chapter 8
I'll be sure to put warnings on any chapters with content mentioned in the warnings.
Ritchie woke up with a slight groan, and looked around dazed. He was confused as to why he had woken up in a bed, until he remembered what had happened yesterday. He looked around the room before his eyes landed on Rian, noticing how he was sound asleep and had bandages wrapped around him. Another thing he noticed is that they didn't have those magic blocking collars on them.
He than laid back down, feeling extremely exhausted yet unable to go back to sleep. He just stared at the ceiling until he heard a quiet groan from the bed beside him. He sat back up and turned around to see that Rian was waking up. Rian slowly opened his eyes before pushing himself into a sitting position.
''I see you're finally awake.'' Rian turned and looked towards Ritchie, before an embarrassed blush appeared on his face.
''W-well, it's the first time I got a decent sleep in a very long time.'' Ritchie gave a slight chuckle and they heard the door open.
Rian gave a slight flinch but than relaxed, knowing that he was safe here. They looked towards the door and saw that Michael was the one who opened it. He gave a soft smile when he saw that the two were awake.
''Good to see you guys are awake... how are you feeling?'' Ritchie gave a soft smile.
''I'm doing good.'' Michael than looked towards Rian.
''And how are you feeling.'' Rian gave a tired smile before responding.
''I'm feeling much better than usual, a little sore, but better than I usually feel.'' Ritchie gave a small smile at that.
''Well, I know you like donuts so I got some the other day, so I'll go get those and you can eat some.'' He than looked towards Rian.
''Is there anything specific that you would like to eat? Because if not, than you can share with Ritchie.'' Rian shook his head, saying that he was fine with sharing the donuts.
''The only time I managed to eat without my brother forcing me to eat... stuff... was when I was younger... the only thing I can remember eating and enjoying was donuts...'' Michael nodded before leaving the room to go get the donuts.
Ritchie slowly got off of his bed before moving towards Rian's bed. He sat down on it before looking at Rian with a soft smile on his face. Rian gave a smile back, before a look of realization appeared on his face, along with a playful smirk.
''So~ was it just my imagination, or did I see you blushing while Michael was in the room?'' Ritchie blushed with embarrassment before walking back to his bed and flipping down.
He buried his face in the pillow before screaming, causing Rian to look at him with concern but also amusement. Michael entered a few seconds after Ritchie had stopped screaming. Michael had brought up two boxes, one for Rian and one for Ritchie. Michael gave Rian his box first, since he was closer to the door, before giving Ritchie his box.
Before he gave Ritchie his box, Michael had placed the box down before pulling Ritchie into a kiss by his waist. Ritchie had wrapped his arms around Michael's neck before gladly kissing back. When they pulled away, Ritchie glanced towards Rian, only to see that he was giving them a lenny face. Ritcie blushed in embarrassment, causing Michael to look over and blush once he saw Rian's expression.
''I may have been chained up inside of that cave for most of my life, but I still know a good ship when I see one.'' Michael walked out of the room feeling flustered, while Ritchie just drowned his embarrassment in his donuts.
Rian giggled before grabbing a donut and taking a hesitant bite. His eyes had literal stars as he began to eat the donuts quickly, but not quick enough that he would choke. Ritchie giggled at his counterpart. Once they finished their donuts, they had both fallen asleep since they were still tired from when they woke up.
Rian, for the first time in years, slept well, because he felt safe...
Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!
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