Prince and Princess Meet
Prince Branch and Princess Poppy meet.
Princess Poppy and DJ Suki were riding together.
''Say DJ want to race?'' Asked Poppy.
''Oh your on Princess.'' DJ Shouted as they took off racing until they came to the outside of the forest.
Poppy got off her bug and went to the edge of the forest. ''Poppy wait are you-?'' DJ asked worried.
''Yes I am I'm curious and want to see the Forest you can stay here I'm not going far.'' The princess said as she took off.
''Wait Poppy.'' DJ followed behind her a bit.
In the forest Poppy looked around taking in the sight and falling in love with the forest she understood why the Forest Trolls loved it here, DJ Suki had been enjoying the view as well but was also watching out for an Forest trolls that might attack she was quiet a distance away.
Poppy was going fast and then out of nowhere a spider jumped out and the caterpillar started running and she was trying to hold on but the caterpillar knocked her off taking off and the spider the turned its attention to the princess who ran as fast as she could calling out for help. ''HELP PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!''
Branch and Guy were still exploring when they saw the caterpillar bug run by and the prince heard a cry for help.
''Guy go stop that bug I'll go save whatever is in trouble.'' He ordered taking off at lightning speed.
Poppy continued running but tripped over a stick and fell to the ground she wasn't hurt just scared as the spider came closer and she closed her eyes only to hear a cry of pain. She opened her eyes to see a handsome troll who was using his hair as a whip at the spider as it ran away scared and hurt, he then turned and smiled at her offering her his hand.
''Are you alright miss?'' He asked helping her up.
''Y-Yes I am thank you.'' She started as they stared at each other and time froze for both of them, she was the most beautiful troll he had ever seen. To Poppy this troll that saved her was a handsome, sexy dreamboat and had the most beautiful colors she had ever seen. Branch had never seen a more beautiful troll his heart started pounding hard before remembering himself.
''My name is Branch Prince of the Forest Kingdom.'' He said flashing her a smile that made her knees weak.
She then froze and was taken aback by this and moved back a bit. ''Oh your the prince I'm Princess Poppy of the Rainbow Kingdom.'' She said nervously looking around for DJ.
Branch froze as he looked at her he couldn't believe it she was their sworn enemy he should and wanted to hate her but his heart and himself had fallen head over heels in love with her and didn't care at the moment. Poppy turned to take off only for Branch to grab her hand. ''Wait stop please I won't hurt you I promise.'' He said in a soft voice and felt how soft her hand was. He looked to see she was in a bluish greenish dress and she had freckles on her face and looked so beautiful.
''I'm not supposed to be near a forest troll.'' She said nervously but some reason she loved the feeling of his hand holding hers and didn't want to let go he was wearing a green vest with brown shorts.
''Nor me a Rainbow troll but still I feel like-- a connection.'' They both said at the same time they were surprised and laughed.
''But seriously thank you for saving me I know I'm your sworn enemy.'' She said blushing but looking him over.
''Your welcome, and I don't see you as my sworn enemy I see you as beautiful, intelligent, troll and it was a pleasure saving you. What are you looking at?'' He asked noticing her checking him out he was a bit pleased with it.
''I'm sorry I just thought you would be different you know covered in dirt and have sticks hanging from your hair.'' She said as that was what she had thought and heard from her fellow trolls what the forest trolls looked like not handsome like the one in front of her.
He raised an eyebrow grinning and retorted. ''Hehe yeah no believe it or not we forest trolls are clean though I do tend to get dirty when I'm exploring at times especially after it rains. And I thought you would be stuck up and and singing all the time.'' He said grinning and teasing her.
''Well I do sing and dance but I am not stuck up I love helping my subjects and friends.'' She said proudly.
What they didn't notice they were still holding hands and Branch pulled her closer to him.'' But here you are a beautiful pink troll who can melt a heart.'' He said as they stared into each others eyes.
''And your a handsome troll who.. who'' She whispered getting lost in his scent, eyes and lips as they leaned in kissing each other tilting their head for better access.
It was sparks and fireworks going off for the two kissing trolls. It was a soft gentle kiss that made them melt and forget everything, then the prince pushed his lips a bit harder against hers and his hands went to the small of her back and holding her. She had her hands on his cheeks as they continued kissing and her hands slid down to his chest feeling his strong soft body both moaning in the kiss wanting more. Sub consciously Branch had backed up Poppy to a tree as they were wrapped around each other kissing and forgetting everything else around them only focused on the love and each other. As they continued kissing Branch lifted one of her legs up holding it as his tongue licked her lips and they started Frenching passionately, what broke them out of their cloud 9 state was a couple of voices calling. They broke the kiss but he still held her in his arms.
''Oh no DJ she must still be looking for me.'' Poppy said in a daze.
''That also sounds like Guy.'' Branch said as they pulled away to see Guy who showed up with her caterpillar bug. ''I got it man this creature was hard to catch.'' Guy said as he stopped and saw the princess. DJ had also shown up and went over to them.
''Are you ok Poppy?'' She asked.
''Yes I am thanks to Prince Branch.'' Poppy said flustered missing the feel of his arms.
''Um Branch not sure if you are aware but those are Rainbow Trolls.'' Guy said nodding looking at DJ and she smiled back blushing.
''I know I saved the princess from that spider we've been after for a few months.'' He said as their hands pulled away without the other two noticing.
''Thank you so much.'' DJ said bowing to the prince and she looked up smiling and blushing at Guy who was dreamily smiling at her and winked.
''Of course it was a pleasure to save a princess I've never saved one before. But we should go we won't tell that you two were here right Guy?'' Branch asked in a princely tone not taking his eyes off of Poppy and her beautiful body how he wanted to take her right then and there.
''I don't know what your talking about.'' He said grinning.
''Likewise.'' Princess Poppy said straightening herself up and nodded towards him.
''Here I'll fix your bug.'' DJ said watching them and grinning.
''I'll help you.'' Guy said following the pretty red troll.
''Poppy I want to see you again I know its fast but I love you where can we meet?'' He asked taking hold of her hand staring intensely at her.
''Oh Branch I love you too but I'm not sure once nightfall comes I'm not allowed out of the castle so I'm not sure there are guard all over.'' She said sadly looking down but she was excited that he wanted to see her again and she wanted him to visit.
''Don't worry Poppy I'm not giving up that easily I will figure something out and I will see you tonight my princess.'' He smiled and kissed her hand and cheek quickly.
''Ok ready to go?'' Asked DJ.
''Yes.'' Poppy said. Branch and Guy left as DJ Suki and Poppy left.
''Wow those trolls were pretty.'' Guy said dreamily.
''I know, I wish we were friends with them I bet all the girls over there are hot, beautiful and single.'' Branch said sighing thinking off Poppy.
''You seemed pretty taken by the princess you know its not gonna work right?'' The glitter troll said he had seen them interact.
''So what if she is from the Rainbow Kingdom she everything I'm looking for in a girl I have no issue with her she was was great, if only grandma would see that.'' Branch said as they made it back to the Kingdom.
With Poppy and DJ Suki. ''Wow they are pretty handsome for forest trolls.'' DJ said.
''Yeah they are who knew I would to be friends with them especially the prince, but dad won't allow it.'' Poppy said as they made it back to their kingdom she wouldn't wait for tonight when she would see her handsome prince as they made it back to Rainbow Kingdom.
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