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"Finnick she is here!" Johanna yelled pointing to a floating body. Finnick tossed his trident aside as he raced down the strip of land closest to her body. Without slowing down he dove into the water heading straight for Opal. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the hovercraft appearing over him, the claws began to descend to take her away from him. Finnick didn't stop. The man kept swimming as hard as he could and ended up slamming into her body. He reappeared gasping for air, trying to avoid the bloodstained water that spread out from the open wound on her thigh. Opal was floating on her back, borne up by the waves. He began to tow her back to shore, one arm across her chest while the other propelled them through the water with easy strokes. When Finnick reached dry land, Peeta was quick to help haul Opal onto the sand.
Finnick was quick to sprint into action blocking the woman's nose off while her chin was tilted backwards mouth open, and with shakey breathing, he began to blow air into her lungs causing Opal's chest to rise up and down. "Come on O, Come on!" He begged helplessly, as he pumped the spot over her heart with the heels of his hands.
Johanna knelt at Opal's side grasping her hand tightly "Please wake up,"
"Come on Opal, you can't leave me!" Finnick said as the minutes dragged by agonisingly. Everyone was slumped in the sand concluding that it was too late, and Opal was dead. She gave a small cough, the salty contents of the water spilling from her mouth. The man flung himself at her, "Opal?" he questioned softly not believing what he was seeing. Finnick brushed the damp strands of brunette hair from her forehead and found her pulse drumming against his fingers at her neck.
Her eyelashes fluttered open and her eyes met his. "I don't think I like the water anymore," she said weakly. He laughed but there was a tear running down his cheek. "The undercurrent is strong, I'm okay though."
"You were dead Opal," Johanna spoke coming into her view, the woman slipped her friend's katana back into her hand "Your heart stopped."
"It seems to be working now," Opal tried her best to joke "I hope it is anyways."
The group had moved to a patch of shade from one of the jungle's trees. Opal had ripped some of Finnick's undershirt off using the fabric to bandage the wound Enobaria's knife had made in his thigh, luckily it had been a clean slash which wasn't too deep.
"It's three o'clock, right?" Peeta questioned, "The tail points to twelve."
"That's before they spun the Cornucopia," Opal replied handing a shellfish to Johanna "based on the sun, I'm only guessing by the sun."
Katniss looked up momentarily meeting the woman's gaze."The sun only tells you it's going on four, Opal."
"I think Katniss's point is, knowing the time doesn't mean you necessarily know where four is on the clock. You might have a general idea of the direction. Unless you consider that they may have shifted the outer ring of the jungle as well." Beetee pointed out.
Opal sighed setting her weapon down in the sand, her idea was a lot more simplistic than Beetee's and she couldn't help but feel a little confused by the whole situation. Waving a hand she excused herself turning into the overgrown forest with a slight limp. She cringed as a burning sensation took over her stomach spasmed sympathetically as she wrenched on the floor, the aftertaste of bile covered her tongue. That's when she heard a scream. So full of fear that it iced her blood. And it was so familiar. Opal straightened her back in an instant forgetting where she was or what lay ahead of her, she only knew she had to get to the source of the voice before the others did. She ran wildly in the direction of the voice, heedless of the danger, she ripped through vines and branches, through anything that kept her from the sound of her own screams.
Vines cut into her face and arms, as creepers grabbed at her ankles. The sound grew closer but seemed to fade in an instant. Sweat poured down her face, stinging the healing acid wounds. In the distance she caught sight of a panicked Finnick and Katniss, fleeing from what they couldn't fight as they crashed to the floor. Johanna and Peeta stood at the tree line, Opal couldn't help the wave of relief and anger that overcame her, she didn't understand why they wouldn't be comforting the pair. The wall was so transparent that Opal smacked straight into it and then bounced back onto the jungle floor. Finnick's nose was gushing blood due to the man having ran face-first into the barrier, it was not a normal force field you could touch its smooth surface as much as you wanted.
"Finnick, it's okay, see I'm here!" Opal spoke in a rushed tone raising her palms out to him, but it was no use, he couldn't hear her. She let out a string of curses desperately trying to make a dent in the force field with her knife. Finnick pressed his hand against the surface his way of telling Opal her actions had no use, she put her own up to meet his as if she would be able to feel him through the wall. He watched as her lips moved but the man couldn't hear anything but her screams. Finnick tried to make out what she was saying, but he couldn't focus, so he just stared at her face, doing his best to hang onto his sanity. More birds began to arrive. One by one. They perched in the surrounding branches and carefully an orchestrated chorus of horror began to spill from their mouths. He gave up at once, hunched on the ground, as he clenched his hands over his ears as if he was trying to crush his own skull. Finnick's eyes turned bloodshot as he tried to block out the excruciating sounds of Opal and Mags.
He knew it had stopped when he felt Opal's hands on him. But Finnick's eyes remained squeezed shut, his hands were tightly clasped over his head his muscles felt too rigid to release. Opal held him close, she spoke soothing words as she rocked him gently. It took a long time before he began to relax the iron grip on his body and when he did the trembling began. "It's okay Finn," Opal soothed rubbing just under his eye with her thumb.
"You didn't hear them.." he answered quietly.
She shook her head "I heard myself. Right in the beginning. But it wasn't me. It was a jabber jay." Opal reached out for his hand placing it against her chest where her heart "See I'm alive, I'm okay. You don't need to be frightened, they won't hurt me." He nodded placing his head against her chest only wishing to close his eyes briefly, his mind exhausted.
"Do you really believe it, Finnick?" Katniss questioned, "That Prim is okay?"
"The whole country loves your sister." Johanna replied flatly for Finnick, seeing that the man was in no mood for answering questions "If they tortured her or did anything to her, forget the districts, there would be riots in the damn Capitol." She tilted her head backwards and shouted "Hey, how does that sound, Snow? What if we...What if we set your backyard on fire? You know, you can't put everybody in here." Katniss's mouth dropped open in shock knowing that the cameras would have cut away from Johanna. Opal looked up to her with sympathy, the day when she had comforted Johanna after her family was killed still fresh in her mind "They can't hurt me, I'm not like the rest of you. There's no one left that I love."
: ̗̀➛
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