"Qubool hai", her eyes closed as she confirmed the Nikah. It felt as if heavy chains were tied around her wrists and neck.
Sitting there in her creased kurti with trousers, a few hair strands sticking out of her hijab, bloodshot eyes and face stained with tears, she felt hollow. Her mother hid her face in her neck, hugging her tight but she sat there numb.
The girl who couldn't bear a frown on her mother's face did nothing when she felt wetness on her hijab. It was probably the only time that strong woman cried in front of her daughter, and she did...nothing. But what could she even do when she herself felt as if her life was locked and the key was given to someone she loathed.
Th Qazi went after giving prayers to the new "couple" but she didn't hear a word of it. It was so quiet in the house that everyone heard when a key was turned in the front door.
A few moments later, Arsalan entered with grocery bags in his hand and mobile on his ear, oblivious to all the tension in the house.
"Jee Mohsin Bhai. I just reached home. I'll pass you on to Api now...Api, your phone is switched off i guess. Mohsin bhai contacted me four times. Here", he passed his phone to her which she grabbed after a shake from Shiza.
"Haan Mohsin? What is it?" Her mind wasn't processing information right now. She just got married! Against her will. To the person she couldn't even imagine in her wildest dreams.
"What is it?! Layeba, you were supposed to be here long ago. The surgery is to start in half an hour. Where are you?"
Her eyes got as round as saucers.
Abu Bakar's surgery!
Her eyes went to the clock and it was four thirty. All thoughts of marriage and threats left her mind. All that she cared about was;
"Professor Deniz has arrived or not?"
"He has been waiting for you for half an hour!"
She ran up her room and changed into first dress her hands grabbed which was an all black shalwar kameez with red dupatta. She washed her face and wrapped a red hijab around her head. She grabbed her always ready bag and again ran down.
She was just about to exit her home when a broad shouldered body stopped her.
"Where do you think you're going, bhabhi?"
She mustered up as much disgust as she could on seeing the heavily bearded man with charcoal eyes.
"I would've said to hell but breathing the same air as you guys, i've already been through one and i'm not eager to go through it again. Now move out of my way!"
Gone was the scared woman. Here standing was a doctor who had to reach to her patient as soon as possible. Ozhan's smirk faltered a bit.
"No need to make a big deal out of this, don't you think? Listen to me and go inside your room. Yazaan lala will be by your side in no time. After all, you guys did get married today", the implement made her want to puke.
"You know what? Let's disturb that monster, shall we? Where is he?"
And she went towards the lawn in search of her supposed husband. She had no clue where he was but she assumed he was in lawn.
His back was towards her and she stopped at a good distance as she could see fumes of cigarette around him. She couldn't believe she was chained to him, he was everything she loathed.
"Yazaan Ibraheem Khan!"
He turned.
"You got what you wanted. I'm married to you now. But don't think that you can dictate my life. And above all, Tell this dog of yours that he has no right to tell me what to do. Whatsoever. Okay?"
A meter went off in his head. He was in front of her in two long strides and his hand on her neck. She held her breath because she didn't want to risk near death by breathing the stench of cigarette.
He has his hands around your throat and you're worrying about dying from an allergic reaction?
But he wasn't gripping too hard. Not yet anyways.
" You will not speak to me this way."
He applied a little pressure. Her mind was starting to go hazy from holding her breath for too long.
Before he could go further, a slap resounded and his face was turned to the side, his hand leaving her neck. She immediately covered her mouth and nose and breathed deeply.
She was just as shocked as he was. Yazaan Ibraheem Khan just got slapped!
He had just raised his head when he was slapped once more. They both looked at the woman who had slapped the ruler of Hunza.
Bi Jaan stood there with rage in her eyes.
"She is your wife now. And my daughter-in-law. You are not to speak to her in this way."
She couldn't help but look at the old lady in disgust.
Now she speaks? This man forcefully marries me and she does nothing! He pulls a gun at my mother and he does nothing! Now she's acting all concerned?
"You go to the hospital, beta. No one will stop you."
Didn't need your permission for that.
Everyone around him disgusted her. All had weird sense of morals.
She turned to go again when a thought struck her;
Why the hell are they still in my home? I'm not leaving my mother and brother here alone with these people.
"Get out of my house. All of you", she said sternly.
Yazaan's eyes narrowed again. He opened his mouth to snap again but he was cut off by Bi Jaan again.
"Okay. Okay, beta. We'll leave. You don't have to worry."
"Good. Now."
"What was that, Layeba?"
She stood there with her head down in her office while Professor Deniz sat in her chair.
"I'm sorry, sir", her humiliation was visible in her posture. No punishment is bigger than the punishment your own conscience gives you, and right now, her conscience was eating her.
How could i hesitate in the surgery?
"That's exactly what you would've been saying if I wasn't there", Prof. Deniz slapped his hand on the table. "Is this how my students behave? Is this what suits a doctor like you?"
She bit the inside of her cheek and shook her head.
"Why did your fingers tremble?"
"Because there's been a lot on my mind lately." As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew she just dug her grave deeper. But as you would've guessed, her mind wasn't in right state today and no one would have trouble knowing the reason.
"A lot on your mind? Do you think i give a damn about that? Do you think anyone in this professional environment gives a damn about that? Do you think that child's life would have waited for you to get that alot out of your mind?", he stood up and tied his hands at his back. "You.are.a.neurosurgeon. The first thing i taught my students was that you have to work under pressure. And here, my the best student was going to open someone's head up with trembling hands."
Her face was flaming with embarrassment and she was working her jaw. This was the first time she ever had to face Prof. Deniz's scolding and although she wasn't proud or something, it was a hard pill for her to swallow.
"Tell me, Layeba, if i wasn't here to perform the surgery, what would've happened to Abu Bakar?"
"He-he would've died, sir", she answered in a small voice.
"Exactly. And how many lives do you have on your hands?"
"None, sir."
"How would you have liked if a twelve year old's life was your first one?"
Fresh tears pooled in her eyes and she bit her lips to stop them from falling.
"Look Layeba, don't think that i didn't notice your swollen eyes. But here, you are a surgeon. And that too, of the most critical part of the human body. You can not let some emotions render your abilities weak."
She swallowed and nodded her head once.
"Let this be a lesson to you. My flight is in one hour. I have to go. Take care. Allah hafiz." Giving her a smile, he went out and she slumped in the seat Prof. Deniz had vacated, her hand gripping her forehead and eyes shut tight.
Her door was knocked and Sanem entered.
"You still have to tell me why your phone was switched off, why you weren't here on time, how could you forget about Abu Bakar's surgery, why your eyes are bloodshot, why did Professor perform the surgery in your place," she was ticking all the questions on her fingers as if she had made a list of them. "But let's start with 'did he give you a really hard time?"
Sanem sat on the chair opposite her. She knew too that a scolding from her favorite teacher was really upsetting for her.
"He didn't give me anything i didn't deserve", she sighed. Rubbing her palms on her face, she stood up and said, "i'll tell you everything at home. Let's go."
It seemed as if today, everything was happening to set her patience to test. Just as they stepped outside her office, she heard two interns gossiping;
"-i can't believe World's Best Neurosurgeon, Doctor Professor Deniz Karasu was here in our hospital just to perform a surgery."
"Yaar, the personality that man has. Uff! The man is from Turkey, studied in London and practises in NYC. And his accent! But you know what, İts not that hard to believe. I mean, Doctor Layeba is said to be his favorite student and she's no less either. The first female neurosurgeon to make into the world's top list."
"I know, but did you hear?", her voice turned into a whisper even though everyone around her could hear. "Professor was really angry at Doctor Layeba today. He gave her a really hard time in the OT. He refused to let her even assist him after she hesitated."
"Really? She hesitated?", if an award was to be given out for worst shocked acting, this intern deserved it. "You know what? Suits her! She goes on around so proud and strict. It had to bite her in the ass sometime."
"And you know what? What reviews she gives you will determine whether you become a doctor or not. So i recommend you stop gossiping about her and get to your works."
Their faces visibly paled. But opposite to what they anticipated, Layeba just walked away after saying this in a cold tone.
Many would think that it was her style, having the last word. But no, right then, she was afraid of anyone seeing the tears that were brimming in her eyes.
Wallahi, Yazaan Ibraheem Khan, i hate you!
"Ammi, packing's already done. Tomorrow some men will come to sort all the furniture and stuff out. Let's go."
Today, Shiza had broken. Because she felt that she had broken the promise she made with herself and her husband. To always keep their children happy. But today, Layeba's and all their happiness was compromised. And she felt that it was her fault. Because she became a liability for her daughter.
I'm sorry, Hussein. I couldn't protect our children.
What she forgot in her grief was that everyone's safety was in the hands of the One and his only, and He never leaves his believers alone.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear Layeba. Only when Layeba shook her, did she became aware of her surroundings.
"Must we really go in that house?"
Layeba, who was bending over her, sat down on her knees and took her hands in hers.
"Ammi, that house is the house of General Hussein Shaheed. That house was given to Baba by his country. The country for which he gave his life for.
"In that house, Baba's friends will protect you. They will protect us. Like Baba would have. And like he would have wanted. I can't put you in any more jeopardy than i already have. Please.
"I know you don't want to return to that house because it reminds you of him. But Ammi, it's high time you understand that you can only remember those who are gone. But Baba is not gone", a tear fell on her cheek.
"Baba is a shaheed. He didn't, he can't and he won't ever leave us. Because martyrs never die."
By now, both had tears on their cheeks and broken smiles on their lips.
When did my daughter become this wise? Alhamdulillah, Ya Rabb!
Layeba kissed her hands and stood up taking her along. She placed her hands around her shoulders and said,
"Let's go. To Baba's home. To our real home."
Putting her mother to sleep and making sure Arsalan was settled as well, here she was, standing in her father's study. Everything was in its position just like it was when he was among them eighteen years ago. The cleaning staff came and cleaned all the house but this room, she cleaned herself. Every month, she came twice or thrice just for this purpose. Today her another desire was fulfilled. Her mother agreed to return here but the circumstances weren't what she wished for.
The sword of honor in a glass case on the wall and several badges beside it filled her heart with pride just like everytime. Standing in front of her father's picture in which he was in his uniform, she didn't have it in herself to cry. She didn't exactly know why but she didn't want to show him her weakness when he was at his strongest.
She sat in her father's chair and took her diary from his drawer. This was the only thing that was added. She had kept her diary in here and whenever she felt overwhelmed, she poured her heart out by writing. It was an imaginary one-sided conversation with her father. Just like she did now;
Assalam-o-Alaikum Baba!
I don't know how to show my face to you today. Because of me, someone pulled a gun on your beloved wife. I'm so sorry, baba. You know i didn't want it to happen myself.
Baba, why did this happen to me? You always taught me that if i listen to my Ammi and Baba, Allah will reward me. Baba, i always obeyed you guys. Fulfilled everything you asked me for. I fulfilled your dream, baba. I became a doctor. And Alhamdulillah, a good one at that too. I always pray five times a day. I tried to become a good Muslim. And you can confirm from Ammi too. She always says that i make her proud. But Baba, then why did Allah punish me today?
I know what you will say now. That Allah tests the ones he loves and that he never burdens a soul more than it can endure. But am i strong enough for this? I don't think so, baba.
Baba, he is everything that i stand against. That you and Ammi taught me was wrong. I don't want to be judgemental but he is not a good Muslim either. I know you will tell me not to judge someone's religion and his relation with Allah. But Baba, how can he be a good Muslim when he doesn't fulfill Haqooq-ul-ibaad (Rights of people)?
Baba, never in my twenty-nine years of life did Ammi or you put a haram morsel in my mouth. Now, i'm tied to a person who probably doesn't even know the meaning of halal. How can i spend my life with him?
Ammi always taught me that nikah is a precious bond. That you should do everything in your stead to keep it intact. But how can i keep this bond intact when i don't want to? People would say that i have the option of khula, (divorce demanded by a women according to Islam) but Baba, Ammi also taught me that divorce is the Allah's most disliked halal thing. I don't want to do something my Rabb frowns upon. I don't know what to do. I'm not that strong. I'm not that strong.
Her diary was wet from her tears but she didn't care about the text getting smudged. Every other text in her diary was like that anyway.
She closed the diary, placed it in its place, locked the drawer and went into her room leaving the study of her father unlocked for the first time in years.
Performing ablution, she offered her Isha prayer. In dua, only one thing was on repeat;
Ya Allah! Please help me. Please guide me. Forgive me for what i have done and help me overcome this trial.
She kept changing positions in hopes of getting some sleep but it was as if sleep was a mystical desire for her right now. She gave up trying to sleep, placed a scarf on her head and stood gazing into the moon from her window.
Feeling as if she was being watched, she roamed her eyes but it wasn't long before she found the source. The mafia lord in the same attire stood leaning on his car in front of her house. The look on his face terrified her. It contained fury and murder which he tried to hide under an easy smile. It was as if he was planning something which would again hand her reins over to him easily.
This man isn't even scared of entering a military area...Atleast i know he won't have any weapon with him right now.
He put his hand in his pocket and her breath hitched but then he pulled out his phone and breathed again. The phone resting on her bed, which belonged to Arsalan but had her sim in it, rang. Seeing an unknown number on it, she immediately knew who it was.
How did he get my number?
She declined.
Even from far away, she could see his perfect brows rising. He typed something on his phone and her phone plinked.
"Pick up the call or you know i'll make you regret it."
Her phone rang again and this time she picked it up. Not exactly fear. This time, it was curiosity. Which is no less dangerous. But maybe she forgot that curiosity had killed the cat.
"What is it?" Her lips curled into distaste on their own.
"Tsk tsk. This is not how you speak to your husband, jaan. Chalo, I'll let this one pass. By the way, this new arrangement of yours is not reliable at all. This place is full of military officers. Its really hard to get here", he said shaking his head as if it really saddened him.
"That's exactly why i came here."
"How sad that my wife's work went to waste. I'm here, ain't i? Anyway, I sent Bi jaan and Abeerah back. After all, someone there has to do preparations for Walima. When do you want that? Any preference? I was thinking i'll take you next week. I don't want to stay away from you, wifey."
"Shut up! I'm not going anywhere with you. Are you insane?"
"Ahan. Insane for you, i am. I'm madly in love with you."
Ye kab hua bhaee? (When did this happen, dude?) For him, love is joke as well.
"Bakwaas band karo apni. (Cut the crap.) Go away from here. I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Now this is not acceptable, is it? We'll discuss. Come down."
"What?! No! Just go."
"I was actually hoping you'd say that, you know. Wait."
He pulled another phone from his pocket and put it on his other ear after dialing something.
"You can attack", and he put it back.
The ground was snatched from under her feet. Attack? Where? The look on his face told her that he knew that he had her here.
"W-what are talking about? What attack?"
He feigned shock and put his hand on his forehead mockingly.
"Didn't i tell you?...Ofcourse! How could i forget to mention that, jaan? My bad. No wonder you're not taking me seriously."
"Just spit it already!", her heart was racing, her breathing going heavy.
"In about two minutes, my men will attack the hospital in which you work."
Assalam o alaikum beautifuls!
I know i am late. I apologise for that. But inshaAllah from now on, i will update once every week. Two updates are not working for me because of study load.
Anyways, i know this chapter is a bit of boring one. I wanted to explain few aspects n introduce a character as well. Next chapter will be an exciting one i promise.
Please leave your reviews in the comments and vote *pretty please*
That's all.
Stay safe.
Stay blessed.
Allah hafiz.
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