Prince Branch and Princess Poppy get discovered what will happen when found out. Heavy Smut.
That night when most of the trolls retired for the evening Poppy was in her room getting ready to see Branch she had been horny and wanted to see him, she imagined his wonderful smell his hands carressing her body and his lips on her skin, she leaned back on her vanity her head in the air sighing dreamily, no denying it she had fallen hard for the forest prince she had on her blue dress she usually wore and her hair was down and she sprayed purfume. She looked at the clock and she took off she climbed the trees and used them to get to the forest.
King Peppy saw Poppy head for her room and he decided to wait outside in the shadow wanting to see who won his baby girls heart, he went to check on the guards to keep busy and saw a shadow over the hedge and went to follow at a distance.
Branch took a bath and got his hair ready spraying on his colon that drove Poppy crazy. ''Tonight she won't be able to resist me.'' He winks at himself.
The was wondering how DJ Suki and Guy Diamond were doing the two of them went on a trip together of course leaving by themself to meet each other he shook his head and climbed down the wall using a vine and landed on the ground wearing a hoodie and took off towards their meeting spot.
Queen Rosiepuff was hiding behind a tree and saw him take off and she went after him staying a good distance away wanting to meet this girl.
Poppy took a different way in case someone followed her and then she used the trees to go to their meeting spot and arrived just as Branch did they saw each other and ran over hugging each other and then sharing a passionate quick kiss slowly their lips pulling away.
''Oh Branch I missed you so much today.'' She breathed backed against the tree as he kisses her cheek and her neck.
''I've missed you too my love.'' He smiles and lifts her in his arms spinning them around as they shared another kiss and he places her down as she blushes and he lifts up her face and they start to kiss each other holding each other as Branch lower her to the ground.
Meanwhile Peppy had lost track of his daughter he was lost and didn't know where he was he felt like he was going in circles he sighed and sat down to rest unil he heard the leaves rustle and he stood up a pointy stick at his side ready for the attacker he almost wished it was but it was his worst nightmare and enemy.
''Rosiepuff?!'' He asked shocked.
The queen looked equally surprised to see the king. ''Peppy?!''
''What are you doing out here?'' They asked at the same time.
''I asked you first.'' Rosiepuff said.
''No I asked you.'' Peppy said glaring.
''This is part of my land and you are tresspassing so you tell me what you are doing here?'' She shot back.
Peppy growled she was right. ''I came out here looking for my daughter I saw her come this way to meet a boy she's been seeing.'' He said not proud.
The queens face lighten and nodded unserstandingly. ''I came out here looking for my grandson and to see the soon to be replacement of me.'' She said.
''Wait someone is actually seeing your grandson? I feel bad for the poor girl stuck with him.'' Peppy said remembering Branch and his group pranking them.
''And I feel bad for that poor guy forced into marrying that beautiful airhead of a princess.'' Rosiepuff insulted back.
''My Poppy is a wonderful girl!'' He shouted getting upset.
''So is my grandson.'' She said.
They stopped both getting the same idea. ''You don't think they are seeing each other do you?'' Asked Rosiepuff.
''Please my daughter has more sense then that,'' Peppy boasted. ''Still I need to find her.''
''I need to find Branch say lets put this arguement aside and find our kids believe it or not I don't hate your daughter, I just don't want her hurt.'' The queen said.
Peppy nodded. ''Agreed.''
They took off looking for their kids.
Poppy wastes no time taking off his hoodie and pants leaving him nude he yanked off her dress and grins.
''On all fours.'' He growled.
Poppy got on all fours her butt in the air and he came up and humped her from behind his body over her back and he ran his hands to her slightly bouncy breasts and squeezed them as she moans and she turned her head as they start to roughly french kiss tongue clashing and lips moving and saliva coming out of their mouths both moaning as Branch thrusts deep into her and felt her wall continue to clench.
''Poppy baby!'' He thrusts and faster and groped her harder.
Poppy whimpers and her nails grab the ground. ''BRANCH!''
She then came and pants and then pulls away from Branch who was annoyed and in pain. ''What was that for?!''
She grins and bit her lip, he got up cock pointed at her and went over to her only to fall on his back and saw her crawl to his cock and started sucking on him taking his whole length in as he moans and his head was against the tree. ''Ooohh Poppy.''
She grins as she sucks and swirles her tongue on his rod he then came in her mouth as she licks it up and then presses him back and straddled his lap as she went down on him entered her pussy leans in kissing him, he moans and kisses back tasting himself on her lips and he pulls off her lips as his hips thrust into her and his tongue licks the under and on her breast she whimpers in pleasure and he kisses it and moved to her other breast and took her nipple in his mouth she threw her head back moaning a low sexy moan.
Both grabbing each other she bites his ear as they go down and he thrusts faster and harder as she rides him and she jumps on his cock over and over and grabs and plays with his balls he was turned on by this his body loving the feeling of her on him and he pulls her against his body as they moan and continue making love, finally after ear nibbling and groping with thrusts of passion both felt their orgasm
''BROPPY!'' They both came and they laid there panting and she rested her head on him.
''Branch.'' She breathed and leans up kissing him he kisses back holding her.
Meanwhile Peppy and Rosiepuff were still looking around. ''The only place left is the old hollow tree Lover's Corner.'' Rosiepuff said.
''You mean to tell me that is the last place to look?'' Asked Peppy.
''Yep.'' She said.
Poppy was slumped against a soft mushroom grinning as her hair was a mess, Branch came up to her and grins and runs a finger up his chest.
''You tease.'' He growled.
''No this is a tease.'' She gently pushed him back and ran a finger down her body.
Branch lost it and without a second to waste went up and lifted her up her legs dangling to the side of his hips and he thrusts into her as her back hit the mushroom she moans and her arms wrap around his neck nails digging into his back as the intense position was getting more intense and she moans and whimpers. ''Oh Branch Branch!''
They both heard gasps and Poppy's eyes widened and froze, Branch turned his head and they saw Peppy and Rosiepuff with horrified looks.
Poppy and Branch scrambled to get their clothes on the king and queen looked away, after the love struck couple was dressed they faced their parents neither saying anything. Poppy saw the horrified, disgusted, disappointed look on her dad, and Branch saw the hurt and and disappointment and anger in her face.
''POPPY WHERE IS YOUR SELF RESPECT! We are going home!'' Peppy said trying to pull Poppy only for her to step back.
''Branch stop this non sense and lets go home.'' Rosiepuff said angry.
''YOU BOTH HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!'' Peppy and Rosiepuff shouted.
Branch held Poppy's hand and stood tall. ''Grandma, King Peppy me and Poppy have been dating for almost a year.''
''What why?!'' Asked Rosiepuff.
''We love each other.'' They said together.
''No this can't be happening I told you forest trolls were off Poppy! You disobeyed me!'' Peppy shouted angry and frowning at her.
Poppy looked down then at him. ''I love him dad, your wrong about forest trolls Branch is brave, sweet, handsome and he loves me for me and he's a prince everything you wanted in a suitor for me.'' Poppy said staring her dad down.
Peppy growls, Rosiepuff looks at her grandson. ''Well what do you have to say for yourself?'' She asked eyebrow raised.
''Plain and simple I love her grandma I never had an interest in girls until I met her, she beautiful, smart, brave, loyal and she loves me for being me not a prince. You two wondered why we were so happy it was beacuse we make each other happy.'' Branch said.
''Well that's great but no rules are rules Poppy we are going home now and you are never to see this forest prince again!'' Peppy said going over to her.
''Same here Branch lets go you are not allowed to see Poppy again!'' Rosiepuff said.
Poppy in one last effort. ''I can't go and I have to be with Branch!'' She pulled from her dad and ran over to Branch looking at him.
''Why?'' Peppy and Rosiepuff said together.
''B-Because I'm pregnant and the baby is Branch's.'' She said holding her stomach.
All three froze Branch went over to Poppy who gave him a play along look. ''Yes we are gonna be parents and I will not have my baby raised by someone else.'' Branch said.
Peppy and Rosiepuff sighed looking at each other and nodding. ''Then there is only one thing to do the Rainbow Kingdom reputation will be ruined if they find out that Poppy had a child out of wedlock..'' Peppy said inside he was happy about the baby.
''So you two will have to get married. How long have you known?'' Rosiepuff asked Poppy she was doing flips inside at the thought of a great grandchild.
''I found out last week.'' Poppy said.
''Ok then here is what we are gonna do Branch you will be courting Poppy for about 5 months and then you two will get married around the time right before Poppy starts showing.'' Rosiepuff said.
''So we can be together?'' Asked Poppy excitedly.
''Yes Poppy that is what it means that being said you and Branch will take turns staying at each others Kingdom.'' Peppy said.
''So does that mean we can stay the night together?'' They both asked.
''Not tonight, tomorrow Rosiepuff and Branch will come over and we will announce you two dating.'' Peppy said.
''Now its time to go home come on Branch.'' Rosiepuff said.
Branch turned and kissed Poppy whispering. ''I can't believe we are gonna be parents.'' He said.
She pressed a note in his hand. ''Read it when you get home.''
They shared another kiss and went back to their homes.
The next day Prince Branch and Rosiepuff with the forest trolls came to Rainbow Kingdom.
''I'd like to announce that me and Queen Rosiepuff have decided that our Kingdoms will be stronger together, therefore I'd like to announce that Prince Branch of the Forest Trolls will be dating our own Princess Poppy and together we will unite!'' Peppy said.
Branch and Poppy held hands and smiled as they went over to their parents.
''I promise to do the best and treat Poppy like the queen she will be.'' He said standing tall.
Peppy not too happy nodded in respect as they bowed to each other.
''I will do everything to make Branch happy and I will be loyal to him and his Kingdom.'' Poppy said to Rosiepuff.
Rosiepuff smiled and hugged Poppy. ''I never hated you Poppy never and you've made him happier then I've seen in years.''
Branch and Poppy shared a kiss. ''You know I wasn't too disappointed to find out you weren't pregnant but how will we explain it to them.'' Branch asked quietly.
''Don't worry about it.'' Poppy said as they kissed again.
Thanks for reading.
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