Christmas party / Part 3
xXCr-ativityxX inspired me to update with their Roceit book.
Deceit was still maybe a little jealous which caused him to be extra clingy towards Roman.
Both were shy about receiving compliments and since Roman had told Virgil this in a moment of weakness, he decided to use it against them for making him play that other stupid game.
"Let's do a compliment battle." Okay so Virgil might regret this a little as he can't take compliments either and what happens if Remy compliments him?
"I'm down!" Squeals Remy as he chugs some coffee.
"Where did you even get that? You know what- nevermind." Roman mumbles.
"Eh, I'll do it." Deceit says, what could be better than receiving compliments from Roman.
"Seems fun." Roman agrees.
"Okay, draw a name out of my hat and that's who you compliment... Virgil can go first." Deceit told them.
"Always thinking on your feet." Roman says, then kisses Deceit's cheek.
"Game hasn't started yet Roman." Virgil tries to tease.
Deceit's face noticeably reddens.
Virgil reaches his hand into Deceit's hat and pulls out... Roman.
"You're very brave, Roman." Virgil says.
"Thanks,Virge. You're next, Remy." Roman drawls, shifting position to dangle his head of the couch lying on his back. This caused a very awkward position for Deceit who was still holding onto his waist and was pulled on top of him.
Remy looked at them for a minute before placing his hand in the hat and pulling out... Virgil.
"Uh Virgil, You have an amazing sense of fashion. Really dig the purple." Remy said kinda nervously with a small wink at the end.
"Thanks." Virgil said slightly giggling.
"I'm next." Roman drawled, really wanting to just sleep or something but also enjoying this game. Either way Deceit was right by his side, that was what mattered the most.
Roman dipped his hand into the hat and pulled out... Deceit.
"Looks like I got you Dece... I really appreciate how you were there for me to cheer me up the whole time and I love how caring you actually are. I know you care. You're the one who was wondering where Logan was and getting worried about where he could be and if he got himself in trouble... you care so much. About everyone. It just warms my heart every single time I realise how caring you truly are." Roman said with a smile full of love.
"Oh my gosh, Roman." Deceit said hugging Roman, trying to fight back the tears that were falling down his cheeks anyway.
Virgil and Remy were frozen in shock for a moment as they had never seen Deceit cry before.
"It's really not that rare." Roman said to them.
"Oh shut up." Deceit said with a playful punch to Roman's arm.
"It's your turn, draw out of the box Starlord." Roman emphasized as he started shaking the hat at Deceit.
Deceit rolled his eyes and pulled out of the hat.... Roman.
"I love how you're always thinking of others, in the beginning the reason you had to not grab your happiness was because all you were doing was thinking of others and not yourself. You say I'm the one who cares but you care too, it may be in a slightly different way but you're always thinking about the others." Deceit said facing Roman.
Roman was blushing very red. "Thanks." He muttered, blushing too much to want to lift his head from the couch it was now buried in.
"Oh and Virgil, didn't you notice one of Remys nicknames was Purple Pastel. Who do we know that still wears purple?" Deceit asked Virgil, as payback for suggesting this game.
Virgil finally realised and wait... he should have gotten there ages ago because Remy said about the rose on Virgil's back.
"Hey Remy, I've probably been a bit oblivious but were you talking about me in the perfect partner game?" Virgil asked.
"Yeah." Remy answered simply.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Virgil asked, surprised that was the first thing to come out of his mouth.
"Yes!" Remy went to hug Virgil with tears in his eyes.
"I've loved you for so long." Virgil said as he pushed his fingers through Remys hair.
"Me too." Remy said, wiping at his tears.
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