Head over Feet in love
Head over Feet in love...
Poppy and DJ Suki made it back to the Rainbow Kingdom both talking and giggling about the cute trolls they saw as they put their bugs away.
''Oh he was so cute oh I thought I was gonna die.'' Poppy said sighing wiping her hair out of her face she was dirty with mud and sticks all over in her hair.
''Yeah I could tell.. he didn't try anything did he?'' She asked curious.
''Nah nothing that posed a threat.'' The princess said blushing at the thought of his lips and hands all over her body.
''Gee subtle much Poppy?'' DJ asked shaking her head.
''Oh don't start I saw you making eyes at that cute silver glittery troll.'' Poppy said watching DJ Suki turn a bit.
''Well yeah I think he's cute I mean he is very good with catching things.'' DJ Suki said biting her lip.
''I bet all the Forest Troll males over there are handsome.'' Poppy giggled.
''Probably but you know how King Peppy feels about it. He'll probably marry you off to someone who is like him and hates the forest trolls.'' DJ said shaking her head.
''I don't see what happened to hate the forest trolls the prince sure seems nice and handsome.'' Poppy said giggling.
They put the bugs away cleaning them and then walked out to go get cleaned up as they were walking they heard a voice.
''Poppy! oh Poppy are you alright?'' asked her dad King Peppy who came over he hugged her and looking her over.
''Yes dad I'm ok I just fell off my bug he saw a spider and freaked but I'm ok DJ here stopped the bug.'' The princess said.
''Oh Poppy you could of gotten hurt.'' He said worried.
''But I didn't and I'm ok.'' Poppy said.
''Still I would feel much better if you had Creek go with you.'' Peppy said nodding at Creek who was talking with a couple of guards.
''Dad he has more important things to deal with then following me around I can take care of myself and that is why DJ is here.'' She said pulling her best friend close.
''Still Creek come here.'' Peppy called.
Creek came over and smiled brightly at Poppy. ''Yes your majesty?'' He asked.
''You don't mind following Poppy around do you?'' The king asked looking at Creek.
''Of course not I'd be delighted to follow and keep out beloved beautiful princess safe.'' Creek said smiling at Poppy who rolled her eyes.
''Well I find it insulting to DJ here.'' Poppy glares at the guys.
''DJ I meant no disrespect at all.'' Peppy said looking at DJ Suki.
She sighs annoyed, ''Sure all because I am girl now excuse me we need to get changed.'' DJ snapped pulling Poppy away.
''Would you like me to help you Poppy.'' Creek asked in a deep sexy voice.
Both girls turn and glare at him. ''NO!'' They left.
''Creek just keep an eye on things make sure she doesn't go anywhere near the forest the spiders came from over there.'' Peppy said.
''You got it.'' He left to go take care of it.
Poppy and DJ were in her room getting her cleaned.
''So what time is Branch coming?'' asked DJ.
''What do you mean?'' asked Poppy playing dumb.
''Don't play with me I know for a fact that he is coming the way he looked at you is enough to know the guy would take a bullet or do whatever you say love comes with it.'' The red troll said.
''Yes he is coming but I'm not sure how but he'll find a way.'' Poppy said sighing dreamily.
''Yeah well good luck getting past Creek and the guards who are everywhere.'' DJ said.
''He is a forest troll and I know he'll find a way love always finds a way.'' Poppy sighed.
''As long as your happy Poppy and I will help you any way I can but what gonna happen I mean you know its only a matter of time before your dad finds you a suitor and how will Branch feel about it. Its stuff you need to think about?'' DJ said brushing Poppy's hair.
''I don't know DJ all I know is I love him my heart is pointing me to be with him and being raised to hate the forest trolls you would think I do but I don't, I love the forest prince.'' She said sighing and looking out her window.
''Well then better pick something out that will work so that way he'll sweep you off your feet.'' DJ said.
''Doing this I'll help you get with body guard.'' Poppy giggled at DJ crush as they both laughed.
Poppy couldn't wait for tonight.
Branch and Guy make it back to the their kingdom and they saw a bunch of girls talking and giggling a couple were whispering as they passed.
''Gee Branch looks like the girls are wanting your attention.'' Guy teased.
''Yeah.. but most only want me for my looks and status.'' He said as he walked.
Branch couldn't get Poppy off of his mind he was in love all the other trolls seem to fade away he wished he had more time with her. During their walk back he was racking his brains on how he was get over to the Rainbow Kingdom and not get caught.
''So what are you plotting Branch?'' Asked Guy who noticed the prince's odd behavior.
''Nothing thinking.'' He said quietly.
''Don't tell me your seriously thinking of going over there to see her tonight?'' asked Guy Diamond afraid of the answer.
''Well if it makes you feel better no I'm not.'' He teased.
''Branch I'm all for you being happy and I will help you being happy and I will help you anyway I can, but is this wise? I mean you two are completely different kingdoms not to mention both sides hate each other there is no way in this world that you and the rainbow princess could be together.'' Guy said thinking logic.
''I honestly don't know Guy all I know is I love her my heart is telling me to take it I mean she everything I want and what I look for in a woman.'' He said.
Guy smiled as Clara a purple troll with long wavy hair, a beautiful body and legs with a perky size of breasts she was the envy of every female troll and the desire and lust of every male forest troll but she had her eyes on one troll and that was the prince. She went up to him.
''Hello Branch.'' She flirted twirling her hair.
''Hi Clara.'' He said in emotionless voice.
''So I was wondering if you want to go out tonight have some fun.'' She winked at him.
'' *Cough* Slut!'' Guy faked cough.
She glares at Guy and looks sweetly back at Branch.
''Sorry Clara I'm busy and don't have time for that stuff.'' The prince said. At first he thought she was gorgeous and he was a bit taken by her but he hated her personality she was bossy, mean and put all the other girls down and she only wanted him for his title plus she had been with a lot of the male trolls.
''Oh surely you can spare a bit of time besides you should be ready I hear that Rosiepuff is gonna start looking for a girl for you.'' She winked.
While she was talking Branch was only thinking about Poppy her body and the way she fit perfectly in his arms they way their mouths moved and how she felt gripping him. He saw she had stopped talking and looked at her.
''That is a rumor Clara Branch will find the right girl.'' Guy said.
''Yes it maybe what my grandma wants and she can pick them out but in the end its me who decides and trust me its not gonna be you Clara so drop it.'' Branch said.
''Branch! There you are.'' They turned to see a older looking purple troll who wore a crown it was queen Rosiepuff who was a wonderful ruler and grandma.
''Hi Gram what can I do for you?'' He asked.
''Well we have a meeting here in 10 minutes and you are requested why are you so dirty?''
''I was out having fun exploring.'' Branch said grinning like a love struck boy.
''Well go get changed and don't be late.'' Rosiepuff said.
As they walked she looked at him. ''Are you ok Branch you look red your not coming down with a fever are you?'' She asked feeling his forehead.
''No gram I'm fine just had a great time exploring.'' He said.
''Oh find anything good?'' She asked smiling and side hugging her grandson.
''Yeah you could say that.'' He smiles and he went to his room getting changed and pulled out a map and looked at Rainbow Kingdom and knew how he was gonna get in and see his true love he looked out the window. ''I can't wait to see you tonight princess Poppy.'' He said to himself.
''See you your majesties.''
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