You woke up today to birds chirping outside with a brother screaming in the background, charming. It was currently saturday so you didn't need to put an alarm on. You sighed and grabbed my phone, checking the time and if you had any new messages. 08:34, Jackson is so going to die. You had around 45 new messages, and no that wasn't because you are popular but because you were put in a groupchat with Lisa, Yugyeom and Jungkook. Jungkook must've seen that you was only becasue he suddenly send you a message.
Bold = You
Underlined = Jungkook
Hey 👋
Are you doing anything today?
Ehm, I'm supposed to go look for work. Why?
I wondered if you wanted to hang out but I geuss that I can help you find work
Yeah I can ask my parents if you can work in the restaurant if that's okay with you
Yes please I really need to start doing something with my life
oke I'll ask my parents
Thanks 💕
They say it's cool but they do want to meet you tough are you free today?
Cool can you come to Jeon's Ramen the store where we ended up last?
Nice see you there 13:00
Ok see ya
You put your phone down and got out of bed. You took a nice warm shower and brushed your teeth before changing in a blue tank top and black shorts. You went downstairs to see your grandmother in the kitchen baking pancakes. " Hey Granny, want me to help?" You asked her. She shook her head. " No thank you dear. Altough, can you get Jackson to shut up? He is making an awful lot of noice." She complained. You nodded my head and walked over to a cabinet. "What are you doing dear?" grandma asked.
" I'm grabbing a pan because Jackson woke me up at half nine o'clock in the weekend." You told her as you grabbed a big pink frying pan and walked back up the stairs. "Aye! Jackson!" You yelled as you barged in his room. " What the- Why the hell gave you a frying pan?!" He exclaimed as you walked towards him, flipping the pan a few times. " Whoa, is that your sister? Because she surely is hot." I heard a voice come from his computer. " Thank you, but you look like trash!" You said as you chased Jackson for the next 20 minutes with your bootyfull frying pan.
" Children! Breakfast is ready!" Your grandmother yelled from downstairs, causing Jackson to stop in front of me. Slam! My bootyfull pan just collided with the booty. " Auwh! Are you kidding me?" He asked. You shook your head and glared at him. " Next time, don't wake me up with your yelling and you won't get to see my bootyfull pink pan again." You huffed before walking down the stairs. " Ugh, sisters." You heard Jackson sigh. " You said something?" You asked as you held your pan up threathingly. " No,no. I'm going to shut my play station off, I'll be downstairs in a minute." He said before dissapearing into his room.
You ate breakfast and retreated back to your room it was now around 11:30 and you still had an hour and a half before you needed to go. You decided to just watch some youtube videos because why not and you don't have anything to do either way.
- Time skip braught to you by Ū gØt Nõ JåMs -
" Are you really the person Jungkook was talking about?" Jimin asked as you were walking with him towards the restaurant, you coincidentally met each other when you were both on your way to his family's restaurant. " Well, I am here for a job so I geuss you could say that." You shurgged. " Great! I can't wait to work allongside you!" Jimin cheered. " Calm down, we aren't even sure if I'm getting the job and on top of that how are you so sure that I'll be a waiter?" You asked him.
" Well, my dad is usually behind the cash register and my mother allong with the hyungs are in the kitchen, it's mainly the maknae line who's in charge of taking orders and stuff. It will only make sense if you work allongside us since we're all around the same age." He explained as you arrived. You nodded as he held the door open and you both walked in. " C'mon the restaurant isn't open yet so I can show you around once your done.-" " Hey (Y/N)!" Jimin got cut off by Jungkook who just randomly popped up. " Hey Kookie." You greeted him. " No hello for me Kookie?" Jimin asked as he pouted. " No, I see you everyday. Come on (Y/N) I'll introduce you to my mother." He told me.
- Time skip braught to you by tÅe WíTh SøMê SūGå @nD KøŌkÏeS -
" Well, it's nice to have met you (Y/N). I think that you can do the job." Jungkook's mother smiled at you. " Thank you, misses Jeon but what's the job exactly?" You asked as you sheepishly scratched the back of your head. " Jungkook didn't tell you?" She asked, obviously suprised. " Ehm, no. Sorry." You told her. " You'll be working here as a waiter, you'll start tomorrow and Jungkook will explain everything." She told you and you nodded, walking out of the room and preparing yourself on hunting Jungkook down.
Not that it took long tough, he was standing right outside the door. " And? How did it go?" He asked eagerly. " It went well, I'm starting tomorrow! But you are supposed to tell me what my job will be in the restaurant." You told him. " Oh, right." He chuckled as he placed his hand on the back of his neck. " You, Jimin, Taehyung and me are waiters. We'll recieve geusts and lead them to the table and stuff. How about I'll give you a tour around the place? I mean, it's not very big but I'm sure-"
" Relax, Kookie. It would be nice to learn my way around here." You smiled as you took your hand off his mouth, a faint pink spread across his cheeks. He smiled at you before pulling you allong by hand.
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