I walked through the Ops Center, glancing at Alec, whom was speaking to someone.
I held back a sigh, trying to walk away without him noticing me, as I was changed in a wine colored off shoulder cut out long sleeve, it was slim onto my figure and was tucked into black ripped jeans, as I ran a hand through my straight hair, my boots clicking against the ground.
Alec's eyes land on me, noticing me right as I stepped by him, "Just, hold on one second-"
"Zee-" He steps in front of me, stopping me from going any further, "I need to talk to you."
"If I can't talk any sense into you- I don't want to waste my breath." I try to walk past him, not making any eye contact.
"Zee-" Alec steps in front of me again, his voice low, "I can't protect you if you don't tell me the truth."
"What other truth is there, Alec? I mean, you saw me- you saw what happened." I looked up at him, "And- I don't need protecting."
"Lydia is determined to find out who caused what happened- she's questioning every Shadowhunter on the team you guys took down." Alec crosses his arms, staring at me.
"Well- you know I was a part of it." My tone was low, "Why don't you just go tell her yourself?"
Alec stares at me, shaking his head, "No-"
"Oh?" I blink in amusement, pursing my lips.
"Hey, just- tell me this." Alec sighs, his voice remaining low of only me to hear as our conversation remained at that tone since the start, "Is there any way that Raj could have seen anything incriminating?"
"I wasn't the one who got to him." I barely shrug, "What did Izzy tell you?"
"Nothing-" Alec huffs, "Absolutely nothing-"
"Good-" I scoff, stepping back, my eyes landing on Lydia, who was speaking to Raj.
"I don't think you can call it an attack if no one got injured." Raj told her, "We were ambushed."
"How is that possible?" Lydia questioned, "Nobody outside the Institute knew about the mission."
"It was dark- we couldn't see much. There were wolves and the others were hit with vampires." Raj explained, "But I swear, the one that got me moved a lot like a Shadowhunter."
"I'm sorry." Lydia says to Alec, who stood in front of the monitor, confusion falling over his features.
Alec turns, "For what?"
My eyes began to widen when both my hands were pulled behind my back, as I felt the cool metal of handcuffs being cuffed around my wrists, Raj being the one who had done it.
I looked at him, "What the hell are you doing-"
Lydia exhales, standing in front of me, "Zee Young, by order of the Clave, you are under arrest for high treason."
"What?" Alec got defensive, walking over to us, "On what grounds?"
Isabelle walked over, "What the hell do you think you're doing, Lydia?"
Lydia crosses her arms, "Only a handful of people knew about the Meliorn op."
Raj looked at me, "And the Clave knows she'll do anything for family."
I blink hard, as he was implying I would do anything for Isabelle, because she was like a sister to me.
I sigh, staring at the ground, "Are the handcuffs necessary?"
Raj rolls his eyes, "For someone as trained as you? Definitely."
"You can't do this." Isabelle shook her head, "First you went after Meliorn- and now Zee? What are you trying to achieve here?"
Alec steps closer, "If Zee is convicted, she'll be stripped of her runes and banished."
"This is out of my hands." Lydia simply said, his eyes falling onto me.
I shot her a look, "Isn't that what you said about Meliorn?"
Lydia fell silent, and before any of us could break it, Isabelle blurts out, "It was me."
"What?" Lydia looked at Isabelle.
"I was the one who attacked them and saved Meliorn." Isabelle ratted herself out, and partially lies, "I was the one who got to Raj, and I singlehandedly rescued him."
"Isabelle!" I raise my voice, staring at her.
Raj shot Isabelle a look, "She is sleeping with him."
"What- you're going accuse her and take her in because of who she sleeps with?" I scoff, staring at Lydia and Raj.
"Well- we've already assumed you were involved due to you being her parabatai." Raj remarks.
"Take me." Isabelle steps up, "It was me."
Lydia shot Raj a look, as he took the cuffs off my wrist and walked over to Isabelle, placing them on hers.
"You know what, Lydia?" Isabelle let it happen and stared at her, "You're no better than Valentine. But at least he had the guts to tell Downworlders to their faces he wanted them all dead. You hide behind the Law."
"I don't hide behind it, Isabelle- I simply follow it." Lydia shot back at her, "Because it guards against one very important thing. Shadowhunters fighting other Shadowhunters."
"Lydia-" Alec stared at her, "You can't do this-"
"Don't." Isabelle stops him, being walked away by Raj, "It's not your fight."
"Izzy-" I huff, my arms crossed, "Why would you do that-"
"If I didn't, they would've arrested you. You were there because of me- I wasn't going to let you take the fall for me." Isabelle shook her head, pacing.
I stressfully ran a hand through my hair, "Isabelle- If they prove you guilty, you'll be deruned and banished!"
Isabelle crosses her arms, staring at the ground.
The door opens, Raj's voice filling my eyes, "Keep it short."
Alec walks in, the door closing behind him, as I faced him, my mouth dropping lightly, as if I was about to say something but nothing came out.
My arms drop to my sides, Isabelle looking at her older brother.
Alec inhales deeply, looking between us, "Jace stole the Cup."
I glance at Isabelle, looking down at my feet right away.
Alec's eyes furrow in suspicion, "Zee, did you know about this?"
I inhale, looking up at him, guilt crossing over my features, matching Isabelle's.
"My God, did you help him?" Alec pieced it together, "The Cup is the only thing that can get Izzy out of this."
Isabelle turns away, "Jace is doing what he thinks is right."
"What's right?" Alec repeats, "He put the whole Shadow World in danger. He put both of you in danger."
I began, "Alec-"
"We have to get him back here." Alec cuts me off, "With the Cup. It's the only thing that can help Izzy."
"They've taken Meliorn back to the Seelie realm." Isabelle faces him again, "You can't track him there."
"Not by any of the normal ways." Alec turns and heads for the door.
Realization sparks in my mind, as I quickly caught his wrist, "Alec- no."
"No, absolutely not." Isabelle sides with me, "You cannot track Jace through your parabatai bond. It will weaken both of you."
"More importantly- it could break the bond." I add in, letting go of Alec's wrist.
"Jace already weakened it." Alec faces us, his tone strict, "How does he think I can trust him after what he did?"
"Iz and I were a part of all of it." I stare at him, "Do you still trust us?"
"That has nothing to do with this-" Alec began to say.
"It has everything to do with this. I was right by Jace's side and you still covered for me." I stare at him, "Did you do it because of your undying feelings for me or whatever sanity you have left?"
Alec stared at me, going silent.
"Listen-" I huff, pinching the bridge of my nose for a second, "I will bring Jace back."
"How exactly will you do that?" Alec crosses his arms.
"I'll figure something out." I look at him, "If Lydia decides to prosecute Isabelle, you need to delay the trail some how so I can get Jace back here with the Cup."
Alec shook his head, "There's no way you'll be able to do this in time."
"I will." I step closer to him, raising my voice the slightest bit, a serious tone playing at my voice, "You have my word."
Alec stares into my eyes, as I broke eye contact, moving past him and out the room, dialing Jace's number.
A few moments later, Jace's voice filled the line, "Zee-"
"Jace-" I walked into my room and grabbed my leather jacket, "What's taking you so long-"
"I-" Jace inhales sharply, "It's kinda hard to explain right now?-"
"I need to get to you- now." I move around my room.
"What?" Jace questions, "Why? Did something happen-"
"Lydia might be prosecuting Isabelle- listen, I just really need to get to you." I told him, "I'm sneaking out of the Institute and have no idea how to get to the Seelie realm."
"Okay- I-" Jace swallows, "I'll figure something out-"
With that, I hung up, geared up, and quickly made my exit.
"Jace-" I ran over to him, engulfing him into a hug, as he was guarding some sort of portal, Meliorn being the one who had lead me to him, even if it could've risked his life.
"Hey-" Jace hugged back, then pulls away, "What happened?-"
"Lydia tried to arrest me- Izzy took the fall- she might be prosecuted- we need to get back to the Institute with the Cup." I ramble in summary, trying to make it as short as possible, "If we don't give the Cup to the Clave- Izzy most likely will be deruned and banished- we can't let that happen-"
"Wait- slow down-" Jace ran a hand through his hair, "Izzy is getting prosecuted?"
"The Cup is our only bargaining chip." I nod, crossing my arms.
Jace huffs, "Damn it-"
"Wait-" I look around, "Where the hell is Clary?"
My eyes travel back to the portal that glowed behind us, "Did Clary go through that? Wait- why would she go through that-"
"Now, it's my turn to explain-" Jace inhales, "Meliorn said he could take us to Valentine- but only through this dimension, because the portal that would lead us to Valentine would be in it."
"What?" I blink, my eyes widening, "And you let her go in there alone?-"
I was cut off by a demon growling loudly, throwing itself at Jace and I, another following and heading towards Meliorn.
Instinctively, I jump back as did Jace, the both of us pulling out our weapons on the spot.
Meliorn grabbed two swords from the ground, fighting off the demon.
"Where the hell did you get those?" My eyes were wide with confusion, Jace watching also.
"The Earth provides, Shadowhunter." Meliorn said, "Don't just stand there!"
Jace and I fought off a demon, grunts and pants leaving our lips, as the demon growled and snarled.
As Meliorn had taken down one, I had knocked the demon to the ground, Jace ready to kill it, only to stop half away, breathing heavily and groaning.
Confusion fell over me, as Jace fell to the ground, grunting loudly in pain, the demon jumping up, knocking both Meliorn and I to the ground and rushing into the portal.
"Jace!" I jump up, rushing over to him as he grunts louder, falling to my knees.
Jace wheezed, wincing in pain, his eyes screwed shut, "Alec!"
The pain had gotten to much for him, because soon his body stopped moving and he was out cold.
He said Alec.
Alec must've used parabatai tracking.
I gave him my word and he still went ahead and done this.
I felt myself get angry, but that was the least of my worries right now.
"Jace-" I shook him, "Get up-"
Meliorn had sat up, walking over by us, staring down at Jace.
I close my eyes, my palm coming in contact with Jace's cheek, a gasp leaving Jace's lips as his eyes snapped open.
"Ow-" Jace mumbles, "That was the third time you've slapped me in the past- how many weeks?"
"Not relevant right now, Jace-" I pull him up, "The demon went through."
Jace's eyes went wide, "It went through?"
"It went through before I could stop it." I nod in confirmation, "We have to go after Clary-"
A low rumbling filled out ears, Meliorn crouching and touching the ground, "I have to shut the entrance."
I blink, "You have to do what?"
"More demons are coming." Meliorn stood up.
"What about Clary?" Jace questions,
"You said you Seelies protect other dimensions."
"We do." Meliorn looks at us.
"There is a demon in there with a bunch of unprotected people." I scoff, walking towards the portal.
"Let us in-" Jace came to my side, "I can kill it."
Meliorn exhales, "If I seal the doorway behind you-"
"I know, the Portal is the only way out." Jace finishes his sentence, "I'm willing to take that risk."
"Wait- what?" My eyes were wide, "Okay- there is a lot you still need to explain to me."
"Grant us entry." Jace nods towards Meliorn.
"Remember, you won't have your weapons-" Meliorn starts to use his magic, "Demons don't disintegrate in this dimension."
He spoke Seelie, as I looked at Jace, "Jace- what about Izzy-"
"We'll get to her." Jace nods, "I promise- eventually- if we make it out- we will."
"If you're going- go now." Meliorn's voice was strained, as I took in a shaky breath.
Jace nods, grabbing my arm, running into the portal with me, and then, everything had changed and leaving me confused as ever.
Everything was more bright, and I was no longer with Jace.
I was no longer in my normal attire either.
My eyes first land on my feet due to how they were in pain, taking notice of the sandal like white stilettos strapped to my feet.
I grew even more confused as my eyes trailed up my bare legs and to the end of a slim black dress, short and simple, the sleeves ending a few inches above my wrists, the fabric comfortably hugging my body like a glove.
My hand runs through my hair, noticing the inches it had grown. It seemed like this version of me decided to keep my hair longer.
I began to mutter countless profanities under my breath, a small gasp leaving my lips when an arm wraps around my shoulders, my back hitting against someone's chest, a face nuzzling into my shoulder, this person's hands holding two drinks.
I blink, completely caught off guard, "Oh-"
"It's me-" Alec's voice filled my ears, as he placed a kiss on my head.
My heart stopped, all oxygen disappearing.
"Alec-" I slip away, facing him, as he looked very different, "Hey-"
He was in a suit, and his hair was done differently. He had no runes on his body, and he looked happy.
"Hi-" Alec smiles, pecking my lips, "I got you a drink."
My eyes were wide, as I nodded very quickly, as he handed me the drink, clinking his against mine gently, "To us."
I nod, "To- us."
After the two of us took a sip of our drinks, he smiles at me wider, "Thank you for helping me plan this party- it turned out great."
"You're- welcome." I barely nod, pursing my lips, trying to find the right words, "I'm glad I could- help."
He wraps an arm around my neck, smiling like an idiot down at me, "You're the sweetest. You're honestly the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. You destroyed all my standards- I mean you're legitimately a new level of outstanding."
Heat rushed to my cheeks, my heart racing, as I became slightly tense.
I gave him my best smile, downing the rest of my drink, my cheeks puffing, my eyes wide as I swallowed the bitter liquid as quick as I could.
It was unusual seeing how happy and carefree he was in this dimension.
I needed to remember that My Alec never sounded like this.
My Alec was always weighed down by his family, and seemed miserable.
Yet in most moments, I still saw him smile.
"Are you okay?" Alec's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "You seem off, hun."
The pet name sent me off the edge.
I place my empty cup down, trying to walk away from him quickly, wanting to find Jace, not understanding this fully, but Alec stepped in front of me, stopping me, his hands finding their way to my sides.
I halt, looking up at him, "Alec-"
"Hey-" He stopped, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong-" I let out a shaky breath, my heart beating out of my chest, "I'm okay-"
"Are you sure?" Alec's hand gently grabs my face, placing a strand of my loosely curled hair behind my ear, his eyes pouring into mine.
I lean into his palm, closing my eyes for a second.
What I felt was growing stronger and stronger within the moment, and being with this version of him wasn't helping.
I quietly embraced the touch, knowing that this would never happen between Alec and I at home.
It was strange that it was something in this dimension.
I open my eyes, giving him the weakest smile I could manage, "I'm okay."
Alec stares at me for a second, before slowly leaning in and gently connecting his lips with mine.
I melted into the kiss right away, my hands grabbing his collar and pulling him into me more.
His arms snaked around my waist, holding me as close as possible, as I felt myself slip away.
And I was letting it happen.
Jace's voice snaps me out of the trance, "Zee!"
I gripped Alec's shoulder's, pulling him away from me, blinking repeatedly as I processed what had just happened.
"Zee-" Jace clears his throat, also all dressed up, "Alec- could I borrow her?"
"Make sure you bring her back to me-" Alec grabbed his drink, kissing my temple.
"I will-" Jace grabs my arm and pulls me away from Alec, "Got a little too carried away?"
"I- couldn't help it-" I sigh deeply, pinching the bridge of my nose as he pulled me along, down the stairs somewhere, my eyes landing on Clary and Magnus.
"Clary-" I rush down the steps and over to her, "Are you okay?"
"Zee?" Clary's eyes scan over me in confusion, not sure if I was really me or inter dimensional me, "Is that you?-"
"It's us-" Jace comes over by us, "Zee decided to join in on the fun."
I roll my eyes in disbelief, Clary instantly engulfing me into a hug, "I'm so glad you're here-"
I hug back, pulling away, my voice rushed, "Where's the demon?"
As if on cue, the demon that had went through grabbed Jace and knocked him into a few boxes.
I was quick, grabbing the nearest thing I could use as a weapon. My hands grabbed onto a broom, my foot stomping onto the end, detaching the stick from it, grunting as I fought the demon off.
Soon enough, Jace and Clary had joined me, as we all pierced our weapons through it in unison.
Right as we defeated the demon, it had stung my neck, before dropping dead.
I stumbled back, my legs giving out of me as I fell, Clary running over to me quickly, breaking my fall, "Zee!"
I wheezed, my eyes half open, as I felt nothing but pain and weakness spread all through out my body, my upper body laying on Clary's leg's, as she held me, "Oh my god- Zee-"
Jace fell to his knees next to me, "Hey- Zee- it's okay, it's gonna be okay."
Clary fixed my hair, panting, her eyes glossy, "Breathe- please-"
Jace searches through his pockets, "Where's my stele?-"
Clary huffs in stress, "It didn't come through with you."
Magnus walked over, his eyes on the sting on my neck, "You're gonna need more than a stele for that."
"Will portaling her back to her own body cure her?" Clary asked quickly, looking at him.
"No- blood travels with you." Magnus shook his head, "It's why your angelic powers still work here. The demon venom is in her blood."
Clary shook her head, "Then we have to get him back to the Institute in our dimension-"
As Magnus went further ahead, looking for the portal, our only way out and to Valentine, I shook my head.
Clary looks at me, "What?"
"No-" I forcefully sat up, wheezing, "You came all this way- it'll be for nothing if we don't find Valentine first-"
Clary shook her head in denial, "Zee- have you seen yourself? You're in no condition to fight, there is no way in hell I'm letting you do this-"
"I'm called your older sister for a reason, Clary- you don't get to tell me what to do." My breathing was ragged, as I moved onto my knees, preparing myself to stand up, "We have Jace- and I can still fight. We get to Valentine- and then we get back to the Institute with the Cup."
"Zee- no-" Jace began to shake his head.
"I'm fine- I can handle it." I use every bit of my strength left and force myself to my feet, "We might not get another chance- this is too important."
Magnus' voice cuts our conversation off, "I found it!"
I heave, making my way over to Magnus, Clary and Jace right behind me, trying to aid me, as I refused their offers.
Clary quickly hands Magnus the portal shard, as Magnus placed it in a small dent on the wall, the portal opening up.
I swallow hard, as it because harder and harder to breathe, "You'll have to destroy the Portal after we go through-"
Magnus looks at us, "Why?"
"To secure your dimension from all sides." Jace told him, "Otherwise, if it stays open, you'll be vulnerable to demon attacks again."
"I'll take care of it and the malodorous monstrosity on that table." Magnus nods, "Thank you-"
"Well, I should be thanking you." Clary looked at him.
"No- you gave me back a life." Magnus exhales, "I won't forget it. Now, go."
Right as I took a step, my entire body gave out, as I fell, Jace catching me right away, holding me bridal style, "I got you-"
"Oh my god- Zee-" Clary came over to me, not even acknowledging the portal anymore.
"Think of- him-" I pant, "Of Valentine-"
Clary nods, holding Jace's arm as we walked into the portal, leaving that dimension behind.
The minute we were on the other side of the portal, we had returned to our own bodies, attire, and weapons.
But, the demon venom had gotten worse.
I grunt, "Put me down- Jace- put me down-"
Jace sets me down, keeping a hold on my arm to hold me up, as I pulled the sting out quickly, a loud shriek of pain gritted through my teeth.
I breathe heavily, coughing, trying to find my stele through my pockets.
"I got it-" Clary pulled it out for me, as I slowly took it from her, pulling up my shirt slightly, waving my stele over the Iratze rune on my side, as I fell onto my knees, gasping in pain.
"Magnus was right-" Clary cries out in panic, "It's not working-"
"It's enough-" I force myself up with Jace's help, pulling out one kindjal, looking around, "Is this what you saw?"
Clary nods slowly, looking around, noticing a table with many syringe's and chemicals, "What is all this?"
Jace held us seraph blade up, taking a look at what she pointed out, "The makings of an army."
"There's no one here." I pant, looking around at the emptiness.
"Wait-" Clary rushes off further, disappearing from my sight.
My eyes went wide, as my voice was raspy as I shouted her name, "Clary!"
Jace hurried behind her, their footsteps halting, a gasp from Clary filling my ears.
I caught up to them, pushing myself harder and harder even if it was just worsen my condition.
"I thought I should look where I saw my mom and-" Clary trialed off, "Margaret-"
As I came to a stop, my eyes widen at the sight in front of me, my grip on my blade loosening, oxygen feeling as if it didn't exist anymore.
Margaret Young. The woman who was taken from me years ago, was hanging above the ground, from her wrists from chains, her eyes closed, looking bruised and weak, blood staining her clothes.
I shook my head, slowly backing away, "No-"
Clary instantly used her stele to break the chains, my mother falling to the ground. Jace quickly used the Iratze rune to heal any wounds and then the stamina rune to get her going.
"There's no way-" I looked down at my feet, blinking repeatedly, feeling as if I could pass out right now, "I'm seeing things-"
"Zee?" My mother's voice filled my ears, my heart stopping.
It was a voice I hadn't heard in years. It was weak, but it was there.
Clary helps her up, looking at me, "I told you I saw her-"
"No- I-" I shook my head, blinking, "How do I know it's you-"
"I gave you that necklace the night the Shadow World invaded your life." She stepped closer to me.
I was in denial, and was having a hard time believing it was her, beginning to get over heated, starting to feel myself collapse again.
"Listen- I don't know what the hell is going on- what the hell happened- or if you're even really my mother- but-" I stepped back, catching myself from collapsing, "You're coming with us- and I swear to god- I find out Valentine's playing some trick on me- I will murder him with my bare hands."
When silent grew between us all, Clary broke it.
"Did Meliorn lie to us?" Clary questioned, "He said that that Portal would take us to my father-"
There was a banging coming from a door, our attention snapping there instantly.
I force myself over there, getting my kindjal ready, my mother and Clary right behind me.
Jace jumps in front of us, staring at the door, "Get behind me-"
Jace is quick to open the door, almost instantly letting his guard down when he saw what was behind the doors, "It can't be."
"It can't be." Jace shook his head, staring at the man who seemed to be in the same condition as who was supposedly my mother, "You died. I saw it."
"Jace?" The man said softly, "Jace- is it really you?"
"Jace-" My voice was strained, "Who is that?"
"Jace, how do you know this man?" Clary questions.
Jace looks back at us, tears brimming in his eyes, "He's my father."
authors note:
uhhh what do you think of how zee reacted to reuniting with her mother
like do you think it was fair or nah, hm
this isn't an entirely bad chapter but it kinda is, like kinda is tho, my bad it's 3 am
comment and vote loadsss
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