blade right under mine, "You're a liar!"
"I am your father." Valentine exhales, "I always have been. The face that you saw as Michael Wayland was mine- then and now. It was a powerful glamour. I want you to know me as I am- to know the truth about me and you."
I shook my head, not buying it, staring at him, "Cut it out-"
"Jace, don't listen to him!" Clary calls out, "He's Zee and I's father- we know that for a fact."
"Yes, that's true- that's a fact." Valentine confirmed, "But- I am also Jace's father."
I raise my voice, fed up with the lies, "You're lying!"
Jace stares at him in the eye, his voice low and weak, repeating my words in agreement, "You're lying."
"Zee, I raised you to be smart, not foolish." Valentine exhales sharply, "Think about it, Jace. Do you remember that little girl? The one who was raised with you- the one who I always called Margaret, even if she had a different name."
"No-" Jace teared up, recalling memories, "No-"
"She disappeared when Michael Wayland did." Valentine told us, "And you were taken in by the Lightwoods and that girl was never seen again. That's because her mother, Margaret, took her back."
"Just put it together." Valentine looked at me, "You recognized Michael Wayland right?"
That's where I knew Michael Wayland from.
He raised me for those ten years.
With Jace.
My entire body was weak, as I stepped back, my guard involuntarily being let down, my arms dropping to my sides, my grip on my kindjals loose.
Tears burned in my eyes, as I refused to let them fall.
It was then everything all came back, every single moment since the day I met Jace.
The memories of us being raised together.
And the memories of us meeting again on my eighteenth birthday.
Memories we shared together, and how well we had gotten along.
I had slept with my brother.
Multiple times.
I felt sick.
"Oh my god-" I stepped back, my voice quiet and weak, "No-"
Valentine gestures to Jace and Clary, "Why are the two of you so drawn together? You are meant to be. Blood calls to blood, no?"
Valentine simply pushed Jace off, knowing that this had caught us all off guard and he had the upper hand.
He pulled out his stele and walked over to a mirror, opening a portal, "My dear family together at last. Two lost mothers, found. A brother and sister, finally reunited. And one sister drawn."
Jace yells, rushing over to him, his seraph blade to Valentine's neck.
"You won't kill me." Valentine taunts, "You won't kill me. I said that you were weak, and I meant it."
Jace breathes heavily, staring at Valentine, still.
"What's wrong, Jace?" Valentine smiles, "Can't kill the man who raised you?"
Clary starts to move over to them, "I can-"
"Go ahead, Clary." Valentine turned Jace, his dagger at his neck, "Two for one."
"We can't even fight back, huh?" Valentine looked Jace, "Come with me, son. You know that you love me. Your sisters are welcome to join us- and bring Margaret and Jocelyn along. We can find a way to get Jocelyn moving again."
Valentine pushed Jace away, heading into the portal, leaving us all in shock and disgust.
Luke runs in, and over to Jocelyn, "Jocelyn- I'm taking you home."
I saw with Clary in the infirmary at the Institute, Jocelyn floating in front of us, still trapped in the spell.
"We're gonna wake her up." I rubbed Clary's back, "We will."
Clary gave me a weak smile, looking back at her mother, concern and worry remaining on her features.
My eyes move to Alec, who stood by the folded wall, his arms crossed, staring at me.
I got up, as I felt a hand grab my arm, Jace's voice filling my ears, "Zee-"
"Jace-" I tried to pull my arm from his grip, staring at the ground, "I've already hurled twice in the last hour- do not be the cause to it happening again."
Jace couldn't dare look at me either, "I feel just as weird as you do."
"Good- we're on the same page then." I pull my arm from him, walking down the steps.
Alec's eyes were glued to me, as I stood in front of him, "Alec-"
Alec stares at me, his expression signaling for me to go on.
I was upset.
And what I had just found out only fueled my anger.
"I gave you my word." My voice was low and dangerously calm, "I told you I would find Jace and bring by the Cup- and I did exactly that."
Alec inhaled, "Is this about me tracking Jace?"
"Yes- yes it is." I told him, "Why would you do that? You've made things worse between you two."
"What does it matter to you?" Alec questioned, his tone harsh.
"It matters to me because I told you I would bring the Cup back- and knowing I was handling it- you almost killed Jace." I argued, "Alec- you're destroying whatever relationship you have left with him."
Alec huffs in annoyance, "You don't get it- at all-"
"You know what- it doesn't even matter." I stopped him, "Save it."
I turn to walk away, Jace's voice catching my attention as he stood at the top of the steps, "Clary gave Lydia the Cup."
I turn back around, looking at Jace, as did Alec.
Jace crosses his arms, "Hodge is taking her to lock it up until she goes back to Idris."
"Okay." Alec simply said.
"Okay?" Jace repeats, "That's it, Alec?"
"I don't want to get into it." Alec turned to walk away.
"Stop." Jace calls out, coming to my left, Alec stopping and facing him again, "I do wanna get into it."
"You almost killed me." Jace confronted him, "You weakened our parabatai bond just to find me."
"You betrayed me- you lied to me." Alec shot back at him, "You attacked me when I was doing what we should've been doing together."
"I didn't betray you, Alec." Jace raises his voice, "I saved you from yourself!"
I shot them both looks, taking a step back, completely caught off guard by this.
Jace takes the look on my face as a signal to calm down, "If you'd have taken Meliorn to be tortured, you would have that on your conscience for the rest of your life."
Alec scoffs, "Really?"
"Really." Jace confirmed.
"Everything you do is for a higher principle." Alec's anger did not simmer, "You took the Cup, and you nearly handed it over to Valentine."
"That was not our intention-" Jace exhales, "You know that."
"Our intention?" Alec repeats, "Was it your intention to risk Izzy's life for hers?"
Jace swallows, looking down.
"This isn't about Clary- this is about you." Alec told him, "Now, I'm gonna go tell my sister that she still has a future."
My breathing was heavy as my wrapped fists came in contact with the punching bag in front of me repeatedly, despite the sore feeling in my arms, as how I could feel them going numb.
I was disgusted with myself.
I was angry at Alec.
I was angry with myself.
Valentine was right; I was weak.
It was engraved in my mind. I was weak. Powerless against Valentine. I should've killed him.
But I let my guard down.
He used the information he withheld for years against us, against me.
If I would've slit his throat, it would've been over.
But I didn't.
And I hated myself for that.
I also had this sick feeling at the pit of my stomach that I couldn't shake off. And it was because of Jace.
Jace was my brother.
He was the brother I asked my mother about.
How could I not have figured it out before?
I'm a fool.
The anger in my chest had remained since I saw Alec.
I was upset with him.
He weakened his bond with Jace, he almost killed him.
I wasn't too fond of Jace right now, but regardless, he could've died.
I gave Alec my word, and I did exactly what I said I would.
But, he went still did it.
I grunt leaves my lips as I landed a weak punch on the punching back, panting, as I stepped back.
I sat on the bench, hugging one knee to my chest, trying to catch my breathe, my back leaning against the wall behind me.
My attention was diverted elsewhere when my eyes landed on Alec, who was headed right for me.
I huff deeply, my eyes rolling to the back of my head in annoyance, not in the mood to argue with him.
He sits next to me, completely silent, his eyes scanning my appearance.
He had just gotten back from talking to Isabelle, informing her that she was free to go.
"I don't want to talk right now." I stare straight ahead, my breathing calming down, but it felt like I couldn't breathe all over again due to his presence.
"Then don't talk-" Alec shortly said, pulling out his phone, pressing play on something, putting an earbud in my ear, the other in his.
Confusion fell over my features, my heart beat soothing as the sound filled my ears.
It was the song I showed Alec when he brought me chips and guacamole in my room before we went to the Silent Brothers for Clary.
A deep sigh leaves my lips, as I reluctantly closing my eyes and continued listening to the music with him.
I was angry with him.
Yet, I sat and listened to the song with him.
authors note:
not a good update IM SORRY
next chapter is gonna be good jsjsjs
margaret is played by holly marie combs
the song they're listening to is wide eyed by billy lockett
vote and comment loooads
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