Chapter 23
(Amethyst's POV)
After I gave foxy his medicine I put on my coat that I assumed that pearl covered me with it when I fell asleep and went into the kitchen and grabbed a banana and went into the living room I walk in and I saw foxy sitting up not pale as fuck watching TV "hey lass"foxy said "hey how ye feelin?"I asked as I grabbed a second banana and handed it to him "aye I be fell in better"he said kissing my cheek I blush like a madman I just layed on his chest watching the comedey central channel "how did I get sick lass?"foxy asked I looked up at him "ye know I don't know for sure foxy!"I said worried "aye I know don't be worried lass I be fine"he said as he leaned over and kissed pe passionately I gave into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck
(Foxys POV)
I kissed amethyst hearing worry in her voice I reassured her it was going to be okay we broke the kiss and I stared into her amethyst eyes as she stared into my amber eyes we ate our bananas and snuggled with each other until the door rang I got up and walked towards the door I looked through the peephole and what I saw drew shivers down my spine...twas Vincent I gestured amethyst to shut off the TV and go hide she did and she quietly ran upstairs and I quietly moved away from the door and made my way upstairs I grabbed my coat and so did amethyst we got upstairs and amethyst opened the window she then started climbing down slowly and so did I shutting the window once we clbed down the tree outside I picked amethyst bridal style and ran to the pizzeria those damn toys if they lay a single finger where they don't belong I will murder their faces off. I thought as I continued to run away from Vincent I was too sick to fight him off myself I burst through the pizzeria doors and run to the back room Freddy,bonnie and chica where already there they got confused when I layed amethyst down and passed out on the floor
(Freddy's POV)
I was talking with bonnie and chica when foxy bolted through the door he looked a bit worse than before he was pale again and out of breath he layed amethyst down (she was getting sick herself) and passed out "goddamnit what do you think went on at home?"bonnie asked "that doesn't matter now get amethysts coat off her and cover foxy and go see if you can find some pillows!!!"I said feeling foxy his fever was getting better and I went over to amethyst and checked her "shit!"I said as she felt hot to the touch i grabbed the thermometer I had all this time and checked her "damn 107.9"I said under my breath as bonnie came in and lifted up their heads and put the pillows under their heads
An: hej guys its me again so I was doing research and I found a fucking fnaf movie imma go see that with my grandpa and sister!!! Booyah who wants to bet johnny depp will play the role of foxy yes? No? Comment down below farvel✌✌✌✌
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