Chapter 13:♦Who Are You!? ♦
I stood on my feet and i walked on the cold wooden floor till i met my room's door.I put my ear on the door and i heard laughter from downstairs.
"I can't believe it i finally met you!"
"So we have and another gruncle?! THAT'S AMAZING!!!"
"Yeah.. "
"I am happy to see that i still have a family!"
The last voice was strange.I never heard that before.Who can be.. I opened slowly the cracking door.I walked down the old wooden stair slowly and i went with slow steps a little scared in the kitchen.There was Dipper, Mabel, Stan and another person similar to Stan.
""i said slowly. I am a little Shy, we should don't forget that.Everyone looked at me.
"HEY Y/N MEET OUR NEW GRUNKLE!! " Mabel shouted to me.
"HE IS THE AUTHOR OF THE JOURNALS!!! THAT'S AMAZING" Dipper screamed to me, too. It's the first time i saw Dipper screaming from happines to me.
"Yeah.. My brother.."Stan said a little sad.Why he is sad!? He is his brothet, he must be happy!
The man stood up and came near me.I was a little scared. He had also a kind of gun and that made me even more scared.
"Hey young lady.My name is Stanford Pines what's yours?"he said.
I froze in my place
"Stanford Pines?"i asked him again.I didn't know if i heard right his name.
He can't be.I looked Stan.He just looked down.What's wrong with him?
"My name is y/n Pines.."i said.I was ready to colapse on the floor.Now is that i don't feel very well.
He looked me in the eyes.He was just starring in my soul.He saw everything that noone could see.
"Tell me that you don't recognise her, Ford"Stan said and everyone looked him expect me and Ford.
"Of course i recognise her, brother"
"She's my daughter"
I started to cry.My dry cheeks now were started to become wet.My eyes were red.I fell on the cold floor on my knees and i was sobbing.He was crying, too.But he was smiling.He sat in the floor besides me and he hugged me.I hugged him back.Mabel and Dipper were shocked whereas Stan was happy.He wasn't so sad anymore.I was crying so hard that i put my hand on my mouth so i could shut up.The weather was awful.It was raining and dark was taking over the room.Thunders was lighting the sky.
"What is going on!?"Mabel asked quite for first time.
"Familie issues are going on"Dipper answered clearly shocked.
I wish i could hug him forever. At the end my eyes were so red and i fell asleep while he was hugging me. All the time i had you know that strange feeling that someone is watching you..
Why y/n.. I want only your good.Your father is not what he seems..
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