" Hurry up Lisa, they're not gonna stay in this position forever." You heard a voice, most likely Yugyeom's. " Oh, shut up! My phone's almost working." You heard another, definitely Lisa's. " You better get this picture seeing as Y/N will surely throw a shampoo bottle to my head." Yugyeom complained. " Stop complaining will you-" " Can you two shut up, I'm trying to sleep." Another voice joined their conversation, laced with sleep. " Oh, shit." Yugyeom spoke. " Abort mission!" Lisa yelled.
" Guys, can you shut up, I'm currently sleeping very comfortable-" You said before you got cut off by the sound of a camera. Click. You heard Jungkook groan in anoyyance before a grip tightened around you and felt someone putting their chin on top of your head- Wait what? I opened my eyes as you were greeted by a firm shirt-clad chest. You shrieked as you jumped backwards, effectively waking Jungkook up in process. And falling off the bed, ending up on your bum.
" What the-" " S-sorry. I didn't know that I was hugging you-" He started as Lisa began to cackle like a mad man. " Don't worry about it, I just didn't expect it." You smiled at him as he gave you a bunny smile in return. " Well geuss what, we're actually alloud to get lost today." Lisa smiled as both Jungkook and you looked skeptically at each other. " Let's just get breakfast first." I said after a moment of silence. Everyone agreed and we soon made it down to breakfast. You chose for pancakes and syrup. You sat down as a random boy tapped my shoulder.
" Hi, is this seat taken?" He asked me as you smiled and shook my head. He sat down beside me and smiled before starting his breakfast. " I'm Suho, nice to meet you." He told me as he swallowed. " I'm Y/N, and the feeling's mutual." You smiled as Lisa also arrived. "Hi, who's that?" Lisa asked as she sat down across from me. " Oh, sorry. Hi, I'm Suho." Suho introduced himself as also Yugyeom and Jungkook sat down. Yugyeom beside Lisa and Jungkook on my left. " I don't remember having a Suho in our school." Jungkook spoke.
" Oh, I'm not from your school, I'm from Korea." Suho smiled at him as Jungkook beamed. " Really? I used to live there too!" Jungkook smiled. " Cool, where are you from? I'm from Seoul." Suho told him. " Busan." Jungkook smiled. " Uh Y/N, do you mind me asking if you're single?" Suho asked you. " Oh, no I don't mind. And I-"" She isn't." Jungkook said as he held your hand, making me blush. What is this boy doing to me? And why do I not deny this? " Ah, that's too bad for me. He must be a lucky man then." Suho said as Lisa suddenly yelped. " What's wrong?" You asked her as Yugyeom hid his smile behind his hand.
" No-nothing." She stuttered before glaring at the brown haired boy beside her. Lisa Monoban stuttered, that's a first. " Hey Suho, we're going to the beach today. Do you want to join?" Yugyeom asked him. Suho nodded. " Sure, do you mind if I bring some friends allong tough?" He questioned as Yugyeom shook his head.
" Why not? We'll be in the lobby by 12 o' clock." He mumbled with his mouth full. " Okay, anyway, I'm done I'll see you in the lobby then." Suho smiled as he stood up and left. " Since when are we going to the beach?" Lisa asked as she kicked Yugyeom underneath the table. " Since now." Yugyeom answered simply. " Well, I'm done. See you guys in the hotel room." You said as you stood up, Jungkook doing the same. " Me too, I'm good. I'm done." He told them as we made our way upstairs.
" Why did you say that?" You asked him as soon as we were out of the restaurant. " Say what?" He blinked innocently. " Why'd you tell Suho that I wasn't single?" You huffed as we made our way in the elevator. " Because I don't like people touching what's mine." He said as we stepped into the elevater while you pushed the button of the right floor. " You don't like what?" I said as he simply smiled before the elevator dinged, showing that we were on the right floor.
" You heard me correct." He told me as we both made our way into the hotel room, Jungkook directly stepping in the bathroom. " Boys are so weird at times." You mumbled as you opened your suitcase and searched for your bikini.
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