I sat on the table in the Ops Center, as I waited for Alec and Isabelle with Jace.
My dark hair was straight, ending at the end of my shoulders, my tan skin hid under all the black I wore. I was dressed in my usual attire, black being the only color in this outfit that consisted of ripped jeans, a t shirt tucked in, a leather jacket over it all, heeled ankle boots on my feet.
My finger blended out the charcoal in the drawing I had drew, this being the finishing touches.
Jace looks over my shoulder, noticing the drawing on him on the page, "Lookin' good-"
I looked at him, as he shot me a playful look.
I playfully shove his face away gently, letting out a gentle laugh as he winks platonically, walking over to the huge screen.
"We're ready, guys." Isabelle walks over to us with Alec, holding a platinum wig.
"Nice choice, Izzy." Jace glances at the wig, "Demons dig blondes."
Isabelle looks at Alec, "Told you."
"Are you guys color blind?" I close my sketch book, standing up, pointing at Jace's hair, "You're blond. That's platinum."
"Thank you-" Alec agreed with me, "It's platinum."
Jace turns, leading us towards the training room, "All right, guys, for some reason our demon friends are killing mundanes and draining their blood."
"Why do they want blood?" Alec questions, "Isn't that vampire territory?"
"I don't know, Alec." Jace steps up the stairs and towards the weapons safe, "Lazy vampires, maybe?"
Isabelle sighs, "There must be something special about their blood."
I looked at Isabelle, "What could be special about mundane blood?"
"You get me a sample and I'll tell you exactly what they're looking for." Isabelle says, Jace handing us all seraph blades.
"I have no doubt." I readjust my grip on my blade.
"We'll have more answers when we figure out exactly who the demons are working for." Jace closes the safe, walking down the steps.
I follow him, "So, you don't think they're acting on their own?"
"No." Jace answers me.
"They're not exactly creative thinkers, they're shapeshifters." Alec remarks, as we followed Jace back into the Ops Center.
"This is what our target looks like." Jace pulls up a man on the screen.
Isabelle corrects him, "For now."
"Great." Alec said, "I'll get approval for the mission."
"Come on, Alec." Jace walks towards the entrance as we all followed him, "By the time you've sent that message, we'll have killed six demons."
"I mean- he's not wrong." I looked at Alec, "Besides, it's more fun to break the rules than to follow them."
Alec shoots me a small smile, looking away, before following us all out.
"Jace!" I call out for him, seeing that he was talking to some girl outside of the Pandemonium, a girl I couldn't make out from where I was standing.
Jace turns at the sound of my voice, giving the girl one last look before running in and over to Alec, Izzy and I, our eyes on what was our new target.
After our target had changed his appearance, our eyes were now on a woman in a hot pink dress, freakishly tall in my opinion.
"More mundane blood for your boss." She traded blood with someone, getting something in return, moving through the crowd.
We followed her to the back, letting the curtains fall, surrounded by the exact same demons as her, Alec and I on stand by.
"Izzy." Jace gave her the signal, nodding towards her.
Isabelle smiles, stepping onto the platform, pulling off the platinum wig off her head, dancing for all the men, as they surrounded her, distracted.
"I hear you've been peddling mundane blood." Jace stepped behind the woman.
"Why?" She questioned, "Are you looking to score?"
"I'm not." Jace scoffs lightly, "But- you're gonna tell me who is."
"Well, you're outnumbered here." She faces him.
"Oh, I like our odds." Jace stared at her, his blade lighting up as he held it, "Last chance."
A scream catches up off guard, shoving our target out of the way, "Watch out!"
The woman roared, revealing that it was indeed a demon, Jace pushing the girl away, "Careful!"
"What the hell-" I mutter, my blade lighting up, Alec following right behind me as we stepped in, fighting off the demon's that came at us, Izzy joining in.
"Are you hurt?" Jace helped the girl I had no time to pay attention to as I fought off the demons.
Before I could process, my blade was knocked out of my hand and I was being picked up, my eyes widening.
I grunt, pushing myself off on the demon's shoulders, landing on his shoulders. I wrapped my legs around his neck, throwing myself back, pulling him down with me, as he hit the ground with a thud.
I reach for my blade, still having him down, only to be completely caught off guard when the man stood up again, now having me on his shoulders, hunching forward to slam me onto the ground.
"Alec!" The screech of his name flies out of my mouth habitually, knowing that this would be hard fall, bracing myself for it.
Alec runs up, catching me with one arm, stopping the demon, my face pressing up against his chest, as he pierced his blade through the demon, killing it.
I fell, Alec keeping me held up, "You okay?"
"Thanks-" I breathe, "You know- now that I think about it, I had that handled-"
"Is that why you screamed for me?" Alec stares down at me, raising an eyebrow.
I don't respond, clicking my tongue at his response, rolling my eyes playfully.
Alec licks his lips, hiding a small smile, putting me down.
"Zee!" Jace shouts for me, my head snapping towards him, as a demon had gotten the upper hand on him, his blade not with him.
"Got it-" I reply quickly, grabbing my blade, launching myself up, jumping onto the demon's back, killing it, falling into Jace's arms.
Jace caught me, setting me down, "Thanks-"
"Any time-" I nudge him playfully, before returning back to killing the rest of the demons.
And just as we finished off the demons, the girl ran out.
[ clary's pov ]
"And then these creepy tentacles seemed to come out of the body builder's face, and- and then the guy just vaporized." I rambled on to my mother, tearing up, freaking out.
I was trembling, "And then- I swear- I saw Zee. I heard her voice- and then I followed the blond guy into the club and then there she was- she was-"
"Clary-" My mother began, seated on the couch, listening to what I was saying.
I cut her off, pacing, "I know- you're gonna say I'm crazy- but- I saw her. I watched her- save that blond guy- I mean, I know she left for college three years ago- I know she left town with her mom-"
"Clary-" She took a deep breath, "You did- see your sister tonight."
"She died two years ago." I stop, tearing up at the thought, "I saw my sister. I think I'm going insane- I mean, I was drugged, right?"
"What did the markings look like on the blond boy you were talking about?" She questions, staring at me.
"Who cares, Mom, okay?" I look at her, "Are you even listening to me? I think I killed a guy- I saw my sister-"
"Clary- did they look like this?" My mother used something, waving it over her wrist, a mark forming there.
"Mom, what the-" I stare at her with wide eyes.
"Everything you saw tonight has a meaning and an explanation, and I've dreaded having this conversation with you since the day you were born." She stood up in front of me.
"What is going on?" I stammer, "Am I going insane?"
"No, you're not." She held my hands, "But, the protections are wearing off. You're 18 now, and you need to know the truth."
"Protections?" I repeat, "What does that even mean? Mom, you're scaring the hell out of me."
"I know, and that's why I've put this off until the last possible minute." She sighs.
"Jocelyn, look out the window." Dot ran in, "Magnus called to warn us. They found you."
My mother walks over to the window, looking out it, "Dot, it's time."
"Okay, listen to me." She began to instruct, grabbing a necklace from the dresser, "You cannot be near me."
I question, "What's happening?"
"I got a very powerful person angry." She walks over to me.
"What did you do?" I stare at her with wide eyes.
"I hid something from him and his followers." She unclips the necklace.
"Followers?" I question, "Why can't we just call the police?"
"The policeman you need to call is Luke." She turned me around, clipping on the necklace around my neck, "Keep this with you and think of me when you wear it."
I turn, "Mom, this is not the time for more birthday gifts. What the hell is happening?"
Dot walks over and hands her a container with some sort of green substance in it, "Only if you need it."
"Trust your instincts." My mother grabs my arm and looks at me, "If you find your sister- she'll help you through it. You need to know that none of this was her fault-"
"Mom, I need to understand what's-" I began.
"Dot, open it." She ordered, Dot reaching her hand out, purple filling the door, my eyes widening.
"Everything I've done, every mistake I've made was because I love you more than words." My mother pulled me in front of what was glowing purple.
Tears filled in my eyes, "What are you doing?"
"Luke will explain everything." She told me, "He'll hide you."
I repeat, "Hide me?"
"From the Circle." She answered, "He's the only one you can trust. Trust no one else."
I swallow, "Mom, I don't-"
"Where's Luke now?" She cuts me off.
I blurt out, "At the police station!"
"Remember, I love you." She gave me a weak smile, nodding towards me.
"Mom-" I call out, feeling a strong breeze, "Mom!"
"Clary!" She calls my name.
"Mom!" I scream, the sight of her disappearing, as I went through what was purple.
[ zee's pov ]
"I think it's so unfair how demons take advantage of my height-" I spoke with Alec, stood with him in the Ops Center, "I get that in 5'5", but it's completely unnecessary for their first instinct being to pick me up."
Alec chuckles, his arms crossed, "Remind me again- who's the one who always comes and saves you in those types of situations?"
"We don't talk about that." I held back a small smile, pointing at him.
"When was the last time you grew in the past three years?" He playfully said, nudging me.
I sarcastically laugh, Jace walking over to us, "Guys- we gotta get to the Infirmity."
As Jace filled us in on what we didn't know, Alec's mood had changed and was strict to the rules.
"Wait," I swallow, "-what did you say the name of the mundane was?"
"A mundane shouldn't even be here." Alec said as Jace lead him and I to the infirmary, where he apparently saved and brought a mundane.
I cross my arms, "Alec- cool it-"
"Where is "here" exactly?" Clary Fray's voice filled my ears, my heart stopping at the sound.
"She's not a mundane, Alec." Jace argues, walking into the infirmary, Isabelle sat in front of who sounded like Clary, only Alec was blocking my view.
Alec shot back with a question, "How do you know that?"
"Because the seraph blade lit up when she touched it." Jace reasons, shooting him a look.
The second I came into view and Clary's eyes landed on me, shock took over me.
I froze in my spot, staring right at her, my arms dropping to my sides.
"I thought I was drugged." Clary forces up to her feet, her voice growing weak as she rushed to me, hugging me, "This can't be real-"
It was as if she forgot about everything in the past three years and just wanted to hold me.
I was completely caught off guard, my eyes wide as ever, not returning the gesture.
Isabelle gave me a weak smile, knowing how I felt, sensing it through our parabatai rune.
"I-" Clary held on tighter, "I thought you were gone-"
I finally made a movement, hugging her back, staring at the ground, trying my best to keep the tears in my eyes held back.
I clear my throat, pulling away after a few seconds, turning my face away.
"Aren't you going to say something?" Clary rubs my arms, squeezing them in comfort, "Say something- please."
"Uhm- she-" Alec grabs onto my shoulder and turns me to face him, my eyes connecting with his, "She just needs a minute."
"I'm Jace Wayland." Jace introduced himself, taking Isabelle's place, sitting down with Clary.
"You okay?" Alec whispers to me, placing his hand on my arm.
I nod quick, forcefully blinking my tears away, turning back around.
"I'm, uh-" Clary stammers.
"Clary Fray, we know who you are." Jace cuts her off.
"Am I the only one who finds this unusual?" Alec questions, looking between us all.
Jace rolls his eyes, "You find everything unusual, Alec."
Alec exhales, "I have to report this to the Clave."
Jace looks at him, "You know what? Dial it down a notch."
Isabelle softly laughs, "My brother doesn't have a dial. I love you, Alec, but you have a switch that's always on."
Alec looks at her, "I love you, too. But- this mundane-"
"Alec, she's not a mundane." I looked up at him, finally speaking, "The floor is filled with runes that would kill a mundane. She's walking fine on them."
Isabelle points at me, "She has a point."
Alec shook his head, "This is-"
"Hey, you know what? Give me a minute." Jace looks up at him, Alec not moving from his spot.
"Alec-" I finally spoke, "Let's give Jace a minute-"
"See?" Jace gesture towards me, "Even Zee wants you to give me a minute."
Alec shot us both a look.
"Here's a word you never hear me say- please?" Jace tries, shooting me a look that screamed 'for the love of god, get him out.'
"What is with you?" Alec began, as I linked arms with him, "Really, no, what is with him?"
"Let's go get Clary a glass of water-" I pull him along, "Come on, Alec-"
"We don't know this girl." Alec ranted on as him and I walked through the halls, "There's no such thing as new Shadowhunters."
"She's not a new Shadowhunter, Alec." I walked with him, "She's always been one. She just hasn't found out until now-"
"How would you know?" Alec looks at me, "She actually seemed to know you back there-"
"Because Clary Fray-" I stop, looking at him, "-is my little sister."
"This was the sister you told us about." Alec's eyes were fixed on me, "And then she just shows up out of no where? Why didn't you tell me about this?"
"Alec-" I rub his arm in comfort, "I promise- I'll end up explaining everything but- it's her eighteen birthday. She's going through what I went through three years ago."
"Zee-" Alec repeated, "She dropped out of no where- you don't find that strange?"
"Alec- I know a lot of things are probably going through your mind right now." I began, "But- maybe you should dial it down- so we can help her."
"Maybe- I'm pissed that she's ruined the mission." Alec stares at me, "We never found out who's buying the blood. That was our one job."
"Alec-" I sigh, as he pulled away from me, walking away.
"Warlocks, vampires, seelies-" Jace said to Clary, seated in front of her when I finally walked back over to them, holding a glass of water.
Clary stares into nothingness, tears in her eyes, "Literally my brain is about to explode."
I sat by Jace, facing Clary, putting a hand on Jace's back, quietly muttering, "Jace- she really has no idea-"
I looked up at Clary, landing her the water, "Drink."
She took the glass from me slowly, sipping on the water.
"I'll keep it simple for you." I gently said, folding my hands together, "All the legends are true."
Jace picked up from where I left off, "We're Shadowhunters. We protect the human world from the demon world."
"So those people you saw murdered at the Pandemonium, they weren't people at all, they were shapeshifting demons." Jace told her.
Clary looks at me, tears brimming in her eyes, "So this was college?"
I swallow, "What?"
"This is why you left without saying goodbye three years ago." Clary decided to confront me right there, despite her mood, "I thought you were dead for two- and this is what I find out when I finally see you for the first time? That you're in a supernatural fight club?"
I stammer, not knowing what to say, due to her entire mood changing, her approaching to seeing me completely different then it was a few minutes ago.
Jace places a hand on my back in comfort, rubbing it.
I had told him that I had a sister. I hadn't told who she was or who the Fray's were.
"I'm not interested in being a part of your supernatural fight club." Clary looks at the both of us, "I just wanna find my mom. The rest of it, whatever it is, all I care about is finding my mother."
"What happened to Jocelyn?" I quickly ask, ignoring how she had just confronted me seconds ago, "Is she okay?"
"Somebody took her." Clary sniffles, "I don't know who- but- I just- please help me find her."
"We're the best chance you've got." Jace told her.
"I don't even know you." Clary stared at us as if we were strangers, grabbing her phone when it rings, standing up, "Simon."
I looked away, my thoughts moving towards the nerdy sweetheart of a friend Simon Lewis was.
As Jace and I looked through what was Clary's sketch book, I eyed all the runes she had drawn.
Clary looks at us after getting off the phone, "What happened to my clothes?"
"Demon venom." Jace shortly said, "Remember? Isabelle left you these."
Clary chuckles once she sees the clothes, "You're kidding, right?"
"She's very comfortable with her body." Jace simply spoke.
"Okay-" Clary stammers, leaving us alone, changing into those clothes quickly.
Clary walks back in, looking at her neck in the mirror, "How did that get there?"
"I drew that." Jace looks up.
"Okay, listen." Clary turns, "I still don't get everything that's going on here, but you do not tattoo my neck. That's creepy."
"Duly noted." Jace barely smiles, "I guess next time I'll just let you die."
"It's not a tattoo." I exhale, "It's a rune. They have enormous power. Good for Shadowhunters. Lethal for humans."
"But you, you already know all about runes, don't you?" Jace stood up, looking at Clary, "Maybe- you don't- which is what makes you so interesting Clary Fray."
"I feel like a third wheel-" I got up, closing the book, "This feels so weird-"
Jace shoots me a look, before grabbing his seraph blade, tossing me mine.
"Why are you-" I began to ask.
"You're tagging along, aren't you?" Jace looks at me, "I saw something behind her friend-"
I swallow, "Okay-"
We lead Clary down the entrance, Clary looking at us, "You're not gonna kill Simon, are you?"
"Protect the humans, kill the demons." Jace corrects her, "You'll get it eventually."
The door opens as we walk out, as she continued to question, "So, why can't Simon see you?"
"This is a glamour, a rune that makes us invisible to mundanes." Jace shows his rune, the gestures between him and I, "It's a shame, really, 'cause well, denying them all this."
I looked at him, "You're actually unbelievable."
Jace softly laughs, Simon Lewis walking over to Clary instantly.
"What do you have on-" Simon wraps his jacket around her, "Clary? Let me take you home."
I stood with Jace, behind Clary, watching Simon and Clary.
"I don't think I have one anymore." Clary softly said.
"Why? What do you mean?" Simon questions, Clary not knowing what to say.
A man shouts from behind Jace and I, "Clary Fairchild!"
I nod towards Jace, as he grabs the man quickly, throwing punches and holding him down.
"Clary, what's going on? What are you looking at?" Simon asks Clary as she let out gasps.
"If you give us the girl, I'll let you live." The man told Jace even if he had the upper hand.
I pathetically laugh, grabbing out my seraph blade, walking over, "You're in no position to be making rules."
"We'll never stop hunting her." He shouts out of breath, Jace holding him free for me to kill him.
Jace calls out for me, "Zee!"
"Got it-" I rush over, piercing my blade through the man, straining noises coming from his mouth.
"This is for our parents." Jace grabs my blade over my hand and pushes my blade farther into the man, killing him.
I pull out the blade, as the man drops to the ground.
Clary shoves the jacket back into Simon's hands, running back over to us, "Is he dead?"
"Is who dead?" Simon follows her.
Clary looks at me, "Did you guys just kill him?"
"Would you rather him kill you?" I put away my blade, breathing deeply.
"What the-" Simon's eyes were wide when the dead body came into sight.
"Could you deglamourize, or whatever, so my best friend doesn't think I'm losing my mind?" Clary looks between Jace and I.
Jace sighs, deglamouring himself, looking at me, "Come on-"
"Jace- he thinks I'm dead." I refuse, "I haven't seen him in three years-"
Before I could do anything else, Jace grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls it down, knowing exactly where the rune is, deglamouring me, "If I get exposed, you get exposed-"
"Jace!" I push him off gently, my eyes landing on Simon, as he stared at me with wide eyes.
"Clary-" He trails off, "I think I'm looking right at your dead sister."
Clary sighs, "Simon-"
"Um- what is happening?" Simon kept his eyes on me.
"Yeah, we don't have the luxury right now, kid." Jace starts to walk back up the stairs, "Everyone back inside."
"Jace's right." I side with him, "It's not safe out here."
"Clary, who is this?" Simon gapes, "Your meth dealer? Is there where Zee's been all these years? Dealing meth?"
"What?" I stare at him, "No-"
"I've seen him before." Clary cuts us off, "At the police station."
"He's a member of the Circle." I look at her, "Clary, he's here for you."
"He's with the people who took my mother." Clary stared at us.
"Right, your little best friend here led him right to you." Jace came to my side, "He's here to capture or kill you."
"There's a dead body there, we have to call Luke." Simon points, stammering.
Clary turns towards Simon, "We can't trust Luke, Simon. We can't."
"What?" I stare at her, "Why can't you trust Luke?"
"Clary, I need to keep you safe." Jace told Clary straight up, "I promise you, I promise we- we're gonna help you find your mother."
I looked at him, "Again- with the feeling like a third wheel thing."
Jace shot me a look, then looks at Clary again, "You're one of us. You're a Shadowhunter."
"What are you talking about?" Simon stares at us, "Clary- you don't know this guy, all right? You're gonna- listen to who was your dead sister- and this- meth dealer? Come with me. I can get us help."
I looked at Simon, "We're the best help she can get. You're both safer in the Institute- let's get inside-"
"Clary, please." Simon pleads.
"Clary, come on." Jace and I said in unison, wanting her to come inside with us.
authors note:
ahhh first chapter
it's so weird writing clace when zace is kinda endgame in predestined
but ah this is a flop but its okkk
vote and comment loadsss
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