A fun surprising Party
King Peppy has a talk with princess Poppy about finding a suitor, and Poppy attends her friends party only to get an unexspected visitor.
The next morning Poppy got up smiling and got dressed and she opened the door to go down when she was greeted by Creek with flowers. ''Good morning Princess I found these and thought of you.''
Poppy sighed inwardly and was already annoyed but put on a fake smile. ''Ahh thank you Creek that is so sweet and thoughtful.'' She placed them on her dresser and she went to the door.
He held out his arm. ''Allow me to excort you to breakfast.'' He said with a smile.
As much as Poppy hated it she knew what he thought and wanted to lower his guard. ''Of course you can.'' She giggled and linked her arm around his.
They walked to the steps and went down. ''How did you sleep?'' He asked.
''It was very peaceful.'' She said.
''Say so I was wondering if this morning you'd want to go for a stroll with me?'' He asked.
''Maybe I'll get back to you.'' Poppy said.
He smiled and they came to the dinning room and he kisses her knuckles and opens the door. Poppy went in and saw her dad at the table sitting and looking over a few things.
''Morning daddy.'' She said pleasently and went to kiss his cheek.
''Morning my beautiful daughter.'' He smiled as she sat next to him and their food was brought in.
''So what's on the list of stuff to do today?'' She asked digging into her eggs.
''Oh my usual and Poppy now that we are here I want to talk to you.'' He said.
''Oh what is it dad?'' She asked.
''Its come to my attention that you have yet to pick a suitor to be with and well... I think its about time you found someone.'' He said.
Poppy stared at him like he grew an extra head. ''Dad we've already talked about this.'' She sighed.
''Yes and we are talking about it again-- I love you Poppy and I'm not gonna be here forever and well I've noticed a lot of male trolls have been watching you, I think its time you got serious about this finding a husband.'' He said.
''But dad all these males are the same and I've known since I was a kid-- I want someone who is daring, loves adventure and who loves me for me.'' She said looking down.
''Is that what is holding you back? I can write to the other kingdoms and set up dates for you if you want have them come here spend the weekend with you and if they don't suit or you don't approve then I will send them back bringing in a next one anything to make you comfortable.'' Her dad said.
''What about the Forest Prince I hear he is a handsome catch and--'' She started.
''No Poppy!'' He said raising his tone a bit.
She looked at him surprised. He calmed down and cleared his throat. ''I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell but no those Forest trolls are off limits and besides I don't trust them.'' He said firmly.
''Why not? I mean I haven't seen them attacking, and that time they did we startled them besides I hear Rosiepuff is---'' She started.
''Enough Poppy drop that subject please.'' He sighed and had a far away look in his eye. ''I will send a message to the other kingdoms and have them send their eligible princes or royal consorts here for you.'' He said.
''There is no need for you to do that let me look and try to find a suitor here first.'' She said not wanting to have to ditch more trolls.
''Very well-- what about Creek? He's a handsome fella, strong, charming, impressive worker, and his sole job is to keep you safe, have you thought of him?'' Asked her dad finishing his breakfast.
''Sure he's handsome and I have thought but there something about him, and he never gives me privacy, and he is extremely jealous, and well I can't handle that I don't see him like that maybe when I was little but not anymore.'' She said.
''Just try I will give you this whole month to try to pick someone, otherwise I might write to the other kingdoms.'' Peppy said.
''You got it.'' Poppy said.
She hugged her dad and left to get ready for the day.. She was walking and saw DJ Suki sitting on the rock looking at the wall. ''Hey DJ what's wrong?'' Asked Poppy.
DJ Suki motioned for Poppy to follow, they started walking around. ''So what is it?'' Asked Poppy.
''Oh Poppy I'm in love with Guy Diamond I saw him last night and he makes my heart melt I'm nervous I've never felt this feeling before-- last night when we were together he asked if I wanted to run away with him, and start a life of our own.'' DJ said quietly.
Poppy was confused. ''Oh DJ is that a good or a bad thing?'' She asked.
''I don't know I want to but... and the way he asked I almost thought he would of proposed.'' She said sighing.
''I think you should do what best for you and I will support you no matter what.'' Poppy said hugging her friend.
''Thanks Poppy I needed that. So ready for Satin and Chinelle party?''
''You know it come on lets get ready.'' DJ said holding her hand as they took off.
Later that afternoon Poppy and DJ Suki went to the party the fashion twins greeted them as they went into the the small grotto.
''Welcome!'' They shouted.
''This party looks amazing girls.'' Poppy said smiling.
''Thanks girl!'' They all went and started dancing, talking, and partying.
Poppy was talking to Cooper and Smidge. ''I heard that a couple of Forest Trolls were spotted over here the other night.'' Smidge said sipping her drink.
DJ and Poppy looked at each other worried. ''Oh really why would they becoming over here?'' Asked DJ.
''I heard that they are planning on something big.'' Smidge said.
''Oh I doubt it I wish King Peppy would come off of it with the Forest Trolls I met one of them sometime ago he was a silver troll and he was really nice.'' Cooper said.
Poppy put her hand over Cooper's mouth. ''Shh not so loud my dad will be upset if he hears.''
Meanwhile in the shadows up in a tree by the grotto a certain blue troll was watching the party and staying out of sight. All the trolls were dancing Poppy joined in dancing and showing off, Branch was watching her he couldn't take his eyes off her and her dancing body she moved so smooth and graceful and he wanted her.
After a bit of dancing Poppy went to the snack table and she was watching enjoying the party but was she missed Branch. Suddenly she felt herself being swiftly pulled up and she felt herself falling and landed into a pair of arms she looked and saw it was Branch her heart lept.
''Oh Branch!'' She said quietly as she hugged him.
He hugged her holding her and stroking her back, they pulled apart and quickly started to makeout she wrapped her arms around him pressing against him wanting more of him, he bit her bottom lip as she opened her mouth and his tongue slid in.
''Poppy I missed you I tried but I can't wait to see you.'' He moans against her mouth.
''I want you too I was just thinking about you.'' She kisses him harder.
They pulled away panting and hugging each other. ''You shouldn't be here.'' She said.
''I know-- but I had to see you.'' He said as he moves to kiss her neck.
''My dad will kill you if he finds you.'' She pointed out.
''Let him I'm ready all I want is to be with you.'' He moans as his hand grabs her leg.
Poppy and Branch stayed there touching and making out for awhile and pulled away. ''Meet me tonight my love I can't wait to see you.'' he kisses her and she fixed herself and went back to the party.
Little did she know her dad who had been out saw Poppy leave a area and he looked to see a fleeting glimps of something, he thought and he got excited. 'Could it be his little girl was with someone but keeping it a secret if so who was it, he decided to keep an eye on her and follow her wanting to see what she was up to and to make sure she was safe.
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