Chapter eight♦️
Sitting here on my throne, looking at ancient scroll made from the papyrus.
"Πιστεύεις ότι αυτό είναι ένα απλό μαχητικό; Όχι, φίλε μου, αυτό είναι πόλεμος. Ένας πόλεμος που θα την κάνει να τρέμει από φόβο, κάθε ανάσα της μια υπενθύμιση της απόλυτης της καταστροφής. Θα απελευθερώσω ένα σκοτάδι τόσο κακόβουλο, τόσο ανελέητο, που θα κάνει το αίμα σου να βράζει. Δεν θα υπάρχει έλεος, καμία διέξοδος από τα βάθη της κακίας μου. Προετοιμάσου για έναν εξολοθρευτικό λογαριασμό όπως κανένας άλλος."
-"You think this is a mere battle? No, my friend, this is war. A war that will leave her trembling in fear, her every breath a reminder of her impending doom. I will unleash a darkness so wicked, so villainous, that it will make your blood boil. There will be no mercy, no escape from the depths of my malevolence. Brace yourself for a reckoning like no other."-
I kept looking at it. Knowing very well on who send it. A smirk kept on my lips. "Lord, aren't you starving? You should come and rest. I can help you to relax a bit." :- I heard as one of the maid come to me, trying to seduce me once again with her body. Just because she worship Aphrodite doesn't mean she can get anyone she want. Trailing her finger down to my chest she come near my ear to whisper.
"Just let me help you relax once, you will be coming back to me again yourself, My Lord." :- I was getting irritated so I pushed her away harshly making her fall on the floor. She look at me. Tears and rage so clear in her eyes.
"2 century. It have been almost 2 centuries since she is lost. You have not found her yet, you think you can still find her? He would have killed her by now. She must have been not breathing. I have loved you for more than thousands of decades. Can you not love me back a little?"
She said with pure venom in her voice. Hearing her made my blood even boiling. I stand up and took steps toward her slowly while saying. " you are right. It have been 2 centuries since she have lost. But that doesn't mean I will look at any other whore while she is gone. And you! Ha! You accept me to love you? Never. She is not you. No, you are not her. No one can be her." :- I said as I look her in eyes grabbing her throat, suffocating her.
"What's so special about this bitch that you have not slept with anyone except her ever after she is gone? Why are you so crazily insane for her? Have she made you blind of your own darkness?" :- she said and that was it. I tightens my grip around her throat while saying slowly and dangerously.
"How dare you speak so low of her? She is way above then all of you sluts. My love for her is so eternal and i won't go around sleep with anyone and betray her. The mere thought of it is a sin for me. I would kill myself rather then breaking her trust. And you think you have a chance? No! All you will get from me is death and that i shall give you right now since you dare to speak about my peace." :- i picked her up in air by gripping her throat.
"But your love is forbidden. It's a sin itself. You should not seek her now." :- she said as she was running out of breath. "So what? I don't care if it is forbidden. I will have her by my side once again, in my arm once again. And there's no sin in my darkness. The only sin i know is betraying my queen which i will never commit. Let it be forbidden, b'cuz that is what make our love more thrill. She is my queen and always will be, no one can take her place never." :- I snapped her neck as I finish talking.
I took a deep breath and summon Hecate. "You summoned me, My Lord? What is it you Want my help with?" :- she asked as she bowed in respect. Hecate is the one i can trust right now. The one who is no slut or traitor but a true devotee and friend. I showed her the scroll and she read it.
"I know who wrote it. But how did he got the papyrus in this time? And this one, it's magical. Made by witchcraft. I need you to tell me who made it. So, I can know where i can find my old friend who send such a warm greeting." :- she nod and left to do her things and came back with information.
"My Lord, this scroll do is make of a special magic. And the leafs are only found on one place. The forest of runes. The wizard of protection made this. He lives in human world disguise as a taylor who sew cloths of people and steal there energy and aura." :- ohh! That would be fun. I dismiss her and made my way to human world.
"Do you make robes?" :- i asked standing on the door. To the person sitting on a chair infront of the sewing machine cutting clothes. He looked up and widen his eyes in relization. He starts to tremble as I close the door behind me and took steps toward him. "L-lord, forgive me. He made me do it forcefully." :- he starts to beg for his life. Fool!
"Ohh! Michael, what you fearing about? It's not like you did anything except making the scroll, besides I know you always have been more loyal to him then me." :- i said as I smile a bit. He may have only made him the scroll but he also helping him to get to her. Hecates told me this other day that there is a wizard that was keeping an eye on my peace. How fool! He have to die but at first i have to get some information.
"Just tell me where he is and i will let you go, tell me everything, Michael." :- i said as I stand in front of him. "I-i can't Lord. Please, let me go. I can't say it. " :- motherfucker got some nerve. He is going to be more fun. " ohh! I see you are choosing loyalty. But, what's the use of this loyalty when the one you're loyal to is not able to protect you?" :- I asked him.
He went silent. I knew that. "You seem shocked. Haven't he vowed to protect you when you had made the scroll for him or when you helped him gaining information about her and keeping an eye on her?" :- if he was shocked at first he is all lost now. He know he is doomed if i know about him keeping eye on her.
"I-i apologize, Lord. Please let me go. I will tell you everything. H-he is trying to summon someone. He told me i-it is someone who hold the potential to destroy everything. I don't know much, Lord. I don't know who he was talking about. Please, i told you everything I knew. Please, believe me. I will be loyal to you only now." :- he said as he got scared and start begging for his life. But all his cries are of no avail. I took a walk around his table which had the sewing machine, needles and scissors.
I took the box of scissors and needles and walked toward him. "You know, i may would have forgive you and believe on you being loyal toward me. But but but. You can not even be loyal to him then how can you be loyal to me? In the end, it only will be you that you will choose not loyalty toward anyone. And you still think after spying on her you still have chance to be forgiven by me?" :- i asked him and I take a scissor out and trace my finger on the edge of scissor.
I smirk and stab one scissor in his head and make it go through his brain. Taking a needle out of box and stabing in his chest, other ib the centre of his chest. One scissor going through his one ear and coming out of other, one scissor stabbed in his left eye, and one more going from under his chin and coming out from his head. Still not satisfied enough i took needles and put one in his right eye and one through his nose and slowly covering his whole body with needles and scissors.
He was out of breath by the time I was done with him. I looked at him lying on floor in a puddle of his own blood. The smell and taste of his blood just like him. Bitter. What a traitor he is.
I left his shop and came back to my castle. The castle that once was so homely with her laughter. But now, without her it's just a building. I sat on my throne again looking at the scroll once again.
His darkness? Huh! Now, I will show him what real, pure darkness is. I will show him what real wicked, villainous actually is. How fool of him to threaten me with darkness when I, myself is the greatest of darkness. You should Brace yourself, friend. Because me, The greatest of all, Erebus is coming to get you. You can never win. He Lost before, and will lose in your own game of vengeance once again. I will kill you once again. So, be ready for your greatest doom, My friend Zues.
No one can hurt her and go away with it. Her and my love may be forbidden but is pure then anything or anyone else. Our love may be forbidden but it's a paradise. It's our forbidden paradise and i will have her soon once again. Here with me all safe and in my arms...
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