Chapter 1
"Your highness, are you ready for the ball?"asked Levi Heichou, Princess's Mikasa's body guard.
"Yes just give-me a minute."said princess Mikasa through her bathroom door.
"Okay Princess Mikasa. Were shall I wait for you?"
"You can wait outside and you know you can just call me Mikasa."
"It is disrespectful your highness."
"Whatever. Just wait for me outside. Levi exited the huge room and stood outside the door.
Five minutes later Mikasa walked out of her room. She looked stunning. All Levi could do was stare."Ah, damn, why do I have to be her royal guard." Levi thought. She was wearing a long navy blue dress that hugged tightly around her showing off her beautiful curves. She had her hair curled and then put in a bun.
Author's Note: This is how it looked.
"So how does it look on me Levi?"asked Mikasa bringing Levi out of his trance.
"Very beautiful Ms.Mikasa."
"Thank you." "Now let's get going before they start."said Mikasa grabbing Levi's hand and running to the ball. Levi blushed a bit and she did Mikasa but they didn't notice each other blushing.
"We're here. Can I go down those stairs now?"asked Mikasa impatiently.
"No princess, you have to wait till they blow the hor-"
They then heard the horns blow. Mikasa held onto the sides of her dress walking down the gold steps with her silver heels showing a little. She walked down the steps with Levi besides her. Everyone stared at Mikasa amazed by her beauty. "Everyone clap for the future queen of the Stohess kingdom!" Everyone clapped.
Once she reached the last step many people surrounded her. Most of the people that surrounded her were guys asking her for a date with her. Levi of course was still next to her. She ended up turning all the guys down.
While she was greeting everyone her dad caught her attention."Mikasa may I see you privately?"he asked. She nodded, Levi still following her.
Her dad took her to a room with golden walls. She saw a white couch and a white coffee table. There were two couches. On one sat a boy her age (19) with brunette hair and bright green eyes. Next to him sat a guy with long brown hair and brown eyes. The brunette looked sorta angry but then he lightened up seeing princess Mikasa.
Eren's tuxedo
Her dad told her to sit down on the other couch. She sat down with her father sitting next to her. "I would like you to meet Prince Eren Yeager and King Grisha Yeager from the Trost kingdom." Mikasa silently gasped in her mind. Her dad noticed she looked shock. "Aren't they-"
"Yes Princess Mikasa we are your rivals. The people who you have been having war with for over 10 years."said Grisha cutting her off. Levi frowned.
"So why was I called here?" asked Mikasa
"You were called here because we have decided that we have had enough of this hateful war so we want to end it."replied Mikasa's dad. Levi felt something was going on here that he didn't like.
"And what does that have to do with me?"I asked
"It involves me too."mumbled Eren.
"Huh? How does it involve you? I asked
"Well we are forcing you two to become lovers and form a life together."replied Grisha
"Well you wouldn't call it forcing maybe making two people fall in love for the sake of peace between two countries and expecting them to form a life together."said Mikasa's father.
"To me that sounds like forced love."said Mikasa annoyed."You know father you told me to marry a guy that I loved and now you're here forcing me to fall for a guy I don't even find attractive to me." Silence took over the room. Levi clenched his fists. He couldn't have Mikasa falling for another guy but then again he was just her body guard.
Eren then noticed Levi "And who is this?"asked Eren
"She Mikasa's body gua-" Mikasa cut her dad off.
"He's my body guard but he is also my best friend so if you have a problem with him you have a problem with me." Mikasa said angrily.
"I do have a problem actually, I don't think it's right for a guy to follow you everywhere you go. Probably even in your room."
"Well he is my bodyguard." Mikasa was already not liking this jerk. Eren felt irritated by this girl but she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he had seen a lot.
"But we are gonna live together and have a future together and this guy is giving me the creeps just of the thought that he follows you everywhere."
"Don't say that about him." Mikasa said angrily.
"Does he also follow you into the shower? Maybe even in bed?"
"That's it!" Mikasa stood and walked over to Eren, just as she was about to punch him someone held her hand. Levi.
"Your highness, don't let this get out of hand."
"Hmph."she said as she sat back down.
"Well can I go back to the ball, I have guys waiting you know?"
"Yes sweety you may go now, you may also enjoy the ball Mr. Yeager and Prince Eren."
"Gladly."said Eren. He took Mikasa's hand as she glared at him but he didn't care. She just stood there."Well are we gonna see those guys?" She just let go of his hand and walked out alone. Levi followed her. "Hmm spicy attitude, love it." whispered Eren to himself.
And with that the ball went on.
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