Chapter 18:♦Evil Rises♦
He smiled.He knew that i was confused and angry.''Don't be too angry sweetheart,your eyes will turn red and you may kill your lovely father!'' he said smirking and laughing like a five years old little kid.I was ready to punch him when i felt something restrict me.I was bounded with thick ropes and a bunch of iron chains.Great!He knew that i would be angry to see him again and i would probably kill him so he bounded me!Greater than before! ''It's funny the fact that you said your mom that your last name is actually Pines and not Hirsch!'' he said laughing,faking a cry from the laughter.He started to go circles around me saying ''Naughty Naughty Naughty little girl..''.Then he sat opposite me so we can both be face to face.''I am your dad.'' he said smirking.I spitted on his cheek.He lifted his left arm and wiped my saliva with a little frown.''Deal with it,Y/n.'' he said again smirking.I spitted again,on his left brown eyes this time.He wiped again with a smile my saliva again.''What about no?'' i responded to him with a fake smile.In exchange he gave me a pout face.''You know that Ford is a murderer right?'' he said and stepped away from me.I could feel him smirking as his words were echoing in my ears.
''You know Ford is a murderer right?''
''You are a psycho..'' i replied,trying to defend myself.''Don't try so hard to defend yourself..!'' he told to me.I gasped.How he knew that..What is going on?Am i sleeping?Is everything just a bad dream?Will i wake up in my house again,alone with my mother?'' don't sleep..You are like me..When something isn't an advantage for me,i just change the subject of the discussion trying to defend myself.'' he stated with a warm smile.That made me relax if you ignore all the chains and the ropes.''Now why i think he is a murderer.Yoy are not his real daughter.He had one with your mother.Her name was Gambriella.But he killed her.So he came to me and he asked a favour..'' he told to me starring at my eyes.
''A new daughter..''
I added pale.He smirked.''Right..And then i made you..I replaced everyone's memories with you expect Ford's.And then little Gambriella was little Y/n!Cool,right?So technically i am your father.Your master,your dad,your maker.You can call me the way you like.'' he said.
''But i prefer calling me'' Your Everything'' .'' he said smirking.
''You are lying..'' i said seriously,ready to cry.He stepped near me,i could hear his steps.He cupped my right cheek with his hand and he gave me a warm smile,sweeping a tear that was streaming alone my cheek.
''Why i would lie to you?!You are the daughter i always wanted but i never had!'' he said with the same warm smile
That made me feel better.First i found Ford.I thought he was my father but he was only a murderer.I was his second victim.He would kill me for the ''good' of Gravity Falls and then he would ask a new daughter from Alex.And he would kill the new daughter for the same reason.
For the ''good'' of Gravity Falls.
And then he says that HE is my real father and Ford is a lier and a killer.
I am confused,scaried,angry and some more emotions that i can't describe right now.
My thoughts were interupted by the sweet words of Alex.
''Come with me Y/n!I mean why not?!I am your creat-father and i love you more than Ford!Together we can get revenge!From him!From everyone!''
he said full of excitement.
I was ready to say yes when he added something frightening for me.
''From Bill..That little fuck..He betrayed you..He has also betrayed me,too.Let's kill him first!Let's make a small operation on him!That would be full of fun,right?''
he said with a perfect smile waiting for my answer.
Bill..But..But..Yeah i think i have actually feelings for him..Feelings that if my dad will learn them,he will probably kill both of us..But how dare were acts..He betrayed both of us..My dad and i..My new and real dad is Alex and not Ford.That bastard successfully made a fool of me..But he will see..They will all see..Even Bill..Fuck my feelings..I don't quite feel like myself but i like the new way i think.
I smirked .
''Fuck Bill..Let's start with Ford..We must pay him a little visit..That will be funny..That poor bastard..he will lose everything he loves..His brother..his niece and his nephew..And me..if he even loves me..''
i said and i started to laugh evil as my dad followed me.
''That's my girl!Now let's start our plans!"
Hirsch said with a shy smile.
"Of course dad!"
I spoke with a warm but evil smile. He kissed my forehead as he started to unlock the chains. In the end he helped me get rid of the ropes.
We were ready to leave when he spoke.
"I was the voice in your brain..But sometimes Bill was interrupting me.. "
He said with a small frown and he chuckled.
I turned my head to face him.
" You called me stupid because i didn't see the Mystery Shack!"
I told to him with an angry face and my eyes started to become red.
"I'm sorry my little flower.. Really sorry.. I didn't mean it.. You were so innocent and i got angry because of something.Do you accept my sorry little flower?"
He said sad.
"Kay i accept your sorry.. If you stop calling me little flower..i prefer calling me Bloody Killer.."
I told to him with a smile.
"Okay little Bloody Killer but i can't stop calling you little!Sorry for that! You are full of pure evil and little! Now let's go!"
He said as we exited the room.
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